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2024/10/21 - version: 0.7.12+60

This commit adds the ability to launch Google Maps navigation directly from the delivery map and enhances the Android manifest for better compatibility with certain features. Furthermore, Google Maps route fetching is now integrated, improving the application's user navigation experience.

Changes made:

  1. .gitignore:

    • Added android/app/google-services.json and android/app/GoogleService-Info.plist to ignore Google service configuration files.
  2. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:

    • Added intent visibility configuration for custom tabs service for API level 30 and above.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_page.dart:

    • Imported google_navigation_launcher.dart to facilitate Google Maps navigation.
    • Added _openGoogleNavigationApp() method to initiate Google Maps navigation for deliveries.
    • Modified button functionality:
      • Changed the button to call ctrl.fetchGoogleRoute for fetching delivery route information.
      • Added a button to launch Google Maps navigation using _openGoogleNavigationApp().
  4. lib/services/google_navigation_launcher.dart:

    • Added a new service class GoogleNavigationLauncher to facilitate navigation using Google Maps.
    • Implemented startNavigation() to launch Google Maps with the delivery route, including origin, destination, and waypoints.
  5. linux/flutter/ & linux/flutter/generated_plugins.cmake:

    • Registered url_launcher_linux plugin to allow URL launching capabilities on Linux.
  6. pubspec.yaml & pubspec.lock:

    • Added url_launcher version 6.3.1 to facilitate external URL launching for Google Maps navigation.


The integration of Google Maps navigation provides a seamless way for delivery personnel to navigate between delivery points directly within the application. The modifications in the Android manifest and addition of URL launcher support across platforms enhance the application's flexibility and compatibility.

2024/10/21 - version: 0.7.11+59

This commit introduces a new utility class LateFinal and integrates Google route fetching in the delivery map feature. The changes aim to enhance route visualization and manage late initialization of variables, improving the application's reliability and user experience.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/utils/late_final.dart:

    • Added a new utility class LateFinal<T> to manage late initialization and ensure values are set only once. It includes safeguards to prevent re-initialization and ensure controlled access.
  2. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_controller.dart:

    • Replaced late final GoogleMapController mapController with LateFinal<GoogleMapController> for safer initialization control.
    • Added fetchGoogleRoute() to manage the fetching of route data using Google Maps API.
    • Introduced _getPolyline() to retrieve route polylines and visualize them on the map, improving delivery path tracking.
    • Added googleApiKey as a LateFinal<String> for secure and controlled API key initialization.
    • Added isStarted, polylineCoordinates, and polylines attributes to manage the map state and route visualization.
    • Updated onMapCreated() method to use LateFinal for managing map controller initialization.
    • Modified createNumberedMarker() to utilize simplified type imports and added consistency improvements.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_page.dart:

    • Updated button icons to more relevant symbols for better UX.
    • Added a new button that calls ctrl.fetchGoogleRoute to fetch and display route information.
    • Enhanced GoogleMap widget to include polylines from ctrl.polylines, allowing users to view optimized delivery routes.
  4. lib/services/extensions_services.dart:

    • Added new extensions: LatLngExtension and GeoPointExtension to convert between LatLng, GeoPoint, and PointLatLng, simplifying code readability and reuse.
  5. lib/services/navigation_route.dart:

    • Added the lastLatLng getter to retrieve the last delivery point, improving route management functionality.
    • Imported extensions_services.dart to utilize the newly defined LatLng and GeoPoint extensions.
  6. pubspec.yaml & pubspec.lock:

    • Added flutter_polyline_points version 2.1.0 to manage polyline calculations for route visualization.


The addition of LateFinal improves the safety and integrity of variable initialization across the application. Integration of route fetching and visualization significantly enhances delivery management by providing clear and optimized paths for deliveries. The new extensions further streamline code interactions with geographical data, contributing to a cleaner and more maintainable codebase.

2024/10/19 - version: 0.7.10+58

This update significantly enhances the interactivity and usability of the delivery map by introducing features for dynamically managing delivery routes. Below are the detailed changes made:

Changes Made:

  1. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_controller.dart:

    • Added DeliveryModel to manage deliveries within the controller.
    • Modified the init method to include a list of DeliveryModel deliveries.
    • Implemented reversedOrder method to reverse the delivery order and update the UI.
    • Added changeOrder method to allow swapping of delivery points based on user interaction.
  2. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_page.dart:

    • Updated DeliveryMapPage to accept a deliveries parameter and initialized DeliveryMapStore with the length of deliveries.
    • Enhanced the user interface with additional buttons for reversing delivery order and resetting counters using IconButton widgets.
    • Integrated ValueListenableBuilder to manage and track the current state of delivery count interactively.
    • Added Google Maps markers to reflect the dynamically updated delivery order and provide a more engaging visual representation.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_store.dart:

    • Modified DeliveryMapStore to manage the length of deliveries.
    • Added a count ValueNotifier to track the interaction count and functions (incrementCount, resetCount) to manage the counter.
  4. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_controller.dart:

    • Removed the setDeliveriesPoints function as deliveries are now managed directly by the DeliveryMapController.
  5. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_page.dart:

    • Updated _createRoutes to pass ctrl.deliveries as an argument to DeliveryMapPage, ensuring the correct data flow.
  6. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Updated onGenerateRoute to correctly pass the deliveries data to DeliveryMapPage when generating the route.
  7. lib/services/navigation_route.dart:

    • Added reversedOrder to reverse the current delivery order.
    • Added swapOrderIds to allow users to swap specific delivery points, enabling user-driven customization of routes.


These updates make the delivery map much more interactive and user-friendly by allowing users to dynamically manage delivery points, visualize their order on a map, and reorder deliveries with ease. The additional UI controls and value listeners ensure a smooth and responsive user experience, providing better control over deliveries.

2024/10/19 - version: 0.7.09+57

This commit introduces significant improvements to the delivery map functionality, including the integration of a new store for managing map states, refactoring of controllers, and code clean-up to enhance modularity and maintainability.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_controller.dart:

    • Added an ignore statement for linting to suppress public member API documentation warnings.
    • Imported additional libraries for drawing custom map markers and logging.
    • Implemented new methods:
      • init to initialize the DeliveryMapStore.
      • dispose to properly clean up resources.
      • createBasicRoutes to generate basic delivery routes and set page states accordingly.
    • Added createNumberedMarker to generate custom numbered markers for map locations.
  2. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_page.dart:

    • Added a reference to the DeliveryMapController (ctrl) and initialized it using the new DeliveryMapStore.
    • Moved the marker creation logic to the controller (createNumberedMarker).
    • Updated button layouts to use the Wrap widget for better UI alignment.
    • Updated the lifecycle (initState and dispose) to initialize and dispose of the store and controller appropriately.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_store.dart (new file):

    • Introduced DeliveryMapStore to manage page state and handle errors for the delivery map.
    • Added methods for state management: dispose, setPageState, and setError.
  4. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_controller.dart:

    • Renamed the createBasicRoutes method to setDeliveriesPoints for better clarity regarding its functionality.
    • Removed redundant route creation logic to streamline the process.
  5. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_page.dart:

    • Updated the method _createRoutes to call the renamed setDeliveriesPoints method from the controller.
    • Removed commented-out button code for improved code readability.
  6. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/reservations/reservations_controller.dart:

    • Cleaned up redundant spacing in the license comment block for consistency.
  7. lib/managers/deliveries_manager.dart:

    • Added a FIXME comment to highlight a potential dependency issue for UserDeliveryStore.
    • Removed redundant _setLoadingState and _setErrorState methods to simplify state management.
    • Updated methods to directly set the store state (setState) or call _setError to handle errors, improving code conciseness.


This commit enhances the delivery map feature by modularizing map management and improving the consistency of state handling across the application. The introduction of a dedicated store (DeliveryMapStore) and controller (DeliveryMapController) results in cleaner code and easier maintainability, while also ensuring efficient resource management through proper initialization and disposal practices.

2024/10/18 - version: 0.7.08+56

This commit includes the addition of new features such as a delivery map interface, along with various improvements and bug fixes across multiple files. Below are the detailed changes made:

Changes made:

  1. assets/images/pin.png:

    • Added a new image resource, pin.png, which will be used for map markers in the delivery map view.
  2. lib/common/models/address.dart:

    • Corrected import typo from model_finctions.dart to model_functions.dart for better accuracy.
  3. lib/common/models/client.dart:

    • Fixed import typo from model_finctions.dart to model_functions.dart.
  4. lib/common/models/deliver_order.dart (new file):

    • Added the DeliveryOrder class to represent a delivery order, containing information such as delivery ID, client name, address, phone number, and client location.
    • Introduced a method fromDelivery to create DeliveryOrder instances from DeliveryModel.
  5. lib/common/models/delivery.dart:

    • Corrected import typo from model_finctions.dart to model_functions.dart.
  6. lib/common/models/delivery_men.dart:

    • Updated import path to correctly reference model_functions.dart.
  7. lib/common/models/functions/model_functions.dart:

    • Renamed from model_finctions.dart to model_functions.dart for better clarity.
  8. lib/common/models/shop.dart:

    • Fixed import typo from model_finctions.dart to model_functions.dart.
  9. lib/features/user_admin/user_admin_page.dart:

    • Removed redundant spacing in the GPL license comment block for consistency.
  10. lib/features/user_business/user_business_page.dart:

    • Cleaned up license comment block spacing.
  11. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_controller.dart (new file):

    • Added DeliveryMapController to handle Google Maps integration and manage map-related events.
  12. lib/features/user_delivery/delivery_map/delivery_map_page.dart (new file):

    • Added DeliveryMapPage, which provides a visual representation of the delivery map using GoogleMaps. This includes features such as numbered markers for each delivery location.
  13. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_controller.dart:

    • Added a createBasicRoutes function to generate basic delivery routes based on the available deliveries.
    • Added a reference to the NavigationRoute service for route calculation.
  14. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_page.dart:

    • Integrated DeliveryMapPage for route visualization.
    • Updated the floating action button to provide an option to create a route (_createRoutes).
  15. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_store.dart:

    • Updated deliveries to use ValueNotifier to track state changes reactively.
  16. lib/locator.dart:

    • Registered the NavigationRoute service in the dependency locator.
  17. lib/managers/deliveries_manager.dart:

    • Replaced the internal distance calculation method with a call to GeoLocation.calculateDistance().
  18. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Added a route for DeliveryMapPage in the application router.
  19. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliverymen_repository.dart:

    • Removed deprecated getCurrentGeoFirePoint function from the interface.
  20. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliverymen_firebase_repository.dart:

    • Removed local implementation of location permission handling, now replaced by GeoLocation.
  21. lib/services/geo_location.dart (new file):

    • Added a new service for handling geolocation operations, including calculating distances and obtaining the current location.
  22. lib/services/navigation_route.dart (new file):

    • Created a new NavigationRoute service to manage delivery routes, calculate optimized orders, and determine distances between delivery locations.


This commit introduces new features that allow delivery personnel to visualize and organize deliveries on a map using GoogleMaps, enhancing the delivery workflow. Several code improvements and bug fixes were implemented to increase maintainability, accuracy, and reliability of the system. The introduction of dedicated services for geolocation and route management makes the codebase more modular and easier to extend in the future.

2024/10/18 - version: 0.7.07+55

This commit addresses several bugs within the user delivery and user manager pages of the application, enhances code consistency, and corrects delivery status transitions for better logic flow.

Changes made:

  1. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_page.dart:

    • Updated empty state message text from "Nenhuma entrega em andamento!" to "Scanneie os QRCode reservados no fornecedor." to provide better guidance to the delivery person.
  2. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/reservations/reservations_page.dart:

    • Updated the text displayed when no deliveries are found from "Nenhuma entrega próxima encontrada!" to "Nenhuma entrega próxima para reservar!" for improved user clarity.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_page.dart:

    • Removed redundant spacing in the GPL license comment block to maintain consistency across files.
  4. lib/features/user_manager/tab_bar_views/manager_controller.dart:

    • Added a line to nullify _deliveriesSubscription after it is canceled to prevent potential issues when the subscription is re-initialized.
  5. lib/features/user_manager/tab_bar_views/show_delivery_list.dart:

    • Renamed file from show_delivery_list.dart to manager_list_view.dart for a more descriptive and consistent naming convention.
    • Updated class name from ShowDeliveryList to ManagerListView and its internal state class accordingly.
    • Added ctrl.dispose() to properly dispose of the controller and prevent resource leaks.
  6. lib/features/user_manager/user_manager_page.dart:

    • Updated references to the renamed file and class (ManagerListView instead of ShowDeliveryList).
  7. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart:

    • Modified the default value for toStatus in the updateDeliveryStatus method from DeliveryStatus.orderInTransit to DeliveryStatus.orderPickedUpForDelivery for more accurate status progression.
  8. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart:

    • Adjusted the default value of toStatus in updateDeliveryStatus method to DeliveryStatus.orderPickedUpForDelivery.
    • Modified the condition from isGreaterThan to isEqualTo for delivery status filtering in the getByDeliveryId method to accurately retrieve deliveries at a specific status.


These changes resolve several text-related bugs, improve class and file naming for maintainability, and correct the delivery status logic to ensure that the application handles delivery workflows as intended. Proper disposal of resources was also implemented to enhance application stability and performance.

2024/10/17 - version: 0.7.06+54

This commit reinstates the DeliveryStatus.orderPickedUpForDelivery status that had been removed, and introduces updates to multiple files to ensure consistent usage of this status throughout the codebase. Additionally, GPLv3 license headers were added to all files in the lib/ directory, though these changes have been omitted from the diff to reduce its size.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/extensions/delivery_status_extensions.dart:

    • Added DeliveryStatus.orderPickedUpForDelivery back to the enum list.
    • Updated the status descriptions with a new label: "Pedido Retirado para Entrega."
    • Added an associated icon (Symbols.deployed_code_rounded, with yellow color) for the reinstated status.
  2. lib/common/models/delivery.dart:

    • Reintroduced DeliveryStatus.orderPickedUpForDelivery to the DeliveryStatus enum, updating all subsequent status indices accordingly.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_controller.dart:

    • Added DeliveryStatus as a parameter to the init method of DeliveriesController.
    • Updated _getDeliveries() to retrieve deliveries based on the new status.
  4. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_page.dart:

    • Updated DeliveriesPage to include a DeliveryStatus parameter to manage different statuses more effectively.
    • Added a floating action button for adding deliveries.
  5. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/show_delivery_list.dart:

    • Modified ShowDeliveryList to allow status-based operations.
    • Added a floating action button for QR code generation and delivery addition.
  6. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_page.dart:

    • Modified the tab controller to accommodate the reintroduced status.
    • Added the "Preparando" tab for deliveries with the orderPickedUpForDelivery status.
  7. lib/features/user_manager/tab_bar_views/manager_controller.dart:

    • Refactored _deliveriesSubscription to properly fetch deliveries based on status.
    • Introduced a new clearSelections method for clearing selected deliveries.
  8. lib/features/user_manager/user_manager_page.dart:

    • Updated tab bar to include the orderPickedUpForDelivery status, reflecting this change in the UI.
    • Adjusted the floating action buttons and tab bar icons accordingly.
  9. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart:

    • Updated the repository methods to correctly query deliveries based on the newly reinstated status.
    • Modified getByManagerId() and getByDeliveryId() methods to support filtering deliveries by orderPickedUpForDelivery.


These changes reintroduce the DeliveryStatus.orderPickedUpForDelivery status, improving the granularity of the delivery workflow. The reinstated status enables better tracking of deliveries during the transition between reservation and transit, while the updates to controllers, views, and repositories ensure seamless integration and usage throughout the app. The UI changes further enhance clarity for delivery personnel and managers.

2024/10/17 - version: 0.7.05+53

This commit introduces the addition of the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3 to the project, as well as various code improvements, new features, and refactorings across multiple modules to enhance the delivery management and QR code functionalities.

Changes made:


    • Added the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3 to the project, ensuring that the software is shared under a copyleft license, promoting freedom to use, modify, and distribute.
  2. android/

    • Commented out the dev.steenbakker.mobile_scanner.useUnbundled=true property to disable its use temporarily.
  3. lib/common/extensions/delivery_status_extensions.dart:

    • Removed the orderPickedUpForDelivery status from the extension methods.
    • Updated relevant icons and text mappings to reflect the updated statuses.
  4. lib/common/models/delivery.dart:

    • Removed the orderPickedUpForDelivery status from the DeliveryStatus enum.
    • Updated the remaining statuses with corresponding index comments for better readability.
  5. lib/common/utils/create_qrcode.dart:

    • Added an import for dart:convert to handle JSON encoding.
    • Modified the _generateQRCode method to accept a Map<String, dynamic> instead of a String to provide more structured data for QR code generation.
    • Adjusted text formatting within the PDF to make the bold and abbreviate address components for clarity.
  6. lib/features/qrcode_read/qrcode_read_page.dart:

    • Refactored the MobileScannerController initialization to simplify the configuration.
    • Added _startScanning call within initState to automatically start scanning upon page load.
    • Streamlined the dispose method to ensure proper resource cleanup, including using unawaited to prevent blocking.
  7. lib/features/show_qrcode/show_qrcode.dart:

    • Added a FilledButton labeled "Próximo" to navigate back after viewing the QR code.
  8. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_controller.dart (new file):

    • Added a new controller to manage deliveries, handling state management and data fetching via Firestore.
  9. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_page.dart (new file):

    • Created a new page to list deliveries with a DeliveryCard component for each item.
    • Implemented interaction flow to read QR codes and update delivery status.
  10. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/deliveries/deliveries_store.dart (new file):

    • Added a new store to manage state for deliveries, handling loading, success, and error states.
  11. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/reservations/reservations_controller.dart (new file):

    • Created a controller for managing delivery reservations, including fetching nearby deliveries and updating the radius.
  12. lib/features/user_delivery/tab_bar_views/reservations/reservations_page.dart (new file):

    • Added a page to manage reservations, including sliders to adjust the radius for nearby deliveries and a list view to show available deliveries.
  13. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_page.dart:

    • Updated the page to use a TabBar for separating reservations and deliveries into different views.
  14. lib/features/user_manager/tab_bar_views/manager_controller.dart:

    • Added a null assignment to _deliveriesSubscription after canceling it to ensure proper cleanup.
    • Updated delivery fetching logic to improve error handling.
  15. lib/features/user_manager/user_manager_page.dart:

    • Updated tab icons to reflect new status changes after removal of orderPickedUpForDelivery.
    • Cleared deliveriesSelected after navigating to the QR code page.
  16. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart:

    • Added new methods getByDeliveryId and updateDeliveryStatus to handle delivery updates based on delivery ID.
  17. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart:

    • Implemented updateDeliveryStatus to allow changing the status of a delivery document in Firestore.
    • Added getByDeliveryId to fetch deliveries assigned to a specific delivery ID.
    • Refined existing query logic to better handle status-based fetching of deliveries.


These updates add significant new functionality for delivery management, including better handling of reservations and status updates. The addition of the GNU GPL ensures that this software remains open and free, encouraging community collaboration.

2024/10/17 - version: 0.7.04+52

This commit introduces enhancements in QR code generation, including visual refinements and a new page to display QR codes, improving the user experience and the flexibility of QR code usage. It also includes refactoring and the addition of a ShowQrcode page for better modularity.

Changes made:

  1. lib/common/utils/create_qrcode.dart:

    • Adjusted page format for QR code generation, setting dimensions to 350x450.
    • Changed QR code image size from 200x200 to 300x300 for better readability.
    • Added a pw.TextStyle constant for consistent styling of text fields.
    • Modified the layout to center-align all elements and added labels such as 'Key', 'Client', and address details with improved formatting and alignment.
    • Set the QR code painter's gapless property to true for better rendering quality.
  2. lib/features/delivery_qrcode/delivery_qrcode.dart:

    • Marked the DeliveryQrcode constructor as const to enable compile-time optimization where possible.
  3. lib/features/show_qrcode/show_qrcode.dart (New File):

    • Created the ShowQrcode page to display QR codes generated for deliveries.
    • Introduced a convertPdfToImage method to convert PDF data to an image, allowing the generated QR code to be rendered as a visual component on the screen.
    • Added navigation functionality to return to the previous page and handled different states (loading, success, error) when displaying the QR code.
  4. lib/features/user_manager/user_manager_page.dart:

    • Replaced the log statement in _showQRCode with a navigation call to push the ShowQrcode page, passing the delivery data as arguments.
    • Updated _showQRCode to handle multiple deliveries using a loop and async navigation to ShowQrcode.
  5. lib/my_material_app.dart:

    • Added route handling for ShowQrcode.routeName, allowing the ShowQrcode page to be accessible throughout the app.
    • Defined a new case in the onGenerateRoute function to create a route for the ShowQrcode page with delivery data passed as arguments.


The addition of the ShowQrcode page and improvements to the QR code generation process enhance the usability of QR code features, providing a clearer, more accessible visual experience for users. The changes ensure better modularity and consistency across the app's functionalities.

2024/10/15 - version: 0.7.03+51

Added the initial delivery QR Code generation functionality and updated the delivery card handling throughout the application.

Changes Made

  1. Added Delivery SVG Icon

    • Created and added the file assets/svg/delivery.svg.
  2. Updated Delivery Model

    • Added a new property selected to the DeliveryModel class in lib/common/models/delivery.dart.
    • Reorganized some properties to improve clarity.
  3. Created Delivery Info Model

    • Added a new class DeliveryInfoModel in lib/common/models/delivery_info.dart to simplify information transfer regarding deliveries.
  4. QR Code Generation Utility

    • Added lib/common/utils/create_qrcode.dart to generate QR Codes and export them as PDFs.
    • Moved QR Code generation logic from DeliveryQrcodeController to this utility.
  5. Updated Delivery Card and Custom ListTile

    • Removed the onTap parameter from CustomListTile in lib/components/widgets/custom_list_tile.dart.
    • Updated DeliveryCard in lib/components/widgets/delivery_card.dart to include selection functionality (selected) and added a button for additional actions.
  6. Refactored User Business and User Admin Pages

    • Modified user_business_page.dart and user_admin_page.dart to use the updated DeliveryCard widget with the new onTap property.
  7. Removed Unused Controllers

    • Deleted the old delivery_qrcode_controller.dart and user_manager_store.dart, moving relevant logic to the new ManagerController and ManagerStore classes.
  8. Introduced New User Manager Components

    • Created manager_controller.dart, manager_store.dart, and show_delivery_list.dart to manage delivery-related workflows efficiently.
  9. Updated Firebase Repository

    • Enhanced deliveries_firebase_repository.dart to support filtering deliveries by status.
  10. Removed Dependency

    • Removed signals dependency from pubspec.yaml and related packages from pubspec.lock.


This commit enhances the app's delivery management features, including QR code generation and selection capabilities for deliveries, while removing redundant controllers and code to improve maintainability.

2024/10/15 - version: 0.7.02+50

This commit introduces new custom widgets, such as CustomAppBar, CustomListTile, and a CustomDrawer, enhancing the modularity of the UI components. Additionally, the app's structural organization has been refined by breaking down larger classes into more manageable pieces.

Changes made:

  1. lib/components/widgets/custom_app_bar/custom_app_bar.dart:

    • Added a new widget called CustomAppBar to provide a customizable app bar across different pages.
    • Implemented ValueListenableBuilder for brightness toggle using the controller.
  2. lib/components/widgets/custom_app_bar/custom_app_bar_controller.dart:

    • Created a dedicated controller for the CustomAppBar to manage settings from AppSettings.
  3. lib/components/widgets/custom_list_tile.dart:

    • Added a CustomListTile widget to create more customized and reusable list tiles with a leading icon, title, subtitle, and trailing widget.
  4. lib/components/widgets/delivery_card.dart:

    • Refactored to use the newly added CustomListTile for a more consistent UI design.
    • Introduced an optional qrCodeButton to display a QR code for each delivery.
  5. lib/components/widgets/main_drawer/custom_drawer.dart:

    • Introduced a new CustomDrawer widget to replace HomeDrawer, improving readability and modularity.
  6. lib/components/widgets/main_drawer/custom_drawer_controller.dart (previously home_controller.dart):

    • Renamed and moved the HomeController to align it with the CustomDrawer component.
    • Cleaned up redundant methods and improved naming conventions for clarity.
  7. lib/features/account/account_page.dart:

    • Added UI elements to increase/decrease the size of QR codes dynamically.
  8. lib/features/delivery_qrcode/:

    • Added delivery_qrcode.dart and delivery_qrcode_controller.dart to manage the QR code generation and printing features.
    • Utilized the printing and pdf packages to allow QR code generation as PDFs.
  9. lib/features/home/home_page.dart:

    • Replaced the old HomeDrawer with the new CustomDrawer for better modularization.
    • Cleaned up the navigation code and improved page controller initialization.
  10. lib/features/user_*:

    • Updated UserAdminPage, UserBusinessPage, UserDeliveryPage, and UserManagerPage to utilize the CustomAppBar and CustomDrawer, ensuring UI consistency.
    • Added additional page controller parameters to enable cross-page management via the new CustomDrawer.
  11. lib/features/qrcode_read/qrcode_read_page.dart:

    • Modified the scanner controller lifecycle to handle multiple states effectively, preventing repeated activations of the camera when the page is not in use.
  12. pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock:

    • Updated dependencies to include printing, pdf, signals, and related packages required for the new features.


The introduction of these custom widgets improves the consistency and maintainability of the codebase, while the modularized components simplify future updates. The refined UI elements ensure a seamless user experience across various parts of the app.

2024/10/11 - version: 0.7.01+49

Add CheckReservedDeliveries Function and Updates to Deployment

This commit introduces a new scheduled function, checkReservedDeliveries, which verifies and resets reservations that have exceeded 5 minutes, ensuring that delivery slots are appropriately released for others if not picked up in time. Several updates were made to facilitate this addition and improve deployment automation.


  1. Makefile

    • Added new command firebase_functions_deploy to simplify the deployment of Firebase functions.
    • Added schedule_clound command to trigger the checkReservedDeliveries function locally via a curl command.
  2. Firebase Cloud Functions (functions/index.js)

    • Added checkReservedDeliveries function using onSchedule to automatically verify and reset delivery reservations older than 5 minutes.
      • This function scans for deliveries with the orderReservedForPickup status that were reserved more than 5 minutes ago and resets them.
      • It also updates the updatedAt timestamp and nullifies fields such as deliveryId, deliveryName, and deliveryPhone.
    • Updated the setUserClaims function to specify the southamerica-east1 region for consistency.
    • Refactored imports for better clarity, including FieldValue from Firestore for timestamp updates.
  3. Package Updates

    • Updated dependencies in functions/package-lock.json and functions/package.json.
      • Updated firebase-functions from version 4.3.1 to 6.0.1 for compatibility with the new function.
      • Updated related packages to ensure alignment with the latest Firebase and ESLint requirements.
  4. UI Enhancements (lib/components/widgets/delivery_card.dart)

    • Updated the UI of DeliveryCard.
      • Changed the card color from surfaceContainer to surfaceContainerHigh for better visibility.
      • Improved the layout of the subtitle to create a clearer visual separation between pickup and delivery information.
  5. Dependencies Management (package.json)

    • Added @google-cloud/firestore for more direct Firestore interactions.
    • Updated firebase-admin to version 12.6.0 and added development dependencies for eslint.


The new checkReservedDeliveries function ensures that delivery reservations are canceled if they are not picked up within the expected time, improving the efficiency of the delivery system. Additional improvements include enhancements to the UI and simplifications in deployment workflows.

2024/10/11 - version: 0.7.00+48

This commit introduces key updates to enhance the organization and handling of delivery information across the application. The changes include modifications to model classes, addition of new UI widgets, and adjustments to store and controller components to better reflect shop-level data and improve user interaction with the delivery system.

  1. lib/common/models/shop_delivery_info.dart

    • Added new getters phone and address to provide access to the shop's phone number and address from the first delivery in the list.
    • These changes enable better encapsulation and easier access to shop-related data within the model.
  2. lib/components/widgets/shop_card.dart (new file)

    • Introduced ShopCard widget to display information about a shop, including its deliveries.
    • Added parameters for shopInfo, action, isExpanded, and onExpansionChanged to manage the UI state and user interactions effectively.
    • Implemented an ExpansionTile to show detailed shop information, including the number of deliveries and shop contact details.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/stores/user_delivery_store.dart

    • Updated deliveries to use ObservableList<ShopDeliveryInfo> instead of DeliveryExtended, reflecting the new focus on shop-level data.
    • Modified setDeliveries method to accommodate the updated ShopDeliveryInfo model, ensuring consistency in data handling.
  4. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart

    • Renamed changeStatus reference to changeDeliveryStatus for better clarity and consistency in the codebase.
  5. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_page.dart

    • Replaced DeliveryCard usage with ShopCard to display shop-level data, reflecting the updated model.
    • Introduced _expandedState map to manage the expanded state of each ShopCard, providing a better user experience when interacting with multiple shops.
  6. lib/managers/deliveries_manager.dart

    • Updated _processeNearbyDeliveries to use ShopDeliveryInfo instead of DeliveryExtended, enhancing the organization of data at the shop level.
    • Modified the _mapShopDeliveryInfoStream method to group deliveries by shop, allowing for more efficient data handling and improved structure.
    • Added a new transformer _deliveryToShopInfoTransformer to convert DeliveryModel streams into ShopDeliveryInfo streams, encapsulating multiple deliveries under a single shop entry.
    • Updated the subscription logic to _subscribeToShopDeliveries, ensuring the store receives grouped shop information rather than individual deliveries.

These updates significantly enhance the delivery system by organizing data around shops rather than individual deliveries, providing a more cohesive structure that simplifies both backend management and frontend presentation. This refactoring effort leads to a clearer, more maintainable codebase, and an improved user experience for interacting with shop and delivery information.

2024/10/11 - version: 0.6.25+47

This commit introduces several improvements and optimizations to enhance the delivery system's functionality and maintainability. These changes include modifications to model classes, widget updates, controller adjustments, and manager class refinements, all contributing to a more streamlined and efficient codebase.

  1. lib/common/models/shop_delivery_info.dart

    • Imported delivery_extended.dart to include DeliveryExtended information in the model.
    • Added a deliveries attribute of type List<DeliveryExtended> to store extended delivery information for each shop.
    • Added a length getter to provide the number of deliveries in the list.
    • Removed the numberOfDeliveries attribute as it is now inferred from the deliveries list.
  2. lib/components/widgets/delivery_card.dart

    • Updated the phone number display in the subtitle to include a phone emoji (📞), providing a clearer representation for users.
  3. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart

    • Renamed the method reference changeStatus to changeDeliveryStatus to improve clarity and consistency.
  4. lib/managers/deliveries_manager.dart

    • Refactored getNearbyDeliveries and refreshNearbyDeliveries methods to use _setLoadingState() and _setErrorState() for better code reuse and readability.
    • Replaced changeStatus method with changeDeliveryStatus, and moved the logic for updating the delivery status into a new private method _getUpdatedDeliveryStatus to streamline the code.
    • Updated _processeNearbyDeliveries to use _subscribeToDeliveries for managing delivery subscriptions.
    • Introduced _deliveryToExtendedTransformer to transform streams of DeliveryModel into DeliveryExtended, improving the reusability and separation of concerns in the code.
    • Added _setLoadingState() and _setErrorState() utility methods to manage store states more effectively and reduce repetition.

These updates improve the structure and readability of the delivery system's code, enhance the reusability of functions, and make the entire flow more maintainable and scalable. The refactoring efforts lead to better code quality while maintaining the intended functionalities of the application.

2024/10/11 - version: 0.6.24+46

This commit introduces significant updates to the delivery system, aimed at enhancing functionality, optimizing performance, and simplifying the management of deliveries. The changes include updates to the build configurations, new model classes for better data encapsulation, and the introduction of a dedicated manager to centralize delivery-related business logic. These improvements are expected to streamline the delivery workflow, reduce redundancy, and make the system more maintainable and scalable.

  1. android/app/build.gradle

    • Updated sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility from Java 1.8 to Java 11 to leverage modern Java features and improve compatibility.
    • Changed jvmTarget in kotlinOptions from 1.8 to 11, ensuring alignment with the updated Java version.
  2. android/app/google-services.json.old

    • Deleted the old google-services.json configuration file as it is no longer needed, reducing potential confusion and ensuring the project uses the correct configuration.
  3. android/build.gradle

    • Removed forced jvmTarget settings across all modules to allow for more flexible configurations.
    • Cleaned up redundant comments and updated dependencies to improve readability and maintainability of the build script.
  4. lib/common/models/delivery_extended.dart (new file)

    • Added DeliveryExtended class to extend DeliveryModel with an additional distanceFromShop attribute, providing more detailed information about deliveries.
    • Included methods to create DeliveryExtended from DeliveryModel and convert back, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.
  5. lib/common/models/shop_delivery_info.dart (new file)

    • Introduced ShopDeliveryInfo class to encapsulate shop name, number of deliveries, and distance, providing a concise representation of shop delivery information.
  6. lib/features/user_delivery/stores/user_delivery_store.dart

    • Updated deliveries to use ObservableList<DeliveryExtended> instead of DeliveryModel, enabling the use of extended delivery information.
    • Modified setDeliveries method to accommodate the new DeliveryExtended model, ensuring proper data handling.
  7. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart

    • Refactored to use the new DeliveriesManager class, centralizing the delivery-related logic.
    • Removed previous code for manually managing delivery locations and streams, simplifying the controller's responsibilities.
    • Updated initialization and subscription management to use DeliveriesManager methods, improving code organization and maintainability.
  8. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_page.dart

    • Removed unused userId and radiusInKm variables from the initialization process, cleaning up the code.
    • Updated UI elements to reflect new delivery status management, including the use of refreshNearbyDeliveries for better user experience.
  9. lib/managers/deliveries_manager.dart (new file)

    • Created DeliveriesManager class to centralize delivery-related business logic, making the system more modular and easier to maintain.
    • Implemented methods for initializing user location, fetching nearby deliveries, and changing delivery statuses, providing a clear separation of concerns.
    • Provided utilities for mapping and listening to extended delivery streams, as well as calculating distances, to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of delivery management.

These changes collectively aim to enhance the delivery system by introducing modularity, improving data handling, and centralizing business logic. The refactoring efforts reduce redundancy, making the codebase more organized and easier to maintain, while the new features provide additional functionality to support a more robust delivery process. Se terminou, para que o 

2024/10/11 - version: 0.6.23+45

This commit introduces several updates to the DeliveryModel class, controller, repository, and relevant UI components to improve functionality and provide more complete information for delivery entities. The changes encompass additions to data models, modifications in business logic, and UI updates for enhanced user interaction.

Key Changes

  1. Delivery Model Update
  • New Field Added: deliveryPhone was added to DeliveryModel to store the delivery person's phone number.
  • Class Modifications:
    • Added deliveryPhone field to the constructor, copyWith method, toMap method, and fromMap method.
    • Updated toString, == operator, and hashCode to incorporate the new deliveryPhone field.
  1. Delivery Card Widget Update
  • Updated the DeliveryCard widget to provide more detailed information about both the shop and client.
    • The card now shows the shop name and address, and the client's phone number, with improved formatting for phone numbers.
    • Added a private method _cleanPhone to clean phone numbers for display.
  1. User Delivery Controller Update
  • UserStore Update: Changed the reference from user to _user for consistency, while maintaining the original user as a separate reference for current use.
  • Status Update Method: Added changeStatus method in UserDeliveryController to allow the delivery person to change the status of a delivery.
    • The method toggles the delivery status between orderRegisteredForPickup and orderReservedForPickup.
    • It also updates the deliveryId, deliveryName, and deliveryPhone fields in the DeliveryModel.
  1. User Delivery Page Update
  • Removed unnecessary dialog and button actions for displaying delivery details.
  • Updated the DeliveryCard widget to use the changeStatus method from the controller instead of showing details.
  1. Abstract Deliveries Repository Interface Update
  • Added a new updateStatus method to update the status of a delivery.
  1. Deliveries Firebase Repository Update
  • Updated the implementation of the updateStatus method to modify the status and related delivery information in Firestore.
    • Adjusted Firestore references and WriteBatch operations for efficient data handling.
  • Refactored the retrieval and update of delivery models with enhanced error handling and consistency in method names.


This commit primarily focuses on adding new functionality to manage the phone number of delivery personnel, along with significant improvements in updating and managing delivery statuses, user interactions, and overall data consistency across the app.

2024/10/10 - version: 0.6.22+44

This commit involves several improvements to the delivery management system, focusing on enhancing CRUD operations for the DeliverymenModel and ensuring better compatibility with Firestore.

Detailed Changes

  1. lib/common/models/delivery_men.dart
  • Fixed the import path of model_finctions.dart to make it consistent and relative.
  1. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart
  • Changed the method used to add a new deliveryman from add() to set(). This change reflects a more descriptive naming convention, providing a clearer understanding of the operation being performed.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart
  • Commented out unimplemented methods, updateStatus() and streamShopByName(), to avoid confusion and streamline the code.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliverymen_repository.dart
  • Changed the method add() to set() to make it consistent with its actual operation.
  • Added new methods for retrieving (get()) and deleting (delete()) a deliveryman.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart
  • Added the dart:math library import for additional mathematical operations.
  • Defined constants for key fields to ensure consistency across the codebase, such as keyCreatedAt and keyUpdatedAt.
  • Improved logging messages for more accurate representation of delivery operations.
  • Modified the getNearby() method to limit the number of deliveries returned to 30 for better performance.
  • Added a helper function _calculateDistanceSimple() to compute the distance between two GeoPoint objects in a simple way.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliverymen_firebase_repository.dart
  • Implemented the get() method to retrieve a deliveryman from Firestore, including error handling and logging.
  • Implemented the delete() method to remove a deliveryman from Firestore, ensuring proper error management.
  • Refactored the updateLocation() and set() methods to simplify their functionality and make use of the new helper function _updateLocation().
  • Added _deliverymenReference() helper method to provide a reusable document reference for DeliverymenModel using withConverter() for Firestore integration.


These changes enhance the delivery management workflow by standardizing CRUD operations, improving code readability, and optimizing the integration with Firestore. This refactoring also includes the introduction of helper functions to simplify repetitive tasks, ensuring that the deliverymen data is managed more effectively and consistently.

2024/10/09 - version: 0.6.21+43

This commit introduces a set of improvements focused on enhancing code readability, maintainability, and extending functionality for delivery cards and status management.

  1. Delivery Status Enum Update:

    • Added a new delivery status: orderReservedForPickup.
    • Updated the DeliveryStatusExtension to include this new status, along with its string representation and corresponding icon.
  2. Icon Handling Improvement:

    • Refactored the icon getter for DeliveryStatus to return an Icon widget directly instead of just an IconData, which allows for custom styling such as colors for each delivery status.
  3. Markdown Parsing Enhancement:

    • Improved the MarkdowntoRichText widget to utilize a combined regular expression for parsing bold and italic text, resulting in more efficient text processing.
    • This ensures that all markdown-like strings are correctly converted into rich text within the app, providing a better user experience.
  4. Delivery Card Widget Refactoring:

    • Updated the DeliveryCard widget to use the MarkdowntoRichText for rendering delivery information, improving consistency across the app.
    • Removed the explicit use of showInMap and replaced it with a more generic action callback, allowing for more flexible reuse of the DeliveryCard.
  5. UI Component Consolidation:

    • Replaced individual widget tree components used in several ListTiles with the new DeliveryCard widget to unify the delivery UI representation across different parts of the app.
    • This change was applied in multiple pages (user_admin_page.dart, user_business_page.dart, user_delivery_page.dart, etc.) to ensure consistency in the delivery-related UI.
  6. Query Enhancement for Deliveries:

    • Added a custom query filter in DeliveriesFirebaseRepository to allow fetching deliveries by specific statuses, starting with orderRegisteredForPickup.
    • Refined the existing geospatial query to use a custom queryBuilder, providing more flexibility in delivery data retrieval.

Detailed Changes

  1. lib/common/extensions/delivery_status_extensions.dart
  • Added new case orderReservedForPickup to statusText and icon getters.
  • Updated icon getter to return a fully styled Icon widget with different colors per status.
  1. lib/common/models/delivery.dart
  • Introduced a new DeliveryStatus: orderReservedForPickup.
  1. lib/common/utils/markdown_to_rich_text.dart
  • Combined bold and italic regex into a single regular expression for better performance and simplified text parsing logic.
  1. lib/components/widgets/delivery_card.dart
  • Replaced showInMap callback with a generic action callback to allow for more diverse actions upon card interaction.
  • Utilized MarkdowntoRichText to display delivery details more effectively.
  1. UI Pages Update (user_admin_page.dart, user_business_page.dart, user_delivery_page.dart)
  • Replaced individual implementations of delivery list items with the new DeliveryCard widget for consistency.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart
  • Added geopointFrom method to extract geospatial data from Firestore documents.
  • Introduced a queryBuilder function to filter deliveries by specific statuses.
  • Updated the getNearby method to use the new queryBuilder for refined delivery data retrieval.


These changes bring consistency to the UI components used across different pages, enhance the delivery status management, and improve the maintainability of the code by consolidating functionality into reusable components. Furthermore, the new query capabilities in the repository facilitate more efficient and targeted data fetching, optimizing the app's performance.

2024/10/09 - version: 0.6.20+42

This commit focuses on refactoring the way deliverymen's geolocation data is managed. The core goal is to replace the LocationService class with a new repository structure that offers a more modular and repository-oriented approach to handling deliverymen's data and location services.

Major Changes and Refactoring

  1. Introduction of DeliverymenFirebaseRepository:

    • Created a new repository class, DeliverymenFirebaseRepository, that directly manages CRUD operations for deliverymen data within Firebase.
    • Implemented functions to handle the addition (add) and update (updateLocation) of deliverymen data in Firestore, simplifying location management.
  2. Abstracted Location Management:

    • Introduced an abstract class, AbstractDeliverymenRepository, which provides an interface for deliverymen operations such as obtaining the current location and updating deliverymen details.
    • Removed the LocationService class entirely, as its responsibilities have now been distributed and refactored into the repository pattern.
  3. User Delivery Controller Refactoring:

    • Updated the UserDeliveryController to use DeliverymenFirebaseRepository instead of the previous LocationService.
    • Refactored methods for creating and updating deliverymen location to utilize the new repository methods, improving separation of concerns.

Detailed Changes

  1. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart
  • Removed the import for LocationService and added imports for AbstractDeliverymenRepository and DeliverymenFirebaseRepository.
  • Replaced all instances where locationService was used with appropriate methods from deliverymenRepository.
  • Removed direct calls to location services and used the repository to handle location updates and creation.
  1. New File: lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliverymen_repository.dart
  • Created an abstract class AbstractDeliverymenRepository to define the contract for operations involving deliverymen, including getting the current location, adding, and updating deliverymen in Firestore.
  • This abstraction allows for better flexibility and testability, adhering to dependency inversion principles.
  1. New File: lib/repository/firebase_store/deliverymen_firebase_repository.dart
  • Implemented the DeliverymenFirebaseRepository class, which extends AbstractDeliverymenRepository.
  • Handles all Firebase-related operations for deliverymen, including:
    • Getting Current Location: Implements permissions handling and uses the Geolocator package to get the user's current position.
    • Adding Deliverymen: Adds new deliverymen entries with geolocation data to Firebase.
    • Updating Deliverymen Location: Updates existing deliverymen's geolocation data in Firebase.
  • This class serves as the new centralized point for managing deliverymen data in Firestore, providing a more maintainable and structured approach.
  1. Removed File: lib/services/location_service.dart
  • Deleted the LocationService class as its responsibilities were moved into DeliverymenFirebaseRepository.
  • This removal simplifies the codebase by centralizing the deliverymen-related logic within the repository layer.


This refactoring improves code maintainability, testability, and follows best practices for modular design by adopting the repository pattern for managing deliverymen's geolocation data. The new structure aligns well with scalable software architecture, making future changes and extensions easier to manage.

2024/10/09 - version: 0.6.19+41

This commit includes the following major changes and refactoring:

  1. Package Update:

    • Replaced the deprecated geoflutterfire2 package with the newer geoflutterfire_plus package across all files, ensuring compatibility and enhanced functionality for handling geospatial data.
    • Updated the pubspec.yaml file to include geoflutterfire_plus version ^0.0.31 and removed references to the deprecated geoflutterfire2 package.
  2. Model Updates:

    • Replaced references to GeoPoint and geohash with GeoFirePoint attributes in models and refactored all related methods to use the new GeoFirePoint data type.
    • Updated the DeliverymenModel, ClientModel, and AddressModel to utilize GeoFirePoint for location data.
  3. Functionality Adjustments:

    • Modified the getNearby method in DeliveriesFirebaseRepository to use geoflutterfire_plus's GeoCollectionReference for optimized querying of nearby deliveries.
    • Refactored the LocationService to handle location updates using GeoFirePoint instead of individual GeoPoint attributes, streamlining the process of updating and retrieving geographical data.

Detailed Changes

  1. lib/common/models/address.dart
  • Changed geoflutterfire2 imports to geoflutterfire_plus.
  • Updated the location attribute to use GeoFirePoint from the new package.
  • Adjusted all related methods and constructors to reflect this change.
  1. lib/common/models/client.dart
  • Replaced the import from geoflutterfire2 to geoflutterfire_plus.
  • Updated the location attribute and constructors to work with the new GeoFirePoint data type.
  1. lib/common/models/delivery.dart
  • Similar changes as above: replaced the GeoPoint attributes with GeoFirePoint.
  • Updated all methods, constructors, and utility functions to use GeoFirePoint.
  1. lib/common/models/delivery_men.dart
  • Replaced GeoPoint and geohash attributes with a single GeoFirePoint location.
  • Updated methods such as toMap, fromMap, and copyWith to handle the new GeoFirePoint data type.
  1. lib/common/models/functions/models_finctions.dartlib/common/models/functions/model_finctions.dart
  • Renamed to match naming conventions.
  • Adjusted the mapToGeoFirePoint function to work with the new GeoFirePoint structure from geoflutterfire_plus.
  1. lib/common/utils/address_functions.dart
  • Updated getGeoPointFromAddressString to return GeoFirePoint instead of GeoPoint.
  1. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart
  • Updated the location management for deliverymen to use GeoFirePoint instead of GeoPoint.
  • Refactored the methods for creating and updating location data using the geoflutterfire_plus package.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart
  • Refactored the getNearby method to use GeoCollectionReference from geoflutterfire_plus, providing better geospatial querying capabilities.
  1. lib/services/location_service.dart
  • Updated the methods for location updates to use GeoFirePoint.
  • Simplified the _getCurrentGeoFirePoint function to return a GeoFirePoint instead of separate latitude and longitude values.
  1. pubspec.yaml
  • Updated dependencies:
    • Added geoflutterfire_plus: ^0.0.31.
    • Removed geoflutterfire2 references.

This commit primarily focuses on replacing the deprecated geoflutterfire2 package with geoflutterfire_plus, updating all relevant models, services, and repositories to work with the new geospatial data structures.

2024/10/09 - version: 0.6.18+40

This commit primarily involves refactoring and updating models, controllers, and services to leverage GeoFirePoint from the GeoFlutterFire2 package instead of using GeoPoint directly. It improves the geographical data handling in models and ensures consistency in how coordinates are managed across different parts of the application.

Files Added:

  1. lib/common/models/functions/models_finctions.dart
  • Purpose:
    • Provides a utility function mapToGeoFirePoint to convert a map of coordinates into a GeoFirePoint object, centralizing this logic for reuse across models.

Files Modified:

  1. lib/common/models/address.dart
  • Geographical Data Update:
    • Replaced GeoPoint and geohash attributes with GeoFirePoint location, simplifying location handling.
    • Updated all related methods and constructors to accommodate the change, including fromMap, toMap, and copyWith.
  1. lib/common/models/client.dart
  • Geographical Data Refactor:
    • Replaced geopoint and geohash attributes with GeoFirePoint location.
    • Refactored constructors and utility methods like toMap and fromMap to work with GeoFirePoint.
    • Removed deprecated JSON handling methods that relied on GeoPoint.
  1. lib/common/models/delivery.dart
  • Model Update:
    • Replaced geopoint and geohash with GeoFirePoint attributes clientLocation and shopLocation to handle geographical data.
    • Adjusted all constructors and methods to use GeoFirePoint objects instead of individual latitude and longitude values.
  1. lib/common/models/shop.dart
  • Geographical Refactor:
    • Similar to other models, replaced GeoPoint and geohash with a single GeoFirePoint location attribute.
    • Updated methods and constructors accordingly, ensuring consistency in the way geographical data is managed.
  1. lib/common/utils/address_functions.dart
  • Geographical Function Update:
    • Removed the createGeoPointHash method, as GeoFirePoint now handles the geohash generation.
    • Refactored getGeoPointFromAddressString to return GeoFirePoint instead of GeoPoint.
  1. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart
  • Model Update:
    • Replaced references to geopoint and geohash in the client creation process with the location attribute, reflecting the change in AddressModel.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_controller.dart
  • Delivery Model Update:
    • Updated the creation of the DeliveryModel to use the new GeoFirePoint attributes for clientLocation and shopLocation.
  1. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart
  • Shop Model Update:
    • Modified the shop creation process to use GeoFirePoint location instead of GeoPoint.
  1. lib/features/user_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart
  • Location Management Refactor:
    • Refactored location handling to use GeoFirePoint for delivery personnel locations, ensuring consistent usage of the geographical library across the application.
    • Implemented new methods createLocation and updateLocation to streamline location updates for delivery personnel.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_client_repository.dart
  • Method Update:
    • Renamed streamClientByName to streamAllClients to reflect its purpose more clearly.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart
  • Parameter Update:
    • Changed the parameter name location to geopoint to better reflect its usage and ensure compatibility with the GeoFirePoint refactor.
  1. lib/services/location_service.dart
  • Location Service Refactor:
    • Introduced the createLocation and updateLocation methods to handle delivery personnel locations more robustly.
    • Added _getCurrentGeoFirePoint to centralize the logic of obtaining the current geographical point and geohash.
  1. lib/features/map/map_page.dart
  • Map Update:
    • Adjusted the map page to use GeoFirePoint attributes when determining positions, aligning with the rest of the app’s refactored location handling.
  1. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart
  • State Management Update:
    • Added deliverymen as a new observable attribute to track the delivery personnel’s information, including their current location.

This commit refactors geographical data handling across the application, replacing GeoPoint and geohash with the more streamlined GeoFirePoint class. These changes improve the consistency and efficiency of geographical operations while also aligning the codebase with the GeoFlutterFire2 package’s best practices.

2024/10/07 - version: 0.6.17+39

This commit refactors and enhances the client and delivery handling functionalities, improving state management, code clarity, and modularization. It introduces new methods for navigating between client-related pages and refines several store interactions to ensure consistency across the application.

Files Modified:

  1. lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart
  • Behavioral Update:
    • Added a condition to immediately return to the previous screen if no edits were made, enhancing user flow and preventing unnecessary state changes.
  • Bug Fix:
    • Implemented store.isValid() check before saving the client, ensuring data integrity.
  1. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart
  • Repository Update:
    • Renamed the repository variable to clientRepository for better clarity.
  • Data Initialization:
    • Refactored the _setClientValues() method to asynchronously fetch and set address details if not already provided, reducing potential errors and centralizing address initialization logic.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_controller.dart
  • Repository Initialization:
    • Refactored repository initializations to use Abstract types, improving adherence to dependency inversion principles and ensuring the controller can work with different repository implementations if necessary.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_page.dart
  • Navigation Logic:
    • Added _addClient and _editClient methods for navigating to the Add Client page. This provides a consistent way to add or edit clients directly from the delivery page.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/widgets/build_main_content_form.dart
  • Widget Update:
    • Enhanced BuildMainContentForm to include addClient and editClient callbacks, allowing user navigation to client management screens.
    • Adjusted list rendering logic to include options for adding and editing clients, improving the user experience.
  1. lib/features/clients/clients_controller.dart
  • Redundant Logic Removal:
    • Removed editClient method from ClientsController since the navigation logic is now handled within the ClientsPage widget, centralizing navigation concerns.
  1. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart
  • Navigation Logic Update:
    • Replaced the call to ctrl.editClient with direct navigation logic, ensuring consistency in navigating to the Add Client page and simplifying the controller's responsibilities.

This commit streamlines the process of adding and editing clients within the app. By shifting navigation logic out of controllers and into the pages themselves, it maintains a clean separation of concerns and enhances code maintainability. Additionally, the refactor improves user flow by introducing conditions that prevent unnecessary navigation or state changes based on the form's current state.

2024/10/06 - version: 0.6.16+38

This commit refactors the BigButton widget and introduces enhancements to the AddDeliveryStore and BuildMainContentForm classes. The changes focus on improving button usability, restructuring form state handling, and centralizing widget behavior.

Files Modified:

  1. lib/components/widgets/big_bottom.dart
  • Feature Enhancement:
    • Added an enable parameter to control the button's enabled/disabled state.
    • Button's color and text style now dynamically adjust based on the enable state.
  • UI Improvements:
    • The onPressed callback is set to null when the button is disabled, preventing user interaction.
    • Disabled buttons use a different color from the colorScheme, improving visual feedback.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/stores/add_delivery_store.dart
  • Logging Removal:
    • Removed unnecessary log statement from the selectClient action to reduce console clutter.
  • Validation Method:
    • Added an isValid() method to encapsulate the validation logic for the store's current state, ensuring all required fields are populated before allowing certain actions.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/widgets/build_main_content_form.dart
  • StatefulWidget Conversion:
    • Converted BuildMainContentForm from a StatelessWidget to a StatefulWidget to manage focus nodes and reactions more effectively.
  • Focus Management:
    • Introduced focus nodes (searchByNameFocus, searchByPhoneFocus) to manage input focus and unfocus logic.
    • Added a MobX reaction to unfocus all input fields when the search mode changes, providing a better user experience.
  • Validation Binding:
    • Integrated isValid() from AddDeliveryStore with the BigButton widget, allowing the button to enable/disable based on the form's state.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/stores/add_delivery_store.dart
  • State Management Refactor:
    • Removed redundant logging statements and restructured the isValid logic for determining when a client and shop are selected.
    • Introduced a reset() method to encapsulate store state resetting, ensuring consistency when clearing the form.

This commit refines the BigButton component and enhances form state management for the AddDeliveryStore. The overall result is a more responsive UI with clear state-based interaction handling, improved focus management, and a more maintainable code structure.

2024/10/04 - version: 0.6.15+37

This commit introduces various changes to the AddClient and AddShop features, refactoring code to improve state management, centralizing common operations, and enhancing the user experience.

Files Modified:

  1. lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart
  • File Import Refactor:
    • Changed all imports to use relative paths (import '/common/...') to ensure consistency across the project.
  • Improved Routing:
    • Updated route name for better readability: 'addclient' to 'add_client'.
  • Navigation Improvement:
    • Enhanced back navigation handling, ensuring the page only pops when mounted and passes the updated client model.
  • Dropdown Handling:
    • Added null check before updating addressType to avoid potential runtime errors.
  1. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart
  • Dependency Injection:
    • Utilized AbstractClientRepository for repository abstraction, enabling better testing and flexibility.
  • Refactored Address Handling:
    • Introduced getter method for address to fetch it directly from the store.
    • Added a reaction to update the address when resetAddressString changes, ensuring the UI is always in sync with state changes.
  • Enhanced Error Handling:
    • Provided more descriptive error messages for connectivity issues and invalid ZIP codes.
  • Memory Management:
    • Included a disposer for the reaction to prevent memory leaks.
  1. lib/features/add_client/stores/add_client_store.dart
  • Store State Refactoring:
    • Removed the redundant address observable and consolidated its state management in a single place.
    • Added actions to handle setting and resetting address strings and states (setAddressString, toogleAddressString).
    • Improved observability of resetAddressString and resetZipCode flags to centralize their usage.
  1. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart
  • Removed Redundant Getters:
    • Removed isEdited, isValid, and state getters to simplify code access. These can be directly accessed through the store.
  • Improved Error Handling:
    • Introduced clearer error messages for ZIP code validation failures, differentiating between connectivity and invalid format errors.
  1. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_page.dart
  • File Import Refactor:
    • Changed all imports to use relative paths (import '/common/...') for consistency.
  • Simplified Store Access:
    • Replaced direct controller state access (ctrl) with store references for attributes like isValid and isEdited.
  • UI Enhancement:
    • Added dynamic titles based on the mode (Adicionar Loja vs. Editar Loja).
  1. lib/features/add_shop/stores/add_shop_store.dart
  • State Correction:
    • Fixed an incorrect reset action (resetZipCodeChanged) to properly update the zipCodeChanged state instead of updateGeoPoint.

This commit brings structural and state management improvements to the AddClient and AddShop features, providing better code maintainability, improved state handling, and enhanced error feedback mechanisms.

2024/10/04 - version: 0.6.14+36

This commit refactors the AddDelivery feature, improving the controller and state management, introducing a modular structure with reusable components, and enhancing error handling and UI consistency.

Files Modified

  1. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_controller.dart
  • Simplified Initialization:
    • Removed the redundant refreshShops() call during initialization.
    • Adjusted state handling in setShopId based on shop availability.
    • Set shop state after retrieving shops and updated the list of shops in the store.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_page.dart
  • UI Handling Enhancements:
    • Improved navigation handling when creating a delivery. The page now only closes upon successful creation.
    • Refactored loading and error state handling into the new ErrorCard widget.
    • Replaced inline main content rendering logic with a new modular widget BuildMainContentForm.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/stores/add_delivery_store.dart
  • State Management Improvements:
    • Added reset() action to clear the store state, ensuring a clean slate on initialization.
    • Updated setShops() to set noShopsState based on the shop list content.

Files Added

  1. lib/features/add_delivery/widgets/build_main_content_form.dart
  • Modularized Main Content:
    • Extracted main content rendering logic from AddDeliveryPage into a separate widget for better maintainability and modularity.
    • Manages the shop selection, client search, and client list display functionalities.
  1. lib/features/add_delivery/widgets/error_card.dart
  • Reusable Error Card:
    • Created a reusable ErrorCard widget to standardize error handling and display across the feature.
    • Supports custom title, message, icon, and color parameters for flexibility.

This commit refactors the AddDelivery feature by separating concerns into distinct widgets, enhancing state management, and improving code readability. These changes make the codebase more maintainable and the UI more responsive and user-friendly.

2024/10/04 - version: 0.6.13+35

This commit introduces enhancements to the ClientModel and ShopModel classes for JSON serialization and deserialization. It also improves address handling in the AddShopController, refactors the shop repository methods to use streams, and restructures the shop management flows based on the user roles. Additional UI adjustments were made for better consistency and functionality.

Files Modified:

  1. lib/common/models/client.dart
  • Enhanced Serialization and Deserialization:
    • Added logic to handle geopoint serialization and deserialization in the toJson and fromJson methods.
  1. lib/common/models/shop.dart
  • Improved fromJson Logic:
    • Adjusted the fromJson method to retain the geopoint information during deserialization.
  1. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart
  • Address Handling Refactor:
    • Included a check to handle updates on the GeoPoint based on flag updateGeoPoint.
    • Added resetUpdateGeoPoint() call after updating the address geolocation.
  1. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_page.dart
  • UI Adjustments:
    • Improved code formatting for better readability and consistency.
    • Changed TextCapitalization.sentences to TextCapitalization.words in the description field.
  1. lib/features/add_shop/stores/add_shop_store.dart
  • State Management Enhancements:
    • Added new observable state and actions for handling address type updates and other field changes.
  1. lib/features/shops/shops_controller.dart
  • Role-Based Data Retrieval:
    • Implemented role-based shop retrieval methods (streamShopAll, streamShopByOwner, streamShopByManager).
    • Enhanced data flow based on the logged-in user role to segregate data access.
  1. lib/features/shops/shops_page.dart
  • Minor UI Updates:
    • Improved modal and navigation actions for better user experience.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_shop_repository.dart
  • Interface Update:
    • Refined the abstract repository to include new streaming methods for ShopModel data retrieval.
  1. lib/repository/firebase_store/shop_firebase_repository.dart
  • Method Implementation:
    • Added streamShopAll, streamShopByManager, and streamShopByOwner methods for real-time shop data retrieval.
    • Removed redundant getShopByName method.

This commit streamlines data handling and serialization processes for ClientModel and ShopModel, enhances UI components for better usability, and implements role-based data access within the shop management features.

2024/10/03 - version: 0.6.12+34

Refactoring models and geolocation functions

Summary: This commit implements a refactor for the address and client models, optimizing the geolocation functions and making code cleaner by removing redundant services and controllers.


  1. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Removed geolocation_service.dart import.
    • Added geohash field and updated constructor accordingly.
    • Adjusted createdAt and updatedAt fields to be optional.
    • Removed updateLocation() method, as it's now handled externally.
  2. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Changed geopoint to a non-nullable field.
    • Added geohash field and updated all necessary methods to include it.
    • Updated constructor to assign default values to createdAt and updatedAt.
  3. lib/common/models/delivery.dart

    • Fixed typo in the geohash field name.
  4. lib/common/models/shop.dart

    • Modified geopoint to a required field.
    • Added geohash, createdAt, and updatedAt fields.
  5. lib/common/utils/address_functions.dart

    • New utility class AddressFunctions created for geolocation-related methods, including:
      • createAddress(): Creates a new AddressModel and updates its location.
      • updateAddressGeoLocation(): Updates geolocation and timestamps.
      • createGeoPointHash(): Generates a geohash for a given GeoPoint.
      • getGeoPointFromAddressString(): Fetches GeoPoint based on the address string using geocoding package.
  6. lib/components/widgets/address_card.dart

    • Replaced AddressModel parameter with addressString for better compatibility.
  7. Controllers and Stores

    • Modified address and shop controllers to use the new AddressFunctions methods.
    • Removed outdated reaction mechanisms and added flag management (zipCodeChanged, updateGeoPoint) for reactivity.
    • Refactored init() and mountAddress() methods in add_client and add_shop controllers.
  8. Other changes:

    • Renamed and moved store_func.dart for better modularization.
    • Deleted geo_point_funcs.dart as it is now part of AddressFunctions.
    • Deleted nearby_deliveries feature files, replaced by user_delivery functionalities.
    • Adjusted all imports and dependencies to reflect these changes.

This refactor improves the maintainability and organization of the project by consolidating similar functionality and removing redundancy. The changes ensure that geolocation handling is more robust and integrated directly into model creation and update methods.

2024/10/03 - version: 0.6.11+33

Refactored Geo-Location Attributes and Standardized Geohash Key Naming

  1. Address Model Update:

    • Renamed location attribute to geopoint for better semantic clarity.
    • Updated all references to location in AddressModel to geopoint.
  2. Client Model Update:

    • Renamed location attribute to geopoint to maintain consistency with the Address model.
    • Updated all location references to geopoint across the ClientModel.
  3. Delivery Model Update:

    • Renamed location attribute to geopoint and geoHash to geohash.
    • Updated references in DeliveryModel to reflect these changes.
  4. Shop Model Update:

    • Renamed location attribute to geopoint for consistency with other models.
    • Updated all relevant references.
  5. Controller and Page Updates:

    • Refactored controllers (add_client_controller.dart, add_delivery_controller.dart, add_shop_controller.dart) to use the new attribute names.
    • Adjusted MapPage and other dependent views to reflect the renamed attributes.
  6. Nearby Deliveries Feature Refactor:

    • Renamed neaby_deliveries feature to nearby_deliveries for correct spelling.
    • Updated controllers and store references to the new directory and file names.
  7. Repository Updates:

    • Refactored geohash key reference in DeliveriesFirebaseRepository and LocationService from geoHash to geohash.
    • Standardized all geospatial query and data handling logic to use geopoint and geohash consistently.
  8. Other Refactoring:

    • Adjusted json serialization methods for ShopModel to use geopoint instead of location.
    • Enhanced logging messages to improve debugging information during geospatial queries and updates.

This commit refines the geolocation attributes for better clarity and consistency across the models, repositories, and services. Additionally, it corrects naming inconsistencies and updates the project structure to improve maintainability and semantic accuracy.

2024/10/02 - version: 0.6.10+32

Refactored Directory Structure for Stores and Controllers in features Module

  1. Renamed and Moved Store Files:

    • Moved store files from lib/stores/pages/ to lib/features/{feature_name}/stores/.
    • Updated imports across controllers and pages to reflect new paths for store files.
    • This change affects the following stores:
      • account_store.dart
      • add_client_store.dart
      • add_delivery_store.dart
      • add_shop_store.dart
      • clients_store.dart
      • home_store.dart
      • nearby_deliveries_store.dart
      • personal_data_store.dart
      • shops_store.dart
      • sign_in_store.dart
      • sign_up_store.dart
      • user_admin_store.dart
      • user_business_store.dart
      • user_delivery_store.dart
      • user_manager_store.dart
  2. Updated Imports and Dependencies:

    • Updated all controller and page imports to reference the new paths for store files.
    • Adjusted the import statements for each affected file to ensure compatibility with the new structure.
  3. Renamed use_delivery Feature to user_delivery:

    • Renamed lib/features/use_delivery/ to lib/features/user_delivery/ to maintain consistency in feature naming.
    • Updated all related imports to reflect this name change.
  4. Refactored Controllers and Pages:

    • Updated the following controllers and pages to accommodate the new store file structure:
      • account_controller.dart
      • account_page.dart
      • add_client_controller.dart
      • add_client_page.dart
      • add_delivery_controller.dart
      • add_delivery_page.dart
      • add_shop_controller.dart
      • add_shop_page.dart
      • clients_controller.dart
      • clients_page.dart
      • home_store.dart
      • neaby_deliveries_controller.dart
      • neaby_deliveries_page.dart
      • person_data_controller.dart
      • shops_controller.dart
      • shops_page.dart
      • sign_in_controller.dart
      • sign_up_controller.dart
      • user_admin_controller.dart
      • user_admin_page.dart
      • user_business_controller.dart
      • user_business_page.dart
      • user_delivery_controller.dart
      • user_delivery_page.dart
      • user_manager_controller.dart
      • user_manager_page.dart

This commit restructures the project by organizing store files within each feature module, promoting a more modular and maintainable codebase. The refactor improves readability and helps in future scalability of the project.

2024/10/02 - version: 0.6.09+31

Refactored Delivery and Client Controllers to Utilize Improved Repository and State Management

  1. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart

    • Added repository to AddClientController for managing client-related operations.
    • Implemented ClientFirebaseRepository for client data management.
  2. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_controller.dart

    • Reorganized dependencies with final variables for repositories and user store.
    • Refactored the createDelivery method to handle errors and state transitions more effectively.
    • Implemented methods for searching clients and refreshing shop data using repositories.
  3. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_page.dart

    • Updated AddDeliveryPage to use AddDeliveryStore for state management and refactored controller initialization.
  4. lib/features/map/map_page.dart

    • Added a back navigation button to improve the user experience.
  5. lib/features/person_data/person_data_controller.dart

    • Replaced store references with user store properties for better separation of concerns.
  6. lib/features/use_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart

    • Integrated UserDeliveryStore for state management and controller initialization.
  7. lib/features/user_admin/user_admin_controller.dart

    • Reorganized state management using UserAdminStore.
    • Replaced individual state properties with general state management logic.
  8. lib/features/user_business/user_business_controller.dart

    • Integrated UserBusinessStore and consolidated state management.
  9. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart

    • Added getAll method to fetch all deliveries in the system.
  10. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart

    • Implemented getAll method to support the retrieval of all delivery records from the database.
    • Added error handling and logging for repository operations.
  11. lib/stores/pages/add_client_store.dart

    • Removed repository dependency to reduce coupling.
  12. lib/stores/pages/add_delivery_store.dart

    • Updated store to use observable lists for managing clients and shops.
    • Simplified error handling and state management.
  13. lib/stores/pages/user_admin_store.dart

    • Introduced a new state management pattern using PageState for consistency.
    • Replaced individual state properties with a single observable state property.
  14. lib/stores/pages/user_business_store.dart

    • Refactored state handling methods for consistency with other stores.
  15. lib/stores/pages/user_delivery_store.dart

    • Introduced errorMessage and state observables for better error handling and UI updates.

This commit refines the delivery and client-related features by integrating repository patterns and improving state management with MobX stores. The refactor enhances code readability, reduces coupling between controllers and stores, and improves error handling and user feedback mechanisms.

2024/10/01 - version: 0.6.08+30

Refactored Client and Shop-related features to improve state management and UI consistency.

  1. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Adjusted copyWith method for address to handle potential null values properly.
  2. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart

    • Refactored AddClientController to use AddClientStore for better state management.
    • Introduced _mountAddress and _setClientValues methods to handle address setup.
    • Added reaction disposers for observables to manage form updates.
  3. lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart

    • Updated page to use AddClientStore for state handling and input validation.
    • Replaced direct access to controller properties with store properties.
  4. lib/features/clients/clients_controller.dart

    • Implemented stream subscription for client data using ClientsStore.
    • Added methods for client data retrieval and state updates.
  5. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart

    • Replaced StreamBuilder with Observer for MobX-based state management.
    • Improved error handling and UI state consistency using ClientsStore.
  6. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart

    • Refined AddShopController to use AddShopStore for form management.
    • Implemented state updates and error handling through store methods.
    • Consolidated address setup methods for cleaner code structure.
  7. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_page.dart

    • Integrated AddShopStore into the page for more reactive state updates and cleaner UI logic.
  8. lib/features/shops/shops_controller.dart

    • Refactored ShopsController to use ShopsStore for shop data management.
    • Added shop data streaming and improved error handling through store.
  9. lib/features/shops/shops_page.dart

    • Replaced previous implementation with Observer for reactive UI updates.
    • Refactored Dismissible widgets into a separate component (DismissibleShop).
  10. lib/features/shops/widgets/dismissible_shop.dart

    • Created a reusable DismissibleShop widget for managing shop edit/delete actions in a dismissible container.
  11. lib/stores/pages/clients_store.dart

    • Created a new ClientsStore for managing client data and UI states.
    • Implemented methods for setting client data, handling errors, and state management.
  12. lib/stores/pages/shops_store.dart

    • Updated ShopsStore to handle shop data and UI state more effectively.
    • Added methods for setting shop data and managing errors.
  13. lib/stores/pages/add_client_store.dart

    • Refined AddClientStore by separating address and state management methods.
    • Improved form validation and error handling through store methods.
  14. lib/stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart

    • Simplified error handling and state management by consolidating methods.
  15. lib/stores/pages/nearby_deliveries_store.dart

    • Renamed setPageState to setState for consistency across stores.
    • Adjusted error handling methods to use the new naming convention.

This commit introduces a comprehensive refactor of Client and Shop-related features, focusing on state management improvements using MobX stores, better error handling, and UI consistency. The refactor leads to a more maintainable codebase and clearer separation of concerns between controllers and stores.

2024/10/01 - version: 0.6.07+29

Refactored user_business, add_user_business, and related features.

  1. lib/features/account/account_controller.dart

    • Updated AccountController to use AccountStore for state management.
    • Implemented getManagerShops() method to retrieve and store manager shops locally.
  2. lib/features/account/account_page.dart

    • Integrated AccountStore into AccountPage for state management and UI updates.
    • Replaced references to pageStore with store to reflect the new structure.
  3. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart

    • Modified AddShopController to utilize AddShopStore for improved state handling.
    • Refactored methods like saveShop() and updateShop() for cleaner logic and local store updates.
    • Updated shop values initialization to correctly set store properties.
  4. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_page.dart

    • Adjusted page to work with AddShopStore for reactive state management.
    • Implemented improved error handling and display for the form fields.
  5. lib/features/user_business/user_business_controller.dart

    • Adjusted to utilize UserBusinessStore for state management.
    • Refactored delivery fetching logic to use the new getByOwnerId() method.
  6. lib/features/user_business/user_business_page.dart

    • Updated page to use UserBusinessStore for state management and reactive UI updates.
  7. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart

    • Renamed methods like streamDeliveryByShopId and getDeliveryByOwnerId for better clarity and consistency.
    • Added new methods like updateManagerId to handle specific delivery updates in the repository.
  8. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart

    • Refactored method names to align with repository conventions (e.g., getByShopId, getNearby).
    • Implemented new method updateManagerId for batch updating the manager ID in delivery documents.
  9. lib/stores/pages/account_store.dart

    • Simplified store logic by removing direct repository calls and focusing on state management.
    • Refactored state update methods for consistency.
  10. lib/stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart

    • Separated store logic from the controller, focusing on reactive state updates and form validation.
  11. lib/stores/pages/user_business_store.dart

    • Updated PageState to state for naming consistency across stores.
    • Added error handling and state management methods to handle various UI states.
  12. lib/stores/pages/user_manager_store.dart

    • Integrated delivery and shop data management into UserManagerStore.
    • Added state and error handling methods for cleaner management of UI states.

This commit refactors and streamlines the business-related pages, controllers, and stores, introducing better state management and separation of concerns, leading to a more maintainable and consistent codebase.

2024/09/30 - version: 0.6.06+28

Refactored DeliveryModel and UserModel to include new fields and updated page functionality for business users.

  1. General Package Updates

    • Updated DeliveryModel to include the new ownerId field.
    • Refactored UserModel by renaming the managerId field to bossId for better clarity.
  2. lib/common/models/delivery.dart

    • Added ownerId field to DeliveryModel for better association between deliveries and their respective owners.
    • Adjusted constructors, methods, and copyWith pattern to accommodate the new field.
  3. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Renamed the managerId field to bossId throughout the class to better reflect the role hierarchy.
    • Updated all related methods and factory constructors accordingly.
  4. lib/features/user_business/user_business_controller.dart

    • Refactored the UserBusinessController to properly use the ownerId field for querying deliveries.
    • Implemented new state management for loading and displaying deliveries specific to business users.
  5. lib/features/user_business/user_business_page.dart

    • Modified UserBusinessPage to leverage the new UserBusinessStore for managing deliveries.
    • Added error handling and refresh functionality to improve user experience.
  6. lib/stores/pages/user_business_store.dart

    • Added deliveries observable list and methods for updating deliveries in the store.
    • Implemented pageState observable to manage loading and error states.
  7. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart

    • Renamed streamDeliveryByOwnerId to getDeliveryByOwnerId for better method naming consistency.
  8. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart

    • Updated the implementation of getDeliveryByOwnerId to fetch deliveries based on the new ownerId field.
  9. lib/stores/pages/add_delivery_store.dart

    • Updated the delivery creation logic to include ownerId when creating new deliveries in the store.
  10. Other minor updates:

    • Adjusted various field names and method calls to match the new field names (bossId instead of managerId).
    • Updated error messages and UI text to provide clearer information to the user.

This commit improves the consistency and clarity of the data models, introduces better state management for business users, and ensures that deliveries are correctly associated with their respective owners using the new ownerId field.

2024/09/30 - version: 0.6.05+27

Updated Firebase packages and implemented geolocation-based delivery features.

  1. General Package Updates

    • Updated all Firebase-related packages to the latest versions to address compatibility issues.
    • Updated the geoflutterfire_plus package locally and began testing it to ensure it functions correctly.
  2. Android Manifest

    • Added ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, and ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml to support geolocation services in the app.
  3. lib/common/extensions/user_role_extensions.dart (New)

    • Created UserRoleExtensions to add utility methods like displayName and iconData for UserRole.
  4. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Removed the deprecated ptUserRole method.
    • Updated code to use the new extension methods from UserRoleExtensions.
  5. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_page.dart

    • Added a refresh button for shops to the dropdown menu in the delivery creation form.
  6. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Renamed isDelivery to isDeliveryman to better reflect the role's meaning.
  7. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Replaced UserDeliveryPage with NearbyDeliveriesPage in the PageView navigation.
  8. lib/features/home/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart

    • Updated to use the UserRoleExtensions for cleaner code and separation of concerns.
  9. lib/features/neaby_deliveries/neaby_deliveries_controller.dart (New)

    • Implemented NearbyDeliveriesController to manage geolocation-based queries and subscriptions for nearby deliveries.
  10. lib/features/neaby_deliveries/neaby_deliveries_page.dart (New)

    • Created a new page NearbyDeliveriesPage to display deliveries within a certain radius of the user's current location.
  11. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart

    • Renamed method getDeliveryNearby to getDeliveriesNearby for naming consistency.
  12. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart

    • Updated the geolocation query method to include a limit on the number of results and added better error handling.
  13. lib/services/location_service.dart (New)

    • Implemented a new LocationService class to handle permission requests and updating the user's location in Firestore.
  14. lib/stores/pages/add_delivery_store.dart

    • Added the refreshShops method to dynamically update the list of available shops based on the user's role.
  15. lib/stores/pages/user_business_store.dart (New)

    • Created a new MobX store for managing state in the business user page.
  16. pubspec.yaml / pubspec.lock

    • Updated geolocator and added its dependencies (geolocator_android, geolocator_apple, etc.) to support geolocation in the app.

This commit introduces significant updates to geolocation-based functionality in the delivery app. It refactors user role handling, introduces new pages and controllers for managing nearby deliveries, and updates the project dependencies to ensure compatibility and stability.

2024/09/26 - version: 0.6.04+26

Added geoHash field to DeliveryModel and introduced geolocation-based queries for deliveries.

  1. lib/common/models/delivery.dart

    • Added the geoHash field to DeliveryModel for more efficient geospatial queries.
    • Updated the constructor, copyWith, toMap, and fromMap methods to handle the new geoHash field.
  2. lib/common/utils/geo_point_funcs.dart (New)

    • Created a utility function createGeoPointHash using the GeoFlutterFire package to generate geohashes based on a GeoPoint.
  3. lib/components/widgets/delivery_card.dart

    • Renamed from lib/features/home/widgets/delivery_card.dart for a more general use across features.
  4. lib/features/account/account_controller.dart

    • Renamed from lib/features/account_page/account_controller.dart.
  5. lib/features/account/account_page.dart

    • Renamed from lib/features/account_page/account_page.dart.
  6. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_controller.dart

    • Refactored to use store instead of pageStore for consistency across the project.
  7. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_page.dart

    • Updated method references to use store instead of pageStore after the refactor.
  8. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Added logic to dynamically set the page title based on user role (Admin, Business, Manager, Delivery).
    • Introduced a PageController to manage different views for different user roles.
  9. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Replaced static delivery list with a dynamic PageView that shows different pages based on user roles.
  10. lib/features/use_delivery/user_delivery_controller.dart (New)

    • Created a controller for managing the delivery page specific to delivery users.
  11. lib/features/use_delivery/user_delivery_page.dart (New)

    • Added a new page dedicated to delivery users, displaying relevant delivery information.
  12. lib/features/user_admin/user_admin_controller.dart (New)

    • Created a controller for the admin page, managing admin-specific actions and data.
  13. lib/features/user_admin/user_admin_page.dart (New)

    • Implemented the admin page with functionality for viewing and managing deliveries.
  14. lib/features/user_business/user_business_controller.dart (New)

    • Created a controller for the business page, managing data relevant to business users.
  15. lib/features/user_business/user_business_page.dart (New)

    • Implemented a business-specific page to display and manage deliveries.
  16. lib/features/user_manager/user_manager_controller.dart (New)

    • Created a controller for the manager page, handling manager-specific actions.
  17. lib/features/user_manager/user_manager_page.dart (New)

    • Implemented the manager-specific page to display and manage deliveries.
  18. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated routes to reflect the new structure and renamed files.
  19. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart

    • Added methods for streaming deliveries by owner and retrieving nearby deliveries based on geolocation.
  20. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart

    • Integrated geospatial queries using GeoFlutterFire to stream deliveries near a specified location.
    • Added a method to stream deliveries based on owner ID.
  21. lib/repository/firebase_store/shop_firebase_repository.dart

    • Implemented a method to get shops by owner ID.
  22. lib/services/local_storage_service.dart

    • Added a method to clear cached manager shops when the user logs out.
  23. lib/stores/pages/add_delivery_store.dart

    • Added logic to generate and store a geohash for the shop's location when creating a delivery.
  24. lib/stores/pages/user_admin_store.dart (New)

    • Created MobX store for managing admin page state.
  25. lib/stores/pages/user_delivery_store.dart (New)

    • Created MobX store for managing the delivery page state.
  26. lib/stores/pages/user_manager_store.dart (New)

    • Created MobX store for managing the manager page state.
  27. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Added logic to fetch and cache shops for manager and business users upon login.
    • Enhanced the logout process to clear cached data.

This commit adds geolocation-based functionality to deliveries, reorganizes user roles, and introduces distinct pages for different user types (Admin, Business, Manager, Delivery). The overall structure was refactored to support these new features.

2024/09/26 - version: 0.6.03+25

Introduced integration with Google Maps and improvements to delivery and shop models.

  1. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Added meta-data for Google Maps API key for future use in map integrations.
  2. lib/common/extensions/delivery_status_extensions.dart

    • Renamed from emu_extensions.dart to better reflect its purpose.
    • Imported material_symbols_icons package.
    • Added new icon getter to provide icons for different DeliveryStatus values.
  3. lib/common/models/delivery.dart

    • Added shopPhone to DeliveryModel to store the phone number of the shop.
    • Renamed shopLocation to location for consistency in representing the shop's location.
    • Updated DeliveryModel constructor, toMap, fromMap, and comparison methods to include the new shopPhone and renamed fields.
  4. lib/common/models/shop.dart

    • Renamed userId to ownerId to clarify the purpose of the field.
    • Added phone field to store the shop's phone number.
    • Updated toMap, fromMap, and other relevant methods to handle the new fields.
  5. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Added font14 method to support text styling for smaller fonts.
  6. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_controller.dart

    • Updated init method to be asynchronous, awaiting store initialization.
    • Added noShopsState for handling cases where no shops are available.
  7. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_page.dart

    • Added error handling for no shops and unknown errors with appropriate UI feedback.
    • Modified the delivery creation flow to reflect the new noShopsState.
  8. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart

    • Added a phoneController to manage the input for shop phone numbers.
  9. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Imported DeliveriesFirebaseRepository for streaming deliveries in the home page.
  10. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Integrated delivery cards that allow users to view delivery details and navigate to a map view.
    • Streamed deliveries from the repository for dynamic updates.
  11. lib/features/home/widgets/delivery_card.dart (New)

    • Created DeliveryCard widget to display delivery information, including the client name, shop phone, and address.
  12. lib/features/map/map_controller.dart (New)

    • Created MapController to manage Google Maps interaction.
  13. lib/features/map/map_page.dart (New)

    • Implemented MapPage to display the delivery route from the shop to the client's location using Google Maps.
  14. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added route generation for MapPage to allow users to navigate to the delivery map.
  15. lib/repository/firebase_store/shop_firebase_repository.dart

    • Renamed userId to ownerId in Firestore queries and data handling.
    • Adjusted data map handling for consistency.
  16. lib/stores/pages/add_delivery_store.dart

    • Added NoShopState enum to handle various states related to shop availability.
    • Updated the init method to fetch shops and handle errors accordingly.
  17. lib/stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart

    • Added phone and errorPhone observables for managing and validating phone number input.
    • Included phone validation logic in isValid() method.

This commit introduces Google Maps integration and enhances the delivery flow by adding phone numbers and updating shop and delivery models. It also improves error handling and user experience when creating deliveries.

2024/09/25 - version: 0.6.02+24

Enhance Delivery Model and Refactor Delivery Features

  1. lib/common/models/delivery.dart

    • Added clientPhone field to DeliveryModel.
    • Removed deliveryDate field from DeliveryModel.
    • Updated copyWith, toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson, toString, ==, and hashCode methods to include clientPhone and exclude deliveryDate.
  2. lib/common/models/shop.dart

    • Modified toJson method to include id and structured location data with latitude and longitude.
    • Updated fromJson factory constructor to correctly parse nested location data and remove redundant fields.
  3. lib/features/delivery_request/delivery_request_controller.dart

    • Deleted File: Removed DeliveryRequestController as it is no longer needed.
  4. lib/features/delivery_request/delivery_request_page.dart

    • Deleted File: Removed DeliveryRequestPage to streamline delivery handling within the app.
  5. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Commented out _deliceryRequest method and its invocation to eliminate navigation to the now-deleted DeliveryRequestPage.
  6. lib/features/home/widgets/home_drawer.dart

    • Removed deliceryRequest parameter and associated ListTile for delivery requests from HomeDrawer.
  7. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Removed references to DeliveryRequestPage route from the application's navigation routes.
  8. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart

    • Refactored add and update methods to utilize WriteBatch for atomic Firestore operations.
    • Included clientPhone in DeliveryModel during add and update operations.
    • Enhanced get and getAll methods to handle Firestore timestamps correctly and ensure proper data conversion.
    • Improved error handling and logging for delivery data management.
  9. lib/services/local_storage_service.dart

    • Updated log messages to reflect changes in managing manager shops.
    • Added error handling in getManagerShops to log exceptions and ensure robustness.
  10. lib/stores/pages/add_delivery_store.dart

    • Enhanced createDelivery method to include clientPhone and implement comprehensive error handling.
    • Initialized shopId with the first available shop's ID during the init action for default selection.
    • Updated import paths for consistency and clarity.

These changes enhance the delivery model by adding necessary fields, refactor delivery-related features for improved state management, and remove obsolete delivery request components. These updates pave the way for a more streamlined and efficient delivery registration process in the delivery app.

2024/09/25 - version: 0.6.01+23

Complete System Base and Initiate Delivery Registration Features

  1. .gitignore

    • Added *.old to ignore old backup files.
  2. Makefile

    • Renamed firebase_emu_make_cache target to firebase_emusavecache for clarity.
  3. firestore.rules

    • Simplified Firestore security rules by removing specific access controls.
    • Updated rules to allow read and write operations on all documents at development time.
  4. lib/common/extensions/emu_extensions.dart

    • Updated string literals in DeliveryStatusExtension to use single quotes for consistency.
  5. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Removed createdAt and updatedAt fields from AddressModel.
    • Refactored updateLocation method to use location instead of geoPoint.
  6. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Renamed geoAddress to location in ClientModel.
    • Updated related methods and JSON serialization to reflect the name change.
  7. lib/common/models/shop.dart

    • Renamed geoAddress to location in ShopModel.
    • Updated related methods and JSON serialization to reflect the name change.
  8. lib/components/widgets/dismissible_help_row.dart

    • New File: Added DismissibleHelpRow widget class to provide a consistent UI for edit and delete actions.
  9. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_controller.dart

    • Implemented AddDeliveryController with properties and methods for managing delivery creation.
    • Integrated AddDeliveryStore for state management.
    • Added text controllers for phone and name inputs with appropriate masks.
  10. lib/features/add_delivery/add_delivery_page.dart

    • Enhanced AddDeliveryPage with form fields for selecting origin shop and destination client.
    • Integrated DismissibleHelpRow for better user interaction.
    • Added submission methods for name and phone searches.
    • Included a BigButton to generate deliveries.
  11. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart

    • Updated ClientsPage to use the newly created DismissibleHelpRow widget for editing and deleting clients.
    • Removed redundant code and streamlined the UI components.
  12. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Modified HomePage to include a floating action button that navigates to AddDeliveryPage for creating new deliveries.
    • Updated navigation imports for consistency.
  13. lib/features/shops/shops_page.dart

    • Updated ShopsPage to incorporate DismissibleHelpRow and enhanced dismissible list items for editing and deleting shops.
    • Improved UI layout and interaction handling.
  14. lib/repository/firebase_store/client_firebase_repository.dart

    • Refactored client repository methods (add and update) to use WriteBatch for atomic Firestore operations.
    • Improved error handling and logging for client data management.
  15. lib/repository/firebase_store/shop_firebase_repository.dart

    • Refactored shop repository methods (add and update) to use WriteBatch for atomic Firestore operations.
    • Enhanced error handling and logging for shop data management.
  16. lib/stores/pages/add_client_store.dart

    • Updated AddClientStore with changes to address updating and location handling.
    • Refactored state management variables and methods for better clarity and functionality.
  17. lib/stores/pages/add_delivery_store.dart

    • New File: Added AddDeliveryStore class with observable properties and actions for managing delivery data.
    • Implemented search functionalities by name and phone.
    • Integrated local storage interactions for managing shops and clients.
  18. lib/stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart

    • Modified AddShopStore with updates to address handling and validation.
    • Refactored methods for setting shop details and validating inputs.
    • Enhanced state management for shop creation and updates.
  19. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated application version from 0.4.04+22 to 0.6.00+23 to reflect significant feature additions and improvements.

These changes complete the system's base functionality and lay the groundwork for developing the delivery registration feature in the delivery app.

2024/09/24 - version: 0.4.04+22

Complete System Base Implementation and Prepare for Delivery Registration Development

  1. lib/features/account_page/account_controller.dart

    • Changed the init method to Future<void> and made it asynchronous.
    • Added await pageStore.init() within the init method.
  2. lib/services/local_storage_service.dart

    • Imported dart:developer for logging purposes.
    • Imported ../common/models/shop.dart to handle ShopModel.
    • Added _keyManagerShops constant for storing manager shops.
    • Implemented setManagerShops method to save a list of manager shops.
    • Implemented getManagerShops method to retrieve the list of manager shops.
  3. lib/stores/pages/account_store.dart

    • Imported ../../services/local_storage_service.dart to use the local storage service.
    • Added localStore instance using locator<LocalStorageService>().
    • Created an asynchronous init action method to initialize the store.
    • Updated getManagerShops to call setInLocalStore after fetching shops.
    • Added setInLocalStore method to save shops to local storage.
    • Added getInLocalStore action method to load shops from local storage.

These changes complete the system's base functionality and set the foundation for developing the delivery registration feature in the delivery app.

2024/09/24 - version: 0.4.03+21

Refactor Models, Update Controllers, Enhance UI Components, and Improve Repository Interactions

This commit introduces a series of modifications aimed at enhancing the application's data models, controllers, user interface components, and repository layers. The changes focus on improving code maintainability, ensuring data integrity, and enhancing the overall user experience. Below is a comprehensive overview of the updates made across various files:

  1. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Import Path Adjustment:
      • Updated the import statement for the geolocation_service to use an absolute path. This change streamlines the import process, making the codebase more organized and easier to navigate.
  2. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Field Renaming and Refactoring:

      • Renamed the geoAddress field to location to better represent geographical data using GeoPoint.
      • Updated all references to this field throughout the model, including constructors, copyWith methods, serialization (toMap and fromMap), string representations, and equality checks.
    • Data Integrity Enhancements:

      • Ensured that the location field accurately reflects the geographical position by updating related methods and ensuring consistent data handling across the model.
  3. lib/features/account_page/account_controller.dart

    • Imports and Dependencies:

      • Added imports for ShopModel and store_func to facilitate interactions with shop data and utility functions.
    • State Management Enhancements:

      • Introduced state and shops properties to manage the current state of the account page and the list of shops managed by the user.
      • Implemented the getManagerShops method to fetch and manage shops associated with the current user, enhancing the controller's functionality.
  4. lib/features/account_page/account_page.dart

    • Imports and Theming:

      • Added imports for store_func.dart and material_symbols_icons to incorporate additional UI components and iconography.
      • Utilized the colorScheme from the theme to ensure consistent and adaptive coloring across UI elements.
    • User Interface Enhancements:

      • Introduced buttons for generating QR codes and loading managed shops, providing users with more interactive options.
      • Enhanced conditional rendering based on the page state, displaying loading indicators and lists of managed shops as appropriate.
    • Icon Update:

      • Changed the floating action button icon from a person-add symbol to a delivery-dining icon to better align with the application's delivery-focused functionality.
  5. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_page.dart

    • Route Name Update:
      • Changed the route name from /add_store to /add_shop to maintain consistency and clarity within the application's navigation structure.
  6. lib/features/clients/clients_controller.dart

    • Navigator Arguments Adjustment:
      • Modified the arguments passed to the navigation method by removing the map wrapper around the client object. This simplification enhances the clarity and efficiency of data passing between pages.
  7. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart

    • Imports and Widget Enhancements:

      • Added imports for material_symbols_icons and a newly created dismissible_client.dart widget to enrich the UI and encapsulate dismissible functionalities.
    • Method Additions:

      • Introduced the _addClient method to streamline navigation to the Add Client page, promoting code reusability and cleaner button handlers.
    • UI Refactoring:

      • Replaced the inline Dismissible widgets with the reusable DismissibleClient widget. This change not only cleans up the UI code but also promotes better separation of concerns and easier maintenance.
  8. lib/features/clients/widgets/dismissible_client.dart (New File)

    • Reusable Dismissible Widget:

      • Created the DismissibleClient widget to encapsulate the logic for dismissible client items. This modular approach enhances code reusability, readability, and maintainability.
    • Enhanced Interaction Handling:

      • Configured customized backgrounds for edit and delete actions within the dismissible widget, providing intuitive swipe interactions for users.
  9. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Icon Update:
      • Updated the floating action button icon from a person-add symbol to a delivery-dining icon, aligning the UI more closely with the application's delivery-centric features.
  10. lib/features/qrcode_read/qrcode_read_page.dart

    • Imports and Dependencies:

      • Added imports for dart:async and qr_flutter to handle asynchronous operations and QR code generation/display.
    • Lifecycle Management:

      • Implemented WidgetsBindingObserver to manage the scanner's lifecycle effectively, ensuring that the scanner starts and stops appropriately based on the app's state (e.g., when the app is resumed or paused).
    • Barcode Detection Handling:

      • Introduced a StreamSubscription to listen for barcode detections, enhancing the scanner's responsiveness and reliability.
    • User Interface Enhancements:

      • Integrated QrImageView to display the scanned QR code data, providing users with immediate visual feedback of the scanned information.
      • Enhanced error handling and data representation to offer clearer feedback and smoother user interactions.
    • Scanner Initialization:

      • Configured the MobileScannerController with additional parameters to optimize scanning performance and user experience.
  11. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_shop_repository.dart

    • Interface Extension:
      • Added a new method getShopByManager to the abstract repository interface. This method facilitates fetching shops managed by a specific manager, expanding the repository's capabilities.
  12. lib/repository/firebase_store/client_firebase_repository.dart

    • Add Method Refactoring:

      • Enhanced the add method to incorporate address localization before saving a client. This ensures that each client's geographical data is accurately captured and stored.
      • Implemented checks to ensure that a client has an address before proceeding with the localization and storage processes.
    • Data Integrity Enhancements:

      • Ensured that the client's address information is properly saved within the relevant subcollection, maintaining consistent and reliable data structures.
  13. lib/repository/firebase_store/shop_firebase_repository.dart

    • Method Implementation:

      • Implemented the getShopByManager method to retrieve all shops managed by a specific manager. This method queries the Firestore database and processes the results to return a list of ShopModel instances.
    • Error Handling:

      • Incorporated comprehensive error handling to log and manage any issues that arise during the data retrieval process, ensuring robustness and reliability.
  14. lib/stores/pages/account_store.dart

    • State Management Enhancements:

      • Added shops and state observables to manage the list of shops and the current page state within the account store.
    • Action Implementation:

      • Developed the getManagerShops action to fetch shops managed by the current user. This action updates the store's state based on the success or failure of the data retrieval process, facilitating responsive UI updates.
    • Repository Integration:

      • Integrated the ShopFirebaseRepository to handle data fetching, promoting a clean separation between the store and data layers.
  15. lib/stores/pages/account_store.g.dart

    • Generated Code Updates:
      • Updated the generated code to reflect the new shops and state observables and their corresponding getters, setters, and actions. This ensures that the MobX store remains in sync with the manual changes made to the store class.
  16. lib/stores/pages/add_client_store.dart

    • Imports and Dependencies:

      • Added imports for generic_extensions.dart and dart:developer to utilize string manipulation extensions and logging functionalities.
    • Observable Additions:

      • Introduced the isAddressEdited observable to track changes made to a client's address, enabling more precise state management and validation.
    • Method Refactoring and Enhancements:

      • Refactored the getClientFromForm method to handle address updates more effectively, ensuring that location data is accurately updated and reflected in the client model.
      • Implemented the _updateLocation action to update the client's address location only when changes have been made, optimizing performance and data accuracy.
    • Validation Improvements:

      • Replaced the removeNonNumber utility method with the onlyNumbers() string extension for phone and zip code validations, promoting cleaner and more readable code.
    • Address Handling Enhancements:

      • Updated address handling logic to manage location and addressString fields instead of the previously used geoAddress, ensuring consistent data representation.
    • Editing Flags Management:

      • Enhanced the _checkIsEdited method and related functionalities to manage both isEdited and isAddressEdited flags. This provides a more granular control over state changes, ensuring that updates are handled appropriately.
    • Address Mounting Logic:

      • Modified the _mountAddress method to conditionally update the address based on the isAddressEdited flag, ensuring that only relevant changes trigger data updates.
    • Action Enhancements:

      • Implemented additional actions and state checks to manage address edits and ensure data integrity throughout the client creation and editing processes.
  17. lib/stores/pages/add_client_store.g.dart

    • Generated Code Updates:
      • Updated the generated code to include the new isAddressEdited observable and the _updateLocation async action.
      • Refactored the _checkIsEdited method to accommodate the new editing flags, ensuring that state changes are accurately tracked and managed.
      • Enhanced the toString method to include the isAddressEdited flag, providing a more comprehensive string representation of the store's state.
  18. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Getter Addition:
      • Added an id getter to retrieve the current user's ID directly from the currentUser object. This simplifies access to user identification data throughout the application.
  19. pubspec.yaml

    • Dependency Adjustments:
      • Removed an unnecessary blank line to maintain a clean and organized dependencies section.
      • No other changes were made in this file during this commit.


This commit brings significant improvements to the application's architecture and functionality:

  • Data Model Enhancements: By renaming and refactoring fields, the data models now more accurately represent geographical data, improving data integrity and clarity.

  • State Management Upgrades: Introducing new observables and actions in stores like AccountStore and AddClientStore ensures more responsive and reliable state handling, enhancing the overall user experience.

  • User Interface Improvements: Refactoring UI components to use reusable widgets like DismissibleClient and enhancing interaction elements (e.g., buttons for QR code generation and shop loading) result in a cleaner, more intuitive, and maintainable UI codebase.

  • Repository Layer Refinements: Extending repository interfaces and implementing new methods like getShopByManager provide more robust data fetching capabilities, ensuring that the application can efficiently manage and display relevant data.

  • Lifecycle and Error Handling Enhancements: Implementing lifecycle observers and comprehensive error handling across controllers and repositories contributes to a more stable and user-friendly application.

Overall, these changes collectively aim to bolster the application's robustness, maintainability, and user-centric design, paving the way for further feature expansions and optimizations.

2024/09/23 - version: 0.4.02+20

Update SDK, Firebase, and Scanner Dependencies

This commit upgrades the Flutter SDK, updates Firebase dependencies, replaces the QR code scanner, and removes unnecessary Firebase modules. Below are the detailed changes made across various files:

  1. android/app/build.gradle

    • Upgraded compileSdk from flutter.compileSdkVersion to 34.
    • Changed jvmTarget from JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 to "1.8".
    • Updated minSdk to 21 and targetSdk to 34.
  2. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Modified a comment by adding FIXME: to indicate a pending change.
  3. android/build.gradle

    • Configured jvmTarget to 1.8 for all Kotlin modules.
    • Updated buildscript dependencies, including kotlin_version to '1.8.10' and to '8.0.2'.
  4. android/

    • Added dev.steenbakker.mobile_scanner.useUnbundled=true to enable unbundled mode for mobile_scanner.
  5. android/gradle/wrapper/

    • Updated distributionUrl from to
  6. docs/

    • Renamed from doc/ to docs/
  7. docs/Regras de Segurança do (New File)

    • Added comprehensive documentation on Firebase security rules for the Delivery application.
  8. firestore.rules

    • Introduced isBusinessManager() function.
    • Updated permissions for clients, shops, and their subcollections.
    • Refactored rules to enhance security and performance.
  9. lib/common/extensions/emu_extensions.dart (New File)

    • Added DeliveryStatusExtension to provide display names and colors for delivery statuses.
  10. lib/common/extensions/generic_extensions.dart (New File)

    • Implemented extensions for num, DateTime, and String to handle formatting and data manipulation.
  11. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Replaced latitude and longitude with GeoPoint? location.
    • Updated methods to reflect the use of GeoPoint.
  12. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Added addressString and geoAddress fields.
    • Updated toMap and fromMap methods to include new fields.
  13. lib/common/models/delivery.dart (New File)

    • Introduced DeliveryModel with comprehensive fields and methods to manage delivery data.
  14. lib/common/models/shop.dart

    • Made name and description required fields.
    • Replaced latitude and longitude with GeoPoint? location.
    • Updated methods to handle new fields.
  15. lib/components/widgets/address_card.dart

    • Changed method call from address!.addressString() to address!.addressRepresentationString() for better representation.
  16. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Commented out store.setHasPhone(currentUser!.phone != null); to disable phone check.
  17. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Added an Observer widget to reactively manage UI changes.
  18. lib/features/qrcode_read/qrcode_read_page.dart

    • Replaced qr_code_scanner with mobile_scanner.
    • Updated scanning logic to handle QR code detection using MobileScannerController.
  19. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Removed unused reaction disposer and related commented code for cleaner implementation.
  20. lib/repository/firebase_store/abstract_deliveries_repository.dart (New File)

    • Defined an abstract repository interface for managing deliveries.
  21. lib/repository/firebase_store/deliveries_firebase_repository.dart (New File)

    • Implemented DeliveriesFirebaseRepository with methods to add, update, delete, and stream delivery data from Firestore.
  22. lib/services/geolocation_service.dart

    • Refactored to use the geocoding package instead of the Google Geocoding API.
    • Updated getGeoPointFromAddress to return GeoPoint?.
  23. lib/stores/pages/add_client_store.dart

    • Replaced removeNonNumber with onlyNumbers() extension.
    • Updated address handling to use GeoPoint? location.
  24. lib/stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart

    • Similar refactoring as add_client_store.dart for address handling.
    • Utilized onlyNumbers() extension for zip code validation.
  25. lib/stores/pages/common/store_func.dart

    • Removed the removeNonNumber method in favor of using string extensions.
  26. package.json

    • Updated firebase-functions from ^6.0.0 to ^6.0.1.
  27. package-lock.json

    • Synced firebase-functions version to 6.0.1.
  28. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated dependencies:
      • Upgraded get_it to ^8.0.0.
      • Removed qr_code_scanner and added mobile_scanner, geocoding, and geoflutterfire_plus.
      • Updated firebase_core to ^2.32.0, cloud_firestore to ^4.17.5, and other Firebase packages to their latest versions.

These updates enhance the project's compatibility with the latest Flutter and Firebase versions, improve security with refined Firestore rules, and ensure the app uses maintained and optimized packages for QR code scanning and geolocation. The refactoring also promotes cleaner code practices by leveraging Dart extensions and removing deprecated dependencies.

2024/09/19 - version: 0.4.01+19

Implemented new features, enhancements, and configuration updates.

  1. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Added android.permission.CAMERA permission.
  2. firebase.json

    • Updated Firebase emulator host to for the following services:
      • Functions
      • Auth
      • Firestore
      • UI
      • Database
      • Storage
      • Remote Config
  3. functions/index.js

    • Added managerId to user claims.
    • Modified setUserClaims function to include managerId when provided.
    • Updated success message to include managerId.
  4. lib/common/models/shop.dart

    • Added managerId and managerName fields to ShopModel.
    • Updated constructor to initialize managerId and managerName.
    • Included managerId and managerName in toMap, fromMap, copyWith, and toString methods.
  5. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Added managerId field to UserModel.
    • Updated constructor and toMap/fromMap methods to handle managerId.
    • Added accountId getter based on user role.
    • Updated toString method to include managerId.
  6. lib/features/account_page/account_controller.dart

    • Introduced AccountController class managing UserStore and AccountStore.
    • Implemented methods to toggle QR code visibility.
  7. lib/features/account_page/account_page.dart

    • Added AccountPage widget with QR code display and toggle functionality.
  8. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart

    • Added setManager method to handle manager selection.
  9. lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_page.dart

    • Imported QRCodeReadPage.
    • Added _getManager method to navigate to QRCodeReadPage and set manager data.
    • Updated UI to include manager selection interface.
  10. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Imported AccountPage.
    • Added _accountPage method to navigate to AccountPage.
  11. lib/features/home/widgets/home_drawer.dart

    • Added account callback.
    • Included "Account" ListTile in the navigation drawer.
  12. lib/features/qrcode_read/qrcode_read_page.dart

    • Introduced QRCodeReadPage widget for scanning QR codes.
  13. lib/features/stores/shops_controller.dart

    • Imported UserModel.
    • Added currentUser and accountId fields.
    • Updated editShop method parameters and logic to handle shop data.
  14. lib/features/stores/shops_page.dart

    • Initialized ShopsController in initState.
  15. lib/main.dart

    • Updated Firebase emulator host to for Auth, Firestore, and Functions.
  16. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Imported AccountPage and QRCodeReadPage.
    • Added routes for AccountPage and QRCodeReadPage.
  17. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Included managerId in user claims.
    • Refactored adminChecked logic.
    • Updated methods to handle managerId.
  18. lib/repository/firebase_store/shop_firebase_repository.dart

    • Imported UserStore.
    • Updated streamShopByName to filter shops based on accountId.
  19. lib/stores/pages/account_store.dart

    • Introduced AccountStore with showQRCode observable and toggleShowQRCode action.
  20. lib/stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart

    • Added managerId and managerName observables.
    • Implemented setManager action.
    • Updated getShopFromForm and setShopFromShop methods to handle manager data.
  21. pubspec.yaml

    • Bumped version to 0.4.01+19.
    • Added qr_flutter and qr_code_scanner dependencies.
  22. pubspec.lock

    • Downgraded js package from 0.7.1 to 0.6.7.
    • Added qr, qr_code_scanner, and qr_flutter packages.

These updates enhance the application's functionality by introducing QR code features, manager handling, and improved Firebase configurations.

2024/09/19 - version: 0.4.00+18

Refactor Store Directory Structure, Update Makefile, and Modify User Model

This commit encompasses significant refactoring of the project's directory structure, updates to the Makefile, and modifications to the UserModel. Below is a detailed breakdown of the changes:

  1. Makefile Updates (Makefile)

    • Changed Firebase Emulator Export Command:

      • Before:

            rm -rf ./emulator_data; firebase emulators:export ./emulator_data
      • After:

            firebase emulators:export ./emulator_data -f
      • Explanation:

        • Removed the rm -rf ./emulator_data; command to prevent forcefully deleting the emulator_data directory before exporting.
        • Added the -f flag to the firebase emulators:export command to force the export, ensuring that existing data is overwritten without manual deletion.
  2. Store Directory Refactoring

    • Renaming stores/mobx/ to stores/pages/:
      • Files Renamed:
        • add_client_store.dartpages/add_client_store.dart
        • add_client_store.g.dartpages/add_client_store.g.dart
        • add_shop_store.dartpages/add_shop_store.dart
        • add_shop_store.g.dartpages/add_shop_store.g.dart
        • common/store_func.dartpages/common/store_func.dart
        • home_store.dartpages/home_store.dart
        • home_store.g.dartpages/home_store.g.dart
        • personal_data_store.dartpages/personal_data_store.dart
        • personal_data_store.g.dartpages/personal_data_store.g.dart
        • shops_store.dartpages/shops_store.dart
        • shops_store.g.dartpages/shops_store.g.dart
        • sign_in_store.dartpages/sign_in_store.dart
        • sign_in_store.g.dartpages/sign_in_store.g.dart
        • sign_up_store.dartpages/sign_up_store.dart
        • sign_up_store.g.dartpages/sign_up_store.g.dart
      • Explanation:
        • The MobX stores were relocated from the mobx directory to a new pages directory within stores to better organize store files based on their associated features or pages.
        • All import statements within the project were updated to reflect the new file paths.
  3. User Model Enhancements (lib/common/models/user.dart)

    • Imported Material Symbols Icons:

      • Before:

        import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
      • After:

        import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
        import 'package:material_symbols_icons/material_symbols_icons.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Added the material_symbols_icons package to utilize a broader range of icons, enhancing the UI's visual appeal.
    • Updated Icon Assignments:

      • Before:

        case UserRole.admin:
          title = 'Administrador';
          icon = Icons.admin_panel_settings_rounded;
        // ...
          title = 'Comerciante';
          icon = Icons.person_rounded;
        case UserRole.manager:
          title = 'Gerente';
          icon = Icons.manage_accounts_outlined;
      • After:

        case UserRole.admin:
          title = 'Administrador';
          icon = Symbols.admin_panel_settings_rounded;
        // ...
          title = 'Comerciante';
          icon =;
        case UserRole.manager:
          title = 'Gerente';
          icon = Symbols.manage_accounts_rounded;
          title = 'Clique para entrar';
          icon = Symbols.people_rounded;
      • Explanation:

        • Replaced standard Icons with Symbols from the material_symbols_icons package for a more consistent and modern iconography.
        • Added a default case to handle scenarios where the user role might not match any predefined roles, providing a fallback title and icon.
  4. Widget Import Path Corrections

    • Address Card Widget (lib/components/widgets/address_card.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated the import path to align with the refactored store directory structure.
    • Add Client Page (lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Corrected the import path to the relocated store_func.dart.
        • Note: There's a typo in the filename add_cliend_page.dart; it should likely be add_client_page.dart. Ensure that the filename is corrected to prevent import issues.
    • Add Client Controller (lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/add_client_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated import paths to reflect the new store directory structure.
    • Add Shop Controller & Page (lib/features/add_shop/):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '/stores/mobx/add_shop_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Corrected import paths following the store directory refactoring.
    • Home Controller (lib/features/home/home_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/home_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/home_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated the import path to the relocated home_store.dart.
    • Person Data Controller & Page (lib/features/person_data/):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/personal_data_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/personal_data_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated import paths to align with the new store directory structure.
    • Sign In & Sign Up Controllers (lib/features/sign_in/, lib/features/sign_up/):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/sign_in_store.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/sign_up_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/sign_in_store.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/sign_up_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Refactored import paths to point to the new locations of the store files.
    • Shops Controller & Page (lib/features/stores/):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/shops_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/shops_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated import paths following the store directory refactoring.
  5. Store Function Utilities (lib/stores/pages/common/store_func.dart)

    • Created store_func.dart:

      • Content:

        import '../../../common/models/via_cep_address.dart';
        import '../../../repository/viacep/via_cep_repository.dart';
        enum PageState { initial, loading, success, error }
        enum ZipStatus { initial, loading, success, error }
        const addressTypes = [
        class StoreFunc {
          static bool itsNotEmail(String? email) {
            final regex = RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$');
            return (email == null || email.isEmpty || !regex.hasMatch(email));
          static String removeNonNumber(String? value) {
            return value?.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^\d]'), '') ?? '';
          static String? validCpf(String? cpf) {
            if (cpf == null || cpf.length != 11 || RegExp(r'^(\d)\1*$').hasMatch(cpf)) {
              return 'CPF inválido';
            int digit1 = _calculateDigit(cpf.substring(0, 9), 10);
            int digit2 = _calculateDigit(cpf.substring(0, 10), 11);
            bool valid = digit1 == int.parse(cpf[9]) && digit2 == int.parse(cpf[10]);
            if (!valid) {
              return 'CPF inválido';
            return null;
          static int _calculateDigit(String cpf, int factor) {
            int total = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < cpf.length; i++) {
              total += int.parse(cpf[i]) * factor--;
            int rest = total % 11;
            return (rest < 2) ? 0 : 11 - rest;
          static Future<(ZipStatus, String?, ViaCepAddressModel?)> fetchAddress(
              String? zipCode) async {
            try {
              final response = await ViaCepRepository.getLocalByCEP(zipCode!);
              if (!response.isSuccess) {
                return (ZipStatus.error, 'CEP inválido', null);
              final viaAddress =;
              if (viaAddress == null) {
                return (ZipStatus.error, 'CEP inválido', null);
              return (ZipStatus.success, null, viaAddress);
            } catch (err) {
              return (ZipStatus.error, 'erro desconhecido: $err', null);
      • Explanation:

        • Consolidated utility functions and enums into a centralized store_func.dart file within the pages/common/ directory.
        • Provides helper methods for email validation, CPF validation, number extraction, and address fetching.
        • Defines PageState and ZipStatus enums for consistent state management across stores.
  6. User Interface Enhancements

    • Address Card Widget Import Path Correction (lib/components/widgets/address_card.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated the import path to the relocated store_func.dart.
  7. Controller Import Path Corrections

    • Add Client Controller (lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/add_client_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Corrected import paths to reflect the new store directory structure.
    • Add Shop Controller (lib/features/add_shop/add_shop_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '/stores/mobx/add_shop_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/add_shop_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated import paths following the store directory refactoring.
    • Home Controller (lib/features/home/home_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/home_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/home_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated the import path to the relocated home_store.dart.
    • Person Data Controller (lib/features/person_data/person_data_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/personal_data_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/personal_data_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated import paths to align with the new store directory structure.
    • Sign In & Sign Up Controllers (lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_controller.dart, lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/sign_in_store.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/sign_up_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/sign_in_store.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/sign_up_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Refactored import paths to point to the new locations of the store files.
    • Shops Controller (lib/features/stores/shops_controller.dart):

      • Before:

        import '../../stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/mobx/shops_store.dart';
      • After:

        import '../../stores/pages/common/store_func.dart';
        import '../../stores/pages/shops_store.dart';
      • Explanation:

        • Updated import paths following the store directory refactoring.
  8. Store Files Renaming

    • Renaming Stores from mobx to pages:
      • All store files within lib/stores/mobx/ have been renamed to reside within lib/stores/pages/. This includes both the Dart files and their corresponding generated .g.dart files.
      • Example:
        • lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.dartlib/stores/pages/add_client_store.dart
        • lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.g.dartlib/stores/pages/add_client_store.g.dart
      • Explanation:
        • This renaming improves the organizational structure of the project by categorizing stores based on their association with specific pages or features, enhancing maintainability and scalability.
  9. Additional Notes

    • Typographical Correction:
      • The filename add_cliend_page.dart appears to contain a typo. It should likely be renamed to add_client_page.dart to maintain consistency and prevent potential import issues.
    • Consistency in Enum Usage:
      • Ensured that enums PageState and ZipStatus are consistently used across all stores, promoting uniform state management.
    • Iconography Enhancement:
      • Transitioned from using standard Flutter Icons to Symbols from the material_symbols_icons package for a more modern and consistent icon set across the application.

These changes collectively enhance the project's structure, improve code maintainability, and ensure consistency in state management and utility functions across different features. The refactoring also paves the way for easier scalability and integration of new features in the future.

2024/09/18 - version: 0.1.13+17

Update Authentication Data, Firestore Export, Models, Widgets, Features, and State Management

This commit introduces a series of updates and enhancements across various parts of the project, including authentication data modifications, Firestore export updates, model refinements, new widgets, feature additions, and improvements to state management using MobX. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the changes:

  1. Authentication Data (emulator_data/auth_export/accounts.json)

    • Updated User Entries:
      • Ricardo Mattos:
        • Updated passwordUpdatedAt timestamp.
        • Added disabled field set to false.
      • Rudson Alves:
        • Updated passwordUpdatedAt timestamp.
        • Added disabled field set to false.
    • Changes:
      • Removed newline at the end of the file.
      • Updated validSince timestamps.
      • Adjusted lastRefreshAt timestamps to reflect recent changes.
  2. Firestore Export Metadata (emulator_data/firestore_export/)

    • Files Updated:
      • all_namespaces_all_kinds.export_metadata
      • output-0
      • firestore_export.overall_export_metadata
    • Changes:
      • Binary files differ, indicating updates to Firestore emulator export data.
  3. Dart Models

    • AddressModel (lib/common/models/address.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Modified geoAddress getter to include complement if available.
        • Added isValidAddress getter to validate essential address fields.
    • ClientModel (lib/common/models/client.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Removed commented-out id and address fields from toMap() and fromMap() methods.
        • Simplified email field handling.
    • ShopModel (lib/common/models/shop.dart):
      • New Model:
        • Represents a shop with fields: id, userId, address, name, and description.
        • Includes serialization methods: toMap(), fromMap(), and other utility methods.
  4. Widgets

    • AddressCard (lib/components/widgets/address_card.dart):
      • New Widget:
        • Displays address information based on the ZipStatus.
        • Handles different states: loading, error, success, and initial.
        • Utilizes theming for consistent styling.
  5. Features

    • Add Client Feature (lib/features/add_client/):
      • Pages & Controllers:
        • Updated add_client_page.dart to integrate the new AddressCard widget.
        • Refactored add_client_controller.dart to use StoreFunc for utility functions.
        • Enhanced form validation and state management using MobX.
    • Add Shop Feature (lib/features/add_shop/):
      • Controller (add_shop_controller.dart):
        • Manages shop creation and updating processes.
        • Integrates with AddShopStore for state management.
        • Handles initialization and disposal of controllers.
      • Page (add_shop_page.dart):
        • Developed UI for adding and updating shops.
        • Integrated AddressCard for address display.
        • Managed form fields and submission logic.
    • Clients Page (lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Removed unnecessary logging.
        • Streamlined client deletion logic.
    • Person Data Feature (lib/features/person_data/):
      • Changes:
        • Updated to use PageState instead of Status.
        • Integrated StoreFunc for utility functions.
    • Shops Management Feature (lib/features/stores/):
      • Controller (shops_controller.dart):
        • Implements ShopsController with methods to edit and delete shops.
        • Utilizes ShopFirebaseRepository for data operations.
      • Page (shops_page.dart):
        • Developed UI for managing shops.
        • Implemented list views with dismissible items for editing and deleting.
        • Added confirmation dialogs for deletion with proper error handling.
  6. State Management with MobX

    • Common Utilities (lib/stores/mobx/common/store_func.dart):
      • New File:
        • Replaces the deleted generic_functions.dart.
        • Contains utility functions such as itsNotEmail, removeNonNumber, validCpf, and fetchAddress.
        • Defines enums PageState and ZipStatus for consistent state representation.
    • Add Client Store (lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Refactored to use PageState instead of PageStatus.
        • Integrated StoreFunc for validation and address fetching.
        • Enhanced form validation logic.
        • Updated actions to manage state transitions and data processing.
    • Add Shop Store (lib/stores/mobx/add_shop_store.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Refactored to use StoreFunc for utility functions.
        • Enhanced state management for shop data.
        • Integrated address validation and coordinate fetching.
        • Implemented methods for saving and updating shops with proper error handling.
    • Shops Store (lib/stores/mobx/shops_store.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Updated to use StoreFunc for consistency.
    • Personal Data Store (lib/stores/mobx/personal_data_store.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Refactored to use StoreFunc for utility functions.
        • Updated state management to use PageState.
    • Sign In & Sign Up Stores (lib/stores/mobx/sign_in_store.dart, lib/stores/mobx/sign_up_store.dart):
      • Changes:
        • Updated to use StoreFunc for utility functions.
  7. Repositories

    • Address Repository (lib/repository/firebase_store/address_firebase_repository.dart):
      • New Repository:
        • Implements AbstractAddressClientRepository with Firebase operations for addresses.
        • Handles adding, updating, and retrieving addresses with error management.
    • Client Repository (lib/repository/firebase_store/client_firebase_repository.dart):
      • Refinements:
        • Updated collection keys from keyClient to keyClients for consistency.
        • Enhanced methods to handle nested address subcollections.
        • Improved error handling with specific error codes.
    • Shop Repository (lib/repository/firebase_store/shop_firebase_repository.dart):
      • New Repository:
        • Implements AbstractShopRepository with comprehensive Firebase operations for shops.
        • Includes methods for adding, updating, deleting, fetching, and streaming shops.
        • Manages nested address subcollections with proper error handling.
  8. Dependency Management

    • pubspec.yaml:
      • Added Dependency:
        • material_symbols_icons: ^4.2785.1 for enhanced iconography.
    • pubspec.lock:
      • Included material_symbols_icons package with version 4.2785.1.
  9. Application Configuration (lib/my_material_app.dart)

    • Route Management:
      • Imported new pages: AddShopPage.
      • Registered new routes for adding and editing shops.
      • Updated navigation logic to pass ShopModel arguments.
  10. Miscellaneous

    • Deletion of generic_functions.dart (lib/stores/mobx/common/generic_functions.dart):
      • Removed the file in favor of the new store_func.dart for better organization and utility function management.
    • Store Initialization and Disposal:
      • Enhanced controllers to initialize with existing data when editing and properly dispose of controllers to prevent memory leaks.
  11. Firestore Security Rules (firestore.rules)

    • Note:
      • While not directly modified in this diff, the comprehensive updates to models and repositories imply that security rules may need to be reviewed to accommodate new data structures and access patterns.
  12. Testing and Validation

    • Changes:
      • Updated models and state management to ensure data integrity and proper validation across forms.
      • Enhanced error messages and state transitions to provide better user feedback.

These updates collectively enhance the application's functionality by introducing shop management features, improving form validations, refactoring utility functions for better maintainability, and strengthening state management with MobX. The introduction of new repositories ensures robust data handling with Firebase, while the addition of new widgets like AddressCard improves the user interface and experience.

2024/09/17 - version: 0.1.12+16

Update Project Configurations, Firestore Rules, and Dependencies

This commit introduces a comprehensive set of updates and enhancements to the project, including configuration adjustments, Firestore security rule enhancements, the addition of new features and models, and updates to dependencies.

  1. .gitignore

    • Added Patterns:
      • *~: Ignores temporary backup files.
      • .vscode/: Includes VS Code configurations in version control.
      • iOS build artifacts:
        • /ios/Pods/
        • /ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework
        • /ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec
        • /ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig
        • /ios/Flutter/app.flx
        • /ios/Flutter/
        • /ios/Flutter/engine
        • /ios/Flutter/flutter_assets
        • /ios/ServiceDefinitions.json
      • Firebase and Crashlytics related files:
        • firebase_app_id_file.json
        • serviceAccountKey.json
        • Firebase Emulator logs and data:
          • firebase-debug.log
          • firestore-debug.log
          • database-debug.log
          • ui-debug.log
          • storage-debug.log
          • firebase-debug.*
          • *-debug.log
          • emulator_data/
      • Node.js related:
        • node_modules/
      • Environment variables:
        • .env.*
    • Removed Patterns:
      • Commented out exclusion for .vscode/ to include it in version control.
      • Changed /build/ exclusion to include the build/ directory.
    • Other Adjustments:
      • Added exclusions for various IDEs and build tools.
  2. Makefile

    • Changes:
      • Modified the firebase_emu_make_cache target to remove the ./emulator_data directory before exporting Firebase emulators. This ensures a clean state during emulator exports.
      • Before: firebase emulators:export ./emulator_data
      • After: rm -rf ./emulator_data; firebase emulators:export ./emulator_data
  3. Documentation

    • Renamed File:
      • Moved Projeto Delivery to doc/ for better organization.
  4. Firebase Authentication Data

    • Updated accounts.json:
      • Added new user entries with roles and authentication details for Ricardo Mattos and Rudson Alves.
  5. Firestore Security Rules (firestore.rules)

    • Added Helper Functions:
      • isAdmin(): Checks if the user has an admin role.
      • isBusiness(): Checks if the user has a business role.
      • isShopOwner(shop): Verifies if the user owns the shop.
      • canAccessShop(shop): Determines if the user can access the shop based on role and ownership.
      • isAuth(): Checks if the user is authenticated.
    • Defined Rules for Collections:
      • appSettings Collection:
        • Allows creation and read access with specific restrictions.
      • clients Collection:
        • Admins (role 0): Full read and write access.
        • Business Users (role 1): Can read, create, and update but not delete.
        • Others: Can only read.
      • addresses Subcollection within clients:
        • Mirrors permissions of the clients collection.
      • shops Collection:
        • Read Access: Available to all authenticated users.
        • Create Access: Admins or business users creating shops associated with their user ID.
        • Update & Delete Access: Restricted to admins or business users who own the shop.
      • addresses Subcollection within shops:
        • Read Access: Based on shop access permissions.
        • Create & Update Access: Admins or business users who own the shop.
        • Delete Access: Based on shop access permissions.
  6. Dart Models

    • AddressModel (lib/common/models/address.dart):
      • Removed the commented-out id field from the toMap() method.
      • Updated the fromMap factory constructor to handle optional id.
    • ShopModel (lib/common/models/shop.dart):
      • New Model: Represents a shop with fields such as id, userId, address, name, and description.
      • Serialization Methods: Includes toMap(), fromMap(), toJson(), fromJson(), and copyWith() for easy data manipulation.
    • UserModel (lib/common/models/user.dart):
      • Extended Enum: Added manager role to UserRole enum.
      • Updated Display: Handles the manager role with appropriate titles and icons.
  7. Flutter Features

    • Add Client Feature (lib/features/add_client/):
      • Pages & Controllers:
        • Updated imports and dependencies.
        • Removed hardcoded addressTypes array.
        • Implemented form validation and state management using MobX.
        • Updated UI components to reflect state changes.
    • Add Delivery Feature (lib/features/add_delivery/):
      • New Pages & Controllers:
        • Added add_delivery_controller.dart and add_delivery_page.dart with basic scaffolding for delivery requests.
    • Add Shop Feature (lib/features/add_shop/):
      • New Pages & Controllers:
        • Added add_shop_controller.dart and add_shop_page.dart with form fields for adding shops.
        • Implemented MobX store AddShopStore for managing shop data and state.
    • Delivery Request Feature (lib/features/delivery_request/):
      • New Pages & Controllers:
        • Added delivery_request_controller.dart and delivery_request_page.dart to handle delivery requests.
    • Home Feature (lib/features/home/):
      • Controller (home_controller.dart):
        • Added getters isAdmin and isBusiness to determine user roles.
      • Page (home_page.dart):
        • Imported new pages for delivery requests and store management.
        • Added navigation methods _deliceryRequest and _storesPage.
      • Drawer (home_drawer.dart):
        • Imported material_symbols_icons.
        • Added conditional ListTile widgets for delivery requests and store management based on user roles.
  8. Person Data Feature (lib/features/person_data/):

    • Page (person_data_page.dart):
      • Updated to use PageState instead of PageStatus.
      • Integrated error handling based on the updated state management.
    • Store (personal_data_store.dart):
      • Replaced Status enum with PageState.
      • Updated observables and actions to align with the new state management.
      • Enhanced validation methods for form fields.
  9. Shops Management Feature (lib/features/stores/):

    • Controller (shops_controller.dart):
      • Implemented ShopsController with references to ShopsStore and ShopFirebaseRepository.
      • Added role-based getters isAdmin and isBusiness.
    • Page (shops_page.dart):
      • Developed ShopsPage with UI for managing shops.
      • Implemented list views with dismissible items for editing and deleting shops.
      • Integrated loading states and empty state handling.
    • Store (shops_store.dart):
      • Created ShopsStore with observable state and actions to manage shop-related states.
  10. Repositories

    • Abstract Repositories:
      • abstract_address_repository.dart:
        • Renamed methods for consistency (set to add).
        • Updated get method signature to accept addressId instead of an AddressModel.
      • abstract_shop_repository.dart:
        • New Abstract Class: Defines methods for adding, updating, deleting, fetching, and streaming shops.
    • Concrete Repositories:
      • address_firebase_repository.dart:
        • Implemented AbstractAddressClientRepository with Firebase operations for addresses.
        • Added error handling and logging.
      • client_firebase_repository.dart:
        • Refactored to use keyClients and keyAddresses for collection names.
        • Enhanced methods to align with updated repository structure.
        • Improved error handling with specific error codes.
      • shop_firebase_repository.dart:
        • New Repository: Implements AbstractShopRepository with comprehensive Firebase operations for shops.
        • Includes methods for adding, updating, deleting, fetching, and streaming shops.
        • Handles nested address subcollections with proper error management.
  11. Dependency Management

    • pubspec.yaml:
      • Added dependency: material_symbols_icons: ^4.2785.1 for enhanced iconography.
    • pubspec.lock:
      • Included material_symbols_icons package with version 4.2785.1.
  12. Application Configuration (lib/my_material_app.dart)

    • Route Management:
      • Imported new pages: add_delivery_page.dart, add_shop_page.dart, delivery_request_page.dart, and shops_page.dart.
      • Registered new routes for the added pages to enable navigation within the app.
  13. Common Utilities (lib/stores/mobx/common/generic_functions.dart)

    • Enums Added:
      • PageState: Represents the state of a page (initial, loading, success, error).
      • ZipStatus: Represents the status of ZIP code validation and fetching.
    • Constants:
      • addressTypes: List of address types used across the application.
  14. State Management with MobX

    • Add Client Store (lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart):
      • Refactored to use PageState instead of PageStatus.
      • Enhanced validation methods and state handling.
    • Add Shop Store (lib/stores/mobx/add_shop_store.dart):
      • Implemented observables and actions for managing shop data.
      • Integrated ZIP code validation and address fetching.
    • Shops Store (lib/stores/mobx/shops_store.dart):
      • Managed the state of shops listing and operations.
    • Personal Data Store (lib/stores/mobx/personal_data_store.dart):
      • Updated to use PageState for managing personal data states.
      • Enhanced form validation and error handling.
  15. Firestore Data Export Metadata

    • Updated Export Metadata Files:
      • Differences in emulator_data/firestore_export/ indicate updates to Firestore emulator export data.
  16. Storage Rules (storage.rules)

    • New Rules:
      • Deny all read and write operations to Firebase Storage to enhance security.

These updates collectively improve the application's security, scalability, and maintainability. The addition of new features like shop and delivery request management expands the app's functionality, while the enhancements to Firestore rules ensure robust access control. Dependency updates and state management refinements contribute to a more stable and efficient development workflow.

2024/09/16 - version: 0.1.11+15

Update project configurations, Firestore rules, and dependencies

This commit introduces several updates and enhancements to the project, including configuration changes, Firestore rules updates, and additional dependencies.

  1. emulator_data/auth_export/accounts.json

    • Updated the users array by adding a new user with detailed authentication information.
  2. emulator_data/firebase-export-metadata.json

    • Added storage section with version 13.17.0 and path storage_export.
  3. emulator_data/firestore_export/all_namespaces/all_kinds/all_namespaces_all_kinds.export_metadata

    • Added new export metadata file.
  4. emulator_data/firestore_export/all_namespaces/all_kinds/output-0

    • Added new output file for Firestore export.
  5. emulator_data/storage_export/buckets.json

    • Created buckets.json with bucket ID
  6. firebase.json

    • Added storage and remoteconfig emulators with respective ports.
    • Updated ignore patterns and added storage rules configuration.
  7. firestore.rules

    • Defined rules for appSettings collection, including creation, read, and restriction on updates/deletes.
    • Updated adminConfig document rules to allow creation and read access while blocking modifications.
    • Enhanced clients and addresses collections with role-based permissions for administrators and business users.
  8. lib/components/widgets/base_dismissible_container.dart

    • Changed disableColor from outline to secondaryContainer in the dismissible container.
  9. lib/features/clients/clients_controller.dart

    • Imported user.dart, user_store.dart, and data_result.dart.
    • Added userStore locator and getters user, isAdmin, and isBusiness.
    • Implemented deleteClient method to handle client deletion.
  10. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart

    • Imported app_text_style.dart and state_loading.dart.
    • Modified _deleteClient to return a boolean and added a confirmation dialog.
    • Enhanced UI to conditionally display clients or a loading state.
  11. lib/repository/firebase_store/client_firebase_repository.dart

    • Changed the collection key from keyAddress to keyClient when updating client data.
  12. lib/services/geolocation_service.dart

    • Removed unnecessary foundation.dart import.
    • Eliminated debug code mocking latitude and longitude.
    • Updated googleApi getter to asynchronously fetch the API key.
  13. lib/services/remote_config.dart

    • Imported flutter_dotenv.
    • Modified googleApi getter to load from .env in debug mode.
  14. lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart

    • Added id to the ClientModel constructor.
    • Commented out direct assignment of
  15. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Added isAdmin and isBusiness getters to determine user roles.
  16. package-lock.json

    • Added new dependencies: @eslint/config-array, @eslint/object-schema, glob, rimraf, and others.
    • Removed optional flags from certain dependencies.
  17. package.json

    • Included new dependencies: @eslint/config-array, @eslint/object-schema, glob, and rimraf.
  18. pubspec.lock

    • Added flutter_dotenv dependency.
  19. pubspec.yaml

    • Added flutter_dotenv to dependencies.
    • Included .env file in assets.
  20. remoteconfig.template.json

    • Configured google_api_key parameter with a default value.
    • Added version description for emulator configuration.
  21. storage.rules

    • Created new storage rules to deny all read and write operations.

These changes improve security, configuration management, and functionality across various components.

2024/09/13 - version: 0.1.10+14

Adjusted cleartext traffic setting and added email verification resend functionality

This commit introduces changes in the AndroidManifest for debugging purposes and includes a new feature for resending email verification on the sign-in page.

  1. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Changed android:usesCleartextTraffic from false to true to allow unencrypted traffic, which is useful for debugging in a local environment.
  2. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_controller.dart

    • Added resendVerificationEmail() method to resend the verification email to the user.
  3. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Added _resendVerifEmail() method to handle the action of resending the email verification.
    • Included a TextButton to trigger the resend email functionality on the sign-in page.
  4. lib/main.dart

    • Re-enabled logging and connection to Firebase emulators in kDebugMode, including authentication, Firestore, and Firebase Functions emulators.
  5. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Introduced a check to prevent multiple admin users by adding error handling for creating new admin users if one already exists.
    • Refactored the create() method to use a local firebaseUser variable for easier access and management.
    • Added a _deleteFirebaseUser() method to remove a user in case of an error during user creation.
    • Enhanced error handling for setting user claims and checking admin status.
    • Ensured getUserFrom() method reloads the user data to retrieve the latest user information.

This update improves the system by allowing email verification to be resent and refining error handling for user creation, particularly for administrative accounts.

2024/09/12 - version: 0.1.09+13

Add Firebase Functions for User Claims and remove users collection

Firebase Functions were added to manage User Claims, storing the role and status attributes of users. This replaces the need for a users collection. Adjustments were also made to the Firebase emulator setup to accommodate these changes.

  1. Makefile

    • Added firebase_emu_make_cache target to export emulator data using Firebase emulators.
  2. firebase.json

    • Added configuration for the Functions emulator, setting the port to 5001.
    • Included Firebase Functions deployment setup, specifying the nodejs18 runtime and adding ignored directories like node_modules and .git.
  3. firestore.rules

    • Removed users collection access checks since user attributes are now handled via Custom Claims.
    • Updated rules to allow any user to create new users, but only admins (role = 0) can modify or delete them.
    • Simplified the adminConfig creation and update logic, allowing any user to create it, but restricting updates to admins.
  4. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Added id field to the ClientModel class to store Firebase UID.
  5. lib/common/settings/app_settings.dart

    • Updated import paths.
  6. lib/components/widgets/base_dismissible_container.dart

    • Added a new reusable widget baseDismissibleContainer, allowing the configuration of alignment, color, and icons for dismissible containers.
  7. lib/components/widgets/custom_text_field.dart

    • Added focusNode and nextFocusNode to support focus navigation between text fields.
  8. lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart

    • Refactored the page to handle client updates. Added logic to check if a client is being added or edited and adjusted the UI accordingly.
    • Replaced _save() with _saveClient() method to differentiate between adding and updating clients.
  9. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart

    • Added updateClient() method to support updating existing clients.
    • Modified init() to handle client updates by populating fields if a client is passed to the page.
  10. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart

    • Integrated dismissible containers to allow for editing and deleting clients directly from the list.
    • Added methods _editClient() and _deleteClient() to handle client modification and deletion actions.
  11. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Removed logic related to the users collection.
    • Added _setUserClaims() method to set Firebase Custom Claims for role and status.
    • Refactored getCurrentUser() to retrieve user claims from Firebase instead of fetching from Firestore.
  12. lib/repository/firebase_store/client_firebase_repository.dart

    • Refactored client retrieval methods to handle id properly when interacting with Firestore.
  13. pubspec.yaml

    • Added cloud_functions dependency for Firebase Functions integration.

Changes were successfully applied to implement Firebase Functions for managing User Claims and removing the users collection.

2024/09/10 - version: 0.1.08+12

Improve Firebase integration and repository refactor

This commit introduces several changes and improvements related to Firebase integration, client management, and repository structure.

Modified files:

  1. Makefile

    • Added firebase_emu command to start Firebase emulators with data import.
    • Added firebase_emu_debug command for starting Firebase emulators in debug mode.
    • Introduced build_runner command to execute Dart build runner in watch mode.
  2. android/app/build.gradle

    • Loaded keystoreProperties for signing configurations.
    • Applied signing configurations for the release build.
  3. android/app/google-services.json

    • Removed outdated client_id entry.
  4. emulator_data/auth_export/accounts.json

    • Updated exported authentication data for the Firebase emulator.
  5. lib/components/widgets/message_snack_bar.dart

    • Modified showMessageSnackBar to accept TextStyle for title and message, improving customization.
  6. lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart

    • Enhanced form validation logic with PageStatus management.
    • Adjusted the save client flow to handle errors and show messages using showMessageSnackBar.
  7. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart

    • Reworked save client logic to utilize the new PageStatus system.
    • Refactored controller to ensure compatibility with form validation changes.
  8. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart

    • Implemented StreamBuilder to display clients dynamically from the Firebase Firestore.
  9. lib/locator.dart

    • Registered AbstractClientRepository and ClientFirebaseRepository to dependency injection.
  10. lib/repository/firestore/

    • Refactored the repository structure, renaming files to firebase_store to reflect the Firebase store focus.
    • Added abstraction for repositories: AbstractClientRepository and AbstractAddressClientRepository.
  11. lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart

    • Added PageStatus to manage page loading state.
    • Improved error handling in the form submission process.
  12. test/repository/firestore/client_firebase_repository_test.dart

    • Updated repository tests to reflect the new structure and naming conventions.

This update enhances Firebase emulator handling, improves client management with better error handling and state management, and refactors the repository structure to be more scalable and consistent.

2024/09/10 - version: 0.1.07+11

Added Firebase emulator setup, enhanced client repository, and integrated Remote Config for Google API key.

  1. .gitignore

    • Added .env files to the ignore list.
  2. Makefile

    • Added firebase_emu command for starting Firebase emulators.
  3. android/app/build.gradle

    • Added Firebase Remote Config and Analytics dependencies.
  4. android/app/google-services.json

    • Added Firebase Realtime Database URL.
  5. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Set android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" for development with an emulator.
  6. Firebase Emulator Data

    • Added pre-configured data for the Firebase Auth and Firestore emulators.
  7. firebase.json

    • Updated emulator ports and added configuration for Remote Config.
  8. firestore.rules

    • Updated Firestore rules to include user roles (admin, business, delivery) and subcollection permissions for clients and addresses.
  9. Cloud Functions

    • Initialized Python-based Firebase Cloud Functions setup.
  10. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Added geoAddress getter for geolocation and moved toMap method.
  11. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Added error handling and updates for address management.
  12. lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart

    • Added functionality to save clients with geolocation.
  13. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart

    • Implemented saving logic for client creation with Firebase Firestore.
  14. lib/main.dart

    • Integrated Firebase emulator setup for development.
  15. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Updated Firebase authentication error codes.
  16. lib/repository/firestore/client_firebase_repository.dart (New)

    • Added methods to manage clients in Firebase Firestore, including adding, updating, and deleting clients.
  17. lib/services/geolocation_service.dart (New)

    • Added geolocation service to retrieve coordinates from a Google API for client addresses.
  18. lib/services/remote_config.dart (New)

    • Added Firebase Remote Config integration to fetch Google API key.
  19. lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart

    • Integrated geolocation for addresses during client creation.
  20. Firebase Remote Config

    • Added template for remote configuration in remoteconfig.template.json.
  21. Tests

    • Created tests for ClientFirebaseRepository using Firebase emulators.

This commit introduces Firebase emulator setup, extends Firestore client repository functionalities, and integrates Firebase Remote Config for managing Google API keys, along with comprehensive tests.

2024/09/06 - version: 0.1.6+10

Refactored and improved address management, added client-related features, and enhanced UI components.

  1. lib/common/models/address.dart

    • Renamed file from adreess.dart to address.dart.
    • Updated addressString method to use "Endereço" and handle cases where the address number is not provided (S/N for "sem número").
  2. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Updated the import of address.dart after the file rename.
  3. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Added font12Height text style with adjustable line height.
  4. lib/features/add_client/add_cliend_page.dart (New File)

    • Created the AddCliendPage for adding clients, with fields for name, email, phone, and address.
    • Added dropdown for address type selection and error handling for invalid inputs.
  5. lib/features/add_client/add_client_controller.dart (New File)

    • Created the AddClientController to manage state and handle form inputs for the client creation page.
  6. lib/features/clients/clients_controller.dart (New File)

    • Created a simple controller ClientsController with an init method for the clients page.
  7. lib/features/clients/clients_page.dart (New File)

    • Created the ClientsPage to display a list of clients and a button to add new clients.
  8. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Added the _clients method to navigate to the ClientsPage.
    • Updated the HomeDrawer to include a "Clientes" option.
  9. lib/features/home/widgets/home_drawer.dart

    • Updated HomeDrawer to include a ListTile for navigating to the clients section.
  10. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Added routes for ClientsPage and AddCliendPage.
  11. lib/stores/mobx/add_client_store.dart (New File)

    • Created the AddClientStore using MobX to manage the state of the client form, including address validation via the ViaCep API.
    • Added error handling and validation for name, email, phone, and CPF.
  12. lib/stores/mobx/personal_data_store.dart

    • Updated the import of address.dart after the file rename.

This commit introduces a new client management feature, improves address handling, and adds several new UI components and stores for better form validation and data handling.

2024/09/06 - version: 0.1.5+9

Added new text styles and updated various UI components to enhance user experience.

  1. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Added new text styles: font12Bold, font14SemiBold, font15, font15Bold, font16, font16Bold, and font18.
    • These styles provide more flexibility for different text sizes and weights across the application.
  2. lib/components/widgets/message_snack_bar.dart

    • Refactored showMessageSnackBar to include an optional title parameter and updated the message parameter to accept a Widget.
    • Added closeIcon and animation for improved user interaction.
    • Modified SnackBar shape for better alignment and visual appearance.
  3. lib/components/widgets/simple_message.dart (New File)

    • Created SimpleMessage widget for displaying simple messages with optional icons based on message type.
    • Added a MessageType enum to support different message types: none, error, and warning.
    • Provided a static open method for easily displaying the message in a dialog.
  4. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_controller.dart

    • Added sendPasswordResetEmail method for sending a password reset email.
  5. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Updated _signIn and _recoverPassword methods to display rich text messages with different styles based on conditions.
    • Added a button for users to recover their password via email, integrating with the new reset password functionality.
    • Created a SnackBarTitle widget to display titles in the SnackBar.
  6. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Enhanced the signUp method to display the message using the Text widget with custom styles.
    • Improved the error and success feedback to the user when signing up.
  7. lib/repository/firebase/auth_repository.dart

    • Added the sendPasswordResetEmail method definition for password reset functionality.
  8. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Implemented sendPasswordResetEmail method to send password reset emails using Firebase's auth API.
  9. lib/stores/mobx/sign_in_store.dart

    • Added isEmailValid method to validate email format and ensure it's correct before performing actions.

This commit introduces several new text styles and UI improvements, along with the ability to send password reset emails. It enhances the feedback provided to users in various flows like sign-in and sign-up.

2024/09/06 - version: 0.1.4+8

Implement personal data handling and splash screen initialization

In this commit, several improvements and additions were made to the code. The AddressModel class now includes new fields such as type, latitude, longitude, and updatedAt, allowing better control over address types and geographical coordinates. The serialization and deserialization of the model were updated to handle these new attributes. Additionally, the string representation of the address was modified to include the address type.

A new ClientModel class was introduced to manage client data, which includes fields for name, email, phone, and an associated AddressModel. Serialization methods and helper functions were added for easy handling of client data.

Other significant changes include updates to the UserRole enum, which renamed client and consumer to business for better clarity. The HomeController and HomePage now check if the user has a phone number and redirects to the PersonDataPage if it's missing.

Additionally, the DeliveryPersonController was removed and replaced by the PersonController to handle personal data. The PersonDataPage was introduced to manage and update user personal information, such as phone numbers and addresses.

Finally, the commit adds a SplashPage and SplashController for handling the app's splash screen and initializing user data when the app launches. Several adjustments were made to controllers and routes to accommodate these new features.

  1. lib/common/models/adreess.dart

    • Imported dart:convert to handle JSON serialization.
    • Added type, latitude, and longitude properties to AddressModel.
    • Updated the constructor to initialize type as 'Residencial', latitude, longitude, and updatedAt with default values.
    • Modified the addressString method to include the type in the string representation.
    • Added updatedAt to store the last update time.
    • Updated copyWith to handle the new properties (type, latitude, longitude, updatedAt).
    • Modified toMap and fromMap to serialize and deserialize the new properties.
    • Added toJson and fromJson methods for JSON conversion.
    • Overrode == and hashCode to include the new properties.
  2. lib/common/models/client.dart

    • Created ClientModel to represent a client entity with fields such as id, name, email, phone, address, and timestamps (createdAt, updatedAt).
    • Added copyWith method to create a copy of the object with modified values.
    • Implemented toMap and fromMap methods for serialization and deserialization of the client model.
    • Added toJson and fromJson methods for JSON conversion.
    • Overrode == and hashCode for object comparison.
    • Implemented toString method for string representation of the client model.
  3. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Renamed the client role to business in the UserRole enum to better reflect the role’s purpose.
  4. lib/components/widgets/custom_text_field.dart

    • Added the textCapitalization parameter to customize text capitalization behavior.
  5. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Added store as a new property initialized to HomeStore.
    • Updated init() method to check if the user is logged in and set the store.hasPhone accordingly.
  6. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Updated the floating action button to navigate to PersonDataPage instead of the old delivery person page.
    • Added post-frame callback in initState to redirect to PersonDataPage if the user does not have a phone number registered.
  7. lib/features/person_data/person_data_controller.dart

    • Created PersonController to manage personal data input, including phone verification.
    • Implemented save() method to request phone number verification and handle SMS code input through a custom dialog.
  8. lib/features/person_data/person_data_page.dart

    • Renamed from DeliveryPersonPage to PersonDataPage to generalize the functionality for personal data input.
    • Updated the UI to reflect personal data input (phone, ZIP code, etc.) instead of delivery person data.
  9. lib/features/person_data/widgets/text_input_dialog.dart

    • Created a new widget TextInputDialog to display a dialog for SMS code input, allowing for future extensions.
  10. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_controller.dart

    • Refactored the init() method to no longer initialize the user directly since this is handled elsewhere.
    • Added userStatus getter to expose the current user’s status.
  11. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Updated the navigation behavior to use Navigator.pushReplacementNamed for better user experience when transitioning between pages.
  12. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Removed the back button from the app bar for consistency during sign-up.
  13. lib/features/splash/splash_controller.dart

    • Created SplashController to manage initialization logic for the splash screen, including checking if the user is logged in.
  14. lib/features/splash/splash_page.dart

    • Created a new SplashPage to serve as the app’s initial screen, showing loading animations and handling navigation based on the user’s login state.
  15. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Set SplashPage as the initial route.
    • Updated the route for PersonDataPage to replace the old delivery person route.
  16. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Refactored requestPhoneNumberVerification to format the phone number properly and handle verification via Firebase’s phone authentication.
  17. lib/stores/mobx/home_store.dart

    • Created HomeStore to manage user-specific states such as hasPhone and hasAddress.
  18. lib/stores/mobx/personal_data_store.dart

    • Renamed from DeliveryPersonStore to PersonalDataStore to reflect its broader role in managing personal data.
  19. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Added a new observable property userStatus to track user authentication status changes.
    • Updated the initializeUser, signUp, and logout methods to toggle userStatus based on the user’s authentication state.

2024/09/05 - version: 0.1.3+7

Add Project Delivery Scrum Plan and Firebase Configuration

This commit introduces detailed planning for the Project Delivery using Scrum methodology and updates to the Firebase configuration and authentication flow.

  1. Projeto Delivery

    • Added a comprehensive project planning document, including initial setup, user authentication, profile management, delivery request handling, geolocation, notifications, and admin control.
  2. database.rules.json

    • Added default Firebase database security rules to disable read and write access by default for all users.
  3. firebase.json

    • Configured Firebase emulators for authentication, Firestore, and storage.
    • Linked database rules and Firestore index settings to the project.
  4. firestore.indexes.json

    • Created an empty Firestore index configuration for future usage.
  5. firestore.rules

    • Added Firestore security rules, defining permissions for user documents and app settings.
  6. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Extended the UserModel class to include new fields: emailVerified, photoURL, creationAt, and lastSignIn.
    • Introduced a new method ptUserRole to map user roles to titles and icons.
  7. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Added several new text styles for different font sizes and weights.
  8. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Integrated current user data retrieval into the HomeController.
  9. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Refactored the theme toggle button for better readability and consistency.
  10. lib/features/home/widgets/custom_drawer_header.dart

    • Created a new custom widget for the drawer header that displays user information and a dynamic background image.
  11. lib/features/home/widgets/home_drawer.dart

    • Refactored to use CustomDrawerHeader for better modularization.
  12. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_controller.dart

    • Refactored the signIn method to align with new authentication flow.
  13. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Added a theme toggle button to the app bar for improved UI consistency.
  14. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_controller.dart

    • Removed phone number validation and integrated email verification upon signup.
  15. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Updated the signup flow to guide the user to confirm their email for account activation.
  16. lib/locator.dart

    • Registered and disposed of user-related services.
  17. lib/repository/firebase/auth_repository.dart

    • Refactored authentication repository to support email and phone verification.
  18. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Enhanced authentication logic, including phone verification and email confirmation handling.
  19. lib/repository/firestore/user_firestore_repository.dart

    • Refactored user repository to handle Firestore interactions with extended attributes.
  20. lib/repository/firestore/user_repository.dart

    • Added a new abstract repository for user-related Firestore operations.
  21. lib/stores/mobx/sign_up_store.dart

    • Removed phone validation logic from the sign-up store.
  22. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Refactored user store to support email link verification and new user authentication flow.
  23. pubspec.lock, pubspec.yaml

    • Adjusted dependencies to move build_runner to dev dependencies for optimization.

This commit structures the project with clear deliverables, improved user authentication logic, and enhanced modularization for future scalability.

2024/09/05 - version: 0.1.2+6

Refactor and Enhance User Authentication and Management

This commit refactors several parts of the codebase to enhance user authentication, user management, and general structure for better maintainability and functionality.

  1. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Fixed a typo in the userStatus map conversion from map['UserStatus'] to map['userStatus'] to align with camelCase naming conventions.
  2. lib/common/settings/app_settings.dart

    • Updated the import path for local_storage_service.dart from ../storage/ to ../../services/ for consistency with the new directory structure.
  3. lib/components/widgets/message_snack_bar.dart

    • Imported app_text_style.dart for consistent text styling.
    • Changed message parameter type from Widget to String.
    • Updated time default value from 3 to 5 seconds for longer visibility.
    • Adjusted SnackBar content to use a Text widget with styling from AppTextStyle.
    • Added textColor for SnackBarAction to enhance visual clarity.
  4. lib/components/widgets/password_text_field.dart

    • Introduced a new optional callback onFieldSubmitted.
    • Adjusted constructor parameters for better flexibility and default values.
    • Enhanced TextField submission logic to unfocus and call onFieldSubmitted if provided.
  5. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Removed unused imports and Firebase authentication logic for a cleaner, more focused controller.
    • Simplified init method by removing the subscription to user status changes.
  6. lib/features/home/widgets/home_drawer.dart

    • Updated color handling to consider both light and dark themes, improving UI consistency.
  7. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_controller.dart

    • Added import for data_result.dart.
    • Refactored signIn method to return a DataResult<UserModel> for more explicit error handling and response management.
  8. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Added import for mobx.dart.
    • Introduced a ReactionDisposer to manage MobX reactions.
    • Updated _signIn method to handle responses with detailed error messages.
  9. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_controller.dart

    • Added a getter isLoggedIn to check if the user is logged in.
  10. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Added import for mobx.dart.
    • Introduced a ReactionDisposer to manage MobX reactions for user login state changes.
    • Improved feedback messages in the _signUp method for better user guidance.
  11. lib/locator.dart

    • Updated import path for local_storage_service.dart to reflect the new directory structure.
  12. lib/repository/firebase/auth_repository.dart

    • Created a new AuthRepository class for handling all authentication-related tasks.
    • Implemented various methods for user authentication, profile updates, and monitoring authentication state.
  13. lib/repository/firestore/user_firestore_repository.dart

    • Standardized log messages for consistency and clarity.
    • Updated method names for better alignment with functionality.
  14. lib/services/local_storage_service.dart

    • Renamed from lib/common/storage/local_storage_service.dart to lib/services/local_storage_service.dart to follow new directory organization.
    • Adjusted import paths accordingly.
  15. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Refactored to use the new AuthRepository for authentication tasks.
    • Simplified user state management and initialization logic.
    • Improved login, sign-up, and logout methods for better error handling and response management.
  16. lib/stores/user/user_store.g.dart

    • Updated generated code to reflect changes in the UserStore for MobX state management.

This commit enhances the overall structure and usability of the authentication system, providing a more streamlined and error-resilient approach to user management.

2024/09/03 - version: 0.1.0+5

Refactor: Implement local storage service and enhance user management

This commit introduces a refactor to the codebase, focusing on implementing a new local storage service and enhancing user management across the application. The key changes are as follows:

  1. Refactoring App Settings

    • Replaced direct usage of SharedPreferences in AppSettings with a new LocalStorageService for more modular and testable code.
    • Updated methods to use the new local storage service (setIsDark, setAdminChecked).
  2. New LocalStorageService Added

    • Created lib/common/storage/local_storage_service.dart to encapsulate all local storage operations, including:
      • Theme settings (isDark, setIsDark).
      • Admin check status (adminChecked, setAdminChecked).
      • User caching (setCachedUser, getCachedUser, clearCachedUser).
  3. Updates to SignIn and SignUp Controllers

    • Refactored SignInController and SignUpController to use pageStore instead of signUpStore for improved readability and consistency.
    • Enhanced the controllers to utilize the newly introduced LocalStorageService for better state management.
  4. Enhanced User Store with Local Caching

    • Modified UserStore to use LocalStorageService for caching the current user and maintaining user session state.
    • Added methods for retrieving the current user from local storage or Firestore if not found locally.
  5. Firestore and Firebase Auth Repository Enhancements

    • Introduced constants for Firestore collection and document names to improve maintainability and reduce hardcoded strings.
    • Updated FirebaseAuthRepository to integrate with local storage checks for the first user admin setup.
  6. UI and Page Logic Updates

    • Adjusted SignInPage and SignUpPage to work with the updated controller logic, ensuring correct usage of stores and state management.
    • Improved the UI flow by utilizing cached user data where applicable to enhance user experience and reduce redundant network calls.
  7. Dependency Injection Setup Updates

    • Updated locator.dart to register the new LocalStorageService as a singleton, ensuring consistent usage across the application.
  8. Removed Deprecated or Unused Files

    • Deleted obsolete files like firebase_storage_repository.dart and sign_up_store.dart under auth to clean up the codebase.

These changes collectively improve the overall code structure, enhance modularity, and optimize user management and state handling across the Flutter application.

2024/09/03 - version: 0.1.0+4

Addition of new assets, refactoring of user model and controllers, and improvements to settings and authentication

This commit introduces several enhancements and refactors to the codebase, focusing on the user model, settings management, and new assets for the UI. Key changes include:

  1. New Assets Added

    • Added multiple new image assets to assets/images/: delivery_00.jpg, delivery_02.jpg, delivery_03.jpg, delivery_04.jpg, delivery_name.png, text2871-7.png.
    • Updated existing image delivery_01.jpg.
    • Added a new SVG asset drawing.svg to assets/svg/ for improved graphic representation.
  2. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Expanded UserModel to include id, role, and userStatus properties.
    • Introduced serialization methods (toMap, fromMap, toJson, fromJson) for easier data handling and storage.
    • Added new enums UserRole and UserStatus for better role management and user status tracking.
  3. lib/common/settings/app_settings.dart

    • Integrated SharedPreferences for persistent app settings management.
    • Added methods for initialization, loading settings, toggling brightness, and tracking admin check status.
    • Improved handling of brightness settings with ValueNotifier.
  4. lib/common/utils/data_result.dart

    • Refactored error classes, renamed FirebaseFailure to FireAuthFailure and introduced FireStoreFailure for more specific error handling.
  5. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Integrated AppSettings through dependency injection for managing app settings directly within the controller.
    • Added new methods to check if the theme is dark and toggle brightness.
  6. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Refactored to use a new HomeDrawer widget for the navigation drawer, separating concerns and improving code readability.
    • Added logout and login functionality handlers.
  7. lib/features/home/widgets/home_drawer.dart

    • Created a new HomeDrawer widget to manage the app's navigation drawer, improving modularity and encapsulation of drawer-related logic.
  8. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Simplified imports and organized code structure for better maintainability.
  9. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_controller.dart

    • Refactored to include MaskedTextController for formatted phone number input.
    • Adjusted logic to handle user role assignment during the signup process.
  10. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Enhanced the signup form with additional fields and validation for role selection, phone number, and user status.
    • Improved user experience with better error handling and feedback.
  11. lib/locator.dart

    • Updated service locator setup to include new dependencies and maintain proper dependency injection throughout the app.
  12. lib/main.dart

    • Updated initialization process to include AppSettings setup for persistent storage and settings management.
  13. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Refactored imports and dependencies to streamline the app initialization and usage of shared settings.
  14. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Enhanced user creation logic to set user roles dynamically based on admin checks.
    • Improved error handling and logging for authentication-related operations.
  15. lib/repository/firestore/user_firestore_repository.dart

    • Introduced a new repository for handling Firestore operations related to the user, including add, set, update, delete, get, and getAll methods.
  16. lib/services/firebase_service.dart

    • Simplified import statements and improved service initialization logic.
  17. lib/stores/mobx/common/generic_functions.dart

    • Refactored utility functions into a common directory for better organization.
  18. lib/stores/mobx/sign_in_store.dart and lib/stores/mobx/sign_up_store.dart

    • Improved store classes with better state management, validation methods, and error handling.
    • Added role management and validation for new fields such as phone number.
  19. pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock

    • Added new dependencies: shared_preferences for persistent storage and get_it for service locator.
    • Updated dependency versions and lock file to reflect the new additions and changes.

These changes collectively improve the overall functionality, user experience, and maintainability of the codebase, enhancing authentication processes, state management, and UI components.

2024/09/02 - version: 0.0.1+3

Enhancements and improvements to user authentication, state management, and UI components

This commit introduces several enhancements and improvements across various files to improve user authentication, state management, and UI components. Key changes include:

  1. android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • Commented out an intent filter for deep linking to to prevent unintended navigation behavior.
  2. assets/images/delivery_01.jpg

    • Added a new image asset delivery_01.jpg for use in the drawer header.
  3. lib/common/models/user.dart

    • Created a new UserModel class to represent user data, including name, email, phone, and password.
  4. lib/common/settings/app_settings.dart

    • Removed singleton pattern for AppSettings in favor of dependency injection.
  5. lib/components/widgets/message_snack_bar.dart

    • Added a utility widget showMessageSnackBar to display messages using a SnackBar.
  6. lib/components/widgets/password_text_field.dart

    • Added focusNode and nextFocus properties to improve form navigation and accessibility.
  7. lib/components/widgets/state_loading.dart

    • Introduced StateLoading widget to display a loading indicator overlay.
  8. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Integrated UserStore for managing user authentication state.
    • Added a logout method to handle user sign-out functionality.
  9. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Updated to use AppSettings through dependency injection.
    • Added a navigation drawer with logout functionality and a new image header.
  10. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_controller.dart

    • Created SignInController to manage user sign-in logic and state.
  11. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Refactored to utilize SignInController for managing form input and sign-in logic.
    • Enhanced user experience with error handling and form validation.
  12. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_controller.dart

    • Added SignUpController to manage user registration process and state.
  13. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Refactored to use SignUpController and improved form validation and error handling.
  14. lib/locator.dart

    • Introduced a service locator using GetIt for dependency injection across the application.
  15. lib/main.dart

    • Set up dependency injection by calling setupDependencies() during app initialization.
  16. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated to utilize AppSettings via dependency injection through the service locator.
  17. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Enhanced Firebase authentication repository with additional error handling and profile update methods.
  18. lib/stores/mobx/generic_functions.dart

    • Added utility functions for common form validation tasks.
  19. lib/stores/mobx/sign_in_store.dart

    • Created SignInStore to manage state and validation for the sign-in form.
  20. lib/stores/mobx/sign_up_store.dart

    • Enhanced SignUpStore with additional validation methods and state management.
  21. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Refactored UserStore to include detailed user state management and profile handling.
  22. pubspec.lock

    • Updated to include new dependencies: firebase_dynamic_links and get_it.
  23. pubspec.yaml

    • Updated app version to 0.0.1+3.
    • Added new dependencies for dynamic links and dependency injection.

These changes improve the overall user experience by enhancing the authentication process, simplifying state management, and providing a more robust and user-friendly interface.

2024/09/02 - version: 0.0.1+2

Initial commit for setting up Firebase integration and project structure

This commit introduces Firebase integration and sets up the basic project structure for the delivery control app. The following changes have been made:

  1. .firebaserc

    • Created a new .firebaserc file to define the Firebase project configuration.
  2. Makefile

    • Added a Makefile for common build and development tasks, such as cleaning the project, generating diffs, and pushing commits.
  3. android/app/build.gradle

    • Updated build.gradle to include dependencies for Firebase Authentication and Google Play services.
  4. android/settings.gradle

    • Updated the Kotlin plugin version to 2.0.20.
  5. firebase.json

    • Modified firebase.json to include emulator configuration and updated platform settings for Firebase.
  6. lib/common/theme/app_text_style.dart

    • Created a new AppTextStyle class to define common text styles.
  7. lib/common/utils/data_result.dart

    • Added a new FirebaseFailure class to handle Firebase-specific errors.
  8. lib/components/widgets/big_bottom.dart

    • Created a BigButton widget to provide a customizable button component.
  9. lib/components/widgets/custom_text_field.dart

    • Added a fullBorder parameter to control the appearance of text field borders.
  10. lib/components/widgets/password_text_field.dart

    • Introduced a PasswordTextField widget with customizable parameters for enhanced user input security.
  11. lib/features/home/home_controller.dart

    • Implemented HomeController to manage user authentication states and subscription handling.
  12. lib/features/home/home_page.dart

    • Updated HomePage to integrate HomeController for managing authentication states.
  13. lib/features/sign_in/sign_in_page.dart

    • Added SignInPage to handle user login functionality.
  14. lib/features/sign_up/sign_up_page.dart

    • Added SignUpPage to facilitate user registration with form validation.
  15. lib/main.dart

    • Refactored the main entry point to use FirebaseService for initializing Firebase.
  16. lib/my_material_app.dart

    • Updated the app's routing configuration to include SignInPage and SignUpPage.
  17. lib/repository/firebase/firebase_auth_repository.dart

    • Created FirebaseAuthRepository for managing Firebase authentication operations.
  18. lib/services/firebase_service.dart

    • Introduced FirebaseService for handling Firebase initialization and logging.
  19. lib/stores/auth/sign_up_store.dart

    • Set up MobX store SignUpStore to manage the state and validation of user input during sign-up.
  20. lib/stores/user/user_store.dart

    • Created UserStore to manage user authentication states and operations using MobX.
  21. lib/stores/user/user_store.g.dart

    • Generated MobX store code for UserStore.
  22. pubspec.yaml

    • Bumped version to 0.0.1+2 to reflect the updated project configuration.

This commit establishes the foundation for the delivery control app with Firebase integration, user authentication, and structured codebase for further development.


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