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rpeszek edited this page Apr 21, 2019 · 2 revisions

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Source lhs program: /src/Play/ProofPerformance.lhs

In the past, I have lamented about increased computational complexity caused by proofs. This note puts these lamentations to rest.
Haskell code only, I am still not sure what is the preferred approach in Idris. Based on the cost complexity claims in Sec 10_2 of the book, it appears Idris handles it.

  , DataKinds
  , TypeFamilies
  , PolyKinds
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fenable-rewrite-rules #-}

module Play.ProofPerformance where

import           Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl), sym)
import           Unsafe.Coerce
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Property
import           Data.Singletons
import           Debug.Trace
import           Data.SingBased.NatTheorems (plusCommutative)
import           Data.SingBased.Nat

This note shows how to deal with computational cost of proofs using plusCommutative as example. I show several approaches.
Instead of creating proof from scratch I use the imported implementation and just rename it adding a number suffix.

plusCommutative proof is recursive, executing it at runtime would add unnecessary cost. The proof program itself does not bring any value at run time. The only reason for it is to provide evidence of type equality to the compiler.
So why run it? Termination concerns? Runtime is not the time to discover non-termination.

Method 1

plusCommutative1 :: SNat left -> SNat right -> ((left + right) :~: (right + left))
plusCommutative1 = traceShow "invoked" <$> plusCommutative

test1 = plusCommutative1 s4 s1 

In his thesis and here Richard Eisenberg suggests to do something along these lines:

{-# NOINLINE plusCommutative1 #-}
{-# RULES "proof" forall l r. plusCommutative1 l r = unsafeCoerce Refl #-} 

Here is a safer implementation of Eisenberg's suggestion (avoids runtime failures if plusCommutative1 is given wrong number of parameters in the RULES definition):

plusCommutative1' :: SNat left -> SNat right -> ((left + right) :~: (right + left))
plusCommutative1' = traceShow "invoked" <$> plusCommutative

{-# NOINLINE plusCommutative1' #-}
{-# RULES "proof" forall l r. plusCommutative1' l r = believeMeEq #-} 
believeMeEq :: a :~: b 
believeMeEq = unsafeCoerce Refl

test1' = plusCommutative1' s4 s1 

A note of caution about experimenting with RULES using GHCI. -fenable-rewrite-rules is needed, also do not evaluate plusCommutative1' s4 s1 directly as rewrite RULES are not activated, evaluate test1 -like values instead.

Method 2

plusCommutative2 :: SNat left -> SNat right -> ((left + right) :~: (right + left))
plusCommutative2 = traceShow "invoked" <$> plusCommutative

proveEqFast :: a :~: b ->  a :~: b
proveEqFast _ = believeMeEq

test2 = proveEqFast (plusCommutative s4 s1)

I think, I like this approach the best.

Non termination

Anything can be proven using a non-terminating proof. Haskell does not check totality but we could use QuickCheck to help!

termProp :: (Integer, Integer) -> Bool
termProp (i, j) = (integerToNat' i) `withSomeSing` (\ni -> 
                 (integerToNat' j) `withSomeSing` (\nj -> 
                   case plusCommutative ni nj of Refl -> True

testTerm = Property.quickCheck termProp

This is obviously easier to do with Method 2, testing proof with rewrite rules seems pointless.