Detects if a hex color is dark or light. It is based on the w3 documentation for color luminance:
Useful when trying to make the text color visible on certain background colors.
This is why I needed this:
npm i -S is-dark-color
es6 snippet
import isDarkColor from 'is-dark-color'
// obvious
const whiteIsDark = isDarkColor('#ffffff') // false
const blackIsDark = isDarkColor('#000000') // true
const someColor = '#ff9900' // some sort of orange
console.log(isDarkColor(someColor)) // try it to find out
Optionally, you can override the return value for certain colors:
import isDarkColor from 'is-dark-color'
const options = {
override: {
'#319FB5': true,
'#383939': false,
isDarkColor('#319FB5') // false
isDarkColor('#319FB5', options) // true
Inspired from