A Mesos framework utilizing Docker for scaling a Ceph cluster. It aims to be a fast and reliable solution.
For now, it can only:
- Start 1 mon, 3 osd, 1 radosgw. Each on a slave. Based on ceph-docker
- Accept Restful flexup request for launching a new osd to a new slave
- A Mesos cluster with Docker installed (of course, buddy!). We only support CentOS 7 distribution at present. So at least 5 slaves at present.
- Slaves in Mesos have networking to download Docker images
- install libmicrohttpd in all slaves.
yum -y install libmicrohttpd
Pick a host to setup the build environment. Make sure the host can access your Mesos cluster.
sudo rpm -Uvh http://repos.mesosphere.io/el/7/noarch/RPMS/mesosphere-el-repo-7-1.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
sudo yum install -y cmake mesos protobuf-devel boost-devel gflags-devel glog-devel yaml-cpp-devel jsoncpp-devel libmicrohttpd-devel zeromq3-devel gmock-devel gtest-devel
Then clone ceph-mesos and build
git clone
cd ceph-mesos
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
After that, you'll see "ceph-mesos", "ceph-mesos-executor", "ceph-mesos-tests" and "ceph-mesos.yml" in the build directory.
Modify the ceph-mesos.yml, you must populate the master and zookeeper fields, can leave other field default:
master: zk://mm01:2181,mm02:2181,mm03:2181/mesos
zookeeper: zk://mm01:2181,mm02:2181,mm03:2181
And start ceph-mesos using below command:
./ceph-mesos -config ceph-mesos.yml
You can check the Mesos web console to see your ceph cluster now. After about 10 mins(depend on your network speed), you'll see 5 active tasks running there.
ceph-mesos can accept json format request and start new OSD(s) if there are available hosts.
curl -d '{"instances":2,"profile":"osd"}' http://ceph_scheduler_host:8889
At present, you can ssh to a Mesos slave with ceph-mesos task running and use docker command to play with ceph.
#you'll probably see a osd0 container running
docker ps -a
docker exec osd0 ceph -s
Now you can play with the ceph cluster like that!