All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
search | GET /balanceSheet | [BETA] Get balance sheet (saldobalanse). |
ListResponseBalanceSheetAccount search(date_from, date_to, opts)
[BETA] Get balance sheet (saldobalanse).
# load the gem
require 'tripletex_ruby_client'
# setup authorization
TripletexRubyClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: tokenAuthScheme
config.consumer_token = ENV["TT_CONSUMER_TOKEN"]
config.employee_token = ENV["TT_EMPLOYEE_TOKEN"] = Rails.env.production? ? '' : ''
config.token_expiration_time = Rails.env.production? ? 1.month :
api_instance =
date_from = 'date_from_example' # String | Format is yyyy-MM-dd (from and incl.).
date_to = 'date_to_example' # String | Format is yyyy-MM-dd (to and excl.).
opts = {
account_number_from: 56, # Integer | From and including
account_number_to: 56, # Integer | To and excluding
customer_id: 56, # Integer | Element ID
employee_id: 56, # Integer | Element ID
department_id: 56, # Integer | Element ID
project_id: 56, # Integer | Element ID
include_sub_projects: false, # BOOLEAN | Should sub projects of the given project be included
include_active_accounts_without_movements: false, # BOOLEAN | Should active accounts with no movements be included
from: 0, # Integer | From index
count: 1000, # Integer | Number of elements to return
sorting: 'sorting_example', # String | Sorting pattern
fields: 'fields_example' # String | Fields filter pattern
#[BETA] Get balance sheet (saldobalanse).
result =, date_to, opts)
p result
rescue TripletexRubyClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling BalanceSheetApi->search: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
date_from | String | Format is yyyy-MM-dd (from and incl.). | |
date_to | String | Format is yyyy-MM-dd (to and excl.). | |
account_number_from | Integer | From and including | [optional] |
account_number_to | Integer | To and excluding | [optional] |
customer_id | Integer | Element ID | [optional] |
employee_id | Integer | Element ID | [optional] |
department_id | Integer | Element ID | [optional] |
project_id | Integer | Element ID | [optional] |
include_sub_projects | BOOLEAN | Should sub projects of the given project be included | [optional] [default to false] |
include_active_accounts_without_movements | BOOLEAN | Should active accounts with no movements be included | [optional] [default to false] |
from | Integer | From index | [optional] [default to 0] |
count | Integer | Number of elements to return | [optional] [default to 1000] |
sorting | String | Sorting pattern | [optional] |
fields | String | Fields filter pattern | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined