A simple, embeddable subscription list manager.
- Allows end-users to subscribe / unsubscribe.
- Maintains end-user subscriptions via an external subscription service (SendGrid).
- Allows admin users to set which subscriptions are available to end-users.
- Maintains subscription availability locally
This is a project of Gleap LLC with copyright 2014.
- Sam Pottinger (samnsparky)
- Rory Olsen (rolsen)
Ensure Python 2.7.* and PIP.
VirtualEnv is recommended, but not required. venv
is in the .gitignore.
Install software
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run automated tests
$ python run_tests.py
Start local server
$ python tiny_subscriptions.py
Due to the potential for mutliple deployment and client-driven modification outside of Gleap (the original developer), this project values high test coverage and style adherence.
- The project asks for 80% test coverage on server-side.
- Server-side modules, classes, and functions should be documented using epydoc.
- Server-side code should conform to Google's Python Style Guide.
- The project uses plain old CSS but should have element, class, and finally ID-based rules in that order.
- Client-side JS should follow Google's JavaScript Style Guide.
- Client-side files, classes, and functions should be documented using JSDoc.
- Client-side automated tests are optional but encouraged. For help with getting started on client-side testing, see Addy Osmani's tutorial.
- All code checked in (via Gleap) to master or a version release branch should go through code review.
- Code produced during pair programming or for initial project bootstrapping does not require code review. However, the results of pair programming should still go through a pull request.
- Engineers can perform a code review for themselves if another engineer is not available within one working day.
The application configuration settings are maintained by Flask. The configuration values (held in flask_config.json) should include:
- REDIS_HOST: The URI where the application redis instance can be accessed.
- REDIS_PORT: The port where the application redis instance should be accessed.
- REDIS_DB: The integer ID of the database to use.
- REDIS_PASSWORD: The password to use to authenticate with the redis service.
- REDIS_EXPIRATION: The number of seconds that data cached in the redis service should be saved there before being marked invalid.
- FAKE_MONGO: Boolean indicating if a mongo database should be emulated.
- BASE_URL: The URL where this module is running out of.
- SENDGRID_API_USERNAME: The username to use to authenticate with the transactional email service.
- SENDGRID_API_KEY: The API key (password) to use to authenticate with the transactional email service.
- FAKE_SENDGRID: Boolean indicating if the sendgrid service should be emulated.
- BASE_STATIC_URL: The root URL where the static content supporting this module can be found.
These configuration values we be loaded from the 'tinysubscriptions' attribute if that attribute is defined.