Collection of examples and answered exercises from the tutorial
Section 2- CSS Animations: Transforms and Transitions
Section 3- CSS Animations: Keyframes
Section 4- Advanced CSS: Flexbox
Section 5- Project: Building A Startup Site
Section 7- AJAX Part 1: XHR and Fetch
Section 8- AJAX Part 2: jQuery and Axios
Section 9- Testing with Jasmine
Section 10- Advanced Array Methods
Section 11- Closures and the Keyword this
Section 12- Object Oriented Programming with Javascript
Section 13- Creating JSON APIs With Node and Mongo-Note (Section 14 Exercise is included here)
Section 20-Data Joins and Update Patterns in D3
Section 23-Odds and Ends and Advanced Graph Types
Section 24- Project Building A Data Dashboard with D3
Section25-Introduction to React and JSX
Section26 Create React App and Props
Section28- The Virtual DOM, Events and Forms
Section29- Component LifeCycle Methods
Section30- Building A Full Stack App With React