In the 2022 RoboCup Standard Platform League Video Analysis Challenge, members from seven teams labelled images from recordings of RoboCup 2019 soccer games. Each team labeled the ball and all players including their jersey colors and their jersey numbers in 5000 images. These 35000 labeled images could then be used by the teams to develop software that is helpful in automatically analyzing games based on video recordings. This app is based on B-Human's original contribution to this challenge.
In 2023, the development has also been partially funded by the RoboCup Federation through the RCF Project Support 2023.
The application showing the video of a half not in the training set with the
positions of the ball and the players. The orange line indicates the ball possession
of the player that just kicked the ball while it is still rolling. The statistics
determined from the GameController log file and from the video are shown next to the
A YOLOv5 [1] network was trained with an input resolution of 1920x1080 with bounding boxes of the ball and the players including their jersey colors. Only 681 images were used from the original dataset together with 999 other images we added in 2023. For training, we used a 70/20/10 split. Here is described, how to train the network from scratch. The inference takes ~39 ms per image on an Apple M1 Max processor.
To transform the detections from image coordinates into field coordinates, an intrinsic and an extrinsic camera calibration are needed. We adapted the code provided by the team Berlin United [2] that offered the ability to optimize the extrinsic camera calibration using a hard-coded intrinsic calibration. We added the optimization of the intrinsic calibration together with the extrinsic one. We also added an inverse transformation from field coordinates back into the image. The calibration is performed on a background image that is computed from many images of the video to eliminate moving objects from the field to get a clear view at the field lines. This image is computed before the first playback of the game video and stored for later use. The calibration is also performed at this time and stored as well. More details are given here.
The bounding boxes of the players are tracked using a centroid multi object tracker [3] ignoring the colors in YOLOv5’s non-maximum suppression. For each track, the recent history of colors associated with it is maintained and the most frequent color is assigned as the player's color. False ball detections are filtered out based on an assumed maximum speed of the ball. The centers of the bounding boxes are projected into the world based on an assumed height above ground, i.e. 5 cm for the ball and 26 cm for the players. If the projection of a player's ground position back into the image is outside its bounding box, the player is assumed to be fallen.
The application has five views: One for the game video, a 2D field, a heat map of the ball's position, and two views for showing the segmentation of green and white, which is required by the camera calibration approach. The application also reads the GameController's log file of the game and plays back its events while the the video is running. Thus, statistics about the game events can be created and other statistics can, e.g., be limited to the Playing state. From the video, statistics are generated per team about fallen robots, the distance walked, the ball possession, the distance the ball was moved while in possession of a team, the average ball distance to the own goal, and the average sizes of the controlled areas.
![]() |
![]() |
2D field view with controlled areas | Ball position heat map view |
This repository uses Python 3 (tested with Python 3.10). Since Python wheels might be compiled from source, the usual C/C++ build tools must be installed. It is probably best to setup a virtual environment and activate it.1 Then run
pip install -r requirements.txt
To analyze a recorded game, run bin/analyze
. Example:
bin/analyze --log /path/to/gamecontroller-log /paths/to/videos
When a video is opened for the first time, an extrinsic camera calibration is performed, which delays the start for a while. A half can consist of multiple videos. In that case, the filenames of the videos must be specified in chronological order. They will be processed as if they were a single video.
If the app reaches the end of the video playback and is then closed (and not
earlier), a statistics summary is written into the folder statistics
using a
locale-aware version of the comma-separated values format.
,--log FILE
: The path to the GameController log file. Mandatory, because a lot of information is used from that log file. -
,--field FILE
: The path to a JSON file that describes the field dimensions. The file must have the format that was defined in section 4.8 of the 2021 SPL rule book, modified by removing the word "Box". If not specified, timestamps in the GameController log file are used to guess the field used. -
,--calibration FILE
: The path to a JSON file that contains the camera calibration or that it will be written to if it does not exist. -
--half NUM
: The half of the game shown in the video (1 or 2). If not specified, the half is guessed from the filename of the video. -
-n NUM
,--every-nth-frame NUM
: Only process every nth frame. This speeds up playback, but makes the results less reliable. Since the dropped frames still have to be extracted from the video file, the playback speed is not directly proportional to this value. If not specified, every 10th frame is processed. -
: Run the app without user interface. This option can be used to just create the statistics file that is written in the end. -
: Force a new camera calibration. The first time a video is analyzed, a camera calibration is automatically performed and stored. Normally, this calibration will be used during further playbacks of the same video. This switch overwrites this behavior. -
: Writes additional information to the terminal while calibrating and visualizes the results in some PNG files under the pathruns/camera/run_*
. -
: Show the version of the app and exit. -
: Show the help message and exit.
The camera calibration runs in three steps:
First, a background image is computed, i.e. ideally an image of an empty field. Since a large part of the video is read to compute this image, it takes quite a while. However, this is only done once per video and the resulting image is stored in the directory
. The parameters used to compute the image can be configured in the fileconfig/settings.json
in the sectioncalibration
: The number of images to use. -
: Corresponds to the number of images skipped between two that are used (plus one), i.e. with astep_size
of 1 every image is used.
These two numbers are also part of the filename chosen for the background image. If these parameters are changed, another background image will be calculated when the app is started the next time.
The field lines are detected in the background image. For this, two colors are detected: green and white. Green represents the area of the field. The idea is to only accept white pixels that are located on the field, i.e. surrounded by green pixels. The approach is to detect both colors using minimum and maximum values in the HSV color space and then perform a couple of morphological image processing operations to, e.g., close gaps in the detection. The color boundaries can be configured interactively by selecting the tabs
and then the corresponding menu as well. In addition,View/Background
can be activated. The values selected are stored in the fileconfig/settings.json
in the sectionsgreen_mask
. Please note that the range of the hue values is 0° ... 180° in the file although the color picker uses a range of 0 ... 255. Thegreen_mask
is also used to create the 3D effect when drawing to the video image. Most of the drawings are only drawn onto the green areas of the image. This creates the illusion that they are hidden behind the (non-green) objects on the field. -
The actual optimization of the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters is performed. It starts from an initial guess, which is taken from the file
in the sectioncalibration
. Theinitial_intrinsics
contain the initial values for the intrinsic parameters. All the values except forsuperview
are adapted during the optimization. Theinitial_extrinsics
describe the initial guess for the camera's pose. The translation is specified in meters. Usually, the first dimension points to the right, the second one away from the camera, and the third one upwards. The origin is at the center of the field. The rotations are given in degrees. The initial guess is rather important, because it is also used to discard outliers from the detected field lines. If a point on a field line is further away thanoutlier_threshold
(in m), it will not be used for the calibration.iterations
defines the maximum number of iterations used during optimization.
All three steps are only performed once. However, the command line parameter
(or -f
) can be used to repeat the steps 2 and 3. In addition, the
parameter --verbose
creates more information about the calibration process. On the
one hand, it creates a directory in runs/camera
containing two images.
contains two graphs showing the detected field line points before and
after the outlier elimination. In particular the latter is important, because if it
does not contain the whole field anymore, the initial guess of the camera parameters
must be adapted. after.png
shows the corrected field line points. It should look
like a bird's eye view of the field, i.e. with 90° angles in all the corners. This
graph is basically a representation of how well the calibration worked. On the other
hand, the verbose mode prints the calibration error for each iteration (in m) to
the terminal.
The app provided here is far from being finished. Therefore, there are a number of known issues, some of which are listed here:
The camera calibration depends on reasonable initial guesses for the camera pose and the intrinsic camera parameters. With GoPro videos that contain telemetry, this is limited to the camera's yaw angle and – to a lesser degree – its position.
The camera calibration also depends on the detection of the field lines. If the lines were painted, it is harder to find appropriate ranges in the color space to segment them. If the field corners are missing in the video, the white goals can impede the calibration result, because the calibration associates them with the field line model and there is not enough goal line visible to counter this.
The YOLOv5 network was trained with data from 17 games at RoboCup 2019 and 2023. Team colors may appear differently under different lighting conditions. Therefore, players might be associated with the wrong team or they are not detected at all. Also, the training set was not balanced regarding upright and fallen robots. As a result, fallen robots tend to have the wrong team color.
The world model is very rudimentary, i.e. not much is known about objects that are currently not visible. This in particular affects the computation of the ball possession and its visualization.
Penalized robots can negatively impact the localization statistics if they are still visible in the video in a position where they are not expected.
The fall detection is quite simple. It fails if YOLOv5's bounding box does not contain the whole robot. This often happens if a robot is partially hidden by another robot or a referee.
There are many "magic numbers" in the code. Some of them are not even defined as named constants.
Glenn Jocher, Ayush Chaurasia, Alex Stoken, Jirka Borovec, NanoCode012, Yonghye Kwon, TaoXie, Jiacong Fang, imyhxy, Kalen Michael, Lorna, Abhiram V, Diego Montes, Jebastin Nadar, Laughing, tkianai, yxNONG, Piotr Skalski, Zhiqiang Wang, Adam Hogan, Cristi Fati, Lorenzo Mammana, AlexWang1900, Deep Patel, Ding Yiwei, Felix You, Jan Hajek, Laurentiu Diaconu, Mai Thanh Minh: ultralytics/yolov5: v6.1 – TensorRT, TensorFlow Edge TPU and OpenVINO Export and Inference. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6222936, February 2022.
Benjamin Schlotter (2020): Analyse von RoboCup Spielen Erkennen und Lokalisieren von Nao Robotern. Studienarbeit. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Aditya M. Deshpande (2021). Multi-object trackers in Python.
On macOS, install Miniforge. Run
conda create -n SomeName python=3.10
andconda activate SomeName
. Then, executeconda install pycairo
before running thepip install
command. ↩