Notebook on computer science, linguistics, deep learnin, opinions, and life. Making it bilingual (en/zh).
Link: 🔗 Mini-Babel Library.
如果想查找ZJU课程资料,可以配合仓库ZJUCourse食用。本BLOG的定位是掺杂自己观点的笔记 + 心得,上述仓库的定位是客观通用的一个工具箱。暂时这样分工。
conda activate MKdocs
mkdocs gh-deploy --clean
- 只需要操作
。 - 每一个文件夹都应该有一个
- No Chinese paths or folders.
- No uppercases.
- Use
between words instead of_
- Make each title and sub-title bilingual.
- Use congruent emojis along each section.
- Use emojis to indicate the degree of completeness for each sub-section and article.
- 🌕: For completed notes, worthy opening and reading.
- 🌗: For incomplete notes, but still worthy opening and reading.
- 🌑: For incomplete notes. Only open it when you have time or you dont want to lose any resources on that topic.
- 同一行文字之间中英文混排,应当在交界处空格。
- 不同行文本之间需要空行,才能显示为换行。
- 图片语法

必须要用加.的相对路径 - html图片语法
<img src="相对路径" alt="标题" width="宽度" height="高度">
- md链接语法
链接也要用部署后的链接,不要用文件名因为找不到 - html链接语法
<a href="链接"> 标题 </a>