A collection of R scripts for creating publication-quality visualizations from HOMER (Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment) analysis outputs. This toolkit enhances HOMER's capabilities with customizable plotting functions for motif analysis, peak annotations, and genomic feature distributions.
This toolkit extends HOMER's functionality by providing advanced visualization capabilities for:
- Motif enrichment analysis
- Peak distribution plots
- Genomic feature annotations
- Tag density heatmaps
- Integration with other NGS data
- Publication-ready plot generation
- Customizable visualization parameters
- Multiple plot types and styles
- Batch processing capabilities
- Integration with HOMER outputs
- Statistical annotation options
- High-resolution export formats
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/rrjHomerPlots.git
cd rrjHomerPlots
- Install R dependencies:
- Ensure HOMER is installed and in your PATH
# Load the plotting library
# Create motif enrichment plot
top_n = 10,
plot_type = "barplot")
# Generate peak distribution
genome = "hg19",
window_size = 2000)
# Process multiple datasets
input_dir = "homer_results/",
output_dir = "plots/",
plot_types = c("motif", "distribution")
- Bar plots of enrichment scores
- Logo plots for motif sequences
- P-value distribution plots
- Combined motif-score visualizations
- Genome-wide distribution plots
- Feature-centered heatmaps
- Distance to TSS plots
- Chromosome-wise distribution
- Genomic feature pie charts
- Feature enrichment plots
- Region overlap plots
- Custom annotation plots
- Profile plots
- Heatmaps
- Aggregation plots
- Multi-sample comparisons
# Default color palettes
homer_colors <- c(
"primary" = "#4285F4",
"secondary" = "#34A853",
"accent" = "#EA4335"
# Custom theme settings
homer_theme <- theme_minimal() +
axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
axis.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold")
# Configure plot dimensions
plot_config <- list(
width = 8,
height = 6,
dpi = 300,
format = "pdf"
- HOMER output files
- BED/narrowPeak files
- Tag directories
- Genome annotations
├── data/
│ ├── peaks/ # Peak files
│ ├── motifs/ # Motif analysis
│ └── tags/ # Tag directories
└── output/
└── plots/ # Generated plots
# Set global parameters
homer.genome = "hg19",
homer.plot.width = 8,
homer.plot.height = 6,
homer.plot.dpi = 300
# Motif plot settings
motif_params <- list(
max_motifs = 10,
p_cutoff = 0.05,
sort_by = "p.value"
# Distribution plot settings
dist_params <- list(
window = 2000,
bin_size = 50,
smooth = TRUE
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Add your plotting functions
- Submit a pull request
- Follow R style guidelines
- Document all functions
- Include example plots
- Add unit tests
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you use these plotting tools in your research, please cite:
Author et al. (Year). HOMER Plotting Tools: Enhanced visualization for HOMER analysis.
Repository: https://github.com/yourusername/rrjHomerPlots
- HOMER development team
- R visualization packages
- Supporting institutions
- Bioinformatics community