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Chess Fetcher

Typescript library for fetching chess games. Handles fetching and ndjson parsing. Returns data in a standard format.


npm install chess-fetcher


// Fetch a player's profile (public info, rating, game stats)
player('').then((player) => {

// Fetch games of a player or tournament
games('', (game) => {
    console.log(`${game.players.white.username} vs ${}`, game.result.label)
}).then(() => console.log('done'))


npx tsx demo.ts

Development Notes

How to release a new version

npm version 0.x.x
git push origin main --tags

Github workflow will auto publish it to npm.

Linking as a local package

cd chess-fetcher
npm link
cd ../rosen-score
npm uninstall chess-fetcher
npm link chess-fetcher

After making any changes to chess-fetcher, run npm run build to update the symlink'ed code for rosen-score.