This package works with multiple drivers, and you can create custom drivers if you can't find them in the current drivers list (below list).
you can create your own custom drivers if it doesn't exist in the list, read the
Create custom drivers
$ npm install gatepay
In your code, use it like the below:
// Create new Instance.
const payment = new Payment(Driver);
// Set merchantId.
// Set invoice amount.
//Add invoice details.
payment.getDriver().setDetail("detail", "value");
// Create new invoice.
const invoice = new Invoice()
// Set invoice amount.
// Set invoice details.
invoice.setDetail("detail", "value")
// Set invoice.
In order to pay the invoice, we need the payment transactionId. We purchase the invoice to retrieve transaction id:
// Purchase method accepts a callback function.
.purchase((amont: number, transactionId: string, uuid: string) => {
// We can store transactionId in database
// Retrieve json format of Redirection (in this case you can handle redirection to bank gateway)
.purchase((amont: number, transactionId: string, uuid: string) => {
// Store transactionId in database.
// We need the transactionId to verify payment in the future.
.then((res) => {
// You need to verify the payment to ensure the invoice has been paid successfully.
// We use transaction id to verify payments
// It is a good practice to add invoice amount as well.
try {
const receipt = await payment.setTransactionId(transactionId).verify();
// You can show payment referenceId to the user.
// You can get payment date tame.
} catch (error) {
// when payment is not verified, it will throw an exception.
try {
const receipt: DriverReceipt = await payment.setTransactionId(transactionId).verify();
} catch (error) {
// when payment is not verified, it will throw an exception.
import { Driver, Receipt, DetailInterface, Setting, Gateway, Invoice, Payment } from "gatepay";
interface CustomSetting extends Setting {}
export interface CustomDetail extends DetailInterface {
custom?: string;
type VerifyResponseType = {id: string, order_id: string}
class CustomReceipt extends Receipt<VerifyResponseType> {}
class Custom extends Driver<Invoice<CustomDetail>> {
public settings: CustomSetting = {
apiPaymentUrl: "",
apiPurchaseUrl: "",
apiVerificationUrl: "",
callbackUrl: "",
merchantId: "",
constructor() {
super(new Invoice());
// Purchase the invoice, save its transactionId and finaly return it.
async purchase(): Promise<string> {
// Request for a payment transaction id.
return this.invoice.getTransactionId();
// Redirect into bank using transactionId, to complete the payment.
pay(): Gateway {
// Prepare payment url.
const payUrl = `${this.settings.apiPaymentUrl}${this.invoice.getTransactionId()}`;
// Redirect to the bank.
return new Gateway(payUrl, "GET");
// Verify the payment (we must verify to ensure that user has paid the invoice).
async verify(): Promise<CustomReceipt> {
return new CustomReceipt("payment_receipt_number", data);
driver can simulate payment flow of a real gateway for development purpose.
Payment can be initiated like any other driver
// Create new Instance.
const payment = new Payment(Local);
// Set merchantId.
// Set invoice amount.
//Add invoice details.
payment.getDriver().setDetail("detail", "value");
Payment can be verified after receiving the callback request.
const receipt: LocalReceipt = await payment.setTransactionId(transactionId).verify();
In case of succesful payment, receipt
will contains the following parameters
orderId: // fake order number
traceNo: // fake trace number (this should be stored in databse)
referenceNo: // generated transaction ID in `purchase` method callback
cardNo:// fake last four digits of card