This is a template repo for creating a Maya command plugin.
In order to build plugins for Maya, you need to install the devkit for the version of Maya you are using. To install the devkit, locate your OS and version here.
Once you install the devkit, you need to set it up for your OS. You can find instructions here.
// Removes build directory
make clean
// Generates makefile + build directory
make generate
// Runs make generate and builds project
make build
// Removes build directory and builds a new project
make full-build
To generate the CMake file run one of the following commands.
Generate a Visual Studio project
cmake -H. -Bbuild -G "Visual Studio 16 2019 Win64"
Generates an xcode project
cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Xcode
Generates a makefile
cmake -H. -Bbuild -G "Unix Makefiles"
Once the makefile has been created you just need to run the following command to build the plug-in.
cmake --build build
The MacOS version of Maya doesn't have an output window like Windows. To get around this, we will launch Maya from the terminal. To do this, run the following command:
/Applications/Autodesk/maya{version}/ -prompt