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Quick start

Bureaucrat is a workflow engine using AMQP for message passing between the engine, participants and the rest of the world. The participants can be either Celery tasks or taskqueue workers.

Run bureaucrat --help to see the supported options. Most probably you'll see something like:

Usage: bureaucrat [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --foreground      don't daemonize
  -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                        path to config file
  -p PIDFILE, --pid-file=PIDFILE

If you don't provide any config file the engine will asume more or less sensible defaults. Check config file example to see what are the possible configuration parameters.

A new process can be launched by publishing its definition to bureaucrat's AMQP exchange with the routing key bureaucrat. A better alternative is to use an instance of class bureaucrat.launcher.Launcher to do that. The launcher's method Launcher.launch() accepts two parameters:

  1. process definition and
  2. fields.

The second parameter sets the root context of a new process instance.

At the momemnt the engine supports only one format for process definitions which resembles the format used in the BPML specification. Check this process definition example to see how it looks like.

Any process definition must have one root element <process>. The element may contain <context> definition which sets the process's context. This context definition is an alternative to the fields parameter of Launcher.launcher(). The other <process>'s children are activities which are exeuted sequentially.

Supported activities

a complex activity used to organize sequential activities.
a simple activity that performs a task in the configured task queue. Execution pauses until the task is completed. The task name must be specified in the attribute participant. In case the configured task queue is Celery the task name must be a fully qualified function name e.g. webhook_launcher.tasks.handle_webhook. Every task is supposed to report its status in the response message. If status is done then the task is considered complete and the engine furthers execution. In case status is set to critical then a fault is thrown in the current context. All other statuses will be just reported in logs.
a complex activity implementing conditional execution.
a complex activity implementing cyclic execution with a precondition.
a complex activity implementing parallel execution of its child activities. The activity doesn't complete until all its children complete.

a simple activity launching a new subprocess. The attribute process of the activity refers the definition of the subprocess. At the moment only reference to context is supported. E.g. <call process="$proc"> launches a subprocess defined in the current context['proc'].

The parent process pauses until the subprocess completes.

a simple activity pausing execution for the duration specified in the parameter duration in seconds.

a simple activity pausing execution until a global event with the name specified in the parameter event gets triggered, e.g.:

<await event="fake_event_name">
    <condition>context["precondition"] is True</condition>

The events get triggered by publishing a specially crafted message to the default AMQP exchange with the routing key bureaucrat_events. The event message is a JSON object with an event name specified in the attribute event, e.g.:

    "event": "fake_event_name",
    "other_data": "some data"

Additionally the activity may be guarded with one or more <condition> child elements. Their syntax is the same as in the switch activity.


a simple activity throwing a fault into the current context. Optionally the fault's code and message can be defined. Consider the following example:

    <context><property name="prop1" type="int">0</property></context>
    <action participant="p1" />
            <condition>context["prop1"] &gt; 0</context>
            <action participant="p3" />
            <fault code="CustomError" message="prop1 hasn't been incremented in the previous action" />
    <action participant="p3" />

If the participant p1 doesn't increment the value of the property prop1 then the process will be aborted and the participant p3 won't be executed.

If a fault is thrown in a nested complex activity and there is no a corresponding fault handler defined in the activity's context then the fault will be propagated upward until the root expression is reached or a fault handler defined in a outter context handles the fault.


a simple activity setting or updating a property's value in the current context, e.g. in the following example the value of prop1 will be set to 8 when the action activity is reached:

        <property name="prop1" type="int">0</property>
        <property name="prop2" type="int">3</property>
    <assign property="prop1">context["prop2"] + 5</assign>
    <action participant="p1" />

Additional expressions

It is possible handle thrown faults with fault handlers defined in the context where the faults are thrown to:

                <case code="SomeError, AnotherError">
                    <action participant="some_error_cure" />
                    <action participant="general_cure" />
        <action participant="faulty_particpant" />


If you are going to use Celery make sure that Celery is configured to ignore task results and to resend workitems back to the default AMQP exchange with the routing key bureaucrat_msgs:

import pika
import json
from celery.signals import task_success

def handle_task_success(sender=None, **kwargs):
    """Report task results back to workflow engine."""

    parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host="localhost")
    connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
    channel =


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