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Merge pull request #162 from jonnott/patch-1 #757

Merge pull request #162 from jonnott/patch-1

Merge pull request #162 from jonnott/patch-1 #757

Workflow file for this run

# Primary CI checks for Rollbar-PHP-Laravel.
# We're checking that logging within Laravel passes through the Rollbar Laravel
# integration when that integration is properly installed. We make this check
# for all supported combinations of Laravel, Rollbar, and PHP. We are not
# checking that messages are properly sent to Rollbar: that's handled by
# rollbar-php.
# Test with act:
# brew install act
# act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:latest
# @see
name: Rollbar-PHP-Laravel CI, master
# Fire this action on pushes to main branch (master) as well as other branches
# or pull requests, excluding those in the next/ lineage. Also, run every day
# at 02:42 GMT -- this catches failures from transitive dependencies.
- next/**
- next/**
- cron: '42 2 * * *'
# Check that this runs on all combinations of Laravel we claim to support.
os: [ubuntu]
php: [8.4, 8.3, 8.2, 8.1]
laravel: [dev-master, 11.x, 10.x]
- php: 8.1
laravel: dev-master
- php: 8.1
laravel: 11.x
ROLLBAR_TOKEN: "ad865e76e7fb496fab096ac07b1dbabb"
name: Laravel ${{ matrix.laravel }} on PHP ${{ matrix.php }} (${{ matrix.os }})
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest
- name: Checkout the code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install PHP and composer environment
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
extensions: curl
- name: Install dependencies
run: composer update --prefer-dist --no-interaction
- name: Execute Rollbar tests
run: composer test
- name: Create Laravel test app
run: composer create-project laravel/laravel rollbar-test-app ${{ matrix.laravel }}
- name: Install that code using Composer rigged to look in the parent directory
working-directory: rollbar-test-app
# We arbitrarily set the version to 1.0.0, because we just need composer
# to consider it to be stable.
run: |
composer config repositories.local '{
"options": {"versions": {"rollbar/rollbar-laravel": "1.0.0"}}
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer config prefer-stable true
composer require rollbar/rollbar-laravel -W
- name: Setup .env
working-directory: rollbar-test-app
run: |
echo "GITHUB_RUN_ID=${GITHUB_RUN_ID}" >> .env
chmod 400 .env
- name: Configure Laravel to use Rollbar and configure Rollbar to invoke logging callback
working-directory: rollbar-test-app
run: |
> config/logging.php echo '<?php return array (
"default" => "rollbar",
"channels" => array (
"rollbar" => array (
"driver" => "monolog",
"handler" => \Rollbar\Laravel\MonologHandler::class,
"access_token" => env("ROLLBAR_TOKEN"),
"level" => "debug",
// use the check_ignore filter to capture log messages for verification
"check_ignore" => "check_ignore",
touch app/helpers.php
> tmp-composer.json jq '.autoload += { "files": [ "app/helpers.php" ] }' composer.json
mv tmp-composer.json composer.json
composer dump-autoload
- name: Define logging callback that invokes when Laravel logs through Rollbar
working-directory: rollbar-test-app
run: |
> app/helpers.php echo '<?php
function temp_file() {
return env("RUNNER_TEMP") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . env("GITHUB_RUN_ID") . ".tmp.txt";
function check_ignore($isUncaught, $toLog, $payload) {
// write log message to a file for inspection
$ok = file_put_contents(temp_file(), (string)$toLog);
// return indication that the log should be dropped
return true;
- name: Define Laravel tests to exercise and verify logging
working-directory: rollbar-test-app
run: |
> tests/Feature/LoggingTest.php echo '<?php
namespace Tests\Feature;
class LoggingTest extends \Tests\TestCase {
public function test_log_call_invokes_rollbar_check_ignore()
// generate a random valued log message to check it is passed through the
// Laravel logging mechanism into Rollbar
$value = sprintf("%s-%s", env("GITHUB_RUN_ID"), rand());
// check that we have our random value written into our local file
"Rollbar check_ignore handler not invoked, suggesting an issue integrating Rollbar into Laravel.");
$this->assertSame($value, file_get_contents(temp_file()),
"check_ignore file did not contain expected value, suggesting file left by another process.");
- name: Invoke the Laravel test suite
working-directory: rollbar-test-app
run: |