This release brings several new user experience improvements, among other general enhancements. The most relevant changes are:
- Users can now use Liquality Wallets (Software Wallet) to send funds to RSK.
- Error messages were improved.
- Security improvements.
- Some issues were fixed.
- Updated Logo for Rootstock.
For a comprehensive list of all the changes introduced, please refer to the following section.
Release Notes v1.2.0
- Liquality integration by @ronaldsg20 in #294
- Update liquality image and warning message by @ronaldsg20 in #297
- style box confirm liquality by @hard75 in #310
- delete refound address in liquality options by @hard75 in #305
- label button sign to send by @hard75 in #306
- Treat Liquality Errors by @alexjavabraz in #314
- Changing message when the wallet is Liquality by @alexjavabraz in #326
- Added connection verification and retry if is not connected by @alexjavabraz in #298
- Pegout status integration by @josedahlquist in #299
- Changes ledger logic to sign segwit transaction and prevent the 'Unve… by @jeremy-then in #135
- handling error on api by @ronaldsg20 in #136
- Adding npm-ci by @ronaldsg20 in #144
- Fixes testnet font to use San serif Quicksand by @jeremy-then in #146
- Disables buttons when browser is Brave. Only allows to nagivate on Ch… by @jeremy-then in #145
- fix subcribers inform by @ronaldsg20 in #150
- fix open glich by @ronaldsg20 in #152
- Set version as 1.0.1 by @josedahlquist in #160
- fix explorer url for networks by @ronaldsg20 in #172
- checksum rskAddress before sign confirmation by @ronaldsg20 in #173
- TrezorConnect coin by @ronaldsg20 in #177
- Update getAccountType by @ronaldsg20 in #180
- fix tx version on trezor sign by @ronaldsg20 in #179
- Set version as 1.0.2 by @josedahlquist in #183
- 1.0.2 develop by @josedahlquist in #186
- 1.0.3 develop by @josedahlquist in #191
- fixing btc price load by @ronaldsg20 in #196
- refactor tx-summary no props by @hard75 in #227
- Update README and Unit Tests by @leoiovlabs in #249
- Adding Environment Varibles information by @alexjavabraz in #261
- 1.1.0 to master by @josedahlquist in #265
- Fixes from npm audit by @josedahlquist in #266
- refactor utils main by @hard75 in #246
- change tooltip account by @hard75 in #231
- yellowish change style by @hard75 in #279
- Add CD for Staging MainNet by @juan-rsk in #263
- Update app version to 1.2.0 by @josedahlquist in #311
- Update Fee endpoint response by @ronaldsg20 in #308
- update the allowed browsers message by @alexjavabraz in #319
- Fix balance loader informing subscribers by @ronaldsg20 in #328
- pegin view success update by @hard75 in #304
- Develop by @josedahlquist in #236
Testing improvements
- Hotjar by @hard75 in #141
- Jest test by @hard75 in #224
- Jest test integration by @ronaldsg20 in #245
- Add coverage support for jest by @josedahlquist in #262
- changing the values according the necessary to test by @alexjavabraz in #329
New Contributors
- @leoiovlabs made their first contribution in #249
- @juan-rsk made their first contribution in #263
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0-rc