Collocater is a Python library for retrieving the collocations to be found in a message. The ontology it operates on has been scraped from the Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary.
Collocater can be added as a pipeline component to SpaCy's preprocessing pipeline, so that a messages' collocations can be retrireved the same way its named entities can.
Check out Collocations Finder to learn more about the project.
pip install collocater --no-deps
from collocater import collocater
import spacy
from pprint import pprint
collie = collocater.Collocater.loader()
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
text = "If this isn't a bunch of beautiful flowers I don't know what is!"
doc = nlp(text)
print(doc._.collocs) # returns [bunch of, bunch of beautiful flowers, beautiful flowers]
#Tokens with associated collocations in text:
colls = [(col.text, col.start_char, col.end_char, col.label_) for col in doc._.collocs]
pprint(colls) # returns [
# ('bunch of', 16, 24, 'bunch_noun__prep'),
# ('bunch of beautiful flowers', 16, 42, 'flower_noun__quant'),
# ('beautiful flowers', 25, 42, 'flower_noun__adj')
# ]
#{'beautiful flowers': {'coll_type': 'flower_noun__adj', 'location': [7, 9]},
# 'bunch of': {'coll_type': 'bunch_noun__prep', 'location': [5, 7]},
# 'bunch of beautiful flowers': {'coll_type': 'flower_noun__quant',
# 'location': [5, 9]}}
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.