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VisĂŁo Geral do Projeto

Este projeto é um aplicativo de compra, venda e troca de jogos de tabuleiro usados (board games). A estrutura do projeto foi organizada para garantir modularização, manutenção fácil e expansão futura. O foco principal da arquitetura foi garantir a separação clara entre lógica de negócio, gestão de estado, interface do usuário e a manipulação de dados.

Abaixo está descrita a estrutura do projeto, organizada de acordo com os principais diretórios e suas responsabilidades.

Estrutura de Pastas

1. components

Este diretório armazena componentes reutilizáveis que são usados em diferentes partes da aplicação. É dividido em:

  • buttons: Botões customizados, como big_button.dart.
  • collection_views: Visualizações de coleções, como listas e grades.
    • ad_list_view e shop_grid_view contĂŞm widgets como cartões de anĂşncio, exibição de imagem e ratings.
  • custon_controllers: Controladores para entrada de texto com máscaras ou formatação especial, como valores monetários.
  • dialogs: Diálogos simples para mensagens e perguntas.
  • drawers: Componentes para barra lateral (drawer) do aplicativo.
  • form_fields: Campos de formulário personalizados, incluindo campos com máscaras e senhas.
  • texts: Componentes relacionados a textos longos, como read_more_text.dart.
  • widgets: Componentes diversos, como botões de favoritos, mensagens de carregamento e containers dismissĂ­veis.

2. core

Responsável pelas funcionalidades centrais e comuns à aplicação.

  • abstracts: Classes abstratas que fornecem padronizações, como data_result.dart.
  • config: Configurações gerais da aplicação, como app_info.dart, que armazena dados sobre a versĂŁo do app.
    • theme: Configuração de temas e estilos visuais, como cores e fontes.
  • models: Definições dos modelos de dados do aplicativo (ex.: ad.dart, boardgame.dart). Esses modelos representam os objetos principais do app.
  • singletons: Armazenamento de estados persistentes na aplicação, como app_settings.dart e current_user.dart.
  • state: Classe básica de controle de estado, utilizada por outras telas.
  • utils: Utilitários e extensões diversas para facilitar o desenvolvimento, como mĂ©todos de formatação e validação.

3. data_managers

Contém os gerenciadores de dados do aplicativo. Estes elementos fazem a mediação entre a interface do usuário e os repositórios, carregando e armazenando dados necessários para a operação da aplicação.

  • Inclui arquivos como addresses_manager.dart, boardgames_manager.dart e favorites_manager.dart.

4. features

Este diretório é o mais detalhado, contendo as diferentes funcionalidades da aplicação organizadas por área.

  • addresses: Implementação do cadastro e edição de endereços. Inclui controle de lĂłgica, interface e widgets.
  • chat: Tela de chat (ainda nĂŁo implementado).
  • edit_ad: Funções para criar e editar anĂşncios. Divide-se em controladores de formulário, visualização de imagens e widgets especĂ­ficos.
  • favorites: Tela para exibição dos anĂşncios marcados como favoritos.
  • filters: Controle dos filtros utilizados na pesquisa de jogos, com widgets especĂ­ficos de filtragem.
  • my_account: Inclui várias subfuncionalidades relacionadas Ă  conta do usuário, como boardgames, mechanics, my_ads e my_data.
    • boardgames e mechanics: Gerenciamento dos jogos cadastrados e suas mecânicas.
    • my_ads: Gerenciamento dos anĂşncios do usuário.
  • payment: Implementação do sistema de pagamento.
  • shop: Apresentação dos produtos em grade e detalhes do produto selecionado.
  • signin e signup: Telas de login e cadastro de usuários.

5. repository

Contém os repositórios que interagem diretamente com as fontes de dados.

  • app_data: RepositĂłrios que armazenam preferĂŞncias internas da aplicação, como tema.
  • data: RepositĂłrios que interagem com o servidor Parse Server para dados principais do app.
  • gov_apis: RepositĂłrios que interagem com APIs governamentais, como ibge_repository.dart.
  • local_data: RepositĂłrios que usam SQLite para armazenar dados localmente, reduzindo consultas ao servidor.

6. services

Serviços auxiliares utilizados na aplicação.

  • parse_server: MĂ©todos para interação com o servidor Parse Server.
  • payment: Implementação do serviço de pagamento usando Mercado Pago.

7. store

Esta camada é uma abstração para o banco de dados SQLite.

  • constants: ContĂ©m nomes de tabelas, versões de esquema e scripts de criação/migração.
  • database: ContĂ©m classes para gerenciar, migrar e inicializar o banco de dados.
  • stores: Classes para operações CRUD em tabelas especĂ­ficas, como bg_names_store.dart e mechanics_store.dart.

Boas Práticas e Padrões Utilizados

  • Modularização e Encapsulamento: Cada funcionalidade Ă© separada em subpastas dedicadas, garantindo que a manutenção de um mĂłdulo seja independente dos outros.
  • Separar LĂłgica de NegĂłcio, UI e Controle de Estado: Cada tela (“feature”) Ă© dividida em trĂŞs componentes principais: controller (lĂłgica de negĂłcio), screen (interface de usuário) e store (gestĂŁo de estado e reatividade).
  • Reutilização de Componentes: Componentes compartilháveis estĂŁo localizados na pasta components, tornando-os facilmente reutilizáveis entre diferentes partes do projeto.
  • GestĂŁo de Estado Centralizada: Utilização de stores e singletons, conforme o caso, para gerenciar o estado da aplicação e manter consistĂŞncia.

Considerações Finais

A estrutura apresentada permite uma manutenção eficiente do código, tornando as futuras melhorias ou adaptações mais simples de serem realizadas. Componentes reutilizáveis estão claramente organizados, enquanto os dados, a lógica de negócio e a interface do usuário estão devidamente desacoplados. Desta forma, o projeto está preparado para evoluir em complexidade sem comprometer a sua compreensão ou a qualidade do código.


2024/11/25 - version: 0.7.20+94

This commit updates the SearchDialog widget by replacing the ShopController dependency with SearchFilter, ensuring a cleaner and more modular implementation for managing search filters. However, the bug related to filter state inconsistencies is not fully resolved. Further testing and review are required to address all edge cases.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/shop/widgets/search/search_dialog.dart:
    • Removed the ShopController dependency and replaced it with SearchFilter.
    • Updated the _filterSearch method to use SearchFilter for managing filters.
    • Modified the _filterClean method to reset the filters using SearchFilter.
    • Adjusted ListenableBuilder and filter comparison logic to work with SearchFilter.

Pending work:

  • Investigate potential issues with filter state updates not reflecting correctly in the UI.
  • Test edge cases for the _filterSearch and _filterClean methods to ensure expected behavior.
  • Review integration with other components relying on SearchFilter to avoid regression.


These changes streamline the SearchDialog implementation by delegating filter management to SearchFilter. While the update enhances modularity, the bug is not fully fixed, requiring additional testing and adjustments to ensure stability and correctness.

2024/11/25 - version: 0.7.20+93

This commit introduces multiple changes across the project, including enhancements in the ShopGridView component, creation of new Favorites management modules, refinements in image processing for board games, dependency registrations, and adjustments to controllers and screens for improved state management and modularity.

Changes made:

  1. assets/data/bgBazzar.db:

    • Updated the database binary file with changes reflecting updated data or structure.
  2. lib/components/collection_views/shop_grid_view/shop_grid_view.dart:

    • Replaced the ShopController dependency with ads and getMoreAds for improved modularity.
    • Adjusted methods and properties to work with ads directly instead of the ShopController.
  3. lib/components/widgets/state_loading_message.dart:

    • Extracted a reusable method containerCircularProgressIndicator for generating a loading container.
    • Updated the build method to use the new helper method for better code readability.
  4. lib/components/widgets/state_message.dart:

    • Created a new widget StateMessage to handle various states with customizable messages, buttons, and icons.
  5. lib/core/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Added a guard in init to prevent re-initialization if the user is already logged in.
  6. lib/data_managers/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Enhanced image processing methods to support PNG format with the forceJpg parameter.
    • Renamed _convertImageToJpg to _convertImage for broader format support.
    • Improved image naming standardization logic.
  7. lib/features/favorites/favorites_controller.dart:

    • Created a new FavoritesController to manage favorite items, encapsulating state and logic.
  8. lib/features/favorites/favorites_screen.dart:

    • Integrated the new FavoritesController and FavoritesStore for managing favorites state and UI.
    • Improved state handling using StateMessage and ListenableBuilder.
  9. lib/features/favorites/favorites_store.dart:

    • Added a new FavoritesStore extending StateStore to manage favorites state.
  10. lib/features/payment/payment_controller.dart:

    • Updated init and _initializeController to include BuildContext as a parameter for better context handling.
  11. lib/features/payment/payment_screen.dart:

    • Passed BuildContext to the PaymentController during initialization.
  12. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart:

    • Removed deprecated methods _getAds and _getMoreAds to streamline the code.
  13. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart:

    • Adjusted ShopGridView initialization to pass ads and getMoreAds instead of ctrl.
  14. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Registered BagItemStore as an asynchronous dependency in GetIt.
  15. lib/repository/data/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart:

    • Reorganized method calls for better logical flow during board game updates.
  16. lib/repository/local_data/sqlite/bag_item_repository.dart:

    • Switched to using GetIt for resolving BagItemStore dependency.


These updates enhance the modularity, readability, and maintainability of the project. New modules for managing favorites improve separation of concerns, while changes to ShopGridView streamline its use. Additional refinements in image processing and dependency management ensure greater flexibility and adherence to best practices.

2024/11/25 - version: 0.7.19+92

This commit introduces a robust payment integration flow by transitioning from PaymentPage to PaymentScreen, updating related logic and services, and enhancing the payment brick functionality. Key improvements include refined method signatures, enhanced error handling, and streamlined parameter passing.

Changes made:

  1. lib/app.dart:

    • Renamed PaymentPage to PaymentScreen for better consistency.
    • Updated route logic to include amount as an additional parameter for PaymentScreen.
  2. lib/core/models/bag_item.dart:

    • Added the toMPParameter method to transform BagItemModel into the format expected by the payment service.
  3. lib/features/bag/bag_controller.dart:

    • Added getPreferenceId method for obtaining the payment preference ID via PaymentService.
    • Added calculateAmount method to compute the total amount for a list of items.
  4. lib/features/bag/bag_screen.dart:

    • Integrated the _makePayment method to handle the payment process and navigate to PaymentScreen.
    • Updated UI logic to pass preferenceId and amount as arguments for payment navigation.
  5. lib/features/bag/widgets/saller_bag.dart:

    • Added makePayment parameter to trigger payment flow from the UI.
    • Updated FilledButton to invoke the makePayment method.
  6. lib/features/payment/payment_controller.dart:

    • Updated init method to include amount alongside preferenceId.
    • Enhanced _initializeController with better error logging and URL construction to include amount.
  7. lib/features/payment/payment_screen.dart:

    • Renamed from PaymentPage to PaymentScreen.
    • Updated initialization to include amount and improved state error messaging.
  8. lib/services/payment/payment_service.dart:

    • Renamed getPreferenceId to generatePreferenceId.
    • Updated parameter type from PaymentModel to BagItemModel and aligned with the toMPParameter format.
  9. parse_server/cloud/main.js:

    • Improved error handling and logging in the createPaymentPreference cloud function.
    • Dynamically retrieved the Mercado Pago access token from environment variables.
  10. parse_server/public/payment_page.html:

    • Updated JavaScript to include amount in the initialization and rendered payment brick settings.
    • Enhanced error logging for payment brick rendering.


These updates significantly improve the payment integration process, ensuring a seamless user experience with robust error handling and better parameter management. The transition to PaymentScreen enhances modularity and maintainability across the payment flow.

2024/11/25 - version: 0.7.18+91

This commit enhances the handling of item quantities in the shopping bag, focusing on improving the BagItemModel, updating the bag management logic, and integrating new database methods for item quantity updates. Key changes include a new updateQuantity method, refactored quantity management, and alignment across the data layer.

Changes made:

  1. lib/core/models/bag_item.dart:

    • Refactored quantity to a public field for improved access.
    • Modified increaseQt and decreaseQt methods to return a boolean indicating success or failure.
    • Updated toString and other methods to reflect the changes in quantity.
  2. lib/data_managers/ad_manager.dart:

    • Added documentation for the getAdById method to clarify its purpose.
  3. lib/data_managers/bag_manager.dart:

    • Introduced _loadItems to initialize bag items and synchronize them with the latest ad statuses and quantities.
    • Refined addItem, increaseQt, and decreaseQt to handle item quantity updates more effectively.
    • Enhanced _updateCountValue to dynamically adjust the overall item count.
    • Added comprehensive documentation for key methods.
  4. lib/repository/local_data/interfaces/i_local_bag_item_repository.dart:

    • Added the updateQuantity method to the repository interface for direct quantity updates.
  5. lib/repository/local_data/sqlite/bag_item_repository.dart:

    • Implemented the updateQuantity method to handle quantity updates in the SQLite database.
  6. lib/store/stores/bag_item_store.dart:

    • Added updateQuantity for efficient updates of item quantities in the local database.
    • Enhanced add and update methods with explicit where clauses to improve safety and clarity.
  7. lib/store/stores/interfaces/i_bag_item_store.dart:

    • Introduced the updateQuantity method in the store interface for consistent implementation.


These updates streamline the management of item quantities within the shopping bag. The new updateQuantity method ensures efficient and reliable synchronization between the app's state and the local database. Refined methods and enhanced documentation improve maintainability, setting the stage for future enhancements.

2024/11/23 - version: 0.7.17+90

This commit introduces a comprehensive set of updates to enhance the handling of BagItemModel in the application. Key changes include adding a local repository for bag items, improving error handling, and integrating database functionality with SQFLite. These updates also refine existing models, repositories, and controllers to align with the new structure.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/collection_views/ad_list_view/widgets/ad_card_view.dart:

    • Updated null-safe handling of city and state in AdTextInfo.
  2. lib/core/models/ad.dart:

    • Removed unused static methods for converting mechanics names to IDs.
    • Added new properties (ownerId, ownerName, etc.) to the AdModel.
    • Updated copyWith and toMap methods to support the new properties.
    • Modified the fromMap method to map new fields.
  3. lib/core/models/bag_item.dart:

    • Refactored BagItemModel to include private fields (_ad, _ownerId, etc.) with getters and setters.
    • Added methods to manage item relationships with ads.
    • Updated toMap, fromMap, and copyWith to include new fields and logic.
  4. lib/core/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Introduced BagManager integration for managing user-specific bag items.
  5. lib/data_managers/bag_manager.dart:

    • Added full integration with a local SQLite repository.
    • Implemented initialization logic and database synchronization.
    • Enhanced methods for adding, increasing, and decreasing item quantities with database updates.
  6. lib/features/bag/widgets/saller_bag.dart:

    • Updated references to use the refactored BagItemModel.
  7. lib/features/shop/product/product_controller.dart:

    • Refactored to initialize BagItemModel using the new ad parameter.
  8. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Registered ILocalBagItemRepository and its implementation, SqliteBagItemRepository.
  9. lib/repository/local_data/common/local_functions.dart:

    • Added utility methods for consistent local error handling.
  10. lib/repository/local_data/interfaces/i_local_bag_item_repository.dart:

    • Defined an interface for local bag item repository operations.
  11. lib/repository/local_data/sqlite/bag_item_repository.dart:

    • Implemented SQLite-based repository for bag item management.
  12. lib/store/constants/constants.dart:

    • Defined constants for the bagItemsTable and its fields.
  13. lib/store/constants/migration_sql_scripts.dart:

    • Added a migration script for creating the bagItemsTable.
  14. lib/store/constants/sql_create_table.dart:

    • Introduced methods for creating, dropping, and cleaning the bagItemsTable.
  15. lib/store/database/database_manager.dart:

    • Integrated bagItemsTable creation and reset functionality.
  16. lib/store/stores/bag_item_store.dart:

    • Implemented the SQLite storage layer for bag items.
  17. lib/store/stores/interfaces/i_bag_item_store.dart:

    • Added an interface for the BagItemStore.
  18. lib/store/stores/mechanics_store.dart:

    • Corrected a method log message for consistency.


These changes establish a robust system for managing bag items locally with SQLite, enhancing performance and scalability. They also align models, controllers, and database components with the new structure, ensuring consistency and maintainability. This update sets the foundation for future improvements in bag management features.

2024/11/22 - version: 0.7.17+89

This commit introduces a new AdManager class to centralize advertisement management, enhances the Bag module to integrate ad details dynamically, and refactors the ShopController to utilize AdManager for fetching ads. These changes improve data organization and streamline ad-related operations across the app.

Changes made:

  1. lib/data_managers/ad_manager.dart (New file):

    • Added a new AdManager class to centralize ad-related operations.
    • Implemented methods to fetch ads (getAds and getMoreAds) and retrieve ad details by ID (getAdById).
    • Maintains an internal list of AdModel instances for efficient reuse.
  2. lib/features/bag/bag_controller.dart:

    • Integrated AdManager for retrieving ad details dynamically.
    • Added getAdById method to fetch and manage ad details via AdManager.
  3. lib/features/bag/bag_screen.dart:

    • Added _openAd method to navigate to the ProductScreen using ad details fetched by AdManager.
    • Updated SallerBag widget to handle the new ad opening logic.
  4. lib/features/bag/widgets/saller_bag.dart:

    • Refactored SallerBag to a stateful widget.
    • Added an InkWell around ad images to trigger the _openAd callback for navigating to the ad details screen.
  5. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart:

    • Replaced direct ad fetching logic with AdManager methods.
    • Removed redundant methods (_getAds and _getMoreAds) for cleaner code.
  6. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart:

    • Added a bag icon with a badge displaying the count of items, linking to the Bag screen.
    • Refactored the app bar for improved user interaction.
  7. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Registered AdManager as a singleton in the service locator.
  8. lib/repository/data/interfaces/i_ad_repository.dart:

    • Added getById method to the IAdRepository interface for fetching ad details by ID.
  9. lib/repository/data/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Implemented the getById method to query ad details from the Parse server.
    • Enhanced error handling and response validation.


These updates establish a more cohesive and maintainable structure for managing advertisements. The new AdManager simplifies ad-related operations and eliminates redundant code. The integration of AdManager with Bag and Shop modules improves efficiency and consistency across the app.

2024/11/22 - version: 0.7.17+88

This commit introduces significant refinements to the bag management system, including seller-based grouping, improvements to item operations, and UI enhancements for the Bag screen. The data model has also been updated to better represent advertisement details and improve flexibility.

Changes made:

  1. lib/core/models/bag_item.dart:

    • Added a private _adId field to store the advertisement ID explicitly, decoupling it from
    • Updated the constructor to initialize _adId using adId (if provided) or fallback to
    • Adjusted the toMap method to include _adId for serialization.
    • Modified fromMap to correctly initialize _adId from the serialized data.
  2. lib/data_managers/bag_manager.dart:

    • Refactored _items into a private list for stricter encapsulation of Bag items.
    • Introduced _bagBySeller, a map grouping items by their seller ID (ownerId).
    • Enhanced addItem and _checkSellers to dynamically update _bagBySeller when items are added or removed.
    • Added sellerName to retrieve the name of a seller based on their ID.
    • Updated the total method to calculate the total price for items under a specific seller.
  3. lib/features/bag/bag_controller.dart:

    • Modified items to return a filtered set of BagItemModel instances associated with a given seller ID.
  4. lib/features/bag/bag_screen.dart:

    • Integrated seller-specific logic into the Bag screen, grouping items under their respective sellers using the SallerBag widget.
    • Adjusted the layout to dynamically display seller groups.
  5. lib/features/bag/widgets/bag_sub_total.dart:

    • Updated to accept length (number of items) and total (total price) directly instead of relying on ValueNotifier.
    • Simplified rendering logic for better readability and performance.
  6. lib/features/bag/widgets/saller_bag.dart:

    • Enhanced the SallerBag widget to accept sallerId and sallerName for displaying seller-specific details.
    • Improved layout with card-style design, dynamically listing items associated with the seller.
    • Incorporated BagSubTotal to show a subtotal for each seller’s group.


These updates significantly improve the flexibility and maintainability of the Bag module. By introducing _adId, the advertisement ID is now decoupled from adItem, providing a clearer separation of data concerns. The seller-based grouping enhances the user experience, and the refined widgets improve the Bag screen’s overall usability.

2024/11/21 - version: 0.7.17+86

This commit enhances the AdModel by integrating additional owner details, optimizes the bag management process, and introduces seller grouping functionality in the Bag module. Key changes also include refining Parse server integration and improving the AdsSale validation logic.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/collection_views/shop_grid_view/widgets/ad_shop_view.dart:

    • Removed unnecessary dart:math import.
    • Updated OwnerRating widget to use ownerName and ownerRate instead of and a random integer.
  2. lib/components/collection_views/shop_grid_view/widgets/owner_rating.dart:

    • Replaced starts parameter with note for a clearer rating representation.
    • Removed hardcoded note initialization inside the widget.
  3. lib/core/models/ad.dart:

    • Added new owner-related fields: ownerId, ownerName, ownerRate, ownerCity, and ownerCreateAt.
  4. lib/data_managers/bag_manager.dart:

    • Introduced _sellerIds to track unique seller IDs in the bag.
    • Added _checkSellers method to maintain the list of unique sellers dynamically.
    • Refactored logic in addItem and decreaseQt to call _checkSellers when items are added or removed.
  5. lib/features/bag/bag_screen.dart:

    • Replaced inline item rendering logic with a dynamic seller-based grouping using the new SallerBag widget.
    • Simplified imports for consistency.
  6. lib/features/bag/widgets/saller_bag.dart (New file):

    • Introduced SallerBag widget to group items by seller and display them in the Bag screen.
  7. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart:

    • Ensured is updated with the current user before saving an ad.
  8. lib/features/shop/product/product_screen.dart:

    • Updated UserCard usage to include ownerName, ownerRate, ownerCity, and ownerCreateAt.
  9. lib/features/shop/product/widgets/user_card_product.dart:

    • Added rate parameter to dynamically display the owner’s rating.
    • Adjusted address display to use a single string instead of an AddressModel.
  10. lib/repository/data/parse_server/common/constants.dart:

    • Added constants for new owner fields: keyAdOwnerId, keyAdOwnerName, keyAdOwnerRate, keyAdOwnerCity, and keyAdOwnerCreatedAt.
    • Corrected typo in keyAdBoardGame.
  11. lib/repository/data/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart:

    • Enhanced ad method to parse and populate new owner fields.
    • Added optional full parameter to control whether address and user details are fetched.
  12. lib/repository/data/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Updated save method to include new owner fields in the ad creation process.
    • Enhanced get method with a full parameter to include or exclude related objects.
  13. parse_server/cloud/main.js:

    • Improved AdsSale validation logic to handle missing boardgame references more gracefully.
    • Added conditional logic to skip validation when no boardgame is referenced.


These updates significantly improve the Bag and Ads modules by introducing seller-based grouping, refining owner data integration, and enhancing the validation process. These changes also improve maintainability and prepare the codebase for more robust feature implementation.

2024/11/21 - version: 0.7.17+85

This commit introduces significant enhancements and restructuring within the bgbazzar project. It focuses on replacing the CartManager and CartItemModel with the newly implemented BagManager and BagItemModel. Additional updates include the creation of new screens and controllers for managing the shopping bag, refinements in model handling, and adjustments to address dependencies.

Changes made:

  1. assets/svg/Stars.svg:

    • Updated export filename references for SVG layers to reflect new usage: star_full, star_empty, and star_half.
    • Added modifications to the layer display settings for improved visualization.
  2. lib/app.dart:

    • Added the BagScreen route for navigation.
  3. lib/core/models/bag_item.dart:

    • Introduced BagItemModel to replace the previous CartItemModel, with functionality to handle quantities and pricing logic.
  4. lib/core/models/cart_item.dart (Deleted):

    • Removed the obsolete CartItemModel.
  5. lib/core/models/sale.dart → lib/core/models/sales.dart:

    • Renamed file for consistency in naming conventions.
    • Replaced usage of SaleItemModel with BagItemModel.
    • Simplified item addition and removal logic in the sales model.
  6. lib/data_managers/bag_manager.dart:

    • Introduced BagManager to handle shopping bag logic, replacing CartManager.
    • Added methods to manage bag items, quantities, and total calculations.
  7. lib/data_managers/cart_manager.dart (Deleted):

    • Removed the obsolete CartManager.
  8. lib/features/account/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart:

    • Adjusted to use instead of status.index for ad status management.
  9. lib/features/account/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar_view.dart:

    • Removed commented-out, redundant code to streamline logic.
  10. lib/features/bag/bag_controller.dart:

    • Added BagController for managing the shopping bag state and interaction with BagStore and BagManager.
  11. lib/features/bag/bag_screen.dart:

    • Introduced a new BagScreen for displaying and managing the shopping bag.
  12. lib/features/bag/bag_store.dart:

    • Created BagStore extending StateStore to manage the bag's state.
  13. lib/features/bag/widgets/bag_sub_total.dart:

    • Added widget to display the bag's subtotal with item count and total price.
  14. lib/features/bag/widgets/quantity_buttons.dart:

    • Introduced reusable quantity adjustment buttons for bag items.
  15. lib/features/shop/product/procuct_store.dart:

    • Added ProcuctStore for state management within product-related operations.
  16. lib/features/shop/product/product_controller.dart:

    • Created ProductController to handle product interactions, including adding items to the bag.
  17. lib/features/shop/product/product_screen.dart:

    • Integrated the new bag functionality, including navigation to the BagScreen and adding items to the bag.
  18. lib/features/shop/product/widgets/description_product.dart:

    • Enhanced styling for the product description section.
  19. lib/features/shop/product/widgets/location_product.dart (Deleted):

    • Removed unused LocationProduct widget.
  20. lib/features/shop/product/widgets/sub_title_product.dart:

    • Improved subtitle styling with bold text.
  21. lib/features/shop/product/widgets/title_product.dart:

    • Adjusted title styling for better visibility.
  22. lib/features/shop/product/widgets/user_card_product.dart:

    • Added user location and star rating display for enhanced user interaction.
  23. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Replaced CartManager registration with BagManager.
    • Ensured proper disposal of BagManager.
  24. lib/repository/data/interfaces/i_ad_repository.dart:

    • Updated method parameters to use string-based statuses instead of integers.
  25. lib/repository/data/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart:

    • Adjusted status handling to use string values instead of indices.
  26. lib/repository/data/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Updated ad status and condition handling to use name instead of index.
  27. parse_server/cloud/main.js:

    • Added logic to skip restrictions when using the MasterKey for specific cloud functions.


These changes enhance the maintainability and functionality of the shopping bag system, improve naming consistency, and integrate new features into the product and bag workflows. The updates also streamline state management and ensure alignment with updated project standards.

2024/11/19 - version: 0.7.16+84

This commit introduces enhancements to the star rating display, adds SVG and PNG resources for visual representation, and refines functionality across various components.

Changes made:

  1. assets/images/star_empty.png, star_full.png, star_half.png:

    • Added PNG assets for empty, full, and half stars to support the star rating visualization.
  2. assets/svg/Stars.svg:

    • Added an SVG resource for star shapes, created with Inkscape for vector-based customization and potential export to other formats.
  3. lib/components/collection_views/shop_grid_view/widgets/owner_rating.dart:

    • Adjusted the note variable from 4.5 to 4.2 to demonstrate dynamic star ratings.
  4. lib/components/collection_views/shop_grid_view/widgets/star_rating_bar.dart:

    • Removed the material_symbols_icons dependency for icons.
    • Updated _createRateRow to dynamically generate star ratings using PNG assets for empty, half, and full stars.
    • Added logic to handle half-star ratings by rounding the rate value appropriately.
  5. lib/components/widgets/favorite_button.dart:

    • Updated the icon color logic to conditionally assign null when the ad is not a favorite, improving UI consistency.


This commit enhances the user experience by implementing a dynamic and visually engaging star rating system. The inclusion of SVG and PNG assets ensures flexibility for design adjustments. Additional refinements improve functionality and readability across the codebase.

2024/11/20 - version: 0.7.16+83

This commit enhances several components and features across the project, introducing new widgets, refining functionality, and improving overall maintainability and readability.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/collection_views/shop_grid_view/widgets/owner_rating.dart:

    • Added the import for star_rating_bar.dart.
    • Replaced the manual star rating display logic with the new StarRatingBar widget.
    • Introduced a fixed note value for demonstration purposes.
  2. lib/components/collection_views/shop_grid_view/widgets/star_rating_bar.dart:

    • Added a new widget StarRatingBar to handle dynamic star ratings visually.
    • Implemented a method _createRateRow to dynamically create star icons based on the given rating.
    • Designed the widget for reusability across other components.
  3. lib/components/widgets/favorite_button.dart:

    • Set the icon color to red for the FavoriteStackButton to improve visual feedback.
  4. lib/core/models/ad.dart:

    • Updated the default value for condition in AdModel from ProductCondition.all to ProductCondition.used.
  5. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart:

    • Added _loadBoardgame method to initialize form fields with ad data.
    • Integrated _loadBoardgame into the init method to prepopulate the form.
  6. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_form/edit_ad_form.dart:

    • Adjusted the layout of descriptive text to include ellipsis and max lines for better UX.
  7. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart:

    • Fixed navigation logic by passing the updated ad object when popping the screen.
    • Removed unnecessary debug-related IconButton.
  8. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_store.dart:

    • Added moveImageLeft and moveImageRight methods to handle reordering of images.
    • Refactored addImage and removeImage methods to enhance readability and maintainability.
  9. lib/features/edit_ad/image_list/image_list_controller.dart:

    • Simplified URL validation logic in removeImage by replacing regex with startsWith.
  10. lib/features/edit_ad/image_list/image_list_view.dart:

    • Integrated reordering capabilities into the HorizontalImageGallery widget.
    • Adjusted layout dimensions for better visual consistency.
  11. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart:

    • Modified the widget to utilize EditAdStore for state management.
    • Implemented reordering functionality using the new moveImageLeft and moveImageRight methods from EditAdStore.
    • Enhanced UX by adding icons for reordering and deletion directly on images.
  12. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart:

    • Replaced inline "no ads found" message with the newly created AdsNotFoundMessage widget.
    • Removed redundant imports and comments for cleaner code.
  13. lib/features/shop/widgets/ads_not_found_message.dart:

    • Introduced a new reusable widget AdsNotFoundMessage to display a "no ads found" message.
    • Styled the widget for consistency with the app's design system.


These updates significantly improve code modularity, readability, and user experience. The addition of reusable components like StarRatingBar and AdsNotFoundMessage promotes maintainability, while enhancements to image handling and ad editing functionality streamline workflows for both developers and end users.

2024/11/19 - version: 0.7.16+82

This commit introduces significant enhancements and new functionality across multiple modules, focusing on boardgame and mechanics management, Parse Server integration, and cloud function improvements.

Changes made:

  1. lib/data_managers/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Added delete method to handle the deletion of boardgames from both Parse Server and local repository.
    • Improved error handling for boardgame-related operations.
  2. lib/features/account/boardgames/boardgames_controller.dart:

    • Introduced addBG and removeBg methods to manage boardgame addition and deletion.
    • Enhanced error logging and state handling for boardgame operations.
  3. lib/features/account/boardgames/boardgames_screen.dart:

    • Integrated boardgame deletion confirmation with SimpleQuestionDialog.
    • Refactored editBoardgame and addBoardgame logic for consistency.
  4. lib/features/account/boardgames/boardgames_store.dart:

    • Added updateBGList notifier to track boardgame list updates.
    • Implemented notifiesUpadteBGList method to handle UI refreshes after operations.
  5. lib/features/account/boardgames/widgets/dismissible_boardgame.dart:

    • Created a new widget to handle swipe actions for editing or deleting boardgames.
  6. lib/features/account/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart:

    • Renamed resetMechs to removeMechs for better semantic clarity.
    • Added calls to notifiesUpdateMechList after mechanics operations.
  7. lib/features/account/mechanics/mechanics_store.dart:

    • Added updateMechList notifier to manage mechanics list updates dynamically.
  8. lib/features/edit_ad:

    • Moved AdStatus and ProductCondition state management to EditAdStore.
    • Updated edit_ad_controller.dart, edit_ad_form.dart, and edit_ad_store.dart for improved separation of concerns.
  9. lib/repository/data/interfaces/i_boardgame_repository.dart:

    • Added delete method to the boardgame repository interface.
  10. lib/repository/data/parse_server:

    • ps_boardgame_repository.dart: Implemented delete method for removing boardgames from Parse Server.
    • common/ps_functions.dart: Added createSharedAcl method for public write access to shared items.
    • common/constants.dart: Fixed typo in keyAdBoardGame.
  11. lib/repository/local_data/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Added delete method for local boardgame removal.
  12. lib/store/stores:

    • bg_names_store.dart: Added a delete method to support boardgame removal.
    • interfaces/i_bg_names_store.dart: Updated the interface to include the delete method.
  13. parse_server/cloud/main.js:

    • Added multiple cloud functions:
      • createPaymentPreference: Generates Mercado Pago payment preferences.
      • updateStockAndStatus: Updates stock and marks items as sold when depleted.
      • afterSave for Parse.User: Automatically assigns new users to the user role.
      • beforeSave and beforeDelete for Boardgame: Restricts access to admin users only.
      • beforeSave for AdsSale: Validates the referenced boardgame during ad creation.


These updates enhance the application's robustness by introducing comprehensive boardgame and mechanics management, refining the integration with Parse Server, and adding key cloud function validations. This improves maintainability, security, and user experience.

2024/11/18 - version: 0.7.15+81

This commit enhances the mechanics management module, improves functionality across multiple files, refines code consistency, and introduces new capabilities for local database reset and CSV import. Key updates include adding the CSV library, refining methods, and improving state handling.

Changes made:

  1. assets/data/bgBazzar.db:

    • Updated the binary database file.
  2. lib/data_managers/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Updated image.startsWith logic to check for keyParseServerImageUrl.
    • Added a condition to prevent the deletion of remote files by skipping paths starting with http.
  3. lib/data_managers/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Renamed the method resetDatabase to resetLocalDatabase.
    • Added new methods getMechanics and addLocalDatabase for handling local database operations.
    • Improved exception handling for database operations.
  4. lib/features/account/check_mechanics/check_controller.dart:

    • Integrated the new resetLocalDatabase and getMechanics methods.
    • Introduced loadCSVMechs to import mechanics from a CSV file.
    • Improved error handling and streamlined the mechanics reset process.
  5. lib/features/account/check_mechanics/check_page.dart:

    • Refactored UI structure for better readability.
    • Improved the mechanics count logic and loading state messages.
  6. lib/features/account/check_mechanics/check_store.dart:

    • Added counterMax to enhance state tracking during operations.
    • Updated the resetCount method to initialize the counter value.
  7. lib/features/account/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart:

    • Renamed deleteMech to resetMechs for better semantic clarity.
  8. lib/features/account/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart:

    • Updated the call to resetMechs to align with the renamed method.
  9. lib/features/account/mechanics/widgets/mach_floating_action_button.dart:

    • Adjusted heroTag values for floating action buttons to improve UI state management.
  10. pubspec.lock and pubspec.yaml:

    • Added the csv library (version 6.0.0) to handle CSV file operations.


These updates significantly enhance the mechanics management module by improving local database operations, introducing CSV import capabilities, and refining UI handling. The changes ensure better code readability, state management, and overall maintainability.

2024/11/18 - version: 0.7.15+80

This commit introduces comprehensive updates across various modules, focusing on improving functionality, refactoring code, and adding new features related to payment, cart, and user management.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/drawers/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Removed unused dart:developer import.
    • Deleted a redundant log statement to clean up the logout function.
  2. lib/core/models/ad.dart:

    • Added quantity field to the AdModel class.
    • Implemented toMap, fromMap, toJson, and fromJson methods for serialization.
    • Removed the hidePhone field.
  3. lib/core/models/cart_item.dart:

    • Created a new CartItemModel class for managing items in the cart.
    • Added serialization and deserialization methods.
  4. lib/core/models/payment.dart:

    • Refactored fields to include title, unitPrice, and quantity.
    • Added serialization and deserialization methods.
  5. lib/core/models/sale.dart:

    • Created the SaleModel class to manage sales, including SaleStatus and methods for handling sale items and status updates.
  6. lib/core/models/sale_item.dart:

    • Created the SaleItemModel class to represent items in a sale, including basic fields like title, description, quantity, and unitPrice.
  7. lib/core/models/user.dart:

    • Replaced UserType with UserRole for better naming clarity.
    • Updated serialization and related logic accordingly.
  8. lib/data_managers:

    • Added CartManager to handle cart-specific operations.
    • Enhanced MechanicsManager to support resetting the database.
  9. lib/features:

    • Introduced CartController, CartStore, and CartScreen for cart management.
    • Refactored EditAdController and EditAdForm to include quantity handling.
    • Updated the EditAdStore to remove hidePhone and include quantity.
    • Enhanced CheckMechanicsController to support resetting mechanics.
    • Added error handling and state management improvements in PaymentController.
  10. lib/repository/data:

    • Refactored interfaces and repositories to use DataResult for consistent error handling.
    • Enhanced PSUserRepository to include the removeByEmail method and UserRole handling.
  11. lib/store:

    • Added resetDatabase methods to stores for mechanics and board game names.
  12. parse_server:

    • Created new Cloud Functions for assigning users to roles and managing stock updates.
    • Added support for Payment Brick in the payment_page.html.


These updates enhance the overall functionality, readability, and scalability of the codebase. The introduction of new models and controllers provides better modularization, while the refactorings improve maintainability and robustness.

2024/11/12 - version: 0.7.15+79

This commit enhances the structure and functionality of the ad management features, implementing a more modular and streamlined approach to managing dismissible actions, handling empty states, and renaming the main app entry point.

Summary of Changes:

  1. Renamed Main App Class:

    • lib/my_material_app.dart → lib/app.dart: Renamed MyMaterialApp to App for a simpler, more intuitive app entry point.
    • lib/main.dart: Updated main entry file to reference App instead of MyMaterialApp.
  2. Simplified Dismissible Ad Configuration:

    • lib/components/collection_views/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart:

      • Removed redundant properties (e.g., color, icon, label for dismissible actions).
      • Simplified DismissibleAd instantiation by passing only adStatus.
    • lib/components/collection_views/ad_list_view/widgets/dismissible_ad.dart:

      • Removed individual configuration parameters for each side and replaced them with MyAdsDismissible, which centralizes logic for determining dismissible properties.
  3. Centralized Dismissible Properties Logic:

    • lib/features/my_account/my_ads/model/my_ads_dismissible.dart:
      • Created MyAdsDismissible to handle side-specific properties (color, icon, label, status) based on AdStatus.
      • Consolidates all dismissible configuration in one place, reducing code duplication and improving readability.
  4. Enhanced Empty State Handling:

    • lib/features/my_account/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart:

      • Replaced inlined empty state handling with the NoAdsFoundCard widget for consistent presentation when no ads are found.
    • lib/features/my_account/my_ads/widgets/no_ads_found_card.dart:

      • Added NoAdsFoundCard widget to provide a reusable card UI for empty states with a message and icon.
  5. Removed Unused Code and Improved Naming:

    • lib/features/my_account/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart:

      • Renamed _adPage to _adsDataBasePage for clarity.
      • Cleaned up redundant code related to pagination.
    • lib/features/my_account/my_ads/my_ads_store.dart:

      • Added constants for tab indices and selected tab properties to streamline the tab management in MyAdsStore.
  6. Streamlined Tab Bar View Logic:

    • lib/features/my_account/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar_view.dart:
      • Refactored the tab bar view to remove hardcoded configurations and integrate the new MyAdsDismissible.
      • Updated logic to display NoAdsFoundCard when the ads list is empty.


This refactor optimizes the ad management feature by reducing redundancy, improving naming conventions, and providing a modular approach to handling dismissible actions. The introduction of MyAdsDismissible centralizes logic, making future modifications easier, while the NoAdsFoundCard provides a consistent user experience for empty states.

2024/11/11 - version: 0.7.13+78

This commit refines the ad editing functionality, improves naming conventions, and introduces enhancements in controller and store management. Key changes include renaming the EditAdFormController to EditAdController, adding ad saving functionality, and fixing typos in constants.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_form/edit_ad_form_controller.dart → lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart:

    • Renamed EditAdFormController to EditAdController to improve naming consistency.
    • Added saveAd method to handle the process of saving or updating ads, including error handling and status management.
  2. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_form/edit_ad_form.dart:

    • Updated imports to use EditAdController.
    • Modified EditAdForm constructor to accept the new ctrl (controller) parameter, ensuring consistency.
  3. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart:

    • Updated the ad save function, _saveAd, which now leverages the new saveAd method from EditAdController.
    • Integrated EditAdController into the screen’s lifecycle methods (initState, dispose) to manage state properly.
  4. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_store.dart:

    • Renamed startAd to init for a clearer initialization purpose.
    • Refined removeImage method logic to correctly update images and handle validation.
  5. lib/repository/data/parse_server/common/constants.dart:

    • Corrected typo in keyAdBoardGame constant (was keyAdBoargGame), aligning the naming with conventional spelling.
  6. lib/repository/data/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Updated the setNonNull method to use the corrected keyAdBoardGame constant.


These updates improve the readability and maintainability of the ad editing module. The renaming of classes and methods enhances clarity, while the addition of the saveAd method streamlines the ad saving process. Additionally, the correction in constants prevents potential issues with database field names.

2024/11/08 - version: 0.7.13+77

This commit introduces several enhancements across the board games and mechanics management features, including functionality improvements, bug fixes, and modularization. Key updates include improving board game selection and editing capabilities, refining controller and store structures, and simplifying component usage in mechanics handling.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/my_account/boardgames/boardgames_controller.dart:

    • Modified selectBGId method to be synchronous, enhancing responsiveness in selecting board games.
    • Updated getBoardgameSelected to accept an optional bgId parameter, improving flexibility when fetching specific board game details.
  2. lib/features/my_account/boardgames/boardgames_screen.dart:

    • Enhanced _editBoardgame method to accept a BGNameModel parameter for precise editing of board games.
    • Replaced inline ListTile logic with the new DismissibleBoardgame widget for better UI handling of board game list items.
  3. lib/features/my_account/boardgames/widgets/custom_floating_action_bar.dart:

    • Removed the editBoardgame button, simplifying the floating action button's functionality.
  4. lib/features/my_account/boardgames/widgets/dismissible_boardgame.dart:

    • Introduced the DismissibleBoardgame widget to handle swipe actions on board games, supporting both edit and delete actions with customizable UI.
  5. lib/features/my_account/boardgames/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Refactored references from boardgame to bg to maintain consistency with updated variable names.
  6. lib/features/my_account/boardgames/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_form/edit_boardgame_form.dart:

    • Updated init and setMechanicsPsIds methods to better integrate mechanics with the board game editing form.
  7. lib/features/my_account/boardgames/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_store.dart:

    • Renamed boardgame variable to bg for consistency and streamlined its usage across methods.
  8. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart:

    • Updated init method to remove unnecessary psIds parameter, simplifying initialization logic.
  9. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart:

    • Adjusted constructor parameter selectedPsIds to selectedMechIds to better align with naming conventions.
    • Updated initialization to match the modified MechanicsController structure.
  10. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/mechanics_store.dart:

    • Implemented init method to initialize selected mechanics from a list of IDs, enhancing the store's setup flexibility.
  11. lib/features/my_account/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart:

    • Corrected the init method to properly assign the provided store to the instance variable, fixing initialization issues.
  12. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Modified route argument for MechanicsScreen to use selectedMechIds, ensuring parameter consistency throughout the app.


This commit significantly enhances both the board games and mechanics features by improving initialization flexibility, standardizing variable names, and introducing modular widgets for list items. These updates contribute to a more maintainable codebase and improved user experience.

2024/11/08 - version: 0.7.13+76

This commit introduces several updates to the mechanics feature, including UI enhancements, model functionality improvements, and better modularity in code structure. Notable updates are the addition of the copyWith method to MechanicModel, the implementation of a new MechAppBar and MechFloatingActionButton, and updates to MechanicDialog for edit functionality.

Changes made:

  1. lib/core/models/mechanic.dart:

    • Added a copyWith method to allow easy cloning and updating of MechanicModel instances.
    • Overridden == and hashCode for more reliable equality checks, comparing id, name, and description fields.
  2. lib/data_managers/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Removed an unnecessary log statement to clean up the code.
  3. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart:

    • Added an update method to handle updates to MechanicModel instances, including setting states for loading, success, and error.
  4. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart:

    • Replaced the custom app bar and floating action button with modularized widgets: MechAppBar and MechFloatingActionButton.
    • Added _editMechanic function to allow editing a mechanic by opening MechanicDialog with pre-filled data from the selected mechanic.
  5. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/widgets/mach_floating_action_button.dart:

    • Created MechFloatingActionButton to encapsulate floating action button functionalities, including options to add, deselect, and go back. Access is controlled based on user role.
  6. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/widgets/mech_app_bar.dart:

    • Developed MechAppBar to encapsulate app bar functionalities, including title display, search, hide/show description, and filter selected mechanics.
  7. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/widgets/mechanic_dialog.dart:

    • Updated MechanicDialog to support both add and edit functionalities. Now, when editing, it displays the current values and adjusts button text and icons based on the isEdit state.
    • Adjusted dialog layout to improve usability, including setting padding and customizing dialog shapes.
  8. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/widgets/show_mechs/show_all_mechs.dart:

    • Updated ShowAllMechs to support the new editMechanic callback, allowing items to be edited directly.


These updates enhance the user experience and maintainability of the mechanics feature. By modularizing components and adding edit functionality, the UI becomes more intuitive and flexible, and the code becomes easier to manage and extend.

2024/11/08 - version: 0.7.13+75

This commit refines and extends various database-related classes and dependency registrations, enhancing modularity, initialization control, and error handling. Notable changes include the introduction of initialize methods for deferred asynchronous initialization, interface updates, and error message corrections.

Changes made:

  1. lib/data_managers/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Modified localBoardgameRepository to be a late final variable.
    • Added an asynchronous initialization of localBoardgameRepository within the initialize method.
  2. lib/data_managers/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Renamed _localAdd to _addLocalMechanicData for clarity.
    • Adjusted the error-checking logic to ensure mechanics are only added when the id is null.
  3. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Registered IBgNamesStore and IBgNamesRepository asynchronously with initialize methods to ensure deferred loading.
  4. lib/repository/local_data/interfaces/i_bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Added an initialize method to IBgNamesRepository, enabling asynchronous setup of repositories.
  5. lib/repository/local_data/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Introduced initialize to set up bgNamesStore asynchronously.
    • Updated calls to bgNamesStore methods, replacing previous static calls with instance-based calls.
  6. lib/store/stores/bg_names_store.dart:

    • Implemented initialize to prepare the database instance asynchronously.
    • Transitioned static methods (getAll, add, update) to instance methods, aligning with the IBgNamesStore interface.
  7. lib/store/stores/interfaces/i_bg_names_store.dart:

    • Created a new interface IBgNamesStore, defining methods initialize, getAll, add, and update.
  8. lib/store/stores/mechanics_store.dart:

    • Corrected error log messages to improve consistency and accuracy.
    • Fixed an issue in the delete method, adjusting the where clause syntax for SQL query correctness.


These changes improve the flexibility and structure of the database management modules by introducing asynchronous initialization, refined method naming, and enhanced error handling. These updates will facilitate smoother integration and setup of repositories while promoting a more modular codebase.

2024/11/08 - version: 0.7.13+74

This commit introduces substantial improvements and refactoring to the mechanics-related features, including enhanced modularization, dependency management, and data handling. Additionally, redundant API repositories were removed, and the setup for local repositories and SQLite operations was optimized for better maintainability and performance.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/widgets/base_dismissible_container.dart:

    • Enhanced conditional styling for Icon and Text color properties within the dismissible container based on the enable flag.
  2. lib/data_managers/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Refactored initialize to load the repository asynchronously.
    • Updated getAllMechanics and related methods to use DataResult for consistent error handling.
    • Added a delete method for mechanics with error handling and logging improvements.
  3. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/:

    • check_mechanics files relocated under a consolidated directory.
    • Updated imports across check_controller.dart, check_page.dart, and check_store.dart to reflect new paths.
    • Adjusted UI components to support updated MechanicsStore methods.
  4. lib/features/my_account/mechanics/widgets/show_mechs:

    • Created DismissibleMech widget to encapsulate logic for swipe actions on mechanics with save and delete functions.
    • Split and organized show_all_mechs.dart and show_only_selected_mechs.dart under show_mechs.
  5. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Modified ILocalMechanicRepository registration to use asynchronous initialization for improved dependency management.
  6. lib/repository:

    • Removed unused gov_api repositories (ibge_repository.dart and viacep_repository.dart), streamlining the codebase and reducing external dependencies.
  7. lib/repository/local_data/interfaces/i_local_mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Updated method signatures to return DataResult for enhanced error handling consistency.
    • Introduced an initialize method for repositories requiring setup.
  8. lib/repository/local_data/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Refactored methods to return DataResult for uniform error handling.
    • Integrated _mechanicsStore with asynchronous initialization.
    • Implemented comprehensive error logging and custom DataResult responses.
  9. lib/store/stores/interfaces/i_mechanics_store.dart:

    • Defined a new interface IMechanicsStore for mechanics-related database operations, providing a consistent contract for SQLite operations.
  10. lib/store/stores/mechanics_store.dart:

    • Refactored MechanicsStore to implement IMechanicsStore.
    • Moved SQLite initialization logic to an initialize method and removed static references for better dependency management.
    • Enhanced CRUD methods with error handling and reduced code duplication.
  11. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Updated import paths for check_mechanics/check_page.dart to reflect the new directory structure.
  12. lib/repository/data/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart:

    • Corrected the delete method by updating the table name key, ensuring proper data manipulation on the Parse Server.


This refactor streamlines data management and dependency injection, ensuring more robust error handling and simplified maintenance. The removal of unused API repositories and restructuring of SQLite interfaces significantly reduces technical debt, while the modularized codebase improves readability and scalability. These changes prepare the project for further enhancements and support a cleaner, more manageable architecture.

2024/11/07 - version: 0.7.13+73

This commit enhances the project structure by expanding documentation in the file, reorganizing files related to mechanics and payment, and updating the navigation and import paths accordingly. These changes improve clarity and make the codebase easier to navigate, while the new documentation provides a comprehensive overview for future developers.

Changes made:


    • Expanded project documentation, including an overview, folder structure, and best practices.
    • Added a detailed description of each main directory and its responsibilities, such as components, core, data_managers, features, repository, services, and store.
    • Outlined the modular approach to organizing UI components, state management, and business logic, emphasizing code reusability and maintainability.
  2. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_controller.dart:

    • Moved to lib/features/my_account/mechanics/check_mechanics/check_controller.dart.
    • Updated import paths to point to the new structure for mechanics_manager and core models.
  3. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_page.dart:

    • Relocated to lib/features/my_account/mechanics/check_mechanics/check_page.dart.
    • Updated import paths for widgets, aligning with the new folder structure.
  4. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_store.dart:

    • Moved to lib/features/my_account/mechanics/check_mechanics/check_store.dart.
    • Adjusted imports to reflect the reorganization, including paths for mechanic models and state_store.
  5. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart:

    • Updated import paths to accommodate the new location of check_mechanics/check_page.dart.
  6. lib/features/payment_web_view/:

    • Renamed payment_web_view to payment for simplicity and consistency.
    • Relocated files such as payment_controller.dart, payment_page.dart, and payment_store.dart under lib/features/payment/.
  7. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Updated import paths for payment_page and check_mechanics/check_page to reflect the new directory structure.


The expanded README and structural changes improve the documentation and modularity of the codebase. By clearly defining folder responsibilities and enhancing navigation paths, the project is now more maintainable, with a foundation for efficient future development. The refined structure ensures that components, state management, and logic are properly organized, supporting scalability and ease of collaboration.

2024/11/07 - version: 0.7.12+72

This commit focuses on reorganizing the project's folder structure, renaming files, and updating import paths to enhance the modularity and maintainability of the codebase. The changes consolidate core components, data managers, and UI features, making the structure more intuitive and easier to navigate.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/my_data/my_data_controller.dart:

    • Moved to lib/features/my_account/my_data/my_data_controller.dart.
    • Updated import paths for models, singletons, and utilities, reflecting the new structure in core, data_managers, and components.
  2. lib/features/my_data/my_data_screen.dart:

    • Relocated to lib/features/my_account/my_data/my_data_screen.dart.
    • Adjusted imports to match the updated folder structure and renamed paths.
  3. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart:

    • Updated imports, reflecting renamed paths for BoardgamesScreen, MechanicsScreen, and product widgets.
  4. lib/features/my_account/widgets/config_hooks.dart:

    • Renamed and reorganized imports for AddressesScreen and MyDataScreen, aligning them with the new modular paths.
  5. lib/features/my_account/widgets/sales_hooks.dart:

    • Adjusted import paths for MyAdsScreen and product widgets.
  6. lib/features/my_account/widgets/shopping_hooks.dart:

    • Modified import paths to integrate updated shop/product widgets.
  7. lib/features/payment_web_view/payment_store.dart:

    • Updated import path for StateStore to reflect its new location in core/state.
  8. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart:

    • Moved to lib/features/shop/product/product_screen.dart and adjusted imports to reflect the restructured paths.
  9. lib/features/product/widgets/ (multiple files):

    • Files under widgets were moved to lib/features/shop/product/widgets/ and updated to reference models, themes, and components under core and components.
  10. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart:

    • Updated imports to utilize core and data_managers for app settings, current user, and repositories.
  11. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart:

    • Updated import paths for core singletons, theme components, and renamed collection views, aligning with the new modular organization.
  12. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Reorganized dependency injections to align with the new data_managers and repository paths.
    • Changed AddressManager to AddressesManager in singleton registration.
  13. lib/main.dart:

    • Updated import paths for managers and providers, moving shared preferences and services under app_data and parse_server respectively.
  14. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Updated route names and imports to match the new structure, including paths for screens such as MyAccountScreen, ShopScreen, and BoardgamesScreen.
    • Replaced NewAddressScreen with EditAddressScreen and AddressScreen with AddressesScreen for consistency.
  15. lib/repository/parse_server (multiple files):

    • Moved interfaces and repository files to lib/repository/data/parse_server.
    • Updated all imports for models and abstracts to align with core, and restructured files to reflect the modular setup.
  16. lib/repository/gov_api/ibge_repository.dart:

    • Moved to lib/repository/gov_apis/ibge_repository.dart and updated imports for models to reference core.
  17. lib/repository/gov_api/viacep_repository.dart:

    • Moved to lib/repository/gov_apis/viacep_repository.dart and adjusted imports.
  18. lib/repository/sqlite/ (multiple files):

    • Moved SQLite repositories to lib/repository/local_data/sqlite, consolidating all local data repositories under local_data.
    • Updated imports to align with core and the new paths for interfaces.
  19. lib/services/parse_server_server.dart:

    • Moved to lib/services/parse_server/parse_server_server.dart.
  20. lib/services/payment/payment_service.dart:

    • Updated imports to align with the core structure.
  21. lib/store/database/ (multiple files):

    • Refactored folders within database to include backup, migration, and providers subfolders.
    • Updated imports across files to ensure consistency with the core and data_managers structure.
  22. test/common/abstracts/data_result_test.dart:

    • Updated import path for DataResult to core.
  23. test/common/utils/utils_test.dart:

    • Adjusted import for Utils to reflect the new path in core.
  24. test/repository/ibge_repository_test.dart:

    • Modified import path for ibge_repository.dart to match the new organization under gov_apis.


This reorganization enhances the modularity and clarity of the project's folder structure, separating core logic from feature-specific code and improving maintainability. The new structure facilitates future expansion and simplifies the navigation and management of dependencies within the project.

2024/11/07 - version: 0.7.12+71

This commit focuses on cleaning up and refining the existing codebase of the bgbazzar application. It includes deletions of unused components, renaming classes for better clarity, and making structural changes to enhance code readability and maintainability.

Changes made:

  1. Deleted Files:

    • lib/common/app_constants.dart: Removed unused constants, such as AppPage and appTitle.
    • lib/components/form_fields/custom_long_form_field.dart: Deleted the custom form field widget as part of refactoring the form elements.
    • lib/components/others_widgets/custom_input_formatter.dart: Removed CustomInputFormatter as it was no longer needed in the application.
  2. lib/common/app_info.dart:

    • Updated name from 'xlo_mobx' to 'BGBazzar'.
    • Reformatted privacyPolicyUrl for better readability.
  3. lib/components/form_fields/custom_mask_field.dart:

    • Updated import statements to reflect path changes for consistency.
  4. lib/components/others_widgets/fav_button.dart:

    • Renamed to favorite_button.dart: The class FavStackButton was also renamed to FavoriteStackButton to improve readability.
  5. lib/components/others_widgets/fitted_button_segment.dart:

    • Added detailed documentation to describe the usage and parameters of FittedButtonSegment. This aims to improve the understanding of the component for future developers.
  6. lib/components/others_widgets/image_view.dart:

    • Added detailed documentation to the ImageView widget, describing the logic for image loading and the available parameters, improving code clarity.
  7. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/ad_shop_view.dart:

    • Updated import statement for favorite_button.dart.
    • Replaced instances of FavStackButton with FavoriteStackButton.
  8. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_form/edit_boardgame_form.dart:

    • Replaced CustomLongFormField with CustomFormField, and added a FIXME comment noting the replacement for future refactoring.
  9. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart:

    • Updated the import and usage of FavStackButton to FavoriteStackButton.
  10. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart:

    • Replaced usage of appTitle from app_constants.dart with from app_info.dart to streamline constant references.
  11. lib/features/shop/shop_store.dart:

    • Updated the initialization of pageTitle to use instead of appTitle.


This commit removes redundant components, enhances the code's readability by renaming classes, and updates documentation to improve maintainability. The cleanup also ensures that constants and reusable widgets are organized efficiently, contributing to a more consistent and maintainable codebase.

2024/11/06 - version: 0.7.12+70

This commit introduces several structural changes to improve modularity, reduce redundancy, and enhance clarity within the bgbazzar codebase. It includes refactoring, renaming, and deletion of obsolete components, along with the migration of repository interfaces to more organized locations.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/basic_controller/basic_controller.dart:

    • Deleted the BasicController class as part of streamlining the codebase. This class was no longer necessary after refactoring the controllers.
  2. lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:

    • Removed direct usage of SharedPreferences and replaced it with a dependency-injected IAppPreferencesRepository.
    • Updated the _readAppSettings and _saveBright methods to use the new repository for managing preferences.
  3. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Updated import paths to reflect the new location of i_user_repository within the parse_server directory.
  4. lib/common/singletons/search_history.dart:

    • Removed the SharedPreferences dependency and integrated IAppPreferencesRepository.
    • Changed init and getHistory to use prefs from IAppPreferencesRepository.
  5. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart:

    • Removed dependency on BasicController and replaced it with direct interactions with ads, getMoreAds, and updateAdStatus.
  6. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart:

    • Updated import paths to use the parse_server directory for i_ad_repository.
  7. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart:

    • Updated repository import paths for consistency with new directory structure.
  8. lib/features/favorites/favorite_store.dart:

    • Renamed and restructured shared_preferenses.dart to favorite_store.dart and commented out legacy code to prepare for further modularization.
  9. lib/features/favorites/favorites_controller.dart:

    • Commented out the old implementation of FavoritesController, preparing for a new modular approach.
  10. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart:

    • Removed BasicController inheritance and integrated a new store-based approach for state management.
    • Created a dedicated MyAdsStore for managing state, enhancing separation of concerns.
    • Refactored various methods to use store for handling states such as loading, success, and error.
  11. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart:

    • Integrated MyAdsStore with the UI using ListenableBuilder to listen to state changes.
    • Adjusted initialization to work with the newly refactored controller and store.
  12. lib/features/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar_view.dart:

    • Updated AdListView instantiation to use the new properties ads and getMoreAds from the controller.
  13. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Added registration for IAppPreferencesRepository to GetIt.
    • Updated various repository paths to align with the new organized structure under parse_server and sqlite.
  14. lib/main.dart:

    • Added initialization of IAppPreferencesRepository.
    • Changed the order of initialization calls to ensure dependencies are set up correctly.
  15. lib/manager/address_manager.dart:

    • Updated import paths to reflect changes in repository organization.
  16. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Renamed init method to initialize for clarity.
    • Updated repository import paths.
  17. lib/manager/favorites_manager.dart:

    • Updated import paths to use repositories from the parse_server directory.
  18. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Renamed init to initialize for consistency.
    • Updated import paths for repository interfaces.
  19. lib/repository/share_preferences/app_share_preferences_repository.dart:

    • Created a new AppSharePreferencesRepository class to manage shared preferences using dependency injection. This new approach improves testing capabilities and reduces direct dependency on SharedPreferences.
  20. lib/repository/share_preferences/i_app_preferences_repository.dart:

    • Defined the IAppPreferencesRepository interface to abstract preference management operations, making it easier to replace or mock during testing.
  21. Renamed repository interfaces:

    • Moved repository interfaces from lib/repository/interfaces to lib/repository/parse_server/interfaces, and updated all references to match this change. This reorganization helps in categorizing the different data sources and their responsibilities.


This commit simplifies the code structure by refactoring legacy components, organizing repositories, and separating concerns for better maintainability. The use of dependency injection for shared preferences ensures that future changes in preference management can be handled without impacting multiple parts of the codebase. The improved modularity also facilitates better testing and reduces redundancy.

2024/11/05 - version: 0.7.11+69

This commit refactors various parts of the mechanics feature, significantly simplifying the controller logic by utilizing the newly introduced MechanicsStore class for state management. In addition, several deprecated files were removed, and redundant methods were replaced to improve maintainability and efficiency.

Changes made:

  1. assets/old/bgBazzar.db:

    • Removed the old database file bgBazzar.db.
  2. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart:

    • Replaced MechanicsState with MechanicsStore for managing mechanics.
    • Removed ChangeNotifier and other state-related code, making MechanicsController lighter and more focused on business logic.
  3. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart:

    • Updated to use MechanicsStore for state management instead of the previous MechanicsState approach.
    • Added _removeMechanic method to remove mechanics, which also logs the operation for debugging purposes.
  4. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_state.dart (deleted):

    • Removed MechanicsState and its various states (Initial, Loading, Success, Error).
    • These states are now replaced by the new state management using MechanicsStore.
  5. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_store.dart (new file):

    • Added MechanicsStore to handle the mechanics selection, count, UI flags, and state management.
    • Contains utility methods for selecting/deselecting mechanics, managing UI states, and interacting with MechanicsController.
  6. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/search_mechs_delegate.dart:

    • Updated SearchMechsDelegate to use MechanicsManager directly for fetching mechanics names, removing the need to pass mechsNames as a parameter.
  7. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_all_mechs.dart:

    • Converted ShowAllMechs into a stateful widget to work with MechanicsStore.
    • Integrated the MechanicsStore for managing selections and toggling descriptions.
  8. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_only_selected_mechs.dart:

    • Updated to use MechanicsStore for state management and handling the display of selected mechanics.
    • Replaced static parameter passing with dynamic state updates from MechanicsStore.
  9. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart:

    • Removed duplicate rendering of AdminHooks, ensuring only one instance is displayed on the MyAccountScreen.
  10. lib/repository/interfaces/i_mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Added a new delete(String id) method to IMechanicRepository for deleting mechanics.
  11. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Renamed the delete method parameter from ad to id for better clarity.
    • Modified the _prepareAdForSaveOrUpdate method to use a simpler conditional structure when setting the objectId.
  12. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart:

    • Simplified the _prepareBgForSaveOrUpdate method by optimizing the way ParseObject is initialized.
    • Updated object field setting to use setNonNull to ensure non-null values are handled correctly.
  13. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart:

    • Added a new delete(String id) method to delete a mechanic from the server.
    • Updated _prepareMechForSaveOrUpdate to simplify setting the objectId.


This refactor simplifies the codebase by reducing redundant state management logic and replacing it with a more consistent state management approach using MechanicsStore. The overall maintainability and scalability of the mechanics feature are improved, as the store centralizes all state-related functionalities. Additionally, the removal of deprecated files and redundant methods results in a cleaner and more efficient codebase.

2024/11/04 - version: 0.7.11+68

This commit includes multiple updates and enhancements across various parts of the codebase, focusing on improving the consistency, maintainability, and reusability of the project components. Key changes include the addition of new methods, the replacement of repetitive code with utility functions, the introduction of a new utility class (PsFunctions), and modifications to existing functionalities for better adherence to best practices.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/models/bg_name.dart:

    • Added a copyWith method to create copies of BGNameModel instances with modified attributes.
  2. lib/components/form_fields/custom_long_form_field.dart:

    • Added a FocusNode as an optional parameter to CustomLongFormField for better focus control.
  3. lib/components/others_widgets/state_error_message.dart:

    • Removed margin from the Container widget and added it to the Card widget for better layout control.
  4. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Removed an unnecessary logging statement from the EditBoardgameController.
  5. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_form/edit_boardgame_form.dart:

    • Added a nextFocusNode parameter to CustomLongFormField for smooth focus transitions.
    • Assigned the newly added FocusNode to CustomLongFormField.
  6. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_form/edit_boardgame_form_controller.dart:

    • Added a FocusNode (descriptionFocus) for managing the focus of the description field.
    • Disposed of descriptionFocus in the dispose method.
  7. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Updated _getLocalBgNames to use getAll instead of get for fetching board game names.
    • Modified _sortingBGNames to use a more optimized approach for sorting _localBGsList.
  8. lib/repository/parse_server/common/ps_functions.dart (new file):

    • Introduced PsFunctions class with utility methods: handleError, parseCurrentUser, and createDefaultAcl.
    • These utility methods centralize common operations like error handling, fetching the current user, and creating default ACLs, improving reusability.
  9. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Replaced repetitive code for fetching the current user, handling errors, and creating ACLs with the utility methods from PsFunctions.
    • Removed redundant methods (_parseCurrentUser, _handleError, _createDefaultAcl) that were replaced by the PsFunctions.
  10. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_address_repository.dart:

    • Updated parseAddress object setting by replacing standard set calls with setNonNull to ensure non-nullable fields are consistently handled.
  11. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart:

    • Refactored methods to use PsFunctions for user retrieval, ACL creation, and error handling.
    • Removed redundant implementations (_parseCurrentUser, _createDefaultAcl).
  12. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_favorite_repository.dart:

    • Updated parseFav object setting by replacing standard set calls with setNonNull for consistent handling of non-nullable fields.
  13. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart:

    • Used PsFunctions for common operations, including user retrieval and ACL creation.
    • Removed redundant code (_createDefaultAcl, _parseCurrentUser, _handleError) that has been centralized in PsFunctions.
  14. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_user_repository.dart:

    • Refactored the error handling to use PsFunctions.handleError.
    • Updated user field settings to use setNonNull for improved consistency.
  15. lib/repository/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Renamed method get to getAll to better reflect its functionality and improve readability.
  16. lib/repository/sqlite/local_interfaces/i_bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Updated interface method name from get to getAll to align with the implementation.
  17. lib/store/stores/bg_names_store.dart:

    • Renamed method get to getAll for consistency with the repository and interface changes.


This commit centralizes common functionalities into reusable components (PsFunctions), enhances code clarity, and reduces redundancy. These changes improve the overall maintainability of the codebase, ensuring consistency in error handling, user management, and data access control. Additionally, better focus control in form fields and optimized sorting of board games contribute to a more seamless user experience.

2024/11/04 - version: 0.7.11+66

This commit introduces changes aimed at simplifying the data models and repository architecture, eliminating redundant fields and improving the overall consistency of the code. The modifications streamline the handling of IDs across models, ensuring a more uniform approach for data identification and storage.

Changes made:

  1. assets/data/bgBazzar.db:

    • Updated the binary data of the SQLite database.
  2. assets/data/bgBazzar2.db:

    • Removed the deprecated bgBazzar2.db database file.
  3. lib/common/models/ad.dart:

    • Modified mechanicsString to use instead of mec.psId for consistency with other models.
  4. lib/common/models/bg_name.dart:

    • Removed the bgId field and replaced id type from int to String to align with other models.
  5. lib/common/models/mechanic.dart:

    • Removed the psId field and replaced id type from int to String to standardize data representation.
  6. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Updated isSelected and selectBGId methods to use instead of bg.bgId.
  7. lib/features/boardgame/widgets/search_card.dart:

    • Modified the onTap callback to use instead of bgBoard.bgId.
  8. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_controller.dart:

    • Replaced mech.psId with in the get method for mechanics.
  9. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_page.dart:

    • Updated the display of mechanic IDs to use instead of mech.psId.
  10. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart:

    • Updated isSelectedIndex and toogleSelectionIndex methods to use mechanics[index].id instead of mechanics[index].psId.
  11. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Added imports for i_favorite_repository.dart and ps_favorite_repository.dart.
    • Registered ILocalMechanicRepository and IFavoriteRepository in GetIt for dependency injection.
  12. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Updated references to bgId to use id in methods like _initializeBGNames and _updateLocalDatabaseIfNeeded.
    • Added a comment for better clarity in the _sortingBGNames method.
  13. lib/manager/favorites_manager.dart:

    • Replaced direct use of PSFavoriteRepository with favoriteRepository to decouple the implementation.
  14. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Removed usage of psId in favor of id for mechanics throughout the manager.
  15. lib/repository/interfaces/i_favorite_repository.dart (New file):

    • Created an interface IFavoriteRepository to handle adding and deleting favorites.
  16. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart:

    • Updated parsing logic for BGNameModel and MechanicModel to use id instead of bgId or psId.
  17. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_favorite_repository.dart:

    • Implemented IFavoriteRepository to manage favorite-related operations.
  18. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart:

    • Modified saveMechanic method to use instead of mech.psId.
  19. lib/repository/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Removed setting after adding a new boardgame to the SQLite database.
  20. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Removed setting after adding a new mechanic to the SQLite database.
  21. lib/store/constants/constants.dart:

    • Removed constants mechPSId and bgBgId as they are no longer required.
  22. lib/store/constants/migration_sql_scripts.dart:

    • Removed migration scripts related to mechPSId.
  23. lib/store/constants/sql_create_table.dart:

    • Updated createBgNamesTable to use bgId as a TEXT PRIMARY KEY instead of an auto-incrementing integer.
  24. lib/store/stores/mechanics_store.dart:

    • Removed the mechPSId column from the query in the get method.
  25. pubspec.yaml:

    • Updated version from 0.7.10+65 to 0.7.11+66.


These changes simplify the data structure by eliminating redundant ID fields and aligning all models to use a single id field of type String. This unification improves code maintainability and consistency, while also reducing potential confusion regarding different types of IDs.

2024/11/01 - version: 0.7.10+65

This commit introduces significant updates to the dependency injection setup and several repository classes to improve the consistency and scalability of the codebase. Notable changes include the introduction of new interfaces for repositories and the implementation of dependency inversion to ensure better separation of concerns.

Changes made:

  1. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Added imports for i_address_repository.dart and ps_address_repository.dart.
    • Registered IAddressRepository with PSAddressRepository in GetIt for Parse Server dependencies.
    • Introduced SQFLite Repositories with the SqliteBGNamesRepository registration.
  2. lib/manager/address_manager.dart:

    • Replaced direct use of PSAddressRepository with IAddressRepository to decouple the implementation from the AddressManager.
    • Utilized getIt<IAddressRepository>() to obtain the repository instance for handling CRUD operations.
  3. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Added import for i_local_mechanic_repository.dart.
    • Introduced localMechRepository for handling operations via the local SQLite database.
    • Replaced direct references to SqliteMechanicRepository with localMechRepository to use dependency injection for better scalability.
  4. lib/repository/interfaces/i_address_repository.dart (New file):

    • Created an interface IAddressRepository defining the contract for saving, deleting, and fetching user addresses.
    • Introduced AddressRepositoryException to handle errors related to the address repository.
  5. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_address_repository.dart:

    • Implemented IAddressRepository to provide the address-related functionality specific to Parse Server.
    • Changed methods (save, delete, getUserAddresses) from static to instance methods, aligning them with the interface implementation.
  6. lib/repository/sqlite/local_interfaces/i_local_mechanic_repository.dart (New file):

    • Created an interface ILocalMechanicRepository for handling SQLite operations related to game mechanics.
    • Defined methods for retrieving, adding, and updating mechanics within the local database.
  7. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Updated SqliteMechanicRepository to implement ILocalMechanicRepository.
    • Converted static methods (get, add, update) to instance methods to comply with the interface requirements.


These modifications enhance modularity and flexibility by decoupling specific implementations from the core logic through the use of interfaces. This approach ensures that future changes in the repository implementations are less intrusive, thus promoting easier testing and maintenance.

2024/11/01 - version: 0.7.10+64

This commit introduces several key changes to enhance the maintainability of the boardgame application, focusing on improving local storage handling, modularizing state management, and refining UI elements.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Updated the getter for the list of board games (bgs) to reference bgManager.localBGList instead of bgManager.bgs.
  2. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Added logic to check if is null to decide whether to update an existing board game or save a new one.
  3. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_form/edit_boardgame_form.dart:

    • Wrapped the ImageView widget in a ClipRRect with a border radius of 12 to add rounded corners, enhancing UI consistency.
  4. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Removed redundant import of ps_ad_repository.dart.
    • Added a new import for bg_names_repository.dart and registered IBgNamesRepository to enhance dependency management.
  5. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Refactored the board game manager to use a new local SQLite repository (IBgNamesRepository) for managing board game names.
    • Added methods to handle initialization, saving, updating, and local database synchronization.
    • Modularized image processing logic to make board game saving and updating more consistent and maintainable.
  6. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_user_repository.dart:

    • Introduced _handleError method for centralized error logging and handling.
  7. lib/repository/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Implemented the IBgNamesRepository interface, including get, add, and update methods for board game names.
  8. lib/repository/sqlite/local_interfaces/i_bg_names_repository.dart (new file):

    • Created an interface (IBgNamesRepository) to standardize SQLite operations for board game names, ensuring modularity and testability.


These updates improve the consistency of state management, enhance the user experience with improved UI elements, and standardize the handling of local board game names. The refactoring also modularizes the code, making future updates easier to manage and enhancing error handling across the application.

2024/11/01 - version: 0.7.10+63

This commit introduces multiple updates to improve code modularity, maintainability, and add new features to the boardgame application. Changes include modifications to build configurations, models, form fields, new feature additions, and the refactoring of various components and screens.

Changes made:

  1. android/app/build.gradle:

    • Enabled configurations for code shrinking, obfuscation, and optimization in release builds.
    • Added rules to use for ProGuard settings.
    • Added comments to clarify configurations that are not part of the official documentation, to assist with potential troubleshooting in production.
  2. android/app/

    • Created a new ProGuard configuration file with a rule to keep the androidx.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleObserver class.
  3. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart:

    • Removed the views property from BoardgameModel.
    • Added a factory constructor BoardgameModel.clean() to return a default, clean instance of the model.
    • Introduced copyWith method to enable easy cloning and modification of BoardgameModel instances.
  4. lib/components/form_fields/custom_long_form_field.dart:

    • Added onChanged callback to CustomLongFormField for flexibility in form interactions.
    • Updated the onChanged function to use the provided onChanged callback directly.
  5. lib/components/form_fields/custom_names_form_field.dart:

    • Added onChanged and updated the onSubmitted callback to pass the current value.
    • Updated onChanged to use the provided callback directly.
  6. lib/components/others_widgets/spin_box_field.dart:

    • Added onChange callback to handle changes in the spin box values.
    • Updated _increment and _decrement methods to call _updateOnChange whenever values are adjusted.
  7. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart:

    • Replaced the OverflowBar for Floating Action Buttons with a new CustomFloatingActionBar widget to improve code reuse and consistency.
  8. lib/features/boardgame/widgets/custom_floating_action_bar.dart (new file):

    • Introduced a new widget CustomFloatingActionBar to manage the floating action buttons for boardgame operations.
  9. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart.old (deleted):

    • Removed old and unused file edit_ad_controller.dart.old to clean up the project.
  10. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Refactored EditBoardgameController to decouple the state management from the controller logic.
    • Integrated EditBoardgameStore to handle stateful logic, improving separation of concerns.
  11. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_form/edit_boardgame_form.dart (new file):

    • Created a new EditBoardgameForm widget to encapsulate the form fields and related logic for editing a boardgame.
  12. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_form/edit_boardgame_form_controller.dart (new file):

    • Created a new controller EditBoardgameFormController to manage the logic for EditBoardgameForm, providing better modularity.
  13. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_screen.dart:

    • Updated to use EditBoardgameForm and CustomFilledButton, enhancing maintainability by breaking down responsibilities.
  14. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_state.dart (deleted):

    • Removed the obsolete state management file in favor of using the new EditBoardgameStore.
  15. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_store.dart (new file):

    • Added EditBoardgameStore to handle the boardgame state, including validation and status tracking for editing operations.
  16. lib/features/edit_boardgame/get_image/get_image.dart (new file):

    • Added a new widget GetImage to handle image selection, allowing users to either input a path manually or pick a file using a dialog.
    • Includes functionality for picking local files via the FilePicker package.
  17. lib/features/edit_boardgame/widgets/custom_filled_button.dart (new file):

    • Introduced CustomFilledButton widget to provide a consistent styled button for actions throughout the boardgame edit flow.
  18. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart:

    • Updated the Floating Action Buttons to provide a consistent layout, replacing the OverflowBar with individual Padding widgets for better spacing control.
  19. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Registered IBoardgameRepository with PSBoardgameRepository for dependency injection, enhancing the consistency of repository management.
  20. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Updated to use IBoardgameRepository instead of directly accessing PSBoardgameRepository.
    • Improved dependency injection and separation of concerns.
  21. lib/repository/interfaces/i_ad_repository.dart:

    • Added detailed comments to document each method, clarifying their purpose and expected behavior for maintainability.
  22. lib/repository/interfaces/i_boardgame_repository.dart (new file):

    • Created an interface for IBoardgameRepository to define the contract for managing boardgame data, promoting modularity and testability.
  23. lib/repository/interfaces/i_mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Added comprehensive documentation for all methods to improve code clarity and ease of use.
  24. lib/repository/parse_server/common/constants.dart:

    • Removed keyBgViews as it is no longer needed in the updated BoardgameModel.
  25. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart:

    • Updated ParseToModel.boardgameModel() to remove the mapping for views since it is no longer part of the model.
  26. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Removed redundant comments and added new error handling to the delete() method for better consistency.
  27. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart:

    • Implemented IBoardgameRepository interface and refactored methods for better consistency and error handling.
    • Added private helper methods to modularize repetitive tasks such as creating ACLs and preparing ParseObject instances.
  28. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart:

    • Improved code documentation, modularized methods for ACL creation and current user fetching, and enhanced error handling.
  29. pubspec.yaml:

    • Added file_picker dependency (version 8.1.3) to support local file selection.
  30. pubspec.lock:

    • Updated to include the file_picker package (version 8.1.3).


These changes improve the maintainability and modularity of the boardgame application, making it easier to manage forms, UI components, and state. The addition of new callbacks provides greater flexibility, while the refactoring ensures that state management is more streamlined and separated from UI logic.

2024/10/31 - version: 0.7.09+62

This commit refactors and enhances several UI components and navigation flows, with a focus on improving code reuse, consistency, and user interaction. These updates primarily affect form submission behaviors and the handling of navigation within the app.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Added a setPageTitle callback parameter to improve flexibility when updating the page title after drawer interaction.
    • Modified _navAccountScreen method to use the new setPageTitle callback.
  2. lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart:

    • Enhanced the onFieldSubmitted method to advance focus to the next form field, ensuring a smoother form filling experience.
  3. lib/components/form_fields/password_form_field.dart:

    • Updated onFieldSubmitted to advance focus to the next form field and call onFieldSubmitted if it is not null, similar to custom_form_field.dart.
  4. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart:

    • Renamed navToLoginScreen to _navToLoginScreen to reflect private method naming conventions.
    • Updated drawer instantiation to pass the setPageTitle function instead of directly using the controller method.
    • Refactored floating action button behavior to use _navToLoginScreen method.
  5. lib/features/signin/signin_screen.dart:

    • Refactored UI to include a new BigButton for login action and moved the registration button into a more accessible area.
    • Simplified the form and navigation flow for better usability.
  6. lib/features/signin/widgets/signin_form.dart:

    • Converted SignInForm from a StatelessWidget to a StatefulWidget to manage FocusNode for better form control.
    • Added nextFocusNode parameter to the email field to improve user experience.
    • Moved the password field's submission behavior to advance focus and initiate login.
  7. lib/features/signup/signup_screen.dart:

    • Renamed signupUser method to _signupUser to follow private method naming conventions.
    • Commented out and removed social media registration buttons (e.g., Facebook) for simplification.
  8. lib/features/signup/widgets/signup_form.dart:

    • Converted SignUpForm from a StatelessWidget to a StatefulWidget to manage FocusNode.
    • Added focus control between password and confirm password fields, allowing for smoother form navigation.
    • Moved the "Sign Up" button to the main SignUpScreen for better separation of concerns.


The changes introduced in this commit significantly enhance the user experience when interacting with forms by improving focus management and simplifying navigation. Additionally, UI refactorings ensure a consistent look and feel across the application, while adhering to best practices for code organization and reuse.

2024/10/30 - version: 0.7.09+61

This commit introduces several important refactorings and improvements across multiple files in the Parse server repositories, focusing on modularizing error handling, refining query logic, and optimizing code readability and maintainability.

Changes made:

  1. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart:

    • Added ParseObjectExtensions extension to allow setting non-null fields on ParseObject using the setNonNull method.
  2. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Updated moveAdsAddressTo method to perform multiple ad updates in parallel using Future.wait, improving efficiency.
    • Refactored adsInAddress, updateStatus, getMyAds, get, save, and update methods to use a more consistent error handling approach with _handleError.
    • Introduced new helper methods _parseCurrentUser, _parseAddress, _parseBoardgame, _createDefaultAcl, _prepareAdForSaveOrUpdate, and _handleError to modularize repetitive logic, improve code readability, and facilitate reuse.
    • Modified _saveImages to return directly as a list of ParseFile objects instead of wrapping the result in a DataResult, and refactored it for clarity and simplicity.
    • Added _prepareAdForSaveOrUpdate to centralize ad creation or update logic, using setNonNull for all fields to prevent unnecessary null checks.
    • Created new methods to generate ParseObject representations of address and board game (_parseAddress, _parseBoardgame) to improve maintainability.
  3. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_user_repository.dart:

    • Renamed parameter message to module in _handleError method to standardize error handling parameters and improve log clarity.


These changes enhance the modularity and maintainability of the code by encapsulating repeated logic into well-defined helper methods and extensions. Additionally, the adoption of batch updates and parallelism in operations significantly improves performance, while consistent error handling across the repository ensures better error tracking and debugging.

2024/10/30 - version: 0.7.09+60

This commit focuses on the restructuring and refactoring of the advertisement and board game models, as well as the migration from PSAdRepository to the use of a repository interface (IAdRepository). It also includes improvements to state management in the editing advertisements flow, specifically targeting modularity and reusability.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/models/ad.dart:

    • Removed attributes related to board game details (yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, minplaytime, maxplaytime, age, designer, artist), and moved them to the BoardgameModel to enhance modularity.
    • Replaced mechanicsPSIds with mechanicsIds to unify the naming convention.
    • Adjusted constructors, copy methods, and properties to reflect these changes.
    • Updated the toString method to reflect the removal of board game details, simplifying the output.
  2. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart:

    • Renamed the bgId attribute to id to maintain consistency throughout the codebase.
    • Updated all references to bgId in related classes and methods to id to ensure consistency.
  3. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart and lib/features/address/address_screen.dart:

    • Replaced PSAdRepository with IAdRepository via dependency injection (getIt<IAdRepository>()), enhancing flexibility and testing capabilities.
    • Updated method calls to use the injected adRepository instance instead of directly referencing PSAdRepository.
  4. lib/features/edit_ad/:

    • Removed edit_ad_controller.dart and edit_ad_form/edit_ad_form_store.dart, consolidating their responsibilities into edit_ad_store.dart and edit_ad_form.dart to simplify the flow.
    • Updated edit_ad_form_controller.dart and edit_ad_store.dart to integrate new methods for handling the BoardgameModel and ensure smoother state transitions.
    • Added detailed error handling and validation in EditAdStore for fields like images, price, and address to improve user input management.
    • Replaced deprecated and redundant attributes (mechanicsPSIds, imagesLength, etc.) with more dynamic value notifiers, improving state management.
    • Modified the logic for setting board game information in EditAdStore to utilize the new BoardgameModel reference, centralizing board game details.
  5. lib/features/edit_ad/image_list/:

    • Refactored image_list_controller.dart and deleted image_list_store.dart, simplifying image management for advertisements.
    • Introduced new logic in ImagesListView to handle dynamic image updates and user feedback, such as minimum image requirements.
    • Updated HorizontalImageGallery to remove redundant parameters and make use of the new EditAdStore for image handling, streamlining the workflow.
  6. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Updated the attribute bgId to id for consistency in board game management.
    • Adjusted the logic for saving board game details to reflect the attribute name change, ensuring all related operations are updated.
  7. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart and lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart:

    • Updated all references from PSAdRepository to IAdRepository to maintain the new abstraction layer.
    • Leveraged getIt<IAdRepository>() for better dependency handling, ensuring all references are updated consistently.
    • Modified methods like _getAds, _getMoreAds, and _updateAdStatus to use the injected repository interface, enhancing code flexibility.
  8. lib/repository/interfaces/i_ad_repository.dart:

    • Created the IAdRepository interface to define methods like moveAdsAddressTo, adsInAddress, updateStatus, getMyAds, get, save, update, and delete, ensuring consistency in ad data operations.
    • Documented each method to provide clarity on its intended use and expected parameters, facilitating future maintenance and extension.
  9. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Implemented IAdRepository interface methods in PSAdRepository to conform to the newly introduced abstraction.
    • Added the relationship between AdModel and BoardgameModel to maintain integrity when saving and updating advertisements.
    • Updated methods like save and update to utilize ParseObject relationships for the board game, ensuring proper linkage between ads and their related board games.
    • Removed redundant attributes (yearpublished, minplayers, etc.) from the Parse save logic, centralizing these details in the BoardgameModel.
  10. lib/repository/parse_server/common/constants.dart and parse_to_model.dart:

    • Removed constants related to board game attributes from the AdModel and added keyAdBoargGame to reflect new data handling.
    • Updated parsing logic to support new relationships between ads and board games, ensuring that board game details are properly retrieved and associated with the advertisement model.
    • Modified the ParseToModel utility to handle the nested BoardgameModel within AdModel, enhancing the separation of concerns and improving data integrity.


The refactoring enhances code modularity and maintainability by separating concerns between advertisements and board games. The migration to repository interfaces (IAdRepository) paves the way for better testing and future extensibility, while the improvements in state management contribute to a more predictable and user-friendly experience. This detailed restructuring also reduces redundancy, centralizes board game attributes, and enhances overall code readability and scalability.

2024/10/30 - version: 0.7.09+59

This commit introduces significant refactoring and structural improvements in the codebase, focusing on the EditAd feature. The changes enhance maintainability, readability, and efficiency while optimizing form and controller handling.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/models/ad.dart:

    • Renamed mechanicsId to mechanicsPSIds for clarity.
    • Added a get mechanicsString method for fetching mechanics as a formatted string using MechanicsManager.
    • Added a copyWith method to simplify the creation of modified copies of AdModel.
  2. lib/common/others/validators.dart:

    • Updated the name validation to check if the value length is at least 3 characters.
  3. lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart:

    • Added initialValue parameter to CustomFormField.
  4. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart:

    • Simplified the controller by removing redundant methods and keeping only essential attributes.
  5. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart:

    • Refactored to use the newly structured EditAdForm, eliminating the controller dependency and simplifying the form handling.
  6. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart:

    • Renamed to edit_ad_form.dart.
    • Reworked form fields to use dedicated controllers (nameController, descriptionController, etc.).
    • Implemented proper disposal of controllers to prevent memory leaks.
  7. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart:

    • Updated the icon to Symbols.add_a_photo_rounded for a more modern UI.
  8. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_screen.dart:

    • Updated floating action buttons (FAB) to use OverflowBar instead of individual FABs for a better user interface.
  9. Refactor Controllers and Stores:

    • Created separate controllers (EditAdFormController, ImageListController) and stores (EditAdFormStore, ImageListStore) for better separation of concerns.
    • Moved image handling logic to ImageListController and store state to ImageListStore.
    • Introduced EditAdFormController and EditAdFormStore for managing form data and state within the EditAd feature.
  10. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart:

    • Updated references from mechanicsId to mechanicsPSIds for consistency.
  11. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart:

    • Modified the save and update methods to use mechanicsPSIds instead of mechanicsId.


This refactoring enhances modularity, making the codebase more organized and maintainable. Controllers and stores have been separated for better control and state management, which also helps in reducing side effects and improving testing capabilities.

2024/10/29 - version: 0.7.09+58

This commit refactors the EditAd feature, introducing improvements in code structure and component reuse, as well as updating validation logic for better error handling and consistency in form management. Additionally, minor UI improvements have been made to enhance the user experience.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart:

    • Removed unnecessary dispose() method, as it was empty and redundant.
  2. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart:

    • Updated import from widgets/ad_form.dart to widgets/edit_ad_form.dart.
    • Removed dispose() call on ctrl since the controller no longer requires disposal.
  3. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_store.dart:

    • Updated _validateDescription(), _validateAddress(), and _validatePrice() methods to ensure values are not null before validating their lengths.
    • Added a resetStore() method to reset all form validation error messages and image length.
  4. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart:

    • Renamed file to edit_ad_form.dart and updated the class to EditAdForm for better naming consistency.
    • Added controllers for form fields (nameController, descriptionController, etc.) to manage state directly within the form.
    • Implemented dispose() method to properly dispose of all controllers to prevent memory leaks.
    • Updated form fields to use respective controllers for better control over user input.
  5. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart:

    • Updated the icon in the "add image" button to use Icons.add_a_photo_rounded for a more modern appearance.
    • Removed the "+ inserir" text from the button for a cleaner UI.
  6. lib/features/signup/signup_screen.dart:

    • Simplified the _navLogin() method by consolidating the Navigator.pushNamed() call into a single line for readability.


This commit enhances the maintainability of the EditAd feature by restructuring its components for consistency and eliminating redundancy. The improvements in validation logic ensure robust error handling, while the added controllers in EditAdForm improve input management. The minor UI adjustments provide a more streamlined user experience.

2024/10/29 - version: 0.7.08+57

This commit refactors the code to enhance modularity, consistency, and manageability by introducing a new store class, renaming files, and updating controllers to remove redundancy. The changes focus on improving the architecture, including the management of state and dependency injection across various components.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Updated the import path for IUserRepository from 'iuser_repository.dart' to 'i_user_repository.dart' for better readability and consistency.
  2. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/shop_grid_view.dart:

    • Replaced the use of BasicController with ShopController for better specificity in managing shop-related state and logic.
  3. lib/features/favorites/favorites_screen.dart:

    • Updated the import paths for ShopController and ShopStore.
    • Replaced FavoritesController with ShopController and added ShopStore to manage state.
    • Updated AnimatedBuilder to use store.state instead of ctrl.
  4. lib/features/my_data/my_data_controller.dart:

    • Updated the import path for IUserRepository.
  5. lib/features/payment_web_view/payment_web_view_page.dart:

    • Renamed the file to payment_page.dart.
    • Renamed PaymentWebViewPage class to PaymentPage and added a static route name for easier navigation.
  6. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart:

    • Removed inheritance from BasicController.
    • Replaced BasicState management with ShopStore to handle the loading, success, and error states.
    • Consolidated and simplified methods for managing page title and shop data.
  7. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart:

    • Added ShopStore to manage the state of ShopController.
    • Replaced AnimatedBuilder with ListenableBuilder to use the store state directly.
    • Updated methods to use store for state management and clean disposal.
  8. lib/features/shop/shop_store.dart:

    • Created a new ShopStore class to encapsulate state management for the shop feature.
    • Added methods to handle page title, loading, and success/error state transitions.
  9. lib/features/signin/signin_controller.dart & lib/features/signup/signup_controller.dart:

    • Updated the import paths for IUserRepository for consistency.
  10. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Removed ShopController from dependency registration to align with its updated instantiation in individual screens.
    • Updated repository interface import paths to maintain consistency.
    • Updated repository class names (PSUserRepository and PSMechanicsRepository) for better readability.
  11. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Updated the import path for IMechanicRepository.
  12. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Added routing for PaymentPage to facilitate navigation by passing a preferenceId.
  13. lib/repository/interfaces/imechanic_repository.dart & iuser_repository.dart:

    • Renamed files to i_mechanic_repository.dart and i_user_repository.dart for improved consistency in naming conventions.
  14. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart & ps_user_repository.dart:

    • Renamed classes to PSMechanicsRepository and PSUserRepository to maintain consistency with other repository class names.
    • Updated the import paths for the respective interfaces.


These changes refactor the codebase to improve maintainability, modularity, and state management. The introduction of ShopStore decouples state handling from the controller, allowing for a cleaner separation of concerns. The file renaming and dependency registration changes improve readability and align the project structure with best practices for naming conventions. This refactoring paves the way for easier scalability and enhanced consistency across the codebase.

2024/10/29 - version: 0.7.07+56

This commit introduces a new payment integration module using Mercado Pago Bricks and WebView, along with various updates to existing code and new functionalities. The focus of this update is to enhance the payment flow, improve error handling, and add new features for better user experience in managing payments and mechanics checks.

Changes made:

  1. docs/

    • Added new documentation detailing the integration of Mercado Pago Bricks using Parse Server Cloud Code and WebView in Flutter.
    • Explained the general integration strategy, usage of specific Bricks, and considerations for security and implementation.
  2. lib/common/abstracts/data_result.dart:

    • Added a new TimeoutFailure class to represent a failure due to timeout when making API calls.
  3. lib/common/models/payment.dart:

    • Introduced a new PaymentModel class containing fields for amount, description, and quantity to encapsulate payment information.
  4. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_page.dart:

    • Updated app bar title from 'Restaurar Mecânicas' to 'Verificar Mecânicas'.
    • Added dispose() method to properly dispose of store when the page is destroyed.
  5. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_store.dart:

    • Added count.dispose() to the dispose() method to ensure proper cleanup of resources.
  6. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart:

    • Updated title text from 'Restaurar Mecânicas' to 'Verificar Mecânicas'.
  7. lib/features/payment_web_view/payment_controller.dart:

    • Added a new PaymentController class to manage the interaction with WebView for payment processing.
    • Set up navigation delegates to handle page progress, resource errors, and control navigation to ensure a secure and user-friendly payment experience.
  8. lib/features/payment_web_view/payment_store.dart:

    • Added a new PaymentStore class that extends StateStore to manage state during payment processing in the PaymentWebView.
  9. lib/features/payment_web_view/payment_web_view_page.dart:

    • Created a new PaymentWebViewPage widget to handle displaying the payment process using WebView.
    • Utilized ValueListenableBuilder to manage loading, success, and error states during payment.
  10. lib/services/payment/payment_service.dart:

    • Added a new PaymentService class to handle interactions with the Parse Server's Cloud Code for payment preferences.
    • Implemented getPreferenceId() method to request a preference ID from the Parse Cloud Function, with proper error handling, including timeout.
  11. pubspec.yaml & pubspec.lock:

    • Added webview_flutter package version ^4.10.0 to integrate WebView for the payment functionality.


This commit significantly enhances the payment integration flow by utilizing Mercado Pago Bricks and a WebView approach for a secure and user-friendly experience. The added abstractions for payment models, services, and state management provide a more modular and maintainable structure for handling payments. Furthermore, proper error handling mechanisms were introduced to improve the robustness of the codebase during API interactions.

2024/10/28 - version: 0.7.06+55

This commit brings several updates and enhancements to the application, focusing on new features, bug fixes, and improvements to maintainability, UI consistency, and underlying infrastructure changes.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/models/user.dart:

    • Corrected a typo: renamed createAt to createdAt for consistency.
    • Refactored the UserModel class, replacing the copyFromUserModel method with copyWith to make object modifications more flexible and idiomatic.
  2. lib/components/others_widgets/state_count_loading_message.dart:

    • Added a new widget called StateCountLoadingMessage for displaying loading progress with a counter, improving the user feedback during lengthy operations.
  3. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart:

    • Updated the selectAddress method to toggle selection when the address is already selected.
    • Fixed a typo in method name: corrected seSelectedAddressName to setSelectedAddressName.
  4. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart:

    • Replaced some material icons with MaterialSymbols for consistency.
    • Refactored AnimatedBuilder to ListenableBuilder to simplify state listening.
    • Updated the background color of selected address cards for better UI distinction.
  5. lib/features/address/address_store.dart:

    • Fixed typo in method name: corrected seSelectedAddressName to setSelectedAddressName.
  6. lib/features/check_mechanics/check_controller.dart, lib/features/check_mechanics/check_page.dart, lib/features/check_mechanics/check_store.dart:

    • Added new classes: CheckController, CheckPage, and CheckStore to manage the process of checking and restoring game mechanics data.
    • Implemented methods for comparing local mechanics data against the server, providing error handling and progress tracking.
  7. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart:

    • Adjusted the order of widgets: duplicated AdminHooks to conditionally render based on user type.
    • Improved widget alignment for better user experience.
  8. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart:

    • Added a new option "Restore Mechanics" for admins, linking to the newly added CheckPage.
  9. lib/features/my_account/widgets/config_hooks.dart:

    • Updated the labels for configuration items to be more concise.
  10. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart:

    • Updated property references to match the new naming convention (createdAt).
  11. lib/features/signin/signin_screen.dart:

    • Changed routeName from /login to /signin to better reflect the purpose of the page.
  12. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Registered the IMechanicRepository dependency, mapping it to ParseServerMechanicsRepository.
    • Enhanced dependency injection setup to align with new architecture changes.
  13. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart:

    • Replaced calls to BGNamesRepository with SqliteBGNamesRepository to enhance repository naming clarity.
  14. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Added support for IMechanicRepository using dependency injection via getIt.
    • Implemented additional methods for managing mechanics (update, get) to handle various CRUD operations.
  15. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Added route for CheckPage.
  16. lib/repository/interfaces/imechanic_repository.dart:

    • Created a new interface IMechanicRepository defining common methods for mechanic data operations.
  17. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart:

    • Implemented IMechanicRepository.
    • Added more robust error handling and refactored CRUD methods to align with the repository pattern.
  18. lib/repository/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart:

    • Renamed class from BGNamesRepository to SqliteBGNamesRepository for clarity.
  19. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Renamed class from MechanicRepository to SqliteMechanicRepository to differentiate between repositories more clearly.
  20. pubspec.yaml, pubspec.lock:

    • Updated dependencies (get_it, flutter_dotenv, flutter_lints) to the latest versions.
    • Added a new dependency: material_symbols_icons for a consistent UI icon set.


This commit significantly enhances the application's functionality by adding new features, improving user experience, and refining the internal architecture for better maintainability and extensibility. Additionally, repository patterns and dependency management were refactored to provide a cleaner and more scalable codebase.

2024/10/25 - version: 0.7.05+54

This commit adds new functionalities and enhancements to improve user experience, specifically focused on user password recovery and UI improvements for error handling. Additionally, the logic for managing server settings in the main application has been updated.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/others_widgets/state_error_message.dart:

    • Added an optional icon parameter to the StateErrorMessage widget to allow customized icons for different error messages.
    • Modified the widget layout to make it more flexible, including text alignment and padding adjustments.
  2. lib/features/signin/signin_controller.dart:

    • Introduced an enum RecoverStatus to represent different outcomes of password recovery operations.
    • Added a recoverPassword method to handle password reset requests using the userRepository.
  3. lib/features/signin/signin_screen.dart:

    • Updated the _navLostPassword method to use the new recoverPassword functionality.
    • Added a dialog to provide feedback to the user when a password recovery email is sent.
  4. lib/main.dart:

    • Changed the isLocalServer constant from true to false to switch the server configuration for production use.
  5. lib/repository/interfaces/iuser_repository.dart:

    • Added a new method resetPassword(String email) to the IUserRepository interface for initiating password reset requests.
  6. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_user_repository.dart:

    • Implemented the resetPassword method in ParseServerUserRepository to handle password reset requests via Parse Server.
    • Updated error handling in multiple methods to improve log messages for easier debugging.


These changes enhance the user experience by adding password recovery functionality and allowing customized error messages. Additionally, the application has been prepared for production use by switching the server setting. Improved error handling provides better support for debugging issues.

2024/10/25 - version: 0.7.04+53

This commit introduces significant changes across various parts of the codebase, primarily focusing on refactoring the user management logic, implementing a new repository interface, and improving error handling for user operations. These changes enhance code modularity, testability, and readability by decoupling user-related operations from their Parse Server-specific implementations.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/abstracts/data_result.dart:

    • Updated the Failure abstract class to include a new code field to represent error codes.
    • Modified GenericFailure and APIFailure classes to use named parameters for message and code.
  2. lib/common/parse_server/errors_mensages.dart:

    • Refactored the ParserServerErrors class to use an integer error code instead of parsing a string.
    • Removed the _getErroCode function, simplifying error message handling.
  3. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Added dependency injection for IUserRepository to manage user-related actions.
    • Updated init and logout methods to use userRepository instead of PSUserRepository.
  4. lib/common/others/enums.dart renamed to lib/common/state_store/state_store.dart:

    • Added a new StateStore class to encapsulate the logic for managing state changes with ValueNotifier.
  5. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart:

    • Updated methods to use the StateStore class instead of setting PageState directly.
  6. lib/features/address/address_store.dart:

    • Refactored AddressStore to extend StateStore, inheriting its state management logic.
  7. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_store.dart:

    • Refactored BoardgameStore to extend StateStore, simplifying state management.
  8. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart:

    • Replaced individual controllers (e.g., nameController, descriptionController) with fields in the store object for better encapsulation.
  9. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart:

    • Refactored validation checks to use store.isValid instead of form validation logic.
    • Replaced ListenableBuilder with ValueListenableBuilder for imagesLength and validation state.
  10. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_store.dart:

    • Refactored EditAdStore to use new validation and state management fields, including errorName, errorDescription, etc., to handle error messages.
  11. lib/features/signup/signup_controller.dart and lib/features/signup/signup_store.dart:

    • Integrated IUserRepository for signing up users, replacing the direct dependency on PSUserRepository.
  12. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Registered IUserRepository as a dependency using ParseServerUserRepository.
  13. lib/repository/interfaces/iuser_repository.dart (new file):

    • Created an interface for user-related operations to abstract the data source, allowing for easier future changes.
  14. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_user_repository.dart:

    • Implemented IUserRepository in ParseServerUserRepository.
    • Added detailed error handling with the new ParserServerErrors class.
    • Added _handleError function to centralize error handling and logging.


These changes decouple user management from the specific implementation of Parse Server, making the code more modular and maintainable. The use of IUserRepository improves testability and flexibility for future backend changes, while the enhanced state management ensures better user experience and error handling.

2024/10/25 - version: 0.7.03+52

Refactor: Rename Login Feature to SignIn and Implement SignInStore for State Management

This commit introduces major refactoring by renaming the existing login feature to signin, in order to align naming conventions with other features. The changes include modifications in controllers, screens, widgets, and routes. The state management previously handled by ChangeNotifier has also been migrated to use SignInStore, enhancing separation of concerns and improving maintainability.

Changes Overview:

  1. Renaming Files and Classes: Login to SignIn

    • Renamed the login feature directory and relevant files (e.g., login_controller.dart to signin_controller.dart, login_screen.dart to signin_screen.dart).
    • Updated class names and imports across the application to reflect the new naming scheme (e.g., LoginController to SignInController, LoginScreen to SignInScreen).
  2. Deleted Legacy State Management Classes

    • Removed login_state.dart that contained old state definitions like LoginStateInitial, LoginStateLoading, etc.
    • Updated state handling from using abstract classes to using the new store-based approach.
  3. Introduction of SignInStore

    • Created a new signin_store.dart file for state management.
    • Implemented SignInStore using ValueNotifier to manage state (PageState) and validation errors (e.g., errorEmail, errorPassword).
    • Integrated SignInStore within SignInController for streamlined state management.
  4. Simplified Form Widgets

    • Removed LoginForm widget and created SignInForm which now uses SignInStore for validation and state handling.
    • SignInForm is now directly responsible for managing the user input fields (email and password) through ValueListenableBuilder for reactive UI updates.
  5. Route Updates

    • Replaced all references to LoginScreen.routeName with SignInScreen.routeName throughout the application.
    • Updated the navigation logic in shop_screen.dart and my_material_app.dart accordingly.
  6. Miscellaneous Cleanup

    • Removed redundant focus nodes and controllers from SignupController, simplifying the code by directly leveraging the SignupStore.
    • Adjusted the signup workflow to ensure a smoother user experience, reflecting the new store-based state management paradigm.


This refactoring aligns the feature names, improves readability, and introduces a more scalable state management approach using stores. The change also unifies the naming convention with other parts of the project, thereby improving code consistency and maintainability moving forward.

2024/10/24 - version: 0.7.02+51

This commit introduces several changes across multiple files, focusing on improvements in code organization, modularity, and state management. Notable updates include the implementation of a new state management approach with stores replacing old states, and adjustments to enhance the maintainability and consistency of the codebase.

Changes made:

  1. docker-compose.yml:

    • Added environment variables to support Parse Server configuration, enabling better parameter control for local and remote setups.
  2. lib/common/validators/validators.dart:

    • Renamed to lib/common/others/validators.dart to better organize utility files.
    • Made Validator constructor private to prevent instantiation.
  3. lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart:

    • Added onChanged and onFieldSubmitted callbacks to allow more flexible interactions with the form fields.
    • Updated the implementation to use these new callbacks for cleaner code.
  4. lib/components/form_fields/custom_mask_field.dart (new file):

    • Introduced a new CustomMaskField widget to handle input fields with masked text, supporting better user input control.
  5. lib/components/form_fields/password_form_field.dart:

    • Updated to use optional controllers and new callbacks (onChanged, onFieldSubmitted) for more modular code.
    • Replaced AnimatedBuilder with ValueListenableBuilder for better performance and readability.
  6. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_controller.dart:

    • Replaced BoardgameState with BoardgameStore for state management.
    • Removed the ChangeNotifier inheritance to delegate state handling to BoardgameStore.
  7. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart:

    • Updated to use BoardgameStore for managing UI state instead of BoardgameState.
  8. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_state.dart (deleted file):

    • Removed obsolete state class in favor of a new store-based state management approach.
  9. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_store.dart (new file):

    • Introduced BoardgameStore to replace the previous state-based approach, leveraging ValueNotifier for state handling.
  10. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart:

    • Transitioned to use EditAdStore for state management, removing the need for ChangeNotifier.
    • Removed redundant ValueNotifier properties and replaced them with corresponding store methods.
  11. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_state.dart (deleted file):

    • Deleted the obsolete state file, consolidating all state handling in the new EditAdStore.
  12. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_store.dart (new file):

    • Added EditAdStore for better separation of concerns and modular state management.
  13. lib/features/signup/signup_controller.dart:

    • Updated to use SignupStore instead of SignUpState for handling UI and data states.
  14. lib/features/signup/signup_state.dart (deleted file):

    • Removed SignUpState in favor of SignupStore.
  15. lib/features/signup/signup_store.dart (new file):

    • Introduced SignupStore for more effective state handling in the signup flow, with specific error fields for better user feedback.
  16. lib/get_it.dart:

    • Added ParseServerService to the service locator for better control over Parse Server initialization.
  17. lib/main.dart:

    • Replaced direct Parse Server initialization with a call to ParseServerService for a more modular and testable setup.
  18. lib/services/parse_server_server.dart:

    • Refactored from parse_server_location.dart to include the initialization logic of Parse Server, enhancing modularity.


These changes improve the overall modularity and maintainability of the codebase by adopting store-based state management, reducing redundancy, and enhancing the organization of components and services. The new approach simplifies future updates and makes the application more scalable.

2024/10/23 - version: 0.7.01+50

This commit updates the Android build configurations, refactors existing classes for better maintainability, and improves code consistency across the application. The changes involve upgrading Gradle versions, refactoring server-related settings, and transitioning the state management approach for the address feature.

Changes made:

  1. android/app/build.gradle:

    • Updated compileSdk, minSdk, and targetSdk to version 34 for compatibility with newer Android features.
  2. android/build.gradle:

    • Added Kotlin version 1.8.10 and updated the build script dependencies.
    • Added buildscript configurations to use Android Gradle plugin version 8.0.2.
  3. android/gradle/wrapper/

    • Upgraded Gradle distribution to version 8.1.1 for compatibility with the new build script.
  4. lib/common/abstracts/data_result.dart:

    • Added copyright and licensing information.
  5. lib/features/address/address_state.dart → lib/common/others/enums.dart:

    • Refactored AddressState classes into a unified PageState enum to simplify state management.
  6. lib/common/settings/back4app_server.dart:

    • Deleted back4app_server.dart as the Back4App configuration has been refactored for better modularity.
  7. lib/common/settings/local_server.dart → lib/common/settings/parse_server_location.dart:

    • Renamed LocalServer to ParseServerLocation to improve clarity on the server role.
  8. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart:

    • Replaced the AddressState usage with the new PageState enum.
    • Removed ChangeNotifier inheritance and used AddressStore for managing state.
  9. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart:

    • Modified to use AddressStore for state management instead of relying on ChangeNotifier directly.
  10. lib/features/address/address_store.dart:

  • Added new AddressStore class to manage the state of address operations, including state tracking and error handling.
  1. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart:
  • Added a spacing line for readability.
  1. lib/main.dart:
  • Replaced LocalServer references with ParseServerLocation to reflect the updated server settings class.
  1. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart:
  • Updated the server configuration references from LocalServer to ParseServerLocation to maintain consistency across the codebase.
  1. pubspec.lock:
  • Updated the vm_service package to version 14.2.5.


This refactor improves the overall code organization, especially around server configurations and state management. The upgrade of Android build settings ensures compatibility with newer Android features, while the use of the AddressStore enhances state handling in the address feature, contributing to a more maintainable and consistent codebase.

2024/08/26 - version: 0.6.19+48

Updated Database and Error Handling Improvements

  1. assets/data/bgBazzar.db

    • Updated the binary file bgBazzar.db to the latest version.
  2. lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart

    • Updated _localDBVersion from 1000 to 1001 to match the new database version.
  3. lib/components/others_widgets/bottom_message.dart

    • Created a new widget BottomMessage to display messages at the bottom of the screen, compatible with both Android and iOS platforms.
  4. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Modified the moveAdsAddressTo method to handle errors using DataResult.
    • Added error handling to check for failures and throw appropriate exceptions with detailed error messages.
  5. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Improved error handling in _removeAddress method by replacing a placeholder exception with a more descriptive error message.
    • Updated UI elements such as FloatingActionButton to improve user experience and make the interface more intuitive.
  6. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Added additional FloatingActionButton options for better navigation and action handling within the board game screen.
  7. lib/features/boardgame/widgets/bg_info_card.dart

    • Updated the BGInfoCard widget to display additional game mechanics using data from MechanicsManager.
  8. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Enhanced error handling for update and save methods by implementing DataResult to handle potential failures.
    • Updated methods to include descriptive error messages for logging and debugging purposes.
  9. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart

    • Added a new IconButton to the AppBar to allow for printing or debugging ads directly from the UI.
    • Updated UI texts to be more user-friendly.
  10. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart

    • Added error handling for unsupported platforms when capturing images from the camera.
    • Updated to use the new BottomMessage widget to display error messages when necessary.
  11. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart

    • Simplified UI by replacing the PopupMenuButton with individual IconButtons for toggling descriptions and selections.
    • Streamlined user interactions for a cleaner and more intuitive experience.
  12. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Improved error handling in _getAds and _getMoreAds methods by checking for failures and adding descriptive exceptions.
    • Updated methods to ensure data integrity and better error reporting.
  13. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Updated the icon and text display when no ads are found to improve user feedback.
  14. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Refactored to use a local variable ad for easier access and code readability.
    • Integrated a new GameData widget to display detailed game information.
  15. lib/features/product/widgets/description_product.dart

    • Updated subtitle text to provide a more descriptive label for the product description.
  16. lib/features/product/widgets/game_data.dart

    • Added a new widget GameData to display detailed information about board games, such as player count, playtime, recommended age, designers, and artists.
  17. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Enhanced error handling in _getAds and _getMoreAds methods by implementing DataResult and descriptive error messages.
  18. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Added logic to handle missing mechanics by fetching them from the server and adding them to the local repository.
    • Improved logging messages for better traceability.
  19. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart

    • Fixed the method to return an empty list instead of throwing an exception when no ads are found, improving the flow and error handling.
  20. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart

    • Added a new method getById to fetch a mechanic by its ID, improving data retrieval and management capabilities.
    • Improved error handling to provide more specific exceptions and logs.
  21. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Updated the add method to return null instead of throwing an exception when adding a mechanic fails, improving error handling and resilience.
  22. lib/store/constants/migration_sql_scripts.dart

    • Added a new constant localDBVersion set to 1001 to reflect the updated database schema.
    • Added a FIXME comment to check database version consistency.
  23. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated the project version from 0.6.18+47 to 0.6.19+48 to reflect the new changes and improvements.

These changes aim to enhance the application's error handling, improve user experience, and ensure data consistency and reliability. Feel free to provide additional diffs or specify further adjustments if needed!

2024/08/24 - version: 0.6.18+47

In this commit, we introduced several new assets and made significant improvements to error handling and data management across the application. The primary objective was to enhance user experience by providing more robust error handling, consistent image loading, and better structured error messages. The changes include adding new image assets, refactoring image handling logic into a new ImageView widget, and updating various controllers and repositories to utilize the DataResult type for improved error management. These updates are essential for increasing the stability, maintainability, and scalability of the application.

  1. assets/images/image_not_found.png

    • Added a new image file to represent missing images.
  2. assets/images/image_witout.png

    • Added a new image file to represent images without a specific designation.
  3. assets/svg/image_error.svg

    • Added a new SVG file for an error image.
    • Defined SVG properties such as height, width, fill color, and style attributes.
  4. assets/svg/image_not_found.svg

    • Added a new SVG file to represent the "image not found" scenario.
    • Defined SVG properties similar to the image_error.svg.
  5. assets/svg/image_without.svg

    • Added a new SVG file for a generic "image without" representation.
    • Defined SVG properties like height, width, fill color, and style attributes.
  6. lib/common/abstracts/data_result.dart

    • Modified the Failure class to include an optional message parameter.
    • Updated GenericFailure and APIFailure classes to handle the message parameter.
  7. lib/components/custon_field_controllers/numeric_edit_controller.dart

    • Added a line to set the text representation of the numeric value in the setter numericValue.
  8. lib/components/others_widgets/image_view.dart

    • Added a new widget ImageView to handle image display with support for assets, network images, and files.
  9. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Updated the _removeAddress method to handle error scenarios more gracefully using DataResult.
  10. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Refactored getBoardgameSelected method to return a DataResult type for more structured error handling.
  11. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Updated methods _editBoardgame and _viewBoardgame to handle failures properly using exceptions.
  12. lib/features/boardgame/widgets/bg_info_card.dart

    • Replaced direct image loading with the new ImageView widget for consistent error handling.
  13. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Refactored the setBgInfo method to handle potential failures with structured error messages.
  14. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart

    • Updated getBgInfo and saveBoardgame methods to return DataResult types, ensuring better error management.
  15. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_screen.dart

    • Replaced manual image loading logic with the new ImageView widget.
  16. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Improved error handling by using DataResult types in methods like _getAds, _getMoreAds, and updateStatus.
  17. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Enhanced error handling in methods _getAds and _getMoreAds using the DataResult type.
  18. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart

    • Refactored methods such as getBGNames, save, and update to utilize DataResult for more robust error handling.
  19. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart

    • Updated various methods (moveAdsAddressTo, adsInAddress, updateStatus, etc.) to return DataResult types for improved error management.
  20. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart

    • Refactored methods like save, update, getById, and getNames to use DataResult for better error control.
  21. pubspec.yaml

    • Added new asset paths for assets/images/.
  22. test/common/abstracts/data_result_test.dart

    • Updated unit tests to accommodate changes in DataResult handling and ensure tests cover both success and failure scenarios.
  23. Improved Error Handling and Messaging

    • Enhanced several methods across different classes to return DataResult types instead of raw data or void, allowing for structured error management and more informative error messages. This approach improves the application's stability and makes debugging more straightforward.
  24. Refactor of Image Handling

    • Introduced the ImageView widget to centralize and standardize image loading across the app. This widget accommodates different image sources (assets, network, and file) and provides a fallback mechanism using placeholder images when the desired image is not found or fails to load.
  25. Asset Management

    • Added several new assets, including SVG and PNG images, to handle scenarios where images are not found or an error occurs. This addition aims to enhance the visual feedback for users, ensuring they understand when an image fails to load or is missing.
  26. DataResult Implementation

    • Implemented a consistent DataResult type across multiple repositories and managers to encapsulate both success and failure states. This implementation allows for more predictable function outputs and enables developers to handle errors uniformly.
  27. Test Coverage Updates

    • Modified the unit tests in data_result_test.dart to reflect the changes made to the DataResult class and its usage across the application. These updates ensure that the test cases validate both the success and failure paths correctly, maintaining high test coverage and reliability.
  28. Bug Fixes and Minor Tweaks

    • Fixed minor bugs related to the old image handling logic by replacing it with the new ImageView component.
    • Adjusted import paths and removed redundant imports to streamline codebase organization and reduce compile-time dependencies.

These comprehensive updates significantly improve the application's overall stability and user experience by providing better error management and consistent asset handling. The refactoring efforts, particularly around the use of the DataResult type and the introduction of a centralized ImageView widget, ensure more predictable behavior and easier debugging. Moving forward, adopting these patterns across the codebase will help maintain consistency and reduce the likelihood of errors. This commit sets the stage for further enhancements, ensuring a robust foundation for future development.

2024/08/22 - version: 0.6.18+46

Update ShoppingHooks with FavoritesScreen integration and minor visual enhancements. Files Modified:

  1. lib/features/my_account/widgets/shopping_hooks.dart
    • Added: Import statement for FavoritesScreen.
    • Modified: Updated TitleProduct widget in the ShoppingHooks with the theme's primary color for consistency.
    • Updated: The ListTile for 'Favoritos' now navigates to the FavoritesScreen when tapped, using Navigator.pushNamed. The color of the icon and text has been set to the primary color for visual coherence.

This update introduces navigation to the FavoritesScreen from the ShoppingHooks and enhances the visual consistency by applying the primary theme color to specific UI elements. Additionally, the project version has been incremented to ensure proper version control.

2024/08/22 - version: 0.6.17+45

Update: Improvements and Refactoring Across Multiple Components. Files and Changes:

  1. lib/common/utils/utils.dart

    • Added normalizeFileName method to standardize filenames by removing accents, replacing spaces with underscores, and removing invalid characters.
    • Introduced _removeDiacritics method to handle accent removal for various special characters.
  2. lib/components/others_widgets/spin_box_field.dart

    • Enhanced initialization logic to ensure the correct value is set in the NumericEditController when it's initially zero but should reflect a non-zero value.
  3. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_screen.dart

    • Added floating action buttons for saving and canceling operations.
    • Refined UI layout to improve user experience, including the addition of a save and cancel action bar at the bottom.
  4. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart

    • Refactored to use private fields for better encapsulation.
    • Added selectMechByName method for selecting a mechanic by its name.
    • Introduced toogleDescription method to show or hide mechanic descriptions.
    • Replaced redundant state management with simplified boolean flags.
  5. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart

    • Updated the UI to include search functionality with the new SearchMechsDelegate.
    • Replaced old mechanics selection logic with a more robust implementation that includes options for showing descriptions and toggling selected items.
  6. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/search_mechs_delegate.dart

    • Introduced a new widget to provide a search interface for mechanics, allowing for case-sensitive and insensitive searches.
  7. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_all_mechs.dart

    • Updated to handle displaying all mechanics with options to hide descriptions and highlight selected items.
  8. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_selected_mechs.dart -> lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_only_selected_mechs.dart

    • Renamed file and updated logic to better reflect the functionality of displaying only selected mechanics.
  9. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart

    • Added normalizeFileName usage when saving board games to ensure filenames are correctly formatted.
    • Introduced _sortingBGNames method to keep the list of board games sorted alphabetically by name after any modification.
  10. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Added mechanicOfName method to retrieve mechanics by their name.
    • Updated internal logic to ensure consistency with other components.
  11. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart

    • Updated error logging messages to reflect the correct repository class (PSAdRepository) for easier debugging.
  12. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart

    • Incorporated normalizeFileName into image saving logic to ensure filenames are standardized.
    • Updated error handling to provide clearer exception messages.

This commit introduces various improvements, including new utility methods for filename normalization, enhancements to the mechanics selection process, and improved error handling across multiple repositories. The changes ensure a more consistent and user-friendly experience, with better management of filenames and mechanic data.

2024/08/20 - version: 0.6.17+44

Update: Refactor Mechanics IDs and Various Model Updates. Files and Changes:

  1. lib/common/models/ad.dart

    • Updated mechanicsId from List<int> to List<String> to reflect changes in ID management.
  2. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart

    • Renamed the id field to bgId.
    • Updated mechanics to mechsPsIds, changing the type from List<int> to List<String>.
  3. lib/common/models/filter.dart

    • Changed mechanicsId to mechanicsPsId and updated its type from List<int> to List<String>.
  4. lib/common/settings/local_server.dart

    • Added keyParseServerImageUrl to manage image URLs more efficiently.
  5. lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart

    • Enhanced _saveBright() to save brightness settings as 'dark' or 'light' strings.
  6. lib/components/custon_field_controllers/numeric_edit_controller.dart

    • Improved the numericValue setter to better manage old values and trigger appropriate UI updates.
  7. lib/components/others_widgets/spin_box_field.dart

    • Refactored to use generics, allowing support for both int and double types in SpinBoxField.
  8. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Refined the floating action button to allow for multiple actions with tooltips for better UX.
  9. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Updated setMechanicsIds() to setMechanicsPsIds() to handle the new String ID format.
  10. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart

    • Refactored to use the new setMechanicsPsIds() method.
  11. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart

    • Updated mechanics handling to reflect changes from int to String for IDs.
    • Introduced a method for updating existing board games.
  12. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_screen.dart

    • Modified the initialization to pass BoardgameModel objects where applicable.
  13. lib/features/filters/filters_controller.dart

    • Changed selectedMechIds from List<int> to List<String>.
    • Updated method calls to align with this change.
  14. lib/features/filters/filters_screen.dart

    • Refined the mechanics selection process to handle String IDs.
  15. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart

    • Adapted the controller to work with String IDs.
    • Updated methods for selecting and managing mechanics.
  16. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart

    • Updated arguments and state management to work with String IDs instead of int.
  17. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_all_mechs.dart

    • Refined to handle String IDs, ensuring compatibility with the rest of the application.
  18. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart

    • Adjusted to pass String IDs in the navigation arguments for mechanics management.
  19. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart

    • Implemented update() method to handle board game updates with the new String ID format.
    • Renamed saveNewBoardgame() to save() for consistency.
  20. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Updated to handle String IDs for mechanics.
    • Modified the add() method to return the new mechanic after saving it to the server.
  21. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Adjusted routes to pass BoardgameModel objects where required.
    • Updated mechanics selection to handle String IDs.
  22. lib/repository/parse_server/common/constants.dart

    • Removed the now redundant keyMechId constant.
  23. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Updated parsing logic to handle String IDs for mechanics and board games.
  24. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart

    • Refined to work with String IDs for mechanics within advertisements.
  25. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart

    • Implemented an update() method for board games, ensuring proper handling of the new String IDs.
  26. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart

    • Changed method names and return types to work with String IDs.
    • Removed the setting of mechId in the add() method, now relying on objectId.
  27. lib/store/constants/migration_sql_scripts.dart

    • Added a placeholder for a future migration script (version 1002).
  28. lib/store/stores/mechanics_store.dart

    • Updated queries to include the new mechPSId column.

This commit introduces significant changes to the handling of mechanics and board game IDs across the codebase, migrating from int to String IDs for better compatibility with the Parse server. The update also includes improvements in UI components and overall data management.

2024/08/20 - version: 0.6.17+43

Update: Android Manifest, Database Management, and Various Model Enhancements. Files and Changes:

  1. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Added necessary permissions (INTERNET, CAMERA, READ/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) as comments for potential future use.
    • Integrated UCropActivity for image cropping functionality.
  2. assets/data/bgBazzar.db

    • Updated database file to include new or modified data.
  3. lib/common/constants/shared_preferenses.dart

    • Created new constants for managing shared preferences keys (keySearchHistory, keyLocalDBVersion, keyBrightness).
  4. lib/common/models/ad.dart

    • Reformatted the toString method for better readability, adding line breaks between fields.
  5. lib/common/models/mechanic.dart

    • Added a new psId field to the MechanicModel.
    • Updated the toMap, fromMap, and toString methods to reflect this change.
  6. lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart

    • Implemented methods to manage and persist app settings, including brightness mode and local database version.
    • Enhanced initialization with shared preferences support.
  7. lib/common/singletons/search_history.dart

    • Updated to use the new shared preferences constants for managing search history.
  8. lib/common/theme/theme.dart

    • Minor adjustment: changed scaffoldBackgroundColor to use colorScheme.surface instead of colorScheme.background.
  9. lib/components/buttons/big_button.dart

    • Added support for an optional icon in the BigButton widget, allowing more customization.
  10. lib/components/others_widgets/state_error_message.dart

    • Enhanced the StateErrorMessage widget to accept a custom error message.
  11. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Fixed an issue where the floating action button was displayed incorrectly based on the user’s admin status.
  12. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Improved the setBgInfo method to handle potential errors when retrieving board game data.
    • Added error handling and updated the UI accordingly.
  13. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart

    • Updated UI labels and buttons to reflect the current context (e.g., "Salvar" vs. "Atualizar").
    • Integrated new icon options for buttons.
  14. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart

    • Refactored the method for retrieving board game information, ensuring proper error handling and feedback.
  15. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart

    • Simplified the code by renaming variables for consistency (currentUser to user).
    • Updated the logout process to use the newly named variable.
  16. lib/get_it.dart

    • Adjusted imports to reflect the reorganization of the database management files.
  17. lib/main.dart

    • Added initialization for the database provider to handle migrations and backups.
  18. lib/repository/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart

    • Updated the import paths following the reorganization of store files.
  19. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Updated the import paths following the reorganization of store files.
  20. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Added constants for new database fields (mechPSId) and indices.
  21. lib/store/constants/migration_sql_scripts.dart

    • Added a new script for migrating the database to version 1001, including adding a psId field to the Mechanics table.
  22. lib/store/database/database_backup.dart

    • Created a utility class to handle database backups and restoration.
  23. lib/store/database/database_manager.dart

    • Renamed and refactored to improve database initialization and management processes.
  24. lib/store/database/database_migration.dart

    • Added a new class to manage database migrations, applying necessary changes to keep the database schema up-to-date.
  25. lib/store/database/database_provider.dart

    • Created a provider class to handle database initialization, including applying migrations and managing backups.
  26. lib/store/database/database_util.dart

    • Added utility functions to manage database directories and configurations, abstracting platform-specific logic.
  27. lib/store/bg_names_store.dart and lib/store/mechanics_store.dart

    • Updated paths and imports following the reorganization of the store files.

This commit includes significant updates across various components, focusing on database management, error handling, and UI/UX improvements. It also lays the groundwork for future enhancements by implementing robust database migration and backup strategies.

2024/08/15 - version: 0.6.17+42

Refactor: Enhance Theme, Boardgame, Mechanics, and My Account Features. Files and Changes:

  1. lib/common/theme/theme.dart

    • Adjusted color scheme values across different themes to improve visual consistency.
    • Updated the primary, secondary, and tertiary color tones for better contrast and readability.
    • Modified the scaffold background color to match the updated theme configurations.
  2. lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart

    • Added minLines property support for text fields to allow dynamic height adjustment based on content.
  3. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Implemented getBoardgameSelected method to retrieve details of the selected board game.
    • Added a method to fetch a board game by its ID and return the corresponding model.
  4. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Integrated new actions in the UI to allow adding, editing, and viewing board games directly from the screen.
    • Updated the floating action button behavior to reflect the current user’s role (admin or regular user).
  5. lib/features/boardgame/widgets/bg_info_card.dart

    • Removed outdated code related to displaying board game views and scoring.
  6. lib/features/boardgame/widgets/view_boardgame.dart

    • Created a new widget to display detailed information about a board game in a dedicated screen.
  7. lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_screen.dart

    • Fixed a bug that prevented the screen from closing after saving a board game.
    • Streamlined the on-submit logic for fetching board game information.
  8. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart

    • Introduced a counter to track and display the number of selected mechanics.
    • Implemented logic to update the counter and reflect the current selection status.
  9. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart

    • Enhanced the UI to display the number of selected mechanics in the app bar title.
    • Improved the layout and padding for the mechanics list view.
  10. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/mechanic_dialog.dart

    • Added minLines and maxLines properties to the description text field for better usability.
  11. lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart

    • Added a method to fetch and return a board game by its ID.
    • Streamlined the board game addition process, including saving to the local database and updating the in-memory list.
  12. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Added methods to sort and update the mechanics list after adding new items to ensure alphabetical order.
    • Separated the logic for adding mechanics to the local and Parse Server databases.
  13. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Registered a new route for the ViewBoardgame screen.
    • Enhanced the app’s routing logic to handle navigation to the new board game view screen.
  14. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart

    • Added a brightness toggle action to the app bar, allowing users to switch between light and dark modes.

This commit introduces various enhancements across the theme settings, board game management, and user interface components. It also includes new functionality for viewing board games and improving the mechanics selection process, ensuring a more seamless and user-friendly experience.

2024/08/15 - version: 0.6.17+41

Refactor: Update Boardgame Models and Controller Logic. Files and Changes:

  1. lib/common/models/bg_name.dart

    • Added the toString method to the BGNameModel class for easier debugging.
    • Included a new directive to ignore public_member_api_docs and sort_constructors_first lint warnings.
  2. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart

    • Removed the scoring field from the BoardgameModel class as it is no longer required.
    • Updated the toString method to reflect the removal of the scoring field.
  3. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Refactored the controller to manage the search and selection of board games.
    • Removed the bgName text controller and replaced the search functionality with a more efficient filtering method.
    • Added methods to manage search filters and handle the selection of board games by their ID.
  4. lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Updated the UI to use the new filtering mechanism for displaying and selecting board games.
    • Integrated a search dialog to allow users to search for board games by name.
    • Removed the outdated text field and search button for a more streamlined search experience.
  5. lib/repository/parse_server/common/constants.dart

    • Removed the keyBgScoring constant as it is no longer used.
  6. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Updated the boardgameModel method to properly parse the list of mechanics from the Parse Server response.
  7. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart

    • Removed the scoring field from the methods interacting with the Parse Server.
    • Improved the getById method to handle cases where no results are found more gracefully.
    • Corrected error handling and logging in the getNames method.

This commit introduces significant improvements to the board game management logic, streamlining the search and selection process. The changes include removing unused fields, enhancing data parsing, and updating the user interface to provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

2024/08/15 - version: 0.6.16+40

Refactor: Rename and Reorganize Boardgame Search and Management. Files and Changes:

  1. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_controller.dart -> lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Renamed file and class from BgController to BoardgameController.
    • Updated the state management references from BgSearchState to BoardgameState.
  2. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_screen.dart -> lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Renamed file and class from BgSearchScreen to BoardgameScreen.
    • Updated route name and widget class names accordingly.
  3. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_state.dart -> lib/features/boardgame/boardgame_state.dart

    • Renamed file to reflect the updated naming conventions.
  4. lib/features/bg_search/widgets/bg_info_card.dart -> lib/features/boardgame/widgets/bg_info_card.dart

    • Moved the bg_info_card.dart widget to the boardgame directory.
  5. lib/features/bg_search/widgets/search_card.dart -> lib/features/boardgame/widgets/search_card.dart

    • Moved the search_card.dart widget to the boardgame directory.
  6. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart

    • Updated imports to reflect the renaming from BgSearchScreen to BoardgameScreen.
  7. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart -> lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_controller.dart

    • Renamed file and class from BoardgameController to EditBoardgameController.
    • Updated the state management references from BoardgameState to EditBoardgameState.
  8. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_screen.dart -> lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_screen.dart

    • Renamed file and class from BoardgamesScreen to EditBoardgamesScreen.
    • Updated route name and widget class names accordingly.
  9. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_state.dart -> lib/features/edit_boardgame/edit_boardgame_state.dart

    • Renamed file and class from BgSearchState to EditBoardgameState.
    • Updated the state management classes to reflect the new context.
  10. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart

    • Updated import and navigation references from BgSearchScreen to BoardgameScreen.
  11. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated route mappings to reflect the renaming from BgSearchScreen to BoardgameScreen and from BoardgamesScreen to EditBoardgamesScreen.

This commit refactors and reorganizes the boardgame search and management components, aligning file and class names with their functionalities. The changes enhance code clarity and maintain consistency throughout the project.

2024/08/15 - version: 0.6.16+39

Refactor: Rename and Update Boardgame and Mechanics Management. Files and Changes:

  1. lib/common/models/bg_name.dart

    • Modified BGNameModel to use non-final fields.
    • Added toMap and fromMap methods for easier conversion between BGNameModel and Map<String, dynamic>.
  2. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_controller.dart

    • Renamed the BgNamesManager to BoardgamesManager.
    • Updated method names to reflect this change.
    • Refactored method searchBgg to searchBg.
  3. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_screen.dart

    • Renamed BggSearchScreen to BgSearchScreen.
    • Updated the route name and widget class names accordingly.
  4. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Renamed BgNamesManager to BoardgamesManager.
    • Commented out the initialization of BGG rank to focus on the new board game management approach.
  5. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Removed the unused import of BgNamesManager.
  6. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart

    • Updated the route name from BggSearchScreen.routeName to BgSearchScreen.routeName.
  7. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart

    • Updated the Boardgames list tile to navigate to the updated BgSearchScreen.
  8. lib/get_it.dart

    • Replaced BgNamesManager with BoardgamesManager in the dependency injection setup.
  9. lib/main.dart

    • Replaced BgNamesManager with BoardgamesManager during initialization.
  10. lib/manager/bg_names_manager.dart -> lib/manager/boardgames_manager.dart

    • Renamed the file and class from BgNamesManager to BoardgamesManager.
    • Added logic to manage board games both locally and from the Parse Server.
    • Included methods for fetching and updating board game names.
  11. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated routes to reflect the renaming from BggSearchScreen to BgSearchScreen.
  12. lib/repository/sqlite/bg_names_repository.dart

    • Created a new repository to handle SQLite operations related to board game names.
  13. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Renamed import from mechanics.dart to mechanics_store.dart.
    • Improved error handling and logging.
  14. lib/store/bg_names.dart -> lib/store/bg_names_store.dart

    • Renamed the file to follow the updated naming conventions.
    • Enhanced methods for adding and updating board game names in the local SQLite database.
  15. lib/store/mechanics.dart -> lib/store/mechanics_store.dart

    • Renamed the file for consistency with the new naming conventions.

This commit refactors the codebase to rename and update the management of board games and mechanics. It introduces a consistent naming convention across files and classes, while also enhancing the integration between local storage and the Parse Server.

2024/08/14 - version: 0.6.15+38

Documentation and Code Refactor: Update README and Mechanics Features. Files and Changes:


    • Updated the changelog with the latest version 0.6.13+37, detailing refactoring changes and new features.
  2. lib/common/models/mechanic.dart

    • Refactored the MechanicModel constructor to make the id field optional.
    • Simplified the fromMap method to remove backward compatibility checks for older field names (nome and descricao).
  3. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_controller.dart

    • Converted MechanicsController into a ChangeNotifier to manage UI states.
    • Added methods for handling mechanics state (MechanicsStateLoading, MechanicsStateSuccess, etc.).
    • Improved resource disposal management within the dispose() method.
  4. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart

    • Refactored the mechanics screen to use the new MechanicDialog for adding mechanics.
    • Modularized the UI components into separate widgets (ShowSelectedMechs, ShowAllMechs).
    • Integrated state management for loading and error states.
  5. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_state.dart

    • Created a new state management file to handle different states within the mechanics screen (MechanicsStateInitial, MechanicsStateLoading, etc.).
  6. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/mechanic_dialog.dart

    • Added a new widget for the mechanics dialog, allowing users to add new mechanics with name and description fields.
  7. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_all_mechs.dart

    • Created a widget to display all mechanics with selection capability.
  8. lib/features/mechanics/widgets/show_selected_mechs.dart

    • Created a widget to display selected mechanics.
  9. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Added new methods to fetch mechanics from both local storage and Parse Server.
    • Enhanced mechanics addition logic by integrating local and server-side additions.
    • Implemented _localAdd and _psAdd methods for better separation of concerns.
  10. lib/repository/parse_server/common/constants.dart

    • Added constants for mechanics table in the Parse Server (keyMechTable, keyMechObjectId, keyMechId, etc.).
  11. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Added a new method mechanic to parse ParseObject into MechanicModel.
  12. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart

    • Introduced a private constructor to prevent instantiation of PSAdRepository.
  13. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart

    • Refined the method to fetch board game names by removing unnecessary null checks.
  14. lib/repository/parse_server/ps_mechanics_repository.dart

    • Added methods to add and retrieve mechanics from the Parse Server.
    • Implemented error handling and logging for database operations.
  15. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Renamed getList to get for consistency.
    • Improved error handling and logging within the get method.
  16. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Standardized table names and column names to use consistent casing (Mechanics, mechName, mechDescription).
  17. lib/store/database_manager.dart

    • Removed obsolete code related to database versioning.
    • Simplified the database initialization logic.
  18. lib/store/mechanics.dart

    • Renamed queryMechs to get for better clarity.
    • Improved error logging in the database operations.
  19. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated the project version to 0.6.15+38 to reflect the latest changes.

This commit includes updates to the documentation, refactors mechanics management, and enhances state management across the mechanics-related features. The codebase is now more modular and maintains better consistency across different components.

2024/08/14 - version: 0.6.13+37

Refactor: Update Parse Server Repositories and Add New Features. Files and Changes:

  1. assets/data/bgBazzar.db

    • Updated the database file.
  2. assets/old/bgBazzar.db

    • Added an old backup of the bgBazzar.db file.
  3. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Replaced UserRepository with PSUserRepository in methods init and logout.
  4. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Replaced AdRepository with PSAdRepository in method to move advertisements.
  5. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Replaced AdRepository with PSAdRepository.
  6. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_controller.dart

    • Replaced BoardgameRepository with PSBoardgameRepository in method getBoardInfo.
  7. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Replaced BoardgameRepository with PSBoardgameRepository in methods fetching and saving board game data.
  8. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Replaced AdRepository with PSAdRepository in methods to save and update advertisements.
  9. lib/features/login/login_controller.dart

    • Replaced UserRepository with PSUserRepository in login method.
  10. lib/features/mechanics/mechanics_screen.dart

    • Added functionality for adding a new mechanic with input fields for name and description.
    • Implemented a floating action button for admin users to add new mechanics.
  11. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart

    • Refactored MyAccountScreen to use separate widgets for different sections (AdminHooks, ShoppingHooks, SalesHooks, ConfigHooks).
  12. lib/features/my_account/widgets/admin_hooks.dart

    • Created a new widget to handle admin-related actions such as managing mechanics and board games.
  13. lib/features/my_account/widgets/config_hooks.dart

    • Created a new widget to handle user configuration options such as managing personal data and addresses.
  14. lib/features/my_account/widgets/sales_hooks.dart

    • Created a new widget to handle sales-related actions such as viewing summaries and managing ads.
  15. lib/features/my_account/widgets/shopping_hooks.dart

    • Created a new widget to handle shopping-related actions such as managing favorites and purchases.
  16. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Replaced AdRepository with PSAdRepository in methods to fetch and update ads.
  17. lib/features/my_data/my_data_controller.dart

    • Replaced UserRepository with PSUserRepository in method to save user data.
  18. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Replaced AdRepository with PSAdRepository in methods to fetch ads.
  19. lib/features/signup/signup_controller.dart

    • Replaced UserRepository with PSUserRepository in signup method.
  20. lib/manager/address_manager.dart

    • Replaced AddressRepository with PSAddressRepository in methods for managing addresses.
  21. lib/manager/bg_names_manager.dart

    • Replaced BoardgameRepository with PSBoardgameRepository in methods for managing board game names.
  22. lib/manager/favorites_manager.dart

    • Replaced FavoriteRepository with PSFavoriteRepository in methods for managing favorites.
  23. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Added new methods to add and update mechanics.
    • Implemented ManagerStatus enum to manage mechanic status.
  24. lib/repository/parse_server/ad_repository.dart -> lib/repository/parse_server/ps_ad_repository.dart

    • Renamed file and refactored class to PSAdRepository.
  25. lib/repository/parse_server/address_repository.dart -> lib/repository/parse_server/ps_address_repository.dart

    • Renamed file and refactored class to PSAddressRepository.
  26. lib/repository/parse_server/boardgame_repository.dart -> lib/repository/parse_server/ps_boardgame_repository.dart

    • Renamed file and refactored class to PSBoardgameRepository.
  27. lib/repository/parse_server/favorite_repository.dart -> lib/repository/parse_server/ps_favorite_repository.dart

    • Renamed file and refactored class to PSFavoriteRepository.
  28. lib/repository/parse_server/user_repository.dart -> lib/repository/parse_server/ps_user_repository.dart

    • Renamed file and refactored class to PSUserRepository.
  29. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Added new methods to add and update mechanics in the database.
    • Updated queries to match the new schema.
  30. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Removed unused columns mechIndexNome and mechDescricao.
    • Updated constants related to the mechanics table.
  31. lib/store/constants/sql_create_table.dart

    • Added SQL scripts to create tables for BG names, DB version, and mechanics.
  32. lib/store/database_manager.dart

    • Updated database manager to handle the creation of new tables and database versions.
  33. lib/store/mechanics.dart

    • Added new methods to insert, update, and delete mechanics in the SQLite database.

This commit refactors the codebase to adopt a consistent naming convention for Parse Server repositories, introduces new widgets for modularization in the MyAccountScreen, and enhances mechanics management features. The database schema and initialization logic have also been updated to support new features.

2024/08/13 - version: 0.6.13+36

Update database file name and refactor project components for better organization and functionality.

  1. assets/data/bgg.db

    • Renamed to assets/data/bgBazzar.db.
    • Binary content of the file has changed.
  2. lib/common/models/bg_name.dart

    • Updated BGNameModel:
      • Changed id type from String? to int?.
      • Added bgId field of type String?.
  3. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart

    • Updated BoardgameModel:
      • Replaced weight field with views of type int and set default value to 0.
      • Adjusted toString method to reflect these changes.
  4. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Added isAdmin getter to return whether the current user is an admin.
  5. lib/components/custon_field_controllers/numeric_edit_controller.dart

    • Modified NumericEditController:
      • Made it generic to support both int and double types.
      • Improved validation and handling of numeric input based on the type.
      • Refactored _validateNumber method for better clarity.
  6. lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart

    • Added labelStyle parameter for customizing the text style of the label.
  7. lib/components/form_fields/custom_long_form_field.dart

    • Introduced a new CustomLongFormField widget to handle multi-line text input with various customization options.
  8. lib/components/form_fields/custom_names_form_field.dart

    • Added labelStyle parameter for text style customization of the label.
  9. lib/components/others_widgets/spin_box_field.dart

    • Refactored the widget:
      • Removed redundant SizedBox wrappers.
      • Replaced TextField with ListenableBuilder to dynamically display numeric values.
  10. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_controller.dart

    • Updated to include CurrentUser for checking admin rights.
    • Adjusted methods to match updated data models.
  11. lib/features/bg_search/bg_search_screen.dart

    • Updated UI to support admin functionality:
      • Added FAB to add a new board game if the user is an admin.
      • Refactored padding and UI components for better spacing.
  12. lib/features/bg_search/widgets/bg_info_card.dart

    • Commented out the display of views and scoring for further adjustments.
  13. lib/features/bg_search/widgets/search_card.dart

    • Replaced getBoardInfo parameter from id to bgId to reflect updated data model.
  14. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Refactored to use updated NumericEditController for various integer-based inputs.
    • Added methods to save board games and handle mechanics more effectively.
  15. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Updated UI components:
      • Added fields for image upload and mechanic selection.
      • Implemented save functionality with data validation.
  16. lib/manager/bg_names_manager.dart

    • Refactored to handle image conversion and saving of new board games.
    • Adjusted methods to support new data model changes.
  17. lib/repository/parse_server/boardgame_repository.dart

    • Replaced weight field with views in Parse Server operations.
  18. lib/repository/parse_server/common/constants.dart

    • Updated database constants to reflect the change from weight to views.
  19. lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Adjusted model parsing to reflect changes in the data model.
  20. lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Updated to use MechanicsStore for querying mechanics.
  21. lib/store/mech_store.dart

    • Renamed to bg_names.dart and refactored to better align with its purpose.
  22. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Updated database configuration:
      • Renamed dbName to bgBazzar.db.
      • Updated constants related to database structure and schema.
  23. lib/store/database_manager.dart

    • Enhanced initialization process to support different platforms and configurations.
    • Included the setup for a new directory structure on desktop platforms.
  24. lib/store/mechanics.dart

    • Added new store class MechanicsStore to handle mechanic-related database operations.
  25. pubspec.yaml & pubspec.lock

    • Added dependencies:
      • sqflite_common_ffi
      • sqflite_common_ffi_web
      • image
    • Updated assets path to reflect the renamed database file.
  26. web/index.html

    • Included cropper.js library for handling image cropping functionality.

This commit reorganizes and enhances the project by renaming and refactoring several components. It includes updates to the database file and structure, introduces new dependencies, and enhances user interface elements to better support functionality, particularly for board game management and image handling.

2024/08/12 - version: 0.6.12+35

Refactor project structure by organizing repositories into more descriptive directories

  1. lib/repository/bgg_rank_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/bgg_xml/bgg_rank_repository.dart to better reflect its association with BGG XML API.
  2. lib/repository/bgg_xmlapi_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/bgg_xml/bgg_xmlapi_repository.dart to align with other BGG-related repositories.
  3. lib/repository/ibge_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/gov_api/ibge_repository.dart to categorize it under government APIs.
  4. lib/repository/viacep_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/gov_api/viacep_repository.dart to keep it alongside other government-related APIs.
  5. lib/repository/ad_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/parse_server/ad_repository.dart to clearly indicate its reliance on Parse Server.
  6. lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/parse_server/address_repository.dart for better organization under Parse Server.
  7. lib/repository/boardgame_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/parse_server/boardgame_repository.dart to group all Parse Server-related repositories together.
  8. lib/repository/common/constants.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/parse_server/common/constants.dart to keep constants within the Parse Server directory.
  9. lib/repository/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/parse_server/common/parse_to_model.dart to keep model parsing logic within Parse Server.
  10. lib/repository/favorite_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/parse_server/favorite_repository.dart to be consistent with other Parse Server repositories.
  11. lib/repository/user_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/parse_server/user_repository.dart to maintain consistency in the Parse Server directory.
  12. lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/sqlite/mechanic_repository.dart to clarify its use of SQLite.
  13. lib/store/bgg_rank_store.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/sqlite/store/bgg_rank_store.dart to better categorize store-related files under SQLite.
  14. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/sqlite/store/constants/constants.dart to align with SQLite-related stores.
  15. lib/store/database_manager.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/sqlite/store/database_manager.dart to centralize database management under SQLite.
  16. lib/store/mech_store.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/repository/sqlite/store/mech_store.dart to group all mechanic-related stores within SQLite.

This commit reorganizes the project structure by categorizing repositories and stores into more descriptive directories, improving the clarity and maintainability of the codebase.

2024/08/12 - version: 0.6.11+34

Refactor project to rename from xlo_parse_server to bgbazzar and update related files


    • Renamed project title from xlo_parse_server to bgbazzar.
    • Updated references in the TODO list and project description.
  2. android/app/build.gradle

    • Changed namespace from to
    • Updated applicationId to
  3. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Updated package attribute to
    • Changed android:label to bgbazzar.
  4. android/app/src/main/kotlin/br/dev/rralves/bgbazzar/MainActivity.kt

    • Renamed package from to
  5. ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

    • Updated PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER references from com.example.xloParseServer to
  6. ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift

    • Changed the annotation from @UIApplicationMain to @main.
  7. lib/common/abstracts/data_result.dart

    • Added a new abstract class DataResult for handling either success or failure outcomes, inspired by Swift and Dart implementations.
    • Introduced Failure, GenericFailure, APIFailure, _SuccessResult, and _FailureResult classes.
  8. lib/common/models/ad.dart

    • Removed bggId property from AdModel.
    • Reorganized toString method to include new properties like yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, minplaytime, maxplaytime, age, designer, and artist.
  9. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart

    • Refactored properties: replaced id, name, yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, minplaytime, maxplaytime, age, designer, artist with new names and types for better clarity.
    • Updated toString method to reflect these changes.
  10. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/widgets/dismissible_ad.dart

    • Added a FIXME comment to indicate the need to select direction to disable unnecessary shifts.
  11. lib/features/bgg_search/bgg_search_screen.dart

    • Replaced BigButton with OverflowBar to allow more granular control of buttons like Selecionar and Cancelar.
  12. lib/features/bgg_search/widgets/bg_info_card.dart

    • Reorganized UI layout in BGInfoCard, added image display, and adjusted text fields with new board game properties.
    • Improved layout responsiveness and added TextOverflow.ellipsis to designer and artist fields.
  13. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Updated method loadBoardInfo to accommodate new property names for board game details.
  14. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Removed bggId handling from the ad editing logic.
    • Updated properties to use new naming conventions like publishYear, minPlayers, maxPlayers, etc.
  15. lib/repository/ad_repository.dart

    • Removed deprecated bggId from the ad repository.
    • Added logic to save additional properties such as yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, minplaytime, maxplaytime, age, designer, and artist.
  16. lib/repository/bgg_xmlapi_repository.dart

    • Included image property in the parsing logic.
    • Removed unnecessary properties and refined model creation logic for BoardgameModel.
  17. lib/repository/boardgame_repository.dart

    • Added new repository class BoardgameRepository to handle CRUD operations for board games.
  18. lib/repository/common/constants.dart

    • Added constants related to BoardgameModel to handle new properties.
  19. lib/repository/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Added parsing logic for BoardgameModel.
    • Removed bggId related parsing from ad model creation.
  20. pubspec.yaml

    • Renamed project from xlo_mobx to bgbazzar.
    • Added equatable package dependency.
  21. test/common/abstracts/data_result_test.dart

    • Added test cases for DataResult class, including success, failure, and edge cases.
  22. test/repository/ibge_repository_test.dart

    • Updated import path from xlo_mobx to bgbazzar.
  23. web/index.html

    • Renamed project references from xlo_parse_server to bgbazzar.
  24. web/manifest.json

    • Updated name and short_name from xlo_parse_server to bgbazzar.

The project has been successfully refactored to transition from xlo_parse_server to bgbazzar, with corresponding updates across all relevant files.

2024/08/09 - version: 0.6.9+32

Integrated Boardgame Functionality and Enhanced AdModel Structure

  1. lib/common/models/ad.dart

    • Imported boardgame.dart.
    • Updated AdModel:
      • Changed owner to be nullable.
      • Added boardgame, yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, minplaytime, maxplaytime, age, designer, and artist fields.
      • Modified the constructor to initialize the new fields.
      • Updated toString method to include the new fields.
  2. lib/common/models/bgg_boards.dart

    • Created BGGBoardsModel class with objectid, name, and yearpublished fields.
  3. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart

    • Updated BoardgameModel:
      • Added new nullable fields id, designer, and artist.
      • Renamed boardgamemechanic to mechanics.
      • Renamed boardgamecategory to categories.
      • Removed toMap and fromMap methods.
  4. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/widgets/ad_card_view.dart

    • Updated AdCardView:
      • Made address fields nullable when accessing city and state.
  5. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/ad_shop_view.dart

    • Updated AdShopView:
      • Made owner nullable when accessing name.
  6. lib/features/bgg_search/bgg_search_controller.dart

    • Created BggController:
      • Added state management for BGG search and selection.
      • Implemented search functionality using BggXMLApiRepository.
      • Added methods to handle errors and fetch board game details.
  7. lib/features/bgg_search/bgg_search_screen.dart

    • Created BggSearchScreen:
      • Implemented UI for searching and displaying BGG board games.
      • Integrated BggController for state management and data handling.
  8. lib/features/bgg_search/bgg_search_state.dart

    • Created state classes for BGG search:
      • Added BggSearchStateInitial, BggSearchStateLoading, BggSearchStateSuccess, and BggSearchStateError.
  9. lib/features/bgg_search/widgets/bg_info_card.dart

    • Created BGInfoCard widget:
      • Displays detailed information about a selected board game.
  10. lib/features/bgg_search/widgets/search_card.dart

    • Created SearchCard widget:
      • Displays a list of search results from BGG.
  11. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Updated BoardgameController:
      • Added disposal for additional controllers.
      • Adjusted getBggInfo to handle new mechanics field in BoardgameModel.
  12. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Updated BoardgamesScreen:
      • Added BGG search button and navigation to BggSearchScreen.
      • Disposed of BoardgameController properly.
  13. lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Updated EditAdController:
      • Integrated BoardgameModel data into Ad creation and editing.
      • Added setBggInfo method to apply board game information to an ad.
  14. lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart

    • Updated AdForm:
      • Added functionality to fetch and apply BGG information using the new BGG search feature.
  15. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Updated ProductScreen:
      • Made owner and address fields nullable when accessed.
  16. lib/features/product/widgets/description_product.dart

    • Updated DescriptionProduct:
      • Changed subtitle text to "Descrição:".
  17. lib/features/product/widgets/sub_title_product.dart

    • Updated SubTitleProduct:
      • Adjusted the font size and style for subtitles.
  18. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added route for BggSearchScreen.
  19. lib/repository/ad_repository.dart

    • Updated AdRepository:
      • Made address fields nullable when saving and updating ads.
  20. lib/repository/bgg_xmlapi_repository.dart

    • Updated BggXMLApiRepository:
      • Added methods to fetch and parse board game data from BGG XML API.
      • Created a search method to retrieve board games by name.

This commit enhances the application by integrating Boardgame functionality into the Ad model, allowing for more detailed and relevant data management.

2024/08/09 - version: 0.6.8+31

Refactor AdvertModel to AdModel Across Project Files

This commit refactors the codebase by renaming AdvertModel to AdModel, ensuring consistency and clarity in the model naming convention throughout the project. Modified Files and Changes:

  1. lib/common/basic_controller/basic_controller.dart

    • Renamed AdvertModel references to AdModel.
  2. lib/common/models/advert.dart → lib/common/models/ad.dart

    • Renamed the file from advert.dart to ad.dart.
    • Updated class name from AdvertModel to AdModel.
    • Renamed AdvertStatus to AdStatus.
  3. lib/common/models/filter.dart

    • Updated import statement from advert.dart to ad.dart.
  4. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Renamed navigation functions from EditAdvertScreen to EditAdScreen.
  5. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart

    • Updated all references of AdvertModel to AdModel.
    • Updated status references from AdvertStatus to AdStatus.
  6. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Updated repository references from AdvertRepository to AdRepository.
  7. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Updated repository references from AdvertRepository to AdRepository.
  8. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_controller.dart → lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_controller.dart

    • Renamed file and updated references from AdvertModel to AdModel.
    • Updated repository references from AdvertRepository to AdRepository.
  9. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_screen.dart → lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_screen.dart

    • Renamed file and updated references from AdvertModel to AdModel.
  10. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_state.dart → lib/features/edit_ad/edit_ad_state.dart

    • Renamed file and updated references from EditAdvertState to EditAdState.
  11. lib/features/edit_advert/widgets/advert_form.dart → lib/features/edit_ad/widgets/ad_form.dart

    • Renamed file and updated form references from AdvertForm to AdForm.
  12. lib/features/favorites/favorites_controller.dart

    • Updated model references from AdvertModel to AdModel.
  13. lib/features/filters/filters_controller.dart

    • Updated import statements and model references.
  14. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Updated model and repository references to AdModel and AdRepository.
  15. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Updated navigation and model references to EditAdScreen and AdModel.
  16. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Updated model references from AdvertModel to AdModel.
  17. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Updated repository and model references to AdRepository and AdModel.
  18. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated routing references from EditAdvertScreen to EditAdScreen.
    • Updated model references from AdvertModel to AdModel.
  19. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart → lib/repository/ad_repository.dart

    • Renamed file and updated all function references from AdvertModel to AdModel.
  20. lib/repository/common/constants.dart

    • Updated constants related to Advert to reflect the Ad naming convention.
  21. lib/repository/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Updated parsing functions to reference AdModel instead of AdvertModel.
  22. lib/repository/favorite_repository.dart

    • Updated repository and model references to AdModel and AdRepository.

This commit is part of the ongoing effort to maintain consistency in the codebase by standardizing model naming conventions.

Note: This refactor only changes the naming conventions and does not introduce any new features or functionality.

The changes introduced in this commit ensure a consistent naming convention across the codebase, improving code readability and maintainability. The model AdvertModel is now consistently referred to as AdModel, and related classes, files, and references have been updated accordingly. This refactor is crucial for future scalability and ease of understanding for developers working on the project.

2024/08/08 - version: 0.6.7+30

Refactor and Add New Features

  1. assets/data/bgg.db

    • Updated the database binary file with new data.
  2. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart

    • Changed description from final to a mutable field.
    • Updated fromMap method to use cleanDescription for description field.
    • Added cleanDescription method to sanitize and format the description text.
  3. lib/components/buttons/big_button.dart

    • Renamed onPress callback to onPressed for consistency.
  4. lib/components/custon_field_controllers/numeric_edit_controller.dart

    • Created a new NumericEditController class to manage numeric input with validation.
  5. lib/components/form_fields/custom_names_form_field.dart

    • Added onSubmitted callback to handle form submission events.
  6. lib/components/others_widgets/spin_box_field.dart

    • Created a new SpinBoxField widget for numeric input with increment and decrement functionality.
  7. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Refactored to replace bggName with nameController.
    • Added controllers for various board game properties (minPlayersController, maxPlayersController, etc.).
    • Implemented loadBoardInfo method to populate controllers from BoardgameModel.
    • Adjusted getBggInfo to load board game information into the controller.
  8. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Integrated new controllers and widgets (SpinBoxField, SubTitleProduct) for enhanced UI and interaction.
    • Refactored AppBar to include a back button.
  9. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_screen.dart

    • Renamed onPress to onPressed for consistency in BigButton usage.
    • Adjusted button labels for better clarity.
  10. lib/features/edit_advert/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Integrated BigButton for navigation to BoardgamesScreen.
    • Updated label text to clarify the input fields.
  11. lib/features/filters/filters_screen.dart

    • Renamed onPress to onPressed for consistency in BigButton usage.
  12. lib/features/login/login_screen.dart

    • Renamed onPress to onPressed for consistency in BigButton usage.
  13. lib/features/login/widgets/login_form.dart

    • Renamed onPress to onPressed for consistency in BigButton usage.
  14. lib/features/my_data/my_data_screen.dart

    • Renamed onPress to onPressed for consistency in BigButton usage.
  15. lib/features/product/widgets/sub_title_product.dart

    • Added support for custom colors and padding in SubTitleProduct.
  16. lib/features/signup/signup_screen.dart

    • Renamed onPress to onPressed for consistency in BigButton usage.
  17. lib/features/signup/widgets/signup_form.dart

    • Renamed onPress to onPressed for consistency in BigButton usage.
  18. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Added namesFromIdListString method to convert list of mechanic IDs to a comma-separated string.
  19. lib/repository/bgg_rank_repository.dart

    • Removed instance of BggRankStore and used static methods instead.
  20. lib/repository/bgg_xmlapi_repository.dart

    • Used BoardgameModel.cleanDescription to sanitize the description text from the XML API.
  21. lib/repository/common/constants.dart

    • Corrected table names from AdSale to AdsSale and from Favorite to Favorites.
    • Added constants for database version management.
  22. lib/repository/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Cleaned up commented-out code related to mechanics parsing.
  23. lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Removed instance of MechStore and used static methods instead.
  24. lib/store/bgg_rank_store.dart

    • Changed all methods to static and updated method signatures accordingly.
  25. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Added constants related to database versioning.
  26. lib/store/database_manager.dart

    • Refactored to include database version checking and copying logic.
    • Introduced _copyBggDb and getDBVerion methods for better database management.
  27. lib/store/mech_store.dart

    • Changed all methods to static and updated method signatures accordingly.

This commit includes multiple refactors and feature additions, particularly focused on improving the consistency of the codebase and adding new UI components.

2024/08/08 - version: 0.6.6+29

This commit introduces significant enhancements and new functionalities related to BGG ranks and board games, improving the overall functionality and user experience.

  1. Makefile

    • Added git add . to git_diff target.
    • Modified git_push to include git add . and changed commit file from commit.txt to commit.
  2. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Imported foundation.dart.
    • Added bggId field to AdvertModel.
    • Modified constructor to include bggId.
    • Updated toString method to include bggId.
  3. lib/common/models/bgg_rank.dart

    • Created new model BggRankModel with fields id, gameName, yearPublished, rank, bayesAverage, average, usersRated, isExpansion, abstractsRank, cgsRank, childrensGamesrank, familyGamesRank, partyGamesRank, strategyGamesRank, thematicRank, warGamesRank.
    • Added factory methods fromMap and toMap.
    • Implemented toString method.
  4. lib/common/models/boardgame.dart

    • Created new model BoardgameModel with fields name, yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, minplaytime, maxplaytime, age, description, average, bayesaverage, averageweight, boardgamemechanic, boardgamecategory.
    • Added factory methods fromMap and toMap.
    • Implemented toString method.
  5. lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart

    • Added suffixText and prefixText parameters.
    • Updated constructor to include suffixText and prefixText.
    • Modified build method to use suffixText and prefixText.
  6. lib/components/form_fields/custom_names_form_field.dart

    • Created new widget CustomNamesFormField.
    • Added fields labelText, hintText, controller, names, validator, keyboardType, textInputAction, textCapitalization, nextFocusNode, fullBorder, maxLines, floatingLabelBehavior, readOnly, suffixIcon, errorText.
    • Implemented StatefulWidget logic to show suggestions based on input.
  7. lib/components/others_widgets/state_error_message.dart

    • Added closeDialog callback to StateErrorMessage.
    • Updated constructor to include closeDialog.
    • Added a button to close the dialog.
  8. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Added closeErroMessage method to change state to AddressStateSuccess.
  9. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Replaced ButtonBar with OverflowBar.
    • Updated to use StateErrorMessage with closeDialog callback.
  10. lib/features/address/widgets/destiny_address_dialog.dart

    • Replaced ButtonBar with OverflowBar.
  11. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_controller.dart

    • Created BoardgameController with BoardgameState, rankManager, and bggName.
    • Added methods to handle BGG rank initialization and fetching.
  12. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Created BoardgamesScreen to display board game details.
    • Integrated BoardgameController for managing state and interactions.
  13. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_state.dart

    • Created BoardgameState abstract class with BoardgameStateInitial, BoardgameStateLoading, BoardgameStateSuccess, and BoardgameStateError.
  14. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_controller.dart

    • Added bggName and rankManager fields.
    • Modified init method to include bggName.
    • Updated methods to handle bggId.
  15. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_screen.dart

    • Replaced ButtonBar with OverflowBar.
    • Added navigation to BoardgamesScreen.
  16. lib/features/edit_advert/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Added CustomFormField for board game name.
    • Added button to navigate to BoardgamesScreen.
  17. lib/features/login/login_controller.dart

    • Added closeErroMessage method to change state to LoginStateSuccess.
  18. lib/features/login/login_screen.dart

    • Updated controller usage to match naming conventions.
  19. lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart

    • Replaced ButtonBar with OverflowBar.
  20. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Added closeErroMessage method to change state to BasicStateSuccess.
  21. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Updated to use StateErrorMessage with closeDialog callback.
  22. lib/features/new_address/new_address_screen.dart

    • Replaced ButtonBar with OverflowBar.
  23. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Added closeErroMessage method to change state to BasicStateSuccess.
  24. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Updated to use StateErrorMessage with closeDialog callback.
  25. lib/get_it.dart

    • Registered BggRankManager in dependency injection.
  26. lib/manager/bgg_rank_manager.dart

    • Created BggRankManager to handle BGG rank data fetching and management.
  27. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added route for BoardgamesScreen.
  28. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Updated to set bggId in AdvertRepository.
  29. lib/repository/bgg_rank_repository.dart

    • Created BggRankRepository for interacting with BGG rank data.
  30. lib/repository/bgg_xmlapi_repository.dart

    • Created BggXMLApiRepository to fetch and parse BGG XML API data.
  31. lib/repository/common/constants.dart

    • Added keyAdvertBggId.
  32. lib/repository/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Updated to parse bggId in AdvertModel.
  33. lib/store/bgg_rank_store.dart

    • Created BggRankStore for database interactions related to BGG ranks.
  34. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Updated constant rankGameName.
  35. lib/store/mech_store.dart

    • Added spacing for readability.
  36. pubspec.yaml

    • Added xml dependency for XML parsing.
  37. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Added import for foundation.dart to support listEquals.
  38. lib/features/address/widgets/destiny_address_dialog.dart

    • Replaced ButtonBar with OverflowBar for consistent UI.
  39. lib/features/boardgames/boardgame_screen.dart

    • Improved layout and added detailed fields for board game information.
  40. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_screen.dart

    • Enhanced form validation and user feedback for better user experience.
  41. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Added proper handling of error messages using StateErrorMessage.
  42. lib/features/new_address/new_address_screen.dart

    • Updated UI components for better usability.
  43. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Improved error handling and added support for bggId.
  44. lib/repository/bgg_xmlapi_repository.dart

    • Added comprehensive error logging to facilitate debugging.
  45. lib/store/bgg_rank_store.dart

    • Optimized database queries for better performance.

These changes ensure a more robust and user-friendly application, addressing several pain points and enhancing the overall functionality.

Additionally, several improvements and bug fixes have been made across various files to enhance code quality and maintainability.

2024/08/06 - version: 0.6.5+28

Implement Favorite Button and User-Specific Features, Improve Scrolling and Mechanics Handling

The favorite button now appears only for logged-in users and is positioned over the product images in the current layout. On the "My Ads" page, buttons to edit and delete an ad are available, but only for ads with a pending or sold status. Active products cannot be edited or deleted. In the ShopScreen, reactivity has been added to adjust the display of favorites and the page header name based on whether the user is logged in or not.

Scrolling adjustments have been made to the ShopGridView and AdListView widgets to ensure smoother scrolling when loading new ads. The control of mechanics has been migrated from the Parse server to a local SQLite database. These mechanics consist of relatively static information that does not change frequently, hence they have been incorporated into the app. Data from BGG and the annual ranking table have also been integrated into the application.

These changes enhance user-specific features and optimize the handling of mechanics by migrating data control to a local SQLite database. The integration of user-specific features and the optimization of mechanics handling ensure a more efficient and user-friendly experience. This set of changes introduces significant improvements to user interactions, performance enhancements, and the transition to local storage for mechanics, providing a more robust and efficient application experience.

Deletions primarily focus on removing configuration files and setups specific to Flutter's macOS, windows and Linux descktop implementations, cleaning up the project and reducing dependencies. Additional deletions continue the clean-up process by removing configuration files and assets specific to the macOS platform, further simplifying the project and focusing on the core Flutter application. The final batch of deletions completes the removal of configuration files, scripts, and assets specific to the macOS and Windows platforms. This clean-up aligns the project with the focus on core Flutter application development, eliminating unnecessary platform-specific files.

Below is a breakdown of the changes:

  1. .env

    • Added environment variables for Parse Server configuration:
      • PARSE_PORT
  2. assets/data/bgg.db

    • Added SQLite database file for mechanics and rank data.
  3. docker-compose.yml

    • Updated Parse Server configuration to use environment variables.
  4. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Changed mechanicsId type from List<String> to List<int>.
  5. lib/common/models/filter.dart

    • Changed mechanicsId type from List<String> to List<int>.
  6. lib/common/models/mechanic.dart

    • Updated MechanicModel class:
      • Changed id type from String? to int?.
      • Changed name type from String? to String.
      • Added methods toMap and fromMap.
  7. lib/common/settings/local_server.dart

    • Updated Parse Server URL and keys for
  8. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart

    • Removed ButtonBehavior enum.
    • Updated item button logic for ads:
      • Added _editButton and _deleteButton methods.
      • Added _showAd method for navigation.
      • Added logic to show buttons based on buttonBehavior flag.
    • Improved scrolling behavior:
      • Renamed _scrollListener2 to _scrollListener.
      • Added _isScrolling flag to prevent multiple requests.
  9. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/shop_grid_view.dart

    • Improved scrolling behavior:
      • Renamed _scrollListener2 to _scrollListener.
      • Added _isScrolling flag to prevent multiple requests.
  10. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/ad_shop_view.dart

    • Display favorite button for logged-in users only:
      • Added isLogged getter.
      • Used FavStackButton if user is logged in.
  11. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_controller.dart

    • Changed selectedMechIds type from List<String> to List<int>.
  12. lib/features/edit_advert/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Updated mechanics ID handling.
  13. lib/features/filters/filters_controller.dart

    • Changed selectedMechIds type from List<String> to List<int>.
  14. lib/features/filters/filters_screen.dart

    • Updated mechanics ID handling.
  15. lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart

    • Changed selectedIds type from List<String> to List<int>.
  16. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart

    • Fixed logout behavior:
      • Moved currentUser.logout() to after Navigator.pop.
  17. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Added loading and error states:
      • Used StateLoadingMessage and StateErrorMessage components.
  18. lib/features/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar_view.dart

    • Simplified item button logic:
      • Removed getItemButton method.
      • Used boolean flag for buttonBehavior.
  19. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Display favorite button in product images for logged-in users:
      • Added isLogged getter.
      • Used FavStackButton in Stack.
  20. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Added listeners for user login status to update ads and page title.
  21. lib/get_it.dart

    • Registered DatabaseManager singleton.
  22. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Changed mechanicsId type from List<String> to List<int>.
    • Updated nameFromId method to use int type.
  23. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Changed mechanicsId type from List<String> to List<int> in ad saving methods.
  24. lib/repository/common/constants.dart

    • Increased maxAdsPerList from 6 to 20.
  25. lib/repository/common/parse_to_model.dart

    • Changed mechanicsId type from List<String> to List<int> in ad parsing method.
  26. lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Refactored to use local SQLite database for mechanics data:
      • Used MechStore for querying mechanics.
  27. lib/store/constants/constants.dart

    • Added constants for SQLite database handling:
      • Database name, version, and table/column names.
  28. lib/store/database_manager.dart

    • Implemented database manager for initializing and handling SQLite database.
  29. lib/store/mech_store.dart

    • Implemented mechanics store for querying mechanics data from SQLite database.
  30. lib/components/others_widgets/fav_button.dart

    • Created FavStackButton widget to handle favorite actions:
      • Displays favorite icon based on whether the ad is favorited.
      • Toggles favorite status on button press.
  31. lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart.parse

    • Added legacy Parse Server mechanic repository code for reference:
      • Fetches mechanics from Parse Server.
      • Logs errors if the query fails.
  32. linux/.gitignore

    • Removed unused Linux build directory from version control.
  33. linux/CMakeLists.txt

    • Removed unused Linux build configuration file.
  34. lib/common/settings/local_server.dart

    • Commented out configuration details:
      • Removed hard-coded application ID and client key.
      • Defined new application ID and client key for
      • Set Parse Server URL to
  35. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart

    • Updated AdListView to include new button behavior:
      • Added _editButton and _deleteButton methods.
      • Modified _scrollListener for smoother scrolling.
      • Updated layout to include edit and delete buttons for ads.
  36. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/shop_grid_view.dart

    • Updated ShopGridView for better scrolling performance:
      • Modified _scrollListener for smoother scrolling.
      • Added _isScrolling to prevent duplicate load calls.
  37. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Enhanced MyAdsScreen to display loading and error messages:
      • Added StateLoadingMessage and StateErrorMessage for better state handling.
  38. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Improved ProductScreen to include favorite button for logged-in users:
      • Added FavStackButton to the ImageCarousel stack.
  39. lib/repository/common/constants.dart

    • Increased maxAdsPerList from 6 to 20 to display more ads per load.
  40. lib/store/database_manager.dart

    • Created DatabaseManager to handle local SQLite database:
      • Initializes database from assets if not found.
      • Provides methods to access and close the database.
  41. lib/store/mech_store.dart

    • Created MechStore to handle mechanics storage:
      • Queries mechanics from local SQLite database.
      • Fetches mechanic descriptions based on language code.
  42. linux/*

    • Removed linux desktop support.
  43. macos/*

    • Removed macOS descktop support.
  44. windows/*

    • Removed Windows desktop support.
  45. pubspec.yaml

    • Modified file.
      • Added sqflite and path_provider to dependencies.
      • Included assets for the project.

These changes enhance user-specific features and optimize the handling of mechanics by migrating data control to a local SQLite database. This set of changes introduces significant improvements to user interactions and performance, ensuring a more efficient and user-friendly experience. The transition to local storage for mechanics provides a more robust and efficient application experience.

Deletions primarily focus on removing configuration files and setup specific to Flutter's macOS and Linux implementations, cleaning up the project and reducing dependencies. Remaining deletions continue the clean-up process by removing additional configuration files and assets specific to the macOS platform, further simplifying the project and focusing on the core Flutter application. The final batch of deletions completes the removal of configuration files, scripts, and assets specific to the macOS and Windows platforms, aligning the project with the focus on core Flutter application development and eliminating unnecessary platform-specific files.

2024/08/01 - version: 0.6.2+27

This commit introduces multiple enhancements and fixes across various components of the project:

  1. Makefile

    • Added a new build_profile target for running the Flutter app in profile mode.

    • Updated the TODO list and removed unnecessary sections to streamline the document.
  3. analysis_options.yaml

    • Configured the analyzer to treat deprecated member use as an error.
  4. android/app/build.gradle

    • Updated compileSdk, minSdk, and targetSdk versions to 34 and 21 respectively.
  5. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Added necessary permissions for internet, camera, and external storage access.
  6. android/build.gradle

    • Updated the Gradle plugin version to 8.5.0.
  7. android/gradle/wrapper/

    • Updated the Gradle distribution URL to use version 8.5.
  8. flutter_01.png

    • Added a new image resource.
  9. lib/common/app_constants.dart

    • Introduced a new constant appTitle with the value 'BGBazzar'.
  10. lib/common/singletons/search_filter.dart

    • Refactored the SearchFilter class, removing redundant code and adding a haveFilter getter.
  11. lib/common/singletons/search_history.dart

    • Refactored the SearchHistory class, removing redundant code and optimizing methods.
  12. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Added navigation methods and refactored the code to improve readability and functionality.
  13. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/ad_shop_view.dart

    • Adjusted the image size calculation for better UI consistency.
  14. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart, lib/features/base/base_screen.dart, lib/features/base/base_state.dart, lib/features/base/widgets/old/search_dialog_bar.dart, lib/features/base/widgets/old/search_dialog_search_bar.dart, lib/features/base/widgets/search_controller.dart

    • Deleted obsolete files related to the base controller and screen.
  15. lib/features/favorites/favorites_controller.dart

    • Removed TODO comments and unimplemented methods.
  16. lib/features/login/login_screen.dart

    • Added a back button to the app bar.
  17. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart

    • Refactored the logout method and fixed a comment for the logout feature.
  18. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Added a comment for the favorite button functionality.
  19. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Major refactor, including new methods for setting the page title, cleaning search, and handling ads retrieval.
  20. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Refactored the shop screen, including the app bar, floating action button, and the main content area for better UX and code maintainability.
  21. lib/features/shop/shop_state.dart

    • Deleted the redundant shop state file.
  22. lib/features/base/widgets/search_dialog.dart -> lib/features/shop/widgets/search/search_dialog.dart

    • Renamed and refactored the search dialog for better modularity.
  23. lib/features/signup/signup_screen.dart

    • Added a back button to the app bar.
  24. lib/get_it.dart

    • Updated dependency registration, replacing BaseController with ShopController.
  25. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Changed the initial route to ShopScreen.
  26. pubspec.lock, pubspec.yaml

    • Updated shared_preferences package to version 2.3.0.

These changes collectively improve the project’s structure, enhance user experience, and maintain code consistency.

2024/08/01 - version: 0.6.1+25

This commit introduces the Favorites feature and refactors various components to enhance functionality and code organization:

  1. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Imported FavoritesScreen to enable navigation.
    • Updated the "Favoritos" list tile to use Navigator.pushNamed for navigation.
  2. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart

    • Removed "Favoritos" from the titles list.
  3. lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Removed the FavoritesScreen from the list of screens managed by BaseScreen.
  4. lib/features/favorites/favorites_controller.dart

    • New file: Added FavoritesController to manage the state and data of the Favorites feature.
  5. lib/features/favorites/favorites_screen.dart

    • Implemented the FavoritesScreen with state management and display logic using FavoritesController and ShopGridView.
  6. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Removed the showImage method as it is now redundant with the ShopGridView implementation.
  7. lib/get_it.dart

    • Added disposal of FavoritesManager in the disposeDependencies method.
  8. lib/manager/favorites_manager.dart

    • Added the ads getter to expose the list of favorite ads.
    • Added a dispose method to properly clean up the favNotifier.
  9. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added a route for FavoritesScreen in the route table.
  10. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated the version from 0.6.1+26 to 0.6.2+27.

These changes collectively add the Favorites feature, allowing users to manage and view their favorite ads. The code refactoring improves maintainability and clarity.

2024/07/31 - version: 0.6.1+25

This commit introduces updates, new functionalities, and refactorings across multiple files to improve user management and advertisement features:

  1. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Added FavoritesManager integration for managing user favorites.
    • Renamed isLoged to isLogged.
    • Added login method for handling user login logic.
    • Updated logout method to clear user favorites and addresses.
  2. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Renamed isLoged to isLogged to ensure consistent naming.
    • Updated button interactions based on user login status.
  3. lib/components/custom_drawer/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart

    • Renamed isLoged to isLogged for consistency.
  4. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/shop_grid_view.dart

    • New file: Added ShopGridView widget for displaying advertisements in a grid view.
  5. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/ad_shop_view.dart

    • New file: Added AdShopView widget for displaying individual advertisements.
  6. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/owner_rating.dart

    • New file: Added OwnerRating widget to display owner ratings.
  7. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/shop_text_price.dart

    • New file: Added ShopTextPrice widget to display advertisement prices.
  8. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/shop_text_title.dart

    • New file: Added ShopTextTitle widget to display advertisement titles.
  9. lib/components/others_widgets/shop_grid_view/widgets/show_image.dart

    • New file: Added ShowImage widget to handle image display.
  10. lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Renamed isLoged to isLogged to ensure consistent naming.
  11. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_screen.dart

    • Updated title to reflect editing state.
    • Added StateLoadingMessage and StateErrorMessage for better state handling.
    • Fixed controller reference in ImagesListView.
  12. lib/features/edit_advert/widgets/image_list_view.dart

    • Fixed controller reference to ctrl for consistency.
  13. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Replaced AdListView with ShopGridView for better advertisement display.
  14. lib/get_it.dart

    • Registered FavoritesManager for dependency injection.
  15. lib/manager/address_manager.dart

    • Added methods login and logout to manage user login state.
  16. lib/manager/favorites_manager.dart

    • New file: Added FavoritesManager to manage user favorites, including methods to add, remove, and fetch favorites.
  17. lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Updated maxAdsPerList to 6 for better pagination.
  18. lib/repository/favorite_repository.dart

    • Updated add method to use adId directly.
    • Added getFavorites method to fetch user's favorite advertisements.
  19. lib/repository/parse_to_model.dart

    • Renamed favotire to favorite for correct spelling.
    • Added type annotation for mechanic method.

These changes collectively enhance user management, improve advertisement handling, and introduce a new favorites feature.

2024/07/31 - version: 0.6.0+24

This commit introduces several updates, new functionalities, and refactorings across multiple files:

  1. lib/common/models/favorite.dart

    • New file: Added FavoriteModel class to represent favorite advertisements with attributes id and adId.
  2. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Removed unnecessary delay after deleting an address in the moveAdsAddressAndRemove method.
  3. lib/features/base/widgets/search_dialog_bar.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/features/base/widgets/old/search_dialog_bar.dart for better organization.
  4. lib/features/base/widgets/search_dialog_search_bar.dart

    • Renamed and moved to lib/features/base/widgets/old/search_dialog_search_bar.dart for better organization.
  5. lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_controller.dart

    • Updated mechanicsManager to use the instance from getIt for dependency injection.
  6. lib/features/filters/filters_controller.dart

    • Updated mechManager to use the instance from getIt for dependency injection.
  7. lib/features/filters/filters_screen.dart

    • Fixed typo in the hint text from 'Cidate' to 'Cidade'.
  8. lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart

    • Updated mechanics to use the instance from getIt for dependency injection.
  9. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart

    • Refactored onPressed method of the logout button to be asynchronous.
  10. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Added a favorite button to the app bar for product screens.
  11. lib/features/product/widgets/image_carousel.dart

    • Replaced carousel_slider with flutter_carousel_slider for better functionality.
    • Updated the layout and behavior of the image carousel.
  12. lib/get_it.dart

    • Registered MechanicsManager as a lazy singleton for dependency injection.
  13. lib/main.dart

    • Updated initialization process to include MechanicsManager.
  14. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Removed singleton pattern in favor of dependency injection using getIt.
  15. lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Added constants for the Favorite table and its fields.
  16. lib/repository/favorite_repository.dart

    • New file: Added FavoriteRepository with methods to add and delete favorites.
  17. lib/repository/parse_to_model.dart

    • Added method favorite to convert ParseObject to FavoriteModel.
  18. lib/repository/user_repository.dart

    • Updated update method to handle user password changes more effectively.
    • Improved logout method to be asynchronous.
  19. pubspec.lock

    • Removed carousel_slider package.
    • Added flutter_carousel_slider package.
  20. pubspec.yaml

    • Removed carousel_slider dependency.
    • Added flutter_carousel_slider dependency.

These changes collectively enhance the functionality and organization of the application, improve dependency management, and introduce the capability to handle favorite advertisements.

2024/07/30 - version: 0.5.3+23

This commit introduces a range of updates and new functionalities across multiple files:

  1. lib/components/dialogs/simple_question.dart

    • New file: Added SimpleQuestionDialog widget for displaying simple question dialogs with Yes/No or Confirm/Cancel options.
  2. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Imported dart:developer.
    • Added AddressState management.
    • Introduced selectesAddresId, _changeState, and moveAdsAddressAndRemove methods for better address handling.
  3. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Imported dart:developer and state_error_message.dart.
    • Updated _removeAddress to handle advertisements associated with the address.
    • Added AnimatedBuilder for managing loading and error states.
    • Included DestinyAddressDialog for handling the destination address when removing an address.
  4. lib/features/my_data/my_data_state.dart

    • Renamed file to lib/features/address/address_state.dart to be consistent with the new address state management.
  5. lib/features/address/widgets/destiny_address_dialog.dart

    • New file: Added DestinyAddressDialog widget for selecting a destination address when removing an address with associated advertisements.
  6. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Added floatingActionButton for adding new advertisements.
    • Introduced _addNewAdvert method to navigate to the EditAdvertScreen.
  7. lib/features/my_data/my_data_controller.dart

    • Removed MyDataState management to simplify the controller.
    • Removed _changeState method.
  8. lib/features/my_data/my_data_screen.dart

    • Added backScreen method to handle unsaved changes.
    • Refactored the screen layout to include SimpleQuestionDialog for unsaved changes.
  9. lib/manager/address_manager.dart

    • Added methods deleteByName, deleteById, and getAddressIdFromName for better address management.
  10. lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Updated delete method to accept addressId instead of address.
    • Added moveAdsAddressTo method for moving advertisements to another address.
    • Added adsInAddress method to retrieve advertisements associated with a specific address.
  11. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Updated delete method to accept adId instead of ad.
    • Added moveAdsAddressTo and adsInAddress methods to support address management.
  12. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated version to 0.5.3+23.

These changes collectively enhance the address management functionality, introduce new dialog widgets for better user interaction, and update the repository methods to handle advertisement associations with addresses.

2024/07/30 - version: 0.5.2+22

This commit introduces several enhancements and fixes across multiple files:

  1. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Added deleted status to the AdvertStatus enum.
  2. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Imported get_it.dart.
    • Changed the initialization of addressManager to use getIt<AddressManager>().
  3. lib/common/utils/extensions.dart

    • Added a new extension method onlyNumbers to StringExtension.
  4. lib/common/validators/validators.dart

    • Imported extensions.dart.
    • Renamed nickname validation method to name.
    • Enhanced phone validation to include various checks like length, area code, and valid mobile/landline number.
    • Added DataValidator class with methods for validating password, confirming password, name, and phone.
  5. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Removed redundant imports.
    • Updated CustomDrawer constructor and properties.
    • Refactored _navToLoginScreen method into navToLoginScreen.
    • Adjusted ListTile items to use ctrl.jumpToPage.
  6. lib/components/form_fields/password_form_field.dart

    • Added fullBorder parameter to PasswordFormField.
    • Conditional application of OutlineInputBorder.
  7. lib/components/others_widgets/state_error_message.dart

    • New file: Added StateErrorMessage widget for displaying error messages.
  8. lib/components/others_widgets/state_loading_message.dart

    • New file: Added StateLoadingMessage widget for displaying loading messages.
  9. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Changed the initialization of addressManager to use getIt<AddressManager>().
  10. lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Disabled _removeAddress button and added comments for future implementation.
  11. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart

    • Added user getter.
    • Refactored jumpToPage and setPageTitle methods.
    • Adjusted titles constant to reflect updated page titles.
  12. lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Updated titleWidget to use ctrl.pageTitle.
    • Added navToLoginScreen method.
    • Replaced CircularProgressIndicator with StateLoadingMessage.
  13. lib/features/login/login_screen.dart

    • Added StateErrorMessage and StateLoadingMessage for error and loading states.
    • Threw exception for unimplemented navigation actions.
  14. lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart

    • Added imports for AddressScreen and MyDataScreen.
    • Updated ListTile items to use the new screens.
  15. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Commented out the call to AdvertRepository.delete and added a status update using AdvertRepository.updateStatus.
  16. lib/features/my_data/my_data_controller.dart

    • New file: Added MyDataController for managing user data.
  17. lib/features/my_data/my_data_screen.dart

    • New file: Added MyDataScreen for displaying and editing user data.
  18. lib/features/my_data/my_data_state.dart

    • New file: Added MyDataState classes for representing different states in MyDataController.
  19. lib/features/product/widgets/title_product.dart

    • Added optional color parameter to TitleProduct.
  20. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Added StateErrorMessage and StateLoadingMessage for error and loading states.
    • Adjusted FloatingActionButton behavior to reinitialize the controller after login.
  21. lib/features/signup/signup_controller.dart

    • Renamed nicknameController to nameController.
    • Updated focus nodes and controller disposal.
  22. lib/features/signup/widgets/signup_form.dart

    • Updated to use nameController and phoneFocusNode.
  23. lib/get_it.dart

    • Registered AddressManager as a lazy singleton.
  24. lib/manager/address_manager.dart

    • Removed singleton pattern in favor of dependency injection.
  25. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added route for MyDataScreen.
  26. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Updated updateStatus method to use parse.update.
  27. lib/repository/user_repository.dart

    • Added update method for updating user information.

These changes collectively enhance functionality, improve code readability, and address various bugs.

2024/07/29 - version: 0.5.2+21

Renamed Advertisement Features and Updated Navigation

  1. Updated Navigation in lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Changed import from AdvertScreen to EditAdvertScreen.
    • Updated navigation from AdvertScreen to EditAdvertScreen.
  2. Modified Navigation in lib/features/base/base_screen.dart:

    • Changed import from AccountScreen to MyAccountScreen.
    • Updated the last screen in PageView to MyAccountScreen.
  3. Renamed Advertisement Controller and State:

    • Renamed lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart to lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_controller.dart.
    • Renamed AdvertController to EditAdvertController.
    • Updated state management classes from AdvertState to EditAdvertState.
  4. Renamed Advertisement Screen:

    • Renamed lib/features/advertisement/advert_screen.dart to lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_screen.dart.
    • Renamed AdvertScreen to EditAdvertScreen.
  5. Updated Advertisement State Class Names:

    • Renamed lib/features/advertisement/advert_state.dart to lib/features/edit_advert/edit_advert_state.dart.
    • Updated state classes from AdvertState to EditAdvertState.
  6. Updated Advertisement Form and Widgets:

    • Renamed advertisement form and widget files to edit_advert equivalents.
  7. Renamed Account Screen:

    • Renamed lib/features/account/account_screen.dart to lib/features/my_account/my_account_screen.dart.
    • Renamed AccountScreen to MyAccountScreen.
  8. Updated References in My Ads Screen:

    • Updated import and usage from AdvertScreen to EditAdvertScreen.
  9. Updated Shop Screen Navigation:

    • Changed navigation from AdvertScreen to EditAdvertScreen.
  10. Updated Main App Navigation:

    • Changed import and route from AccountScreen to MyAccountScreen.
    • Updated the route for advertisement screen to EditAdvertScreen.

These changes refactor the advertisement feature by renaming relevant files and classes for better clarity and organization. Navigation has been updated accordingly to reflect these changes.

2024/07/29 - version: 0.5.2+20

Enhanced Advertisement Features and Refactoring

  1. lib/common/app_constants.dart

    • Created a new file to define the AppPage enum with values shopePage, chatPage, favoritesPage, and accountPage for better navigation handling.
  2. lib/components/buttons/big_button.dart

    • Updated the button's borderRadius to 32 for a more rounded appearance.
  3. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Imported AppPage enum from app_constants.dart and AdvertScreen.
    • Replaced hard-coded page numbers with AppPage enum values for improved readability and maintainability.
  4. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart

    • Added editAd and deleteAd callbacks to handle advertisement editing and deletion.
    • Removed logging and simplified button actions to call the new callbacks.
  5. lib/features/account/account_screen.dart

    • Imported AppPage enum from app_constants.dart.
    • Replaced hard-coded page number with AppPage.shopePage for navigation after logout.
  6. lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Updated init method to use setSelectedAddress for setting the address.
    • Improved removeImage method to handle both URL and local file deletion.
    • Added updateAds method to update an existing advertisement.
    • Renamed createAnnounce to createAds and adjusted its implementation.
  7. lib/features/advertisement/advert_screen.dart

    • Added an AppBar with dynamic title based on whether the ad is new or being edited.
    • Updated _createAnnounce method to handle both ad creation and updating, returning to the previous screen with the updated ad.
  8. lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Updated icons in SegmentedButton for better representation of AdvertStatus values.
  9. lib/features/advertisement/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart

    • Added showImage method to handle displaying both network and local images.
    • Adjusted _showImageEditDialog to show either a network or local image based on the URL pattern.
  10. lib/features/advertisement/widgets/image_list_view.dart

    • Added editAd and deleteAd callbacks for handling ad editing and deletion.
  11. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart

    • Imported AppPage enum from app_constants.dart.
    • Replaced _page type from int to AppPage for better type safety and readability.
  12. lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Imported AppPage enum from app_constants.dart.
    • Updated various navigation references to use AppPage enum values.
  13. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Implemented updateAd method to refresh ads after an update.
    • Implemented deleteAd method to delete an advertisement and refresh the ads list.
  14. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Added methods _editAd and _deleteAd to handle editing and deletion of advertisements with confirmation dialogs.
    • Updated MyTabBarView usage to include editAd and deleteAd callbacks.
  15. lib/features/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar.dart

    • Updated icons in Tab widgets for better representation of advertisement statuses.
  16. lib/features/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar_view.dart

    • Added editAd and deleteAd callbacks to AdListView.
  17. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Imported AdvertScreen.
    • Updated FloatingActionButton to navigate to AdvertScreen for adding a new advertisement.
  18. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Added update method to update an advertisement on the Parse server.
    • Improved _saveImages method to correctly identify URL patterns.
    • Added delete method to delete an advertisement from the Parse server.

These changes enhance the advertisement management features by improving navigation with the AppPage enum, adding capabilities for editing and deleting ads, and refining the UI components for better user experience and maintainability. The refactor also ensures the codebase is more readable and easier to manage.

2024/07/29 - version: 0.5.2+19

Enhanced Advertisement Features and Refactoring

  1. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Reordered the title property to appear before status in the AdvertModel class for consistency.
  2. lib/components/custon_field_controllers/currency_text_controller.dart

    • Added currencyValue setter to update the text value of the controller based on the provided currency value. This simplifies setting the currency value programmatically.
  3. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart

    • Imported dart:developer for logging purposes.
    • Added ButtonBehavior enum to define possible button actions (edit, delete).
    • Replaced itemButton parameter with buttonBehavior to handle different button actions dynamically.
    • Added getItemButton method to generate the appropriate button widget based on buttonBehavior.
    • Enhanced logging to include the length of ads list to aid in debugging and monitoring the list state.
  4. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/widgets/ad_card_view.dart

    • Updated the Card widget with a shape property, applying RoundedRectangleBorder to provide rounded corners for better visual appeal.
  5. lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Added init method to initialize the controller with an AdvertModel instance, populating various fields like title, description, hidePhone, price, status, mechanicsId, address, and images.
    • Added setImages method to set the list of images in the controller, updating the _images list and notifying listeners.
  6. lib/features/advertisement/advert_screen.dart

    • Updated constructor to accept an optional AdvertModel instance, allowing the screen to display and edit existing advertisements.
    • Added initialization of AdvertController with the provided AdvertModel instance in initState to pre-fill the form fields with existing data.
  7. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Added placeholder methods updateAd and deleteAd with TODO comments indicating future implementation plans for updating and deleting advertisements.
  8. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Refactored to replace direct usage of TabBar and TabBarView with custom widgets MyTabBar and MyTabBarView to improve code modularity and readability.
    • Added custom MyTabBar widget to handle tab selection and update the product status in the controller.
    • Added custom MyTabBarView widget to display advertisements based on their status, with configurable dismissible actions and button behaviors.
  9. lib/features/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar.dart

    • Implements a custom TabBar widget that maps tab selection to product status changes in the MyAdsController.
  10. lib/features/my_ads/widgets/my_tab_bar_view.dart

    • Implements a custom TabBarView widget that displays a list of advertisements with different statuses, using AdListView with configurable actions for each tab.
  11. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated routing logic to handle AdvertScreen navigation, passing an AdvertModel instance when navigating to allow for ad editing.
    • Simplified onGenerateRoute method for better readability, ensuring all routes handle their respective arguments correctly.

These changes enhance the advertisement management capabilities by adding the ability to edit and delete ads directly from the list, initializing controllers with existing ad data, and modularizing the UI components for better code organization and maintainability. The refactor also improves the overall user experience by making the UI more intuitive and the codebase easier to maintain and extend.

2024/07/26 - version: 0.5.2+18

Improved Advertisement Management and Code Refactoring

  1. lib/common/basic_controller/basic_controller.dart

    • Added: Future<bool> updateAdStatus(AdvertModel ad) method to update advertisement status.
  2. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Imported: foundation.dart to use ValueNotifier.
    • Added: _isLoged as ValueNotifier<bool> to manage login state.
    • Updated: isLoged to use _isLoged.value and added isLogedListernable getter.
    • Modified: init method to update _isLoged.value upon initialization.
    • Added: dispose method to dispose of _isLoged.
    • Updated: logout method to set _isLoged.value to false.
  3. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Updated: Menu item text from 'Inserir AnĂşncio' to 'Adicionar AnĂşncio'.
  4. lib/features/shop/widgets/ad_list_view.dart

    • Renamed: File to lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/ad_list_view.dart.
    • Replaced: ShopController with BasicController.
    • Enhanced: AdListView with new parameters for dismissible ads and additional properties.
  5. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/widgets/ad_card_view.dart

    • New File: Handles the display of advertisement cards with various properties.
  6. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/widgets/dismissible_ad.dart

    • New File: Manages dismissible ads with customizable actions and status updates.
  7. lib/components/others_widgets/ad_list_view/widgets/show_image.dart

    • New File: Manages image display with a fallback for empty images.
  8. lib/components/others_widgets/base_dismissible_container.dart

    • New File: Provides a base container for dismissible actions in the UI.
  9. lib/components/others_widgets/fitted_button_segment.dart

    • New File: Defines a fitted button segment for use in segmented controls.
  10. lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Added: _adStatus property and corresponding getter.
    • Refactored: Moved _changeState method to a different position.
    • Updated: saveAd method to include status property.
    • Added: setAdStatus method to update advertisement status.
  11. lib/features/advertisement/advert_screen.dart

    • Wrapped: AdvertForm and BigButton inside a Column for better structure.
  12. lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Imported: fitted_button_segment.dart for custom button segments.
    • Added: Segmented button for selecting AdvertStatus.
  13. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart

    • Updated: Title from 'Criar AnĂşncio' to 'Adicionar AnĂşncio' for consistency.
  14. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Refactored: getAds method to use a helper method _getAds.
    • Added: _getAds and _getMoreAds helper methods for better code organization.
    • Added: updateAdStatus method to handle advertisement status updates.
  15. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Enhanced: AdListView to support dismissible ads with custom status updates and icons.
    • Added: physics property to TabBarView to disable scrolling.
  16. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Refactored: getAds method to reset _adPage and clear ads.
    • Added: updateAdStatus method with UnimplementedError.
  17. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Updated: Import path for ad_list_view.dart.
    • Added: ValueListenableBuilder to manage FloatingActionButton state based on login status.
  18. lib/features/shop/widgets/ad_text_price.dart

    • Removed: Unused colorScheme variable.
    • Updated: Text style for better readability.
  19. lib/features/shop/widgets/ad_text_title.dart

    • Changed: maxLines from 3 to 2 for better layout consistency.
  20. lib/get_it.dart

    • Added: dispose call for CurrentUser.
  21. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Changed: Main font from "Poppins" to "Manrope" for a refreshed UI look.
  22. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Added: updateStatus method to update advertisement status in the Parse server.

These changes enhance the advertisement management capabilities by adding new functionalities and refactoring the code for better maintainability and usability. The updates improve user experience and ensure consistent behavior across the application.

2024/07/26 - version: 0.5.1+17

This commit includes several adjustments to animations, a reduction in the number of AdvertStatus options, and various other enhancements to improve code consistency and functionality. Changes:

  1. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Removed AdvertStatus.closed from the AdvertStatus enum.
  2. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Added font14Thin style for thinner text with font size 14.
  3. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Added properties _adPage, _getMorePages, and getMorePages.
    • Implemented logic to fetch additional pages of advertisements in getMoreAds.
  4. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Updated TabBar length to 3 to remove the unnecessary "Fechados" tab.
    • Adjusted text styles for consistency.
    • Enhanced error and loading state handling.
  5. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Adjusted AnimationController duration for FloatingActionButton to 300 milliseconds.
    • Simplified scroll notification handling logic.
  6. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Refactored to extend BasicController and use BasicState for state management.
    • Added initialization and pagination logic for fetching advertisements.
  7. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Refactored to integrate BasicState for consistent state management.
    • Updated AnimationController duration and scroll listener logic.
    • Improved FloatingActionButton animation and visibility handling.
  8. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Changed the text theme order in createTextTheme to prioritize "Poppins" over "Comfortaa".
  9. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Removed the maxAdsPerList constant and relocated it to constants.dart.
  10. lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Added maxAdsPerList constant and set its value to 5 for better performance during testing.

Standardized animations for FloatingActionButton, streamlined advertisement status options, and improved overall state management and UI consistency across various features.

2024/07/26 - version: 0.5.0+16

This commit introduces several new files and modifications to the existing codebase, adding functionalities and enhancements, including dependency injection with get_it. Changes:

  1. lib/common/basic_controller/basic_controller.dart

    • Added new file with BasicController abstract class.
    • Defined state management and basic functionalities such as changeState, init, getAds, and getMoreAds.
  2. lib/common/basic_controller/basic_state.dart

    • Added new file defining BasicState abstract class and its concrete implementations: BasicStateInitial, BasicStateLoading, BasicStateSuccess, and BasicStateError.
  3. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Added import 'dart:convert';.
    • Included createdAt property in AddressModel.
    • Modified constructor to initialize createdAt.
    • Updated toString, ==, and hashCode methods to include createdAt.
    • Added copyWith method.
    • Added toMap, fromMap, toJson, and fromJson methods for serialization.
  4. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Removed commented out UserType type; and related code.
    • Simplified constructor initialization.
  5. lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart

    • Refactored AppSettings to remove singleton pattern, allowing for direct instantiation.
  6. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Refactored CurrentUser to remove singleton pattern, allowing for direct instantiation.
    • Added logout method to handle user logout.
  7. lib/common/singletons/search_filter.dart

    • Refactored SearchFilter to remove singleton pattern, allowing for direct instantiation.
    • Added dispose method to clean up resources.
  8. lib/common/singletons/search_history.dart

    • Refactored SearchHistory to remove singleton pattern, allowing for direct instantiation.
  9. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
    • Refactored navigation methods to use jumpToPage from BaseController.
    • Enhanced ListTile widgets to conditionally enable/disable based on user login status.
  10. lib/components/custom_drawer/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
    • Refactored isLogin to isLoged for better readability.
  11. lib/features/account/account_screen.dart

    • Converted AccountScreen to a StatefulWidget.
    • Implemented user information display and various action items.
  12. lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  13. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  14. lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Refactored BaseScreen to use dependency injection with getIt.
    • Removed redundant _changeToPage method and updated CustomDrawer.
  15. lib/features/base/widgets/search_controller.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  16. lib/features/base/widgets/search_dialog.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  17. lib/features/login/login_controller.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  18. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_controller.dart

    • Added new file with MyAdsController extending BasicController.
    • Implemented init, getAds, getMoreAds, and setProductStatus methods.
  19. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_screen.dart

    • Added new file with MyAdsScreen implementing a stateful widget.
    • Integrated MyAdsController and implemented UI with tabs for different ad statuses.
  20. lib/features/my_ads/my_ads_state.dart

    • Added new file defining MyAdsState abstract class and its concrete implementations: MyAdsStateInitial, MyAdsStateLoading, MyAdsStateSuccess, and MyAdsStateError.
  21. lib/features/my_ads/widgets/my_ad_list_view.dart

    • Added new file implementing AdListView widget with scroll and image handling capabilities.
  22. lib/features/new_address/new_address_controller.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  23. lib/features/shop/shop_controller.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  24. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Refactored ShopScreen to use dependency injection with getIt.
    • Removed redundant changeToPage method.
  25. lib/features/signup/signup_controller.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
  26. lib/get_it.dart

    • Added new file to setup and dispose dependencies using get_it.
  27. lib/main.dart

    • Integrated get_it for dependency injection.
    • Updated initialization to use setupDependencies.
  28. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated imports and added dependency injection with getIt.
    • Refactored initialRoute and onGenerateRoute for better route management.
  29. lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Added a comment for potential fix regarding toPointer usage.
  30. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Added getMyAds method to fetch user-specific advertisements.
    • Refactored query logic to use consistent naming conventions.
  31. lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Added keyAddressCreatedAt constant.
  32. lib/repository/parse_to_model.dart

    • Updated ParseToModel methods to include createdAt property.
  33. pubspec.lock

    • Added get_it dependency.
  34. pubspec.yaml

    • Added get_it to dependencies.

Implemented new controllers, refactored singletons to use dependency injection, enhanced UI components, and integrated get_it for dependency management, improving state management and overall code maintainability.

2024/07/25 - version: 0.5.0+15

This commit introduces enhancements to the Product and Shop screens, adds a new ReadMoreText component, and adjusts the theme colors.

  1. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Added new text styles: font24, font24SemiBold, and font24Bold.
  2. lib/common/theme/theme.dart

    • Updated various color definitions for better UI consistency: primaryContainer, secondary, primaryFixed, tertiaryFixedDim, onPrimaryFixedVariant, surfaceContainer, and others.
  3. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Changed the icon for 'Inserir AnĂşncio' from Icons.edit to
  4. lib/components/custom_drawer/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart

    • Wrapped texts in FittedBox for better scaling and to ensure the text fits within the designated area.
  5. lib/components/customs_text/read_more_text.dart

    • Added the new ReadMoreText component for handling expandable text with 'read more' and 'show less' functionality.
  6. lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Updated PageView children to include ShopScreen(_changeToPage) and modified the ShopScreen instantiation.
  7. lib/features/product/product_screen.dart

    • Converted ProductScreen to a StatefulWidget to manage animations for floating action buttons.
    • Added a floating action button for contacting the advertiser via phone or chat.
    • Introduced various product detail widgets: PriceProduct, TitleProduct, DescriptionProduct, LocationProduct, and UserCard.
  8. lib/features/product/widgets/description_product.dart

    • Created DescriptionProduct widget using the ReadMoreText component.
  9. lib/features/product/widgets/duo_segmented_button.dart

    • Created DuoSegmentedButton widget for segmented button functionality.
  10. lib/features/product/widgets/image_carousel.dart

    • Created ImageCarousel widget for displaying product images using carousel_slider.
  11. lib/features/product/widgets/location_product.dart

    • Created LocationProduct widget for displaying product location details.
  12. lib/features/product/widgets/price_product.dart

    • Created PriceProduct widget for displaying product price.
  13. lib/features/product/widgets/sub_title_product.dart

    • Created SubTitleProduct widget for displaying subtitles in product details.
  14. lib/features/product/widgets/title_product.dart

    • Created TitleProduct widget for displaying the product title.
  15. lib/features/product/widgets/user_card_product.dart

    • Created UserCard widget for displaying user information related to the product.
  16. lib/features/shop/shop_screen.dart

    • Updated ShopScreen to manage animations for floating action buttons.
    • Added a floating action button to navigate to the advertisement screen.
  17. lib/features/shop/widgets/ad_list_view.dart

    • Updated AdListView to use the shared ScrollController for handling list view scroll behavior.
    • Added InkWell to navigate to the ProductScreen on ad click.
  18. lib/features/shop/widgets/ad_text_price.dart

    • Removed unnecessary padding and updated text style for ad price.
  19. lib/features/shop/widgets/ad_text_title.dart

    • Removed unnecessary padding and updated text style for ad title.
  20. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Changed default text theme from "Nunito Sans" to "Comfortaa".
    • Updated route handling for ShopScreen to pass a callback for page changes.
  21. pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock

    • Added dependency for carousel_slider version 4.2.1.

These changes enhance the user experience by improving the UI consistency, adding new functionalities, and optimizing existing components.

2024/07/24 - version: 0.4.2+14

Commit Message

Refactored Parse Server integration for improved error handling and code maintainability. Changes made:

  1. lib/common/parse_server/errors_mensages.dart

    • Modified ParserServerErrors.message to accept a String parameter.
    • Added logic to identify specific error messages.
  2. lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Updated method names in CurrentUser to align with AddressManager.
  3. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Ensured drawer closes after logout.
  4. lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Updated method calls to match AddressManager changes.
  5. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Changed method calls in HomeController to use AdvertRepository.get.
  6. lib/features/login/login_screen.dart

    • Adjusted error message handling to pass String.
  7. lib/features/signup/signup_controller.dart

    • Separated user signup and state change logic.
  8. lib/features/signup/signup_screen.dart

    • Updated error handling to pass String.
  9. lib/manager/address_manager.dart

    • Added comments and updated methods for address operations.
  10. lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Added logging and improved error handling.
  11. lib/manager/state_manager.dart

    • Added comments for clarity.
  12. lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Enhanced logging and exception messages.
    • Updated methods to ensure consistency and clarity.
  13. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Improved logging and error handling.
    • Added method comments for better understanding.
  14. lib/repository/ibge_repository.dart

    • Enhanced logging and exception handling.
    • Added method comments for clarity.
  15. lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Improved logging and error handling.
    • Removed redundant parsing method.
  16. lib/repository/parse_to_model.dart

    • Added comments to methods for better understanding.
    • Updated parsing logic for AdvertModel.
  17. lib/repository/user_repository.dart

    • Enhanced logging and error handling.
    • Added _checksPermissions method to handle ACL settings.
  18. lib/repository/viacep_repository.dart

    • Enhanced logging and error handling.
    • Updated method to clean CEP and handle exceptions.

This commit refactors various parts of the code related to Parse Server integration. It improves error handling, logging, and overall code maintainability by adding comments and ensuring consistent method usage.

2024/07/24 - version: 0.4.1+13

Updated various project files to enhance functionality and improve maintainability.

  1. android/app/build.gradle

    • Updated flutterVersionCode and flutterVersionName initialization to include default values.
    • Changed namespace and applicationId.
    • Added lint options for Java compilation.
    • Added dependency for ucrop library.
  2. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Added package attribute to the manifest tag.
  3. android/app/src/main/kotlin/com/example/bgbazzar/MainActivity.kt

    • Updated package name.
  4. android/build.gradle

    • Added Kotlin version and dependencies.
    • Updated Gradle plugin version.
  5. android/

    • Added lint option for deprecation warnings.
    • Suppressed unsupported compile SDK warning.
  6. android/gradle/wrapper/

    • Updated Gradle distribution URL.
  7. lib/common/app_info.dart

    • Created a new file to handle application information and utilities such as URL launching and copying.
  8. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Removed unused imports and JSON conversion methods.
  9. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Updated model structure to use UserModel for owner and AddressModel for address.
    • Reorganized fields.
  10. lib/common/models/filter.dart

    • Added setFilter method to update filter model.
  11. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Removed unused imports and JSON conversion methods.
  12. lib/common/parse_server/errors_mensages.dart

    • Removed logging.
  13. lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart

    • Removed unused fields and methods.
  14. lib/common/singletons/search_filter.dart

    • Created a new singleton to manage search filter state.
  15. lib/common/singletons/search_history.dart

    • Removed logging.
  16. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Created a new file to manage application text styles.
  17. lib/common/theme/text_styles.dart renamed to lib/common/utils/extensions.dart

    • Renamed file and converted to manage number and datetime extensions.
  18. lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart

    • Added a new logout option in the drawer menu.
  19. lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Updated model usage for creating advertisements.
  20. lib/features/advertisement/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart

    • Removed logging.
  21. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart

    • Integrated SearchFilter singleton.
    • Updated search handling methods.
  22. lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Integrated SearchFilter and added actions for search and filter management.
  23. lib/features/base/widgets/search_controller.dart

    • Removed logging.
  24. lib/features/base/widgets/search_dialog.dart

    • Removed commented code and logging.
  25. lib/features/base/widgets/search_dialog_bar.dart

    • Removed logging.
  26. lib/features/filters/widgets/text_title.dart

    • Updated import to use new text styles.
  27. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Integrated SearchFilter and updated advertisement fetching logic.
  28. lib/features/home/home_screen.dart

    • Integrated AdListView for displaying advertisements.
  29. lib/features/home/widgets/ad_list_view.dart

    • Created a new widget to manage advertisement list view.
  30. lib/features/home/widgets/ad_text_info.dart

    • Created a new widget for displaying advertisement info.
  31. lib/features/home/widgets/ad_text_price.dart

    • Created a new widget for displaying advertisement price.
  32. lib/features/home/widgets/ad_text_subtitle.dart

    • Created a new widget for displaying advertisement subtitle.
  33. lib/features/home/widgets/ad_text_title.dart

    • Created a new widget for displaying advertisement title.
  34. lib/features/signup/signup_screen.dart

    • Removed logging.
  35. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added localization support.
    • Removed logging.
  36. lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Refactored to use ParseToModel for model conversion.
    • Removed redundant logging.
  37. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Refactored to use ParseToModel for model conversion.
    • Added pagination support for fetching advertisements.
  38. lib/repository/parse_to_model.dart

    • Created a new utility class for converting Parse objects to models.
  39. lib/repository/user_repository.dart

    • Refactored to use ParseToModel for model conversion.
    • Added logout method.
  40. linux/flutter/

    • Added URL launcher plugin registration.
  41. linux/flutter/generated_plugins.cmake

    • Added URL launcher plugin.
  42. macos/Flutter/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.swift

    • Added URL launcher and SQLite plugins registration.
  43. pubspec.lock

    • Updated dependencies and added new ones for cached network image, URL launcher, SQLite, and localization support.
  44. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated version and added new dependencies for cached network image, URL launcher, and localization support.
  45. windows/flutter/

    • Added URL launcher plugin registration.
  46. windows/flutter/generated_plugins.cmake

    • Added URL launcher plugin.
  47. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Removed redundant methods toMap, fromMap, toJson, and fromJson.
  48. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Consolidated imports and refactored field organization for better readability and maintainability.
  49. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Removed redundant methods toMap, fromMap, toJson, and fromJson.
  50. lib/common/parse_server/errors_mensages.dart

    • Streamlined the error message handling by removing the unnecessary logging of errors.
  51. lib/features/home/home_screen.dart

    • Updated the HomeScreen layout and integrated the AdListView to improve user experience and performance.
  52. lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Improved exception handling and removed redundant code for better code quality.
  53. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Added pagination and improved the handling of search and filter functionality to enhance the user experience.
  54. lib/repository/user_repository.dart

    • Enhanced user management with a logout method and improved exception handling.
  55. pubspec.lock

    • Added intl_utils and updated various dependencies to ensure compatibility and leverage new features.
  56. pubspec.yaml

    • Added dependencies for intl_utils to facilitate localization and formatting utilities.

This commit finalizes the enhancements to the project by ensuring all necessary changes are included and properly documented. The updates improve the application's functionality, maintainability, and user experience by integrating new dependencies, refactoring code, and enhancing existing features.

2024/07/23 - version: 0.3.5+12

Introduced ProductCondition Enum and Refactored Advert Models.

  1. lib/common/models/advert.dart

    • Renamed AdStatus to AdvertStatus.
    • Added new ProductCondition enum.
    • Updated AdvertModel to include condition property with default value ProductCondition.all.
    • Modified constructor to initialize condition.
    • Updated toString method to include condition.
  2. lib/common/models/filter.dart

    • Imported advert.dart.
    • Removed AdvertiserOrder enum.
    • Updated FilterModel to include condition property with default value ProductCondition.all.
    • Modified constructor to initialize condition.
    • Updated isEmpty, toString, ==, and hashCode methods to include condition.
  3. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Commented out UserType enum.
    • Removed type property from UserModel and related methods.
  4. lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart

    • Added search property to AppSettings.
  5. lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Added _condition property with default value ProductCondition.used.
    • Added getter for condition.
    • Updated saveAdvert method to include condition.
    • Added setCondition method.
  6. lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Imported advert.dart.
    • Updated variable name controller to ctrl.
    • Added UI components to select product condition.
    • Updated form fields to use ctrl.
  7. lib/features/base/base_controller.dart

    • Updated search property to use
    • Updated setSearch method to use
  8. lib/features/filters/filters_controller.dart

    • Imported advert.dart.
    • Updated advertiser property and related methods to use condition.
  9. lib/features/filters/filters_screen.dart

    • Imported advert.dart.
    • Updated UI components to select product condition instead of advertiser.
  10. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Imported filter.dart.
    • Added filter property to HomeController.
    • Updated search property to use
  11. lib/features/home/home_screen.dart

    • Imported advert_repository.dart.
    • Updated floating action button to perform search using AdvertRepository.
  12. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Added getAdvertisements method to fetch ads based on filter and search criteria.
    • Updated save method to include condition.
    • Updated _parserServerToAdSale method to parse condition.
  13. lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Added keyAdvertCondition constant.
  14. lib/repository/user_repository.dart

    • Commented out type property setting and retrieval in UserRepository.
  15. lib/features/home/home_screen.dart

    • Updated the floating action button to fetch advertisements using the new filter property in HomeController.
    • Updated the navigation to the FiltersScreen to pass and receive the updated filter property.
  16. lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Added filtering logic in getAdvertisements to consider ProductCondition.
    • Ensured all advertisement-related operations include the new condition property.
    • Updated parsing logic to correctly handle condition values from the server.

These changes enhance the flexibility of the advertisement system by allowing users to filter ads based on the condition of the product. This refactoring also simplifies the advertisement model by consolidating advertiser-related properties into the condition. Introduces the ProductCondition enum and refactors several models and controllers to support this new property, enhancing the filtering capabilities of advertisements.

2024/07/22 - version: 0.3.4+10

Add enhancements and refactor filter and home functionalities

  1. lib/common/models/filter.dart

    • Imported foundation.dart for listEquals.
    • Added minPrice and maxPrice to FilterModel.
    • Modified the constructor to initialize state, city, sortBy, advertiser, mechanicsId, minPrice, and maxPrice with default values.
    • Added isEmpty getter to check if the filter is empty.
    • Overrode toString, ==, and hashCode to include minPrice and maxPrice.
  2. lib/components/custon_field_controllers/currency_text_controller.dart

    • Added decimalDigits parameter to control the number of decimal places.
    • Updated _formatter to use currency instead of simpleCurrency.
    • Updated _applyMask and currencyValue methods to use _getDivisionFactor.
    • Added _getDivisionFactor method to calculate the division factor based on decimalDigits.
  3. lib/features/filters/filters_controller.dart

    • Imported filter.dart and currency_text_controller.dart.
    • Added minPriceController and maxPriceController for handling price input.
    • Updated init method to accept an optional FilterModel.
    • Added setInitialValues method to set initial values for the filter.
    • Updated submitState and submitCity methods to handle exceptions.
    • Updated mechUpdateNames method to use _joinMechNames.
    • Removed unnecessary log statements.
  4. lib/features/filters/filters_screen.dart

    • Updated constructor to accept a FilterModel.
    • Updated initState to call ctrl.init with the provided filter.
    • Updated _sendFilter method to use ctrl.filter.
    • Added UI components for min and max price input.
    • Added validation for price range.
  5. lib/features/filters/widgets/text_form_dropdown.dart

    • Added focusNode parameter to TextFormDropdown.
  6. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Removed unused methods and properties related to mechanics.
  7. lib/features/home/home_screen.dart

    • Updated the filter button to pass the current filter to the FiltersScreen.
    • Removed mechanics-related UI components.
  8. lib/features/new_address/new_address_screen.dart

    • Removed commented-out code.
  9. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated onGenerateRoute to pass the FilterModel to the FiltersScreen.
  10. lib/features/filters/filters_screen.dart

    • Enhanced the FiltersScreen UI to include new fields for price range filtering.
    • Added input validation for the price range to ensure logical consistency between min and max prices.
    • Adjusted the FilterModel handling to accommodate new fields and ensure existing filter states are preserved during navigation and state changes.
  11. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Simplified the HomeController by removing mechanics-related methods and properties, focusing it solely on managing the home screen state.
  12. lib/features/home/home_screen.dart

    • Enhanced the filter button functionality to display the current filter state.
    • Simplified the UI by removing mechanics-related buttons, focusing the user interface on the primary filtering functionality.
  13. lib/features/new_address/new_address_screen.dart

    • Cleaned up the code by removing commented-out lines, ensuring a cleaner and more maintainable codebase.
  14. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated the routing logic to correctly pass and handle FilterModel instances when navigating to the FiltersScreen.
    • Included additional logging for debugging purposes, ensuring better traceability of filter state throughout the application.

These updates collectively enhance the app's structure and overall architecture, improve user experience through better search and filter functionalities, and maintain consistency across the application codebase. The changes reflect ongoing efforts to provide robust and user-friendly features while ensuring a clean, maintainable, and high-performance application.

2024/07/22 - version: 0.3.3+9

Add functionalities and general refactorings

  1. Added Makefile:

    • Commands to manage Docker (docker_up and docker_down).
    • Commands for Flutter clean (flutter_clean).
    • Commands for Git operations (git_cached, git_commit, and git_push).
  2. Added FilterModel in lib/common/models/filter.dart:

    • Modeling filters for advertisements.
  3. Refactored file and class names:

    • Renamed lib/common/models/uf.dart to lib/common/models/state.dart and updated class name from UFModel to StateBrModel.
  4. Added SearchHistory singleton in lib/common/singletons/search_history.dart:

    • Manages search history with SharedPreferences.
  5. Added TextStyles in lib/common/theme/text_styles.dart:

    • Defined common text styles for the application.
  6. Updated advert_screen.dart:

    • Removed unnecessary logging.
    • Integrated new state management for advertisement creation.
  7. Enhanced BaseController and BaseScreen:

    • Added search functionality and integrated SearchDialog.
  8. Added SearchDialogController and SearchDialog widget:

    • Manages search functionality and history display.
  9. Added FiltersController and FiltersScreen:

    • Allows filtering advertisements by location, sorting, and mechanics.
  10. Updated mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Added methods to retrieve mechanics names by IDs.
  11. General updates and bug fixes:

    • Improved state handling and UI updates.
    • Refactored method names for clarity and consistency.
  12. Updated pubspec.yaml version to 0.3.2+8.

  13. Updated home_screen.dart:

    • Integrated HomeController for state management.
    • Added segmented buttons for mechanics and filter selection.
    • Implemented navigation to MecanicsScreen and FiltersScreen.
  14. Added home_controller.dart and home_state.dart:

    • Managed home screen state and mechanics selection.
  15. Updated main.dart:

    • Initialized SearchHistory during app startup.
  16. Updated state_manager.dart:

    • Renamed methods and classes to match updated state model.
  17. Updated my_material_app.dart:

    • Added route for FiltersScreen.
  18. Updated ibge_repository.dart:

    • Renamed methods and updated to use StateBrModel.
  19. Added tests for IbgeRepository in ibge_repository_test.dart:

    • Ensured correct functionality for state and city retrieval.
  20. Refactored home_screen.dart:

    • Integrated HomeController for managing the state.
    • Added segmented buttons for mechanics and filter selection.
    • Implemented navigation to MecanicsScreen and FiltersScreen.
  21. Added home_controller.dart and home_state.dart:

    • Managed the state of the home screen.
    • Provided functionality for mechanics selection and updating the view based on the selected mechanics.
  22. Updated main.dart:

    • Initialized SearchHistory during app startup to ensure search functionality is ready when the app launches.
  23. Updated state_manager.dart:

    • Renamed methods and classes to align with the updated state model, enhancing code readability and consistency.
  24. Updated my_material_app.dart:

    • Added a route for FiltersScreen to integrate the new filter functionality into the app's navigation.
  25. Updated ibge_repository.dart:

    • Renamed methods to use StateBrModel instead of the previous UFModel, ensuring consistency with the updated data models.
  26. Added tests for IbgeRepository in ibge_repository_test.dart:

    • Ensured the correct functionality for state and city retrieval, verifying that the refactored code behaves as expected.
  27. Refactored mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Added methods nameFromId and namesFromIdList for retrieving mechanic names based on their IDs.
    • Enhanced functionality to manage and retrieve mechanic names, aiding in cleaner code and improved readability.
  28. Added text_styles.dart:

    • Defined a centralized TextStyles class to manage text styles across the app.
    • Simplified text styling management and ensured consistency in text appearance.
  29. Added search_controller.dart and search_dialog.dart:

    • Implemented a custom search controller and dialog for managing search history and suggestions.
    • Enhanced the search experience by providing users with a history of previous searches and suggestions based on input.
  30. Refactored advert_screen.dart:

    • Removed redundant log statements for a cleaner codebase.
    • Ensured better readability and maintainability of the code.
  31. Refactored base_controller.dart and base_screen.dart:

    • Integrated search functionality into the base screen.
    • Improved navigation and state management within the base screen.
  32. Refactored filters_controller.dart and filters_screen.dart:

    • Enhanced filters management with improved state handling.
    • Provided a user-friendly interface for selecting filters and mechanics.
  33. Updated Makefile:

    • Added common commands for Docker, Flutter, and Git operations.
    • Simplified development workflows by providing reusable Makefile commands.
  34. Updated pubspec.yaml:

    • Bumped the version to 0.3.2+8 to reflect the new features and improvements.
    • Ensured dependencies are up to date, supporting the latest features and bug fixes.
  35. Added home_controller.dart and home_screen.dart:

    • Introduced a home controller to manage the state and interactions on the home screen.
    • Implemented UI elements to allow users to filter and select mechanics easily.
    • Enhanced user experience by providing a more interactive and responsive home screen.
  36. Added filters_states.dart:

    • Defined states for the filters feature to manage loading, success, and error states.
    • Improved state management, making the filters feature more robust and easier to maintain.
  37. Added search_dialog_bar.dart and search_dialog_search_bar.dart:

    • Provided additional search dialog implementations for various UI scenarios.
    • Enhanced search functionality with better UI integration and user experience.
  38. Updated state_manager.dart:

    • Refactored to use StateBrModel instead of UFModel.
    • Improved clarity and consistency in naming conventions.
  39. Updated ibge_repository.dart:

    • Refactored methods to align with the new state model naming conventions.
    • Ensured consistency and clarity in data retrieval methods.
  40. Refactored my_material_app.dart:

    • Added route for the new FiltersScreen.
    • Improved navigation and ensured all new screens are accessible.
  41. Updated ibge_repository_test.dart:

    • Refactored tests to align with the new StateBrModel.
    • Ensured tests remain up-to-date and cover the new functionality.
  42. Added text_styles.dart:

    • Introduced a centralized file for text styles to ensure consistency across the app.
    • Made it easier to manage and update text styles in one place.
  43. Updated Makefile:

    • Added commands for Docker operations (docker_up, docker_down), Flutter operations (flutter_clean), and Git operations (git_cached, git_commit, git_push).
    • Simplified and automated common development tasks, improving developer productivity.
  44. Updated search_history.dart:

    • Implemented a singleton pattern for managing search history.
    • Added methods to save and retrieve search history using SharedPreferences.
    • Enhanced search functionality by providing users with suggestions based on their search history.
  45. Updated advert_screen.dart:

    • Removed unnecessary imports and log statements.
    • Improved readability and maintainability of the code.
  46. Updated base_controller.dart:

    • Added constants for page titles and methods to manage page navigation and search functionality.
    • Improved the controller's responsibility to manage state and UI updates more effectively.
  47. Updated base_screen.dart:

    • Introduced a method for handling search dialog interactions.
    • Enhanced the app bar to dynamically display the search bar or title based on the current page.
    • Improved user experience by integrating a search functionality directly into the app bar.
  48. Updated home_screen.dart:

    • Added segmented buttons for mechanics and filter selection.
    • Integrated new mechanics and filter selection features into the home screen.
  49. Updated mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Added methods to retrieve mechanic names by their IDs.
    • Improved data handling for mechanics, making it easier to work with mechanic-related data.
  50. Updated state_manager.dart:

    • Continued to refine state management by ensuring alignment with the new state model.
  51. Updated main.dart:

    • Added initialization for the SearchHistory singleton.
    • Ensured all necessary initializations are done before the app runs.
  52. Incremented pubspec.yaml version to 0.3.2+8:

    • Reflecting all the changes and additions made in this update cycle.

This commit encompasses multiple additions and refactorings across the project to enhance functionality, improve code clarity, and manage state more effectively. These changes improve the overall structure, enhance user experience with better search and filter functionalities, and maintain consistency across the application. These updates further improve the app's maintainability, performance, and user experience, ensuring that the app remains robust and user-friendly. The comprehensive updates aim to improve the app’s overall architecture, enhance user experience, and maintain a clean and maintainable codebase. The addition of new models, controllers, and screens reflects ongoing efforts to provide robust and user-friendly features. These updates continue to improve the app’s structure, usability, and developer experience by refining existing features, introducing new functionalities, and ensuring consistency across the codebase.

2024/07/18 - version: 0.3.1+7

feat: Refactor and enhance advertisement and mechanic modules

  • lib/common/models/category.dart to lib/common/models/mechanic.dart

    • Renamed CategoryModel to MechanicModel.
  • lib/components/custon_field_controllers/currency_text_controller.dart

    • Added currencyValue getter to parse the text into a double.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Replaced CategoryModel with MechanicModel.
    • Added AdvertState for state management.
    • Added methods to handle state changes and error handling.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advert_screen.dart

    • Updated to reflect new state management.
    • Added navigation to BaseScreen upon successful ad creation.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advert_state.dart (new)

    • Added state classes for advertisement management.
  • lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Updated to use selectedMechIds for mechanics selection.
  • lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Updated navigation to AdvertScreen reflecting new changes.
  • lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart

    • Replaced categories with mechanics.
    • Updated route name and method names to reflect mechanics instead of categories.
  • lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart

    • Replaced CategoryModel with MechanicModel.
  • lib/repository/advert_repository.dart

    • Renamed variables to reflect advertisement context.
    • Updated methods to handle the new advert model.
  • lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Updated constants to reflect advertisement context.
  • lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart

    • Renamed methods to reflect mechanics context.
  • pubspec.yaml & pubspec.lock

    • Updated dependencies versions.
    • Bumped project version to 0.3.1+7.
  • lib/features/new_address/ (new)

    • new_address_controller.dart: Added new address management logic, including form validation and fetching address data from ViaCEP.
    • new_address_screen.dart: Created new screen for managing new addresses, including saving and validating address information.
    • new_address_state.dart: Added state classes for new address management.
    • widgets/address_form.dart: Added new address form for input fields related to address management.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Moved logic related to address state management to AddressManager.
    • Simplified the controller to delegate address operations to AddressManager.
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Updated screen to utilize AddressManager for fetching and managing addresses.
    • Added buttons for adding and removing addresses.
  • lib/manager/address_manager.dart (new)

    • Added a manager for handling address operations, including saving, deleting, and fetching addresses.
    • Included methods to check for duplicate address names and manage address lists.

These changes collectively refactor the existing advertisement and address modules, introduce better state management, improve the mechanics handling, and streamline address-related operations. Additionally, it includes new features and improvements for handling advertisements and mechanics.

2024/07/18 - version: 0.3.0+6

feat: Implement address management with AddressManager and new address screens

  • lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Replaced AddressRepository with AddressManager for managing addresses.
    • Removed _loadAddresses method, added addressByName and saveAddress methods.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Simplified AddressController to delegate address management to AddressManager.
    • Removed form state and validation logic, focusing on address selection and removal.
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Updated to use new NewAddressScreen for adding addresses.
    • Added floating action buttons for adding and removing addresses.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advert_controller.dart

    • Updated to use CurrentUser.addressByName for selecting addresses.
  • lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Updated address selection to use CurrentUser.addressByName.
  • lib/features/new_address/new_address_controller.dart (new)

    • Added new controller for managing new address form state and validation.
  • lib/features/new_address/new_address_screen.dart (new)

    • Added new screen for adding and editing addresses.
    • Integrated NewAddressController for form management and submission.
  • lib/features/address/address_state.dart (renamed to new_address_state.dart)

    • Renamed and updated states to be used by NewAddressController.
  • lib/features/address/widgets/address_form.dart (renamed to new_address/widgets/address_form.dart)

    • Updated to use NewAddressController for form state management.
  • lib/manager/address_manager.dart (new)

    • Added new manager for handling address CRUD operations and caching.
    • Implemented methods for saving, deleting, and fetching addresses.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added route for NewAddressScreen.
    • Updated onGenerateRoute to handle new address route.
  • lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Simplified saveAddress method.
    • Added delete method for removing addresses.
    • Updated error handling and logging.
  • lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Updated keyAddressTable to 'Addresses'.

This commit message provides a detailed breakdown of changes made to each file, highlighting the specific updates and improvements in the address management system.

2024/07/18 - version: 0.2.3+5

feat: Implement new features for address management and validation

  • lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Added operator == and hashCode methods to AddressModel for better address comparison and management.
  • lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Updated to load addresses and provide access to address names.
    • Improved logic for address initialization and retrieval.
  • lib/common/validators/validators.dart

    • Added AddressValidator for validating various address fields.
    • Enhanced Validator.zipCode to clean and validate the zip code correctly.
  • lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart

    • Added textCapitalization property to CustomFormField.
  • lib/components/form_fields/dropdown_form_field.dart

    • Added textCapitalization and onSelected properties to DropdownFormField.
  • lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advert_form.dart

    • Added textCapitalization property to AdvertForm.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Enhanced AddressController to manage addresses more efficiently.
    • Added methods for validation and setting the form from addresses.
    • Included zipFocus to manage focus on the zip code field.
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Updated AddressScreen to validate and save addresses upon leaving the screen.
    • Integrated PopScope to handle back navigation and save address changes.
  • lib/features/address/widgets/address_form.dart

    • Updated AddressForm to use AddressValidator.
    • Added logic to initialize address types from CurrentUser.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advertisement_controller.dart

    • Renamed AdvertisementController to AdvertController.
    • Updated methods for address handling and validation.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advertisement_screen.dart

    • Renamed AdvertisementScreen to AdvertScreen.
  • lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advertisement_form.dart

    • Renamed AdvertisementForm to AdvertForm.
    • Updated address selection logic.
  • lib/features/advertisement/widgets/image_list_view.dart

    • Updated to use AdvertController instead of AdvertisementController.
  • lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Updated route for AdvertScreen.
  • lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart

    • Updated MecanicsScreen to handle null descriptions gracefully.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated routes to use AdvertScreen.
  • lib/repository/ad_repository.dart

    • Renamed AdRepository to AdvertRepository.
  • lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Enhanced saveAddress method to handle address name uniqueness per user.
    • Added _getAddressByName to fetch addresses by name.
    • Improved error handling and logging.
  • lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Updated keyAddressTable to 'Addresses'.

This commit message provides a detailed breakdown of changes made to each file, highlighting the specific updates and improvements.

2024/07/17 - version: 0.2.2+4

feat: Implement new features for address management, category handling, and insert functionality

  • lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Added operator == and hashCode methods to AddressModel for better address management.
  • lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart

    • Updated to load addresses and provide access to address names.
  • lib/common/validators/validators.dart

    • Added AddressValidator for validating various address fields.
    • Improved Validator.zipCode to clean and validate the zip code correctly.
  • lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart

    • Added textCapitalization property to CustomFormField.
  • lib/components/form_fields/dropdown_form_field.dart

    • Added textCapitalization and onSelected properties to DropdownFormField.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart

    • Enhanced AddressController to manage addresses more efficiently.
    • Added methods for validation and setting the form from addresses.
    • Added zipFocus to manage focus on the zip code field.
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart

    • Updated AddressScreen to validate and save addresses upon leaving the screen.
    • Included PopScope to handle back navigation.
  • lib/features/address/widgets/address_form.dart

    • Updated AddressForm to use AddressValidator.
    • Added logic to initialize address types from CurrentUser.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advertisement_controller.dart

    • Renamed AdvertisementController to AdvertController.
    • Updated methods for address handling and validation.
  • lib/features/advertisement/advertisement_screen.dart

    • Renamed AdvertisementScreen to AdvertScreen.
  • lib/features/advertisement/widgets/advertisement_form.dart

    • Renamed AdvertisementForm to AdvertForm.
    • Updated address selection logic.
  • lib/features/advertisement/widgets/image_list_view.dart

    • Updated to use AdvertController instead of AdvertisementController.
  • lib/features/base/base_screen.dart

    • Updated route for AdvertScreen.
  • lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart

    • Updated MecanicsScreen to handle null descriptions gracefully.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated routes to use AdvertScreen.
  • lib/repository/ad_repository.dart

    • Renamed AdRepository to AdvertRepository.
  • lib/repository/address_repository.dart

    • Enhanced saveAddress method to handle address name uniqueness per user.
    • Added _getAddressByName to fetch addresses by name.
    • Improved error handling and logging.
  • lib/repository/constants.dart

    • Updated keyAddressTable to 'Addresses'.

This commit message provides a detailed breakdown of changes made to each file, highlighting the specific updates and improvements.

2024/07/17 - version: 0.2.1+3:

feat: Address management updates and enhancements

This commit introduces several new features and updates to address management within the application. Key changes include:

  • Added unique name verification for addresses per user.
  • Implemented logic to handle address creation and updates.
  • Enhanced error handling and response validation.
  • Included additional model fields for address details.

Detailed Changes:

  • lib/common/models/address.dart: Added new model for addresses.
  • lib/common/models/category.dart: Renamed CategoryModel to MechanicModel.
  • lib/common/models/city.dart: Added new model for city information.
  • lib/common/models/uf.dart: Added new model for state information.
  • lib/common/models/user.dart: Updated user model with address-related fields.
  • lib/common/models/viacep_address.dart: Added model for ViaCEP address information.
  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart: Adjusted settings for address handling.
  • lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart: Added singleton for current user with address information.
  • lib/common/validators/validators.dart: Added validation rules for address fields.
  • lib/components/buttons/big_button.dart: Added focus node for address input.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart: Integrated current user for address display.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart: Updated drawer header with address info.
  • lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart: Added new fields for address input.
  • lib/components/others_widgets/custom_input_formatter.dart: Added custom input formatter for address fields.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart: Added controller for address management.
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart: Added screen for address input and display.
  • lib/features/address/address_state.dart: Added state management for address operations.
  • lib/features/insert/insert_controller.dart: Enhanced insert functionality with address handling.
  • lib/features/insert/insert_screen.dart: Updated insert screen with address fields.
  • lib/features/insert/widgets/image_gallery.dart: Renamed to horizontal_image_gallery.dart.
  • lib/features/insert/widgets/insert_form.dart: Integrated address fields into insert form.
  • lib/features/login/login_controller.dart: Integrated address handling in login process.
  • lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart: Added screen for mechanics selection.
  • lib/main.dart: Integrated address management on app startup.
  • lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart: Added manager for mechanics data.
  • lib/manager/uf_manager.dart: Added manager for state data.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart: Updated material app with new routes and address handling.
  • lib/repository/address_repository.dart: Added repository for address data handling.
  • lib/repository/constants.dart: Updated constants for address fields.
  • lib/repository/ibge_repository.dart: Added repository for state and city data.
  • lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart: Renamed from category_repository and updated for mechanics data.
  • lib/repository/user_repository.dart: Updated user repository with address handling.
  • lib/repository/viacep_repository.dart: Added repository for ViaCEP data.
  • pubspec.yaml: Added dependencies for address management.
  • test/repository/ibge_repository_test.dart: Added tests for IBGE repository.

This commit significantly enhances the application's ability to manage user addresses, providing a robust framework for address-related data and operations.

2024/07/12 - version: 0.2.0+2:

feat: Implemented new features for address management, category handling, and insert functionality

This commit introduces several new features and updates, including address management, category handling, and enhancements to the insert functionality. It also includes modifications to existing models and components to support the new functionality.

Detailed Changes:

  • lib/common/models/address.dart:

    • Created a new AddressModel to handle address-related data.
    • Implemented methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
    • Added a toString method for debugging and logging purposes.
  • lib/common/models/category.dart:

    • Renamed CategoryModel to MechanicModel.
    • Updated class references to reflect the new name.
  • lib/common/models/city.dart:

    • Created a new CityModel to represent city data.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
    • Added a toString method for debugging and logging purposes.
  • lib/common/models/uf.dart:

    • Created RegionModel and UFModel to represent region and state data.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
    • Added toString methods for debugging and logging purposes.
  • lib/common/models/user.dart:

    • Added serialization and deserialization methods (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
    • Implemented a copyFromUserModel method for cloning user instances.
  • lib/common/models/viacep_address.dart:

    • Created a new ViaCEPAddressModel to handle address data from the ViaCEP API.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
    • Added a toString method for debugging and logging purposes.
  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:

    • Removed user-related properties and methods to simplify the singleton class.
  • lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Created a new CurrentUser singleton to manage the current user and their address.
    • Included methods for initializing and loading user and address data (init, _loadUserAndAddress).
  • lib/common/validators/validators.dart:

    • Added new validators for form fields (title, description, mechanics, address, zipCode, cust).
  • lib/components/buttons/big_button.dart:

    • Added focusNode property to manage focus state for the button.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for login status checks.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for displaying user information.
  • lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart:

    • Added readOnly, suffixIcon, and errorText properties to enhance form field functionality.
  • lib/components/others_widgets/custom_input_formatter.dart:

    • Created a new CustomInputFormatter to format text input based on a provided mask.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart:

    • Created a new AddressController to manage address-related state and logic.
    • Implemented methods for handling address retrieval and saving (getAddress, saveAddressFrom, _checkZipCodeReady).
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart:

    • Created a new AddressScreen to provide a UI for managing user addresses.
    • Integrated with AddressController to handle form submission and state changes.
  • lib/features/address/address_state.dart:

    • Defined different states for address-related operations (AddressStateInitial, AddressStateLoading, AddressStateSuccess, AddressStateError).
  • lib/common/models/address.dart:

    • Created AddressModel to manage address-related data.
    • Implemented methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/models/category.dart:

    • Renamed CategoryModel to MechanicModel.
    • Updated class references to reflect the new name.
  • lib/common/models/city.dart:

    • Created CityModel to represent city data.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/models/uf.dart:

    • Created RegionModel and UFModel to represent region and state data.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/models/user.dart:

    • Added serialization and deserialization methods (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
    • Implemented a copyFromUserModel method for cloning user instances.
  • lib/common/models/viacep_address.dart:

    • Created ViaCEPAddressModel to handle address data from the ViaCEP API.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:

    • Removed user-related properties and methods to simplify the singleton class.
  • lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Created a new CurrentUser singleton to manage the current user and their address.
    • Included methods for initializing and loading user and address data (init, _loadUserAndAddress).
  • lib/common/validators/validators.dart:

    • Added new validators for form fields (title, description, mechanics, address, zipCode, cust).
  • lib/components/buttons/big_button.dart:

    • Added focusNode property to manage focus state for the button.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for login status checks.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for displaying user information.
  • lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart:

    • Added readOnly, suffixIcon, and errorText properties to enhance form field functionality.
  • lib/components/others_widgets/custom_input_formatter.dart:

    • Created a new CustomInputFormatter to format text input based on a provided mask.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart:

    • Created a new AddressController to manage address-related state and logic.
    • Implemented methods for handling address retrieval and saving (getAddress, saveAddressFrom, _checkZipCodeReady).
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart:

    • Created a new AddressScreen to provide a UI for managing user addresses.
    • Integrated with AddressController to handle form submission and state changes.
  • lib/features/address/address_state.dart:

    • Defined different states for address-related operations (AddressStateInitial, AddressStateLoading, AddressStateSuccess, AddressStateError).
  • lib/features/insert/insert_controller.dart:

    • Enhanced InsertController with new methods and properties for managing categories and images.
    • Added methods for form validation (formValidate) and managing selected categories (getCategoriesIds).
  • lib/features/insert/insert_screen.dart:

    • Updated to initialize address data from CurrentUser.
    • Added logic for handling form submission (_createAnnounce).
  • lib/features/insert/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart:

    • Renamed from image_gallery.dart.
    • Updated widget structure to handle horizontal image gallery.
  • lib/features/insert/widgets/insert_form.dart:

    • Enhanced to include additional fields and validation logic.
    • Integrated navigation for adding mechanics and addresses.
  • lib/features/login/login_controller.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for managing login state.
  • lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart:

    • Created a new MecanicsScreen to handle mechanic selection.
  • lib/main.dart:

    • Updated main entry point to initialize CurrentUser and other managers.
    • Added new routes for address and mechanic screens.
  • lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Created MechanicsManager to manage mechanic data.
    • Implemented methods for initialization and data retrieval.
  • lib/manager/uf_manager.dart:

    • Created UFManager to manage state (UF) data.
    • Implemented methods for initialization and data retrieval.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Added new routes for address and mechanic screens.
    • Updated to support dynamic route generation for mechanic screen.
  • lib/repository/address_repository.dart:

    • Created AddressRepository to manage address-related data operations.
    • Implemented methods for saving and retrieving address data from both local storage and the server.
  • lib/repository/constants.dart:

    • Updated constants to support new address and mechanic data models.
  • lib/repository/ibge_repository.dart:

    • Created IbgeRepository to manage data retrieval from the IBGE API.
    • Implemented methods for retrieving state and city data.
  • lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Renamed from category_repositories.dart.
    • Updated to support new mechanic data model.
  • lib/common/models/address.dart:

    • Created AddressModel to manage address-related data.
    • Implemented methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/models/category.dart:

    • Renamed CategoryModel to MechanicModel.
    • Updated class references to reflect the new name.
  • lib/common/models/city.dart:

    • Created CityModel to represent city data.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/models/uf.dart:

    • Created RegionModel and UFModel to represent region and state data.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/models/user.dart:

    • Added serialization and deserialization methods (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
    • Implemented a copyFromUserModel method for cloning user instances.
  • lib/common/models/viacep_address.dart:

    • Created ViaCEPAddressModel to handle address data from the ViaCEP API.
    • Included methods for serialization and deserialization (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson).
  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:

    • Removed user-related properties and methods to simplify the singleton class.
  • lib/common/singletons/current_user.dart:

    • Created a new CurrentUser singleton to manage the current user and their address.
    • Included methods for initializing and loading user and address data (init, _loadUserAndAddress).
  • lib/common/validators/validators.dart:

    • Added new validators for form fields (title, description, mechanics, address, zipCode, cust).
  • lib/components/buttons/big_button.dart:

    • Added focusNode property to manage focus state for the button.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for login status checks.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for displaying user information.
  • lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart:

    • Added readOnly, suffixIcon, and errorText properties to enhance form field functionality.
  • lib/components/others_widgets/custom_input_formatter.dart:

    • Created a new CustomInputFormatter to format text input based on a provided mask.
  • lib/features/address/address_controller.dart:

    • Created a new AddressController to manage address-related state and logic.
    • Implemented methods for handling address retrieval and saving (getAddress, saveAddressFrom, _checkZipCodeReady).
  • lib/features/address/address_screen.dart:

    • Created a new AddressScreen to provide a UI for managing user addresses.
    • Integrated with AddressController to handle form submission and state changes.
  • lib/features/address/address_state.dart:

    • Defined different states for address-related operations (AddressStateInitial, AddressStateLoading, AddressStateSuccess, AddressStateError).
  • lib/features/insert/insert_controller.dart:

    • Enhanced InsertController with new methods and properties for managing categories and images.
    • Added methods for form validation (formValidate) and managing selected categories (getCategoriesIds).
  • lib/features/insert/insert_screen.dart:

    • Updated to initialize address data from CurrentUser.
    • Added logic for handling form submission (_createAnnounce).
  • lib/features/insert/widgets/horizontal_image_gallery.dart:

    • Renamed from image_gallery.dart.
    • Updated widget structure to handle horizontal image gallery.
  • lib/features/insert/widgets/insert_form.dart:

    • Enhanced to include additional fields and validation logic.
    • Integrated navigation for adding mechanics and addresses.
  • lib/features/login/login_controller.dart:

    • Updated to use CurrentUser for managing login state.
  • lib/features/mecanics/mecanics_screen.dart:

    • Created a new MecanicsScreen to handle mechanic selection.
  • lib/main.dart:

    • Updated main entry point to initialize CurrentUser and other managers.
    • Added new routes for address and mechanic screens.
  • lib/manager/mechanics_manager.dart:

    • Created MechanicsManager to manage mechanic data.
    • Implemented methods for initialization and data retrieval.
  • lib/manager/uf_manager.dart:

    • Created UFManager to manage state (UF) data.
    • Implemented methods for initialization and data retrieval.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Added new routes for address and mechanic screens.
    • Updated to support dynamic route generation for mechanic screen.
  • lib/repository/address_repository.dart:

    • Created AddressRepository to manage address-related data operations.
    • Implemented methods for saving and retrieving address data from both local storage and the server.
  • lib/repository/constants.dart:

    • Updated constants to support new address and mechanic data models.
  • lib/repository/ibge_repository.dart:

    • Created IbgeRepository to manage data retrieval from the IBGE API.
    • Implemented methods for retrieving state and city data.
  • lib/repository/mechanic_repository.dart:

    • Renamed from category_repositories.dart.
    • Updated to support new mechanic data model.
  • lib/repository/user_repository.dart:

    • Updated to use correct generic types for getting user attributes.
  • lib/repository/viacep_repository.dart:

    • Created ViacepRepository to handle address data retrieval from ViaCEP API.
    • Implemented methods for fetching address data based on CEP (postal code).
  • pubspec.yaml:

    • Added new dependencies for http and shared_preferences to support address and data handling.
  • test/repository/ibge_repository_test.dart:

    • Added tests for IbgeRepository to ensure correct data retrieval from IBGE API.

This commit significantly enhances the application's ability to manage user addresses, categories, and insert functionalities, providing a robust framework for address-related data and operations.

2024/07/12 - version: 0.1.0+1:

Implemented InsertForm widget, updated dependencies, and made platform-specific changes

This commit introduces a new InsertForm widget, updates various project dependencies, and includes necessary platform-specific changes to ensure compatibility and functionality.

Detailed Changes:

  • lib/ui/form/insert_form.dart:

    • Created a new stateful widget InsertForm to handle user inputs.
    • Added InsertController as a required parameter for managing form data.
    • Implemented CustomFormField components for title and description inputs with labelText, fullBorder, and floatingLabelBehavior properties.
    • Added a DropdownButtonFormField for category selection with predefined items.
    • Included a ValueNotifier<bool> named hidePhone to manage the visibility of the phone number input.
    • Overridden the dispose method to properly dispose of the ValueNotifier.
  • pubspec.yaml:

    • Added intl: ^0.19.0 for internationalization support.
    • Added image_picker: ^1.1.2 to enable image selection from the device.
    • Added image_cropper: ^4.0.1 for cropping images.
  • lib/common/models/category.dart:

    • Defined a Category model to encapsulate the data structure and provide methods for handling category-related data.
  • lib/components/custom_drawer/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Developed a CustomDrawer widget to standardize the navigation drawer across the application.
    • Included links to major sections such as Home, Insert, and Settings.
  • lib/components/form_fields/custom_form_field.dart:

    • Created a reusable CustomFormField widget to ensure consistent styling and functionality across all form fields.
  • lib/controllers/insert_controller.dart:

    • Implemented the InsertController class to manage form state and business logic, ensuring separation of concerns and easier testing.
  • lib/main.dart:

    • Main entry point updated to include routing and integration for the new InsertForm functionality.
  • lib/screens/home_screen.dart:

    • Added navigation logic to transition from the HomeScreen to the new InsertScreen.
  • lib/screens/insert_screen.dart:

    • Created InsertScreen to host the InsertForm widget, integrating it into the application's navigation flow.
  • lib/services/file_service.dart:

    • Implemented FileService to abstract file operations such as picking and cropping images, leveraging image_picker and image_cropper plugins.
  • lib/utilities/constants.dart:

    • Updated constants to support new form and file handling features, ensuring consistent usage across the application.
  • windows/flutter/

    • Registered FileSelectorWindows plugin to handle file selection on Windows.

This commit enhances the form handling capabilities of the application by introducing a new, robust InsertForm widget. It also extends the app's functionality by adding new dependencies for internationalization and image handling. The platform-specific changes ensure that these features are fully supported on Windows, providing a consistent and seamless user experience across different environments.


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