This library implement signing and verification of JSON Web Tokens, or JWTs, based on RFC 7159.
The library is implemented in the zig language and only uses the standard libraries.
- Sign
- Verify
- iss check
- sub check
- aud check
- exp check
- nbf check
- iat check
- jti check
- typ check
Encryption algorithms:
- HS256
- HS384
- HS512
- PS256
- PS384
fn createToken(alg: zjwt.Algorithm, signatureOptions: zjwt.SignatureOptions, buffer: *std.ArrayList(u8), allocator: Allocator) !void {
var j = zjwt.ZJwt.init(allocator);
var token = zjwt.Token.init(allocator);
defer token.deinit();
// Builds the header as follows { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "HS256" }
try token.createDefaultHeader(alg);
// Builds the payload as follows { "iss": "zjwt", "sub": "username", "iat": 1690702984, "exp": 1690706584 }
try token.addIssuer(issuer);
try token.addSubject("username");
try token.addIssuedAt();
try token.addExpiresAt(3600);
// Encodes the header and the token to base64 and creates the signature using the chosen algorithm
try buffer.appendSlice(try j.encode(alg, signatureOptions, &token));
fn vlidateToken(alg: zjwt.Algorithm, signatureOptions: zjwt.SignatureOptions, tokenBase64: []const u8, allocator: Allocator) !void {
var j = zjwt.ZJwt.init(allocator);
var token = zjwt.Token.init(allocator);
defer token.deinit();
// The default header validator checks the algorithm and the type
var headerValidator = try zjwt.validator.createDefaultHeaderValidator(allocator, alg.phrase());
defer headerValidator.deinit();
// The default payload validator checks the issuer and the expiration time
var payloadValidator = try zjwt.validator.createDefaultPayloadValidator(allocator, issuer);
try j.decode(alg, signatureOptions, .{
.saveHeader = false, // Do not save the header
.savePayload = true, // Save the payload
.headerValidator = headerValidator, // Validate the header
.payloadValidator = payloadValidator, // Validate the payload
}, tokenBase64, &token);
std.debug.print("Token validated for subject: {s}\n", .{token.payload.get(zjwt.Claims.SUBJECT).?.string});
Here the whole example