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[Bodigrim#148] Generalize 'inverseSigma' and 'inverseTotient'
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rockbmb committed Feb 27, 2020
1 parent 56cd483 commit 4ba5e3a
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Showing 4 changed files with 162 additions and 5 deletions.
62 changes: 60 additions & 2 deletions Math/NumberTheory/ArithmeticFunctions/Inverse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@

module Math.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunctions.Inverse
( inverseTotient
, inverseJordan
, inverseSigma
, inverseSigmaK
, -- * Wrappers
, MaxWord(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,12 +270,40 @@ inverseTotient
=> (a -> b)
-> a
-> b
inverseTotient point = invertFunction point totientA invTotient
inverseTotient = inverseJordan 1
{-# SPECIALISE inverseTotient :: Semiring b => (Int -> b) -> Int -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseTotient :: Semiring b => (Word -> b) -> Word -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseTotient :: Semiring b => (Integer -> b) -> Integer -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseTotient :: Semiring b => (Natural -> b) -> Natural -> b #-}

-- | The inverse for 'jordan_k' function, where 'k' is a nonnegative integer.
-- Generalizes the 'inverseTotient' function, which is 'inverseJordan' when 'k'
-- is '1'.
-- The return value is parameterized by a 'Semiring', which allows
-- various applications by providing different (multiplicative) embeddings.
-- E. g., list all preimages (see a helper 'asSetOfPreimages'):
-- >>> import qualified Data.Set as S
-- >>> import Data.Semigroup
-- >>> S.mapMonotonic getProduct (inverseJordan (S.singleton . Product) 192)
-- fromList [15,16]
-- Similarly to 'inverseTotient', it is possible to count and sum preimages, or
-- get the maximum/minimum preimage.
:: (Semiring b, Euclidean a, UniqueFactorisation a, Ord a)
=> Word
-> (a -> b)
-> a
-> b
inverseJordan k point = invertFunction point (jordanA k) invTotient
{-# SPECIALISE inverseJordan :: Semiring b => Word -> (Int -> b) -> Int -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseJordan :: Semiring b => Word -> (Word -> b) -> Word -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseJordan :: Semiring b => Word -> (Integer -> b) -> Integer -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseJordan :: Semiring b => Word -> (Natural -> b) -> Natural -> b #-}

-- | The inverse for 'sigma' 1 function.
-- The return value is parameterized by a 'Semiring', which allows
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,12 +336,40 @@ inverseSigma
=> (a -> b)
-> a
-> b
inverseSigma point = invertFunction point (sigmaA 1) invSigma
inverseSigma = inverseSigmaK 1
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigma :: Semiring b => (Int -> b) -> Int -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigma :: Semiring b => (Word -> b) -> Word -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigma :: Semiring b => (Integer -> b) -> Integer -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigma :: Semiring b => (Natural -> b) -> Natural -> b #-}

-- | The inverse for 'sigma_k' function, where 'k' is a nonnegative integer.
-- Generalizes the 'inverseSigma' function, which is 'inverseSigmaK' when 'k'
-- is '1'.
-- The return value is parameterized by a 'Semiring', which allows
-- various applications by providing different (multiplicative) embeddings.
-- E. g., list all preimages (see a helper 'asSetOfPreimages'):
-- >>> import qualified Data.Set as S
-- >>> import Data.Semigroup
-- >>> S.mapMonotonic getProduct (inverseSigmaK 4 (S.singleton . Product) 6651267)
-- fromList [50]
-- Similarly to 'inverseSigma', it is possible to count and sum preimages, or
-- get the maximum/minimum preimage.
:: (Semiring b, Euclidean a, UniqueFactorisation a, Integral a, Enum (Prime a), Bits a)
=> Word
-> (a -> b)
-> a
-> b
inverseSigmaK k point = invertFunction point (sigmaA k) invSigma
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigmaK :: Semiring b => Word -> (Int -> b) -> Int -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigmaK :: Semiring b => Word -> (Word -> b) -> Word -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigmaK :: Semiring b => Word -> (Integer -> b) -> Integer -> b #-}
{-# SPECIALISE inverseSigmaK :: Semiring b => Word -> (Natural -> b) -> Natural -> b #-}

-- Wrappers

Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Math/NumberTheory/Quadratic/EisensteinIntegers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -303,8 +303,7 @@ divideByPrime p p' np k = go k 0
(d1, z') = go1 c 0 z
d2 = c - d1
z'' = head $ drop (wordToInt d2)
$ iterate (\g -> fromMaybe err $ (g * unPrime p) `quotEvenI` np) z'
z'' = iterate (\g -> fromMaybe err $ (g * unPrime p) `quotEvenI` np) z' !! max 0 (wordToInt d2)

go1 :: Word -> Word -> EisensteinInteger -> (Word, EisensteinInteger)
go1 0 d z = (d, z)
Expand Down
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions test-suite/Math/NumberTheory/ArithmeticFunctions/InverseTests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,9 +36,28 @@ import Math.NumberTheory.TestUtils
totientProperty1 :: forall a. (Euclidean a, Integral a, UniqueFactorisation a) => Positive a -> Bool
totientProperty1 (Positive x) = x `S.member` asSetOfPreimages inverseTotient (totient x)

:: (Euclidean a, Integral a, UniqueFactorisation a)
=> Power Word
-> Positive a
-> Bool
jordanProperty1 (Power k') (Positive x) =
-- 'k' shouldn't be large to avoid slow tests.
let k = succ $ k' `Prelude.div` 50
in x `S.member` asSetOfPreimages (inverseJordan k) (jordan k x)

totientProperty2 :: (Euclidean a, Integral a, UniqueFactorisation a) => Positive a -> Bool
totientProperty2 (Positive x) = all (== x) ( totient (asSetOfPreimages inverseTotient x))

:: (Euclidean a, Integral a, UniqueFactorisation a, Ord a)
=> Power Word
-> Positive a
-> Bool
jordanProperty2 (Power k') (Positive x) =
let k = succ $ k' `Prelude.div` 50
in all (== x) ( (jordan k) (asSetOfPreimages (inverseJordan k) x))

-- |
totientCountFactorial :: [Word]
totientCountFactorial =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,15 +151,74 @@ totientSpecialCases3 = zipWith mkAssert (tail factorial) totientMaxFactorial
totientMax :: Word -> Word
totientMax = unMaxWord . inverseTotient MaxWord

jordans5 :: [Word]
jordans5 =
[ 1
, 31
, 242
, 992
, 3124
, 7502
, 16806
, 31744
, 58806
, 96844
, 161050
, 240064
, 371292
, 520986
, 756008
, 1015808
, 1419856
, 1822986
, 2476098
, 3099008
, 4067052
, 4992550
, 6436342
, 7682048
, 9762500
, 11510052
, 14289858
, 16671552
, 20511148

jordanSpecialCase1 :: [Assertion]
jordanSpecialCase1 = zipWith mkAssert ixs jordans5
mkAssert a b = assertEqual "should be equal" (S.singleton a) (asSetOfPreimages (inverseJordan 5) b)
ixs = [1 .. 29]

-- Sigma

sigmaProperty1 :: forall a. (Euclidean a, UniqueFactorisation a, Integral a, Enum (Prime a), Bits a) => Positive a -> Bool
sigmaProperty1 (Positive x) = x `S.member` asSetOfPreimages inverseSigma (sigma 1 x)

:: forall a
. (Euclidean a, UniqueFactorisation a, Integral a, Enum (Prime a), Bits a)
=> Power Word
-> Positive a
-> Bool
sigmaKProperty1 (Power k') (Positive x) =
-- 'k' shouldn't be large to avoid slow tests.
let k = 2 + k' `Prelude.mod` 50
in x `S.member` asSetOfPreimages (inverseSigmaK k) (sigma k x)

sigmaProperty2 :: (Euclidean a, UniqueFactorisation a, Integral a, Enum (Prime a), Bits a) => Positive a -> Bool
sigmaProperty2 (Positive x) = all (== x) ( (sigma 1) (asSetOfPreimages inverseSigma x))

:: (Euclidean a, UniqueFactorisation a, Integral a, Enum (Prime a), Bits a)
=> Power Word
-> Positive a
-> Bool
sigmaKProperty2 (Power k') (Positive x) =
let k = 2 + k' `Prelude.mod` 50
in all (== x) ( (sigma k) (asSetOfPreimages (inverseSigmaK k) x))

-- |
sigmaCountFactorial :: [Word]
sigmaCountFactorial =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,4 +338,16 @@ testSuite = testGroup "Inverse"
, testGroup "max"
(zipWith (\i a -> testCase ("factorial " ++ show i) a) [1..] sigmaSpecialCases3)

, testGroup "Jordan"
[ testIntegralPropertyNoLarge2 "forward" jordanProperty1
, testIntegralPropertyNoLarge2 "backward" jordanProperty2
, testGroup "inverseJordan"
(zipWith (\i test -> testCase ("inverseJordan 5" ++ show i) test) jordans5 jordanSpecialCase1)

, testGroup "SigmaK"
[ testIntegralPropertyNoLarge2 "forward" sigmaKProperty1
, testIntegralPropertyNoLarge2 "backward" sigmaKProperty2
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion test-suite/Math/NumberTheory/TestUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Expand All @@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ module Math.NumberTheory.TestUtils
, NonZero(..)
, testIntegralProperty
, testIntegralPropertyNoLarge
, testIntegralPropertyNoLarge2
, testSameIntegralProperty
, testSameIntegralProperty3
, testIntegral2Property
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,16 @@ testIntegralPropertyNoLarge name f = testGroup name
, QC.testProperty "quickcheck Natural" (f :: wrapper Natural -> bool)

:: forall wrapper1 wrapper2 bool. (TestableIntegral wrapper1, TestableIntegral wrapper2, SC.Testable IO bool, QC.Testable bool)
=> String -> (forall a. (Euclidean a, Semiring a, Integral a, Bits a, UniqueFactorisation a, Show a, Enum (Prime a)) => wrapper1 Word -> wrapper2 a -> bool) -> TestTree
testIntegralPropertyNoLarge2 name f = testGroup name
[ SC.testProperty "smallcheck Integer" (f :: wrapper1 Word -> wrapper2 Integer -> bool)
, SC.testProperty "smallcheck Natural" (f :: wrapper1 Word -> wrapper2 Natural -> bool)
, QC.testProperty "quickcheck Integer" (f :: wrapper1 Word -> wrapper2 Integer -> bool)
, QC.testProperty "quickcheck Natural" (f :: wrapper1 Word -> wrapper2 Natural -> bool)

:: forall wrapper1 wrapper2 bool. (TestableIntegral wrapper1, TestableIntegral wrapper2, SC.Testable IO bool, QC.Testable bool)
=> String -> (forall a. (GcdDomain a, Euclidean a, Integral a, Bits a, UniqueFactorisation a, Show a) => wrapper1 a -> wrapper2 a -> bool) -> TestTree
Expand Down

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