=== Auto-Post For Instagram === Contributors: rolandalla91, dufour_l Tags: autopost, wordpress, instagram Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Post your images to Instagram by wordpress pannel
== Description ==
This plugin will send automatic featured image + post title as a post into your instagram account . This plugin is totally free , and will allow you to choose the type of post you want to auto send into your instagram account.
*Please do not leave bad rating, if you do not understand the code, This plugin is using an external API, not the offical Instagram API , that is why some of you get a warning from instagram.
----Instagram API do not allow to send images using the API--- You are free to use this plugin as you want. :) for FREE
== Installation ==
- Copy the
folder into yourwp-content/plugins
folder - Activate the plugin via the plugins admin page
- Add your username +password into, wp2instagram page , located under Settings
- Instagram can notice as a note secure login in you account , this happend only because the plugin is unisng an external API,not the official
== Screenshots ==
- This will be the dashboard view, When you can add your instgram username,and password :
- Adding Debug Option:
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
1 - Is this plugin compatible with version 5.x.y of wordpress ?
Yes, it is!
2 - Is this plugin Woocommerce aware ?
No, it is not, and there is no roadmap to include compatibility with it.
3 - Is a featured image mandatory in a post to have it published to Instagram ?
Yes, it is mandatory, without a featured image there is no possibility to have your post published on Instagram.
4 - What does the error "checkpoint_required" means ?
The error that you have is related to Instagram security process, you faced an issue when login to instagram from two different IP adresses. It means that Instagram wants to know if you are a human or a robot, and they want you to proove that you are the actual owner of the instagram account that you use. Please try the tips from this website to solve it : https://instazood.com/how-to-fix-checkpoint-required-error-on-instagram/
5 - What does the error "Something went wrong while logging to instagram" means ?
It means that Instagram failed to acknowlege your login and password. Please double check, if it still works with your telephone Instagram app. It can also means that you face a period where a farm of servers at Instagram had issues. It is rare but it may happens.
6 - What does the error "Please wait a few minutes before you try again" means ?
Please check the following link to know more about this issue ==> https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/please-wait-a-few-minutes-before-you-try-again.1045837/
7 - What does the error "Couldn't get challenge, check your connection" means ?
You need to verify your credentials (login/password) on Instagram web site https://www.instagram.com
8 - Is it possible to customize the message of the post that I want to share on Instagram ?
Yes. It is the purpose of this plugin, you can do it either with a header and/or with the footer of the caption.
9 - Is it possible to add #hashtags with my post when uploading to Instagram ?
Yes. it is posssible, you can choose you own hashtags and/or convert tags as hashtags, as well as the categories, or even the words of your title.
10 - Do I always have to publish a post on Instagram ?
It is your own choice, if you do no want to publish each article to Instagram , check the option "Do not auto publish new posts" .
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
- Initial Release.
= 1.1 =
- Fix some bugs.
= 1.2 =
- Fix some bugs.
- Add Notice
= 1.3 =
- Fix Html Tags.
= 1.4.1 =
New features:
New plugin advandced settings page
You can now customize the usage of hashtags in your caption
Set the maximum bumber of hashtags ( Recommanded below 30 , please check at https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-maximum-number-of-hashtags-you-can-insert-in-a-comment-on-an-Instagram-photo )
Use of additional hashtags
Use or not the original tags of you post as hashtags
Use a header in caption ( This text will be placed after Title and before hashgtags )
Use a footer in caption ( This text will be placed after the hashgtags )
Tested in Wordpress 4.9.5
= 1.4.2 =
Bug corrected :
- Now properly handle the number of maximum hashtags
New features:
- Use or not the original categories name of your post as hashtags
- Convert or not accents in your hashtags
- Remove or not underscore (_) or hyphen (-) in your hashtags
Please note that tags are processed before category, so if you have reach the maximumn number of hashtags before the processing of categories, you will not see them on Instagram
- Tested in Wordpress 4.9.5
= 1.4.3 =
Bug corrected :
- None
New features:
Include Author's name in header caption
Add this author label to caption
Tested in Wordpress 4.9.8
= 1.4.4 =
Bug corrected :
- Modified usage of mpg25/login function, enabling again the post to Instagram
New features:
Debug mode
New feature to disable post to Instagram if you want
Include a new box on post, giving the possibility to post to Instagram or not per post
Tested in Wordpress 4.9.8
= 1.4.5 =
Bug corrected :
- Minor correction to new box on post to Instagram / Also take care about possible auto scheduled post by another plugin
New features:
Tested in Wordpress 4.9.8
= 1.4.6 =
Bug corrected :
- None
New features:
Better handling of width and height limit of Instagram, either if your picture is too big ( above 1080px ) or too small ( below 320px )
Resize a photo in panorama mode if ratio above 16:9, in this case is reduce the size of the picture, and add a white band above and below the picture
New fields ( date of post to instagram, upload info, link to your instagram page, in the instagram info box on post page
if debug mode activated, in the info box, you will have the full response of instagram, with the message why it was not accepted by instagram.
Tested in Wordpress 5.0.1
= 1.4.7 =
Bug corrected :
- Minor correction to the login process to Instagram
New features:
Tested in Wordpress 5.0.2
= 1.4.8 =
Bug corrected :
- None
New features:
Bypass control to avoid the checking of width and/or height, in that case the picture is sent to Instagram no matter what, so it may be refused by Instagram
Resize of photo to a size acccepted by Instagram ( max : 1080px )
Tested in Wordpress 5.0.2
= 1.4.9 =
Bug corrected :
Fix a bug with debug_mode, thanks to Jan Zikmund
Tested in Wordpress 5.1
= 1.4.10 =
Bug corrected :
- Fix a bug with getMediaId, thanks to riderxyz - #https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-when-posting-7/
New features:
Add post title words as hashtags ( Thanks to marinkom for the feature request ) #https://wordpress.org/support/topic/new-feature-request-add-post-title-words-as-hashtags/
Add a new feature to remove exif from picture ( This may be be necessary when you have to resolve the issue when you have the message "unknown server error" ) - #https://wordpress.org/support/topic/not-accepted-by-instagram/
= 1.5.1 =
Bug corrected :
Code cleanup, and minor typo fixes
Title as hashtags , Image Resizing, Upload issues, Author's name empty published. - ( Thanks to Jeffmart for reporting this ) #https://wordpress.org/support/topic/request-new-features-and-comments-on-bugs/
No more issues with photo no uploaded to Instagram due to old Instagram-API
https://github.com/mgp25/Instagram-API/releases/tag/v4.1.0 ==> Critically important fixes to the cookie handling. All older versions of this library are slowly breaking completely, because Instagram is currently moving all cookies to a new domain. Soon, all accounts will be affected. If your account is affected, you suddenly won't be able to do any API calls because the new token cookie location cannot be found by older library versions! Version 4.1.0+ of this library is the only version with support for the new cookie location. All older library version users MUST upgrade now.
New features:
Updated library Instagram-API to version 4.1 - Minimum PHP v5.6 compatible. All stuff belonging to the API is now in the vendor directory.
This is Instagram's private API. It has almost all the features the Instagram app has, including media upload, direct messaging, stories and more. Read the wiki and previous issues before opening a new one! Maybe your issue has already been answered. Frequently Asked Questions: F.A.Q.
Add a column in admin page of posts to see Instagram status
In admin page you now have at the bottom the status of all required librairies and php version needed
Add a new feature to attach your wordpress post link to the end of the instagram caption
Add a new feature to receive notification by email of your succeeded/failed status of a photo posted to Instagram
Add a new feature to add more emails recipients to receive notification
In Instagram status you now have icons ( good , bad , or never published )
Link to your photo on Instagram now appears in the Instagram status of your post
Use of excerpt from a post - Feature request from jeffmar ( #https://wordpress.org/support/topic/request-new-features-and-comments-on-bugs/ ) and lmah200176 ( https://wordpress.org/support/topic/text-of-the-post-2/)
Tested in Wordpress 5.2.1
= 1.5.2 =
Bug corrected :
- Updating Logos and small fixes
New features:
- Tested in Wordpress 5.2.1
= 1.5.3 =
Bug corrected :
- Cosmetic fixes in the setting page
New features:
It is now possible to use an instagram proxy - Request from Steffen(@stevie77) #https://wordpress.org/support/topic/auto-post-to-instagtram-1-5-2-not-working/
Tested in Wordpress 5.2.2