The original GuessWhat?! Game repo is based on TensorFlow and available at:
This repo is based on Torch7 (Lua) and improves the performance by 14% using advanced RNN structures and Tempered Policy Gradient.
The paper is avaliable at
The code was developed by Rui Zhao (Siemens AG & Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich).
The implementation is tested on Ubuntu 14.04 using a single GPU with 12GB memory.
- Installation:
- Our code is implemented in Torch (Lua). Installation instructions are as follows:
git clone
- The data preprocessing python script needs the packages including: numpy, h5py, nltk, json_lines, and tqdm. To install these packages, you can use the "pip" tool:
pip install numpy
pip install h5py
pip install nltk
pip install json_lines
pip install tqdm
To use the tokenizer in nltk, you need download the necessary packages in python:
import nltk'punkt')
- The code uses the following packages: torch/torch7, torch/nn, torch/nngraph, Element-Research/dp, Element-Research/rnn, torch/image, lua-cjson, loadcaffe, torch-hdf5. After Torch is installed (instructions), these can be installed/updated using:
git clone ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; bash install-deps;
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
luarocks install loadcaffe
luarocks install dp
luarocks install nngraph
luarocks install lua-cjson
git clone
cd rnn
luarocks make rocks/rnn-scm-1.rockspec
luarocks install luabitop
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev hdf5-tools
git clone
cd torch-hdf5
luarocks make hdf5-0-0.rockspec LIBHDF5_LIBDIR="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
Installation instructions for torch-hdf5 are given here.
- Download datasets
wget -P data/
wget -P data/
wget -P data/
gunzip data/*.jsonl.gz
wget -P data/
wget -P data/
unzip 'data/*.zip' -d data/images/ | awk 'BEGIN {ORS=" "} {if(NR%1000==0)print "."}'
rm data/*.zip
- Preprocess data
- Use VGG model to extract image features:
wget -P model/vgg16/
wget -P model/vgg16/
th data/preprocessImages.lua
- Preprocessing the GuessWhat?! dataset, including parsing QAs using NLTK, building the dictionary, calculating the spatial features, encoding the category information:
python2.7 data/
- Train and evaluate the models:
- To train the Oracle, Guesser, and the QGen (Question-Generator) model, simply run the lua scripts separately:
th oracle.lua --learningRate 0.0001 --epochs 30 --earlyStopThresh 10 --learningRateDecay 1e-7
th guesser.lua --learningRate 0.0001 --epochs 30 --earlyStopThresh 10 --learningRateDecay 1e-7
th qgen.lua --learningRate 0.001 --epochs 30 --earlyStopThresh 10 --learningRateDecay 0.5
- For the reinforcement learning part, if you want to use the standard REINFORCE method, please run:
th reinforce.lua --temperatures '{1.0}' --epochs 80 --earlyStopThresh 20 --learningRate 0.001
- If you want to use Single-TPG, please run:
th reinforce.lua --temperatures '{1.5}' --epochs 80 --earlyStopThresh 20 --learningRate 0.001
- If you want to use Parallel-TPG, please run:
th reinforce.lua --temperatures '{1.0, 1.5}' --epochs 80 --earlyStopThresh 20 --learningRate 0.001
- At last, if you want to use the Dynamic-TPG, please run:
th reinforce.lua --DynamicTPG --tempMin 0.5 --tempMax 1.5 --epochs 80 --earlyStopThresh 20 --learningRate 0.001
- After training, we obtained the following results:
Method | Accuracy |
REINFORCE | 69.66% |
Single-TPG | 69.76% |
Parallel-TPG | 73.86% |
Dynamic-TPG | 74.31% |
- Citation:
Citation of the IJCAI workshop paper:
title={Improving Goal-Oriented Visual Dialog Agents via Advanced Recurrent Nets with Tempered Policy Gradient},
author={Zhao, Rui and Tresp, Volker},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.00737},
Citation of the published IEEE SLT paper:
title={Learning goal-oriented visual dialog via tempered policy gradient},
author={Zhao, Rui and Tresp, Volker},
booktitle={2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT)},