BankWSClient is a spring-boot application written in java language that consumes soap web services, computes the data retrieved from soap calls, exposes the result via rest services.
Our application need to access the core banking system to retrieve all transaction history of the user. After that it computes the current balance of the user. Finally it will exposes the balance to client apps that can be mobile application or single page application.
BankWS is using the following technologies:
- Java [version: 11] (the language used to write the application)
- Maven [version:3.6] (the tool for managing dependencies and building the project)
- Lombok [version:1.18.12] (the java library for removing boiler plate code from pojos)
- Spring-Boot [version:2.3.0.RELEASE] (the framework for creating spring application that just run)
- Liquibase [version:3.8.9] (the tool for keeping the version control for relational databases)
- JAX-WS [version:2.3.0] (the library for exposing soap web service endpoints)
Below is the maven plugin that generates all the classes from wsdl:
When we run the build of project the plugin will be executed and generate the classes from wsdl. The classes generated will be used to create request and response.
Below we prepare request to the soap service by using the class ObjectFactory
generated during the build of the project:
public JAXBElement < GetTrasactionsResponse > getAllTransactions() {
template = new WebServiceTemplate(marshaller);
ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
GetTrasactions getTransactions = factory.createGetTrasactions();
JAXBElement < GetTrasactions > request = factory.createGetTrasactions(getTransactions);
JAXBElement < GetTrasactionsResponse > response = (JAXBElement < GetTrasactionsResponse > ) template
.marshalSendAndReceive(soapProperties.getEndpoint().getUrl(), request);
return response;
In file you can configure the soap endpoint url:
Before starting to setup the BankWSClient projet you need to have already set up and running the BankWS project. Check this link BankWS Project Information for setting up running the BankWS project.
After have set up and run the BankWS project, we can proceed with step below for setting up the BankWSClient project:
- Clone the repository in you computer by executing:
git clone
- build the application by executing the command:
mvn clean install
- run the application by executing the command:
mvn spring-boot:run
- access url:
to check if application started successfully