A full screen terminal in your browser.
You can install the package globally and use it as command line tool:
$ npm i -g web-term
Then, run web-term --help
and see what the CLI tool can do.
$ web-term --help
Usage: web-term [options]
A full screen terminal in your browser.
-P, --pty-options <json> Additional options to pass to the pty library.
-p, --port <port> The web term server port.
-H, --host <host> The host to listen to.
-d, --daemon Start web term as background process.
-c, --cwd <path> The path to the web terminal current working
-K, --key <path> The path to the key file.
-b, --shell <program> The shell program. By default `bash`.
-s, --start <program> The start program.
-C, --cert <path> The path to the certificate file.
-o, --open If provided, the web term will be automatically
opened in the default browser.
-h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
$ web-term # Default behavior
$ web-term -p 8080 # start on
$ web-term -p 8080 -h localhost # start on localhost:8080
$ web-term -d # daemonize
$ web-term -c path/to/some/dir
$ web-term -o # Opens the web-term in the browser
$ web-term -s alsamixer # Opens alsamixer in the browser
$ web-term -C path/to/cert.pem -K path/to/key.pem # https support
Documentation can be found at https://github.com/IonicaBizau/web-term.
For full API reference, see the DOCUMENTATION.md file.
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PayPal donations are appreciated too! Each dollar helps.
Thanks! ❤️
This project is highly based on tty.js
created by @chjj. Thanks a lot for this awesome stuff!
If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list. ✨
—A terminal emulator based on Electron.