Package which contains ROS2 specific hooks and tools for the Stage simulator. This version was forked from this and underwent small modifications by Rui P. Rocha to be used in ROS2 Humble and ROS2 Jazzy distributions.
sudo apt-get install libfltk1.1
sudo apt install libltdl-dev libboost-thread-dev
sudo apt install ./libfltk1.1_1.1.10-26ubuntu2_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./libfltk1.1-dev_1.1.10-26ubuntu2_amd64.deb
git clone ~/Stage
cd ~/Stage
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install
cd ~/your_ws/src/
git clone # stage_ros2 wrapper
cd ~/your_ws/
colcon build
cd ~
source .bashrc
# ros2 run stage_ros2 stageros (world file Absolute path)
ros2 run stage_ros2 stageros ~/your_ws/install/stage_ros2/share/stage_ros2/world/