Creating a test database is a tedious task - you must not only produce varied data, but you must also ensure that the data meets the constraints of your database. TestDataGenerator was created to solve this problem.
TestDataGenerator is written in Ruby, and uses the forgery gem for some of the data generation.
db = TestDataGenerator::from_config({
authors: [3, [
[:first_name, :forgery, [:name, :first_name]],
[:last_name, :forgery, [:name, :last_name]],
[:email, :forgery, [:email, :address], :unique => true],
[:updated_at, :datetime, [:greater_than => [:authors, :created_at]]]
books: [3, [
[:author_id, :belongs_to, [:authors, :id]],
[:title, :words, [2..4]],
[:isbn, :string, [:length => 20]]
phone_numbers: [3, [
[:author_id, :belongs_to, [:authors, :id], :unique => true],
[:number, :string, [:length => 10, :chars => ('0'..'9')]]
data = db.offload_all!