TL;DR: Not everyone needs a K8S environment where everything is automated and over engineered. Sometimes you just need a small prometheus & grafana to collect data. This is a little automated to start and destroy a monitoring solution.
Warnings: I tried to make a bit secure by using mTLS but, this is not a production level solution. I left some gaps by design:
- Single CA created by command line for 10yr.
- The server and client certificates are also set for 10yr.
- There is basic authentication left on the prometheus side - please do not expose it in production like this.
- I did not specify specific prometheus and grafana versions
- The nvidia node exporter is not a production level solution and does not get regular maintenance.
This little project is based on the work of Utku Özdemir:
Quick Start:
- Change passwords. You can a reference in the file and the docker-compose file.
- Change certificate information in the
- Run the script.
- To install a monitoring solution on a system:
- Copy the file and node_exporter_installer folder to the system needed to be monitored.
- Run the script.
- On the system running the prometheus container, run the to add the new system.
- Optional: You can use the dashboard created in the gpu node exporter project in the Dashboards folder.
- Cleanup: There are uninstallation scripts to clean up the env after you are done.