- DIY (you can modify it and improve it)
- Low cost equipment
- Easy and cheap replace of sensors
- Comprehensible air quality level indicator (good-green, fair-yellow, bad-red)
- History records
- Graphics
- Portable (battery included)
- M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit
- Temperature, humidity & barometric pressure sensors: ENV II Unit with Temperature Humidity Environment Sensor (SHT30+BMP280)
- NDIR CO2 Sensors: Sensirion SCD30, SenseAir Sunrise
Visual Studio Code + PlatformIO (arduino libraries, ESP32 SDK)
- Publish first version
- Realtime data in text mode [done]
- Webserver [done]
- JSON output [done]
- Save history records
- New: Add LVGL library to improve interface (GUI)
- New: Include history graphics
- New: MQTT integration
- New: Home Assistant integration
- Readings each 1 or 2 minutes for battery powered devices.
- Calibration according to manufacturer CO2 sensor (minimum 20 minutes outdoors, avoid to be near persons, vehicles and other contaminants)
- Lifetime of NDIR CO2 sensors: 5, 10 or 15 years.
- Codos
- Anaire
- eMariete (project) (FAQ problemas)
- TTNMAD CO2 Free & this
- co2meter
- Medición de CO2
- M5Stack ESP32 Core Ink + SCD30
- CanAirIO Citizen network for monitoring air quality
- Medidor CO2 DYI. WemosD1-Wifi. Sensor NDIR. Oled. HA
- Air Particules Monitor
- Monitoring CO2 using APP (LILYGO TTGO T-Display ESP32 + Bluetooth (includes Sensirion APP) + Sensirion SCD30 CO2)
- LibreCO2
- CO2 Watch
- Zigbee + CO2 sensor
- Wemos D1 Mini + SCD30 + Thingsboard + Telegram
- Upload your CO2 data to public server and see on map
- Projects using traffic lights: Project 1, Project 2
- Power plug model: Components, source code, 3D model, assembly, schematic
- French makers
- Medidor de CO2
- Cupertino Truetype Font (icons)
- Font Converter (to use TTF o WOFF truetype icons in your C code, supports LVGL)
- truetype2gfx (to convert fonts to Adafruit GFX, you move icons to begin of TrueType font using FontForge)
- FontForge (font editor)
- Daily global CO2
- Carbon dioxide forecasts
- IAQ Rating Index (english)
- Aireamos project (spanish)
- Guía para ventilación de las aulas CSIC (spanish)
- Cómo ventilar las aulas pasando menos frío. Aulas como espacios saludables (spanish)
- CanAirIO Air Quality Sensors Library
- CO2 expelled by a person seen from a thermal camera (spanish)
- Improving Indoor Air Quality in California Schools
- Calculadora de CO2
- Comparative table of commercial products (japanese)
- Teardown of several CO2 meters
- Aranet 4 (spanish info) (english info) (teardown) (forum)
NDIR sensor: SenseAir Sunrise - CO2Panel PI (spanish info)
- Carbon Dioxide Detector EM002 (manufacturer) (reseller) (interactive guide in spanish)
NDIR sensor: Honeywell CRIR M1 / SenseAir S8 / Cubic CM1106 / ZyAura ZG09 - Dienmern DM306C (manufacturer) (distributor)
NDIR sensor: Winsen - Temp. RH CO2 Meter 7755 AZ (info)
- Temtop M2000 Air Quality Monitor (info) (video)
- Netatmo (teardown)