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Adds KenLM related jobs (#451)
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Adds a job for:
 - compiling KenLM
 - Building an ARPA-LM using lmplz
 - Converting an LM into binary format
  • Loading branch information
JackTemaki authored Sep 26, 2023
1 parent d8b6fa6 commit 9689c8e
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 0 deletions.
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions lm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
import shutil

from sisyphus import Job, Task, tk, gs

from typing import Union, List, Optional
import os
import tempfile
import subprocess as sp

from i6_core.util import uopen

class CompileKenLMJob(Job):
Compile KenLM and store a folder containing the binaries.
Please make sure the needed libraries (e.g. boost, zlib) are on your system or image

def __init__(self, *, repository: tk.Path):
:param repository: e.g. CloneGitRepositoryJob output for
self.repository = repository
self.out_binaries = self.output_path("kenlm_binary_folder")
self.rqmt = {"time": 0.5, "mem": 4, "cpu": 4}

def tasks(self):
yield Task("run", rqmt=self.rqmt)

def run(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix=gs.TMP_PREFIX) as td:
repo = os.path.join(td, "repo")
shutil.copytree(self.repository.get_path(), repo)
build_dir = os.path.join(repo, "build")
sp.check_call(["cmake", ".."], cwd=build_dir)
sp.check_call(["make", "-j", str(self.rqmt["cpu"])], cwd=build_dir)
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(build_dir, "bin"), self.out_binaries.get_path())

class KenLMplzJob(Job):
Run the lmplz command of the KenLM toolkit to create a gzip compressed ARPA-LM file

def __init__(
text: Union[tk.Path, List[tk.Path]],
order: int,
interpolate_unigrams: bool,
pruning: Optional[List[int]],
vocabulary: Optional[tk.Path],
kenlm_binary_folder: tk.Path,
mem: float = 4.0,
time: float = 1.0,
:param text: training text data
:param order: "N"-order of the "N"-gram LM
:param interpolate_unigrams: Set True for KenLM default, and False for SRILM-compatibility.
Having this as False will increase the share of the unknown probability
:param pruning: absolute pruning threshold for each order,
e.g. to remove 3-gram and 4-gram singletons in a 4th order model use [0, 0, 1, 1]
:param vocabulary: a "single word per line" file to determine valid words,
everything else will be treated as unknown
:param kenlm_binary_folder: output of the CompileKenLMJob, or a direct link to the build
dir of the KenLM repo
:param mem: memory rqmt, needs adjustment for large training corpora
:param time: time rqmt, might adjustment for very large training corpora and slow machines
self.text = text
self.order = order
self.interpolate_unigrams = interpolate_unigrams
self.pruning = pruning
self.vocabulary = vocabulary
self.kenlm_binary_folder = kenlm_binary_folder

self.out_lm = self.output_path("lm.gz")

self.rqmt = {"cpu": 1, "mem": mem, "time": time}

def tasks(self):
yield Task("run", rqmt=self.rqmt)

def run(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix=gs.TMP_PREFIX) as tmp:
lmplz_command = [
os.path.join(self.kenlm_binary_folder.get_path(), "lmplz"),
"%dG" % int(self.rqmt["mem"]),
if self.pruning is not None:
lmplz_command += ["--prune"] + [str(p) for p in self.pruning]
if self.vocabulary is not None:
lmplz_command += ["--limit_vocab_file", self.vocabulary.get_path()]

zcat_command = ["zcat", "-f"] + [text.get_path() for text in self.text]
with uopen(self.out_lm, "wb") as lm_file:
p1 = sp.Popen(zcat_command, stdout=sp.PIPE)
p2 = sp.Popen(lmplz_command, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=sp.PIPE)
sp.check_call("gzip", stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=lm_file)
if p2.returncode:
raise sp.CalledProcessError(p2.returncode, cmd=lmplz_command)

def hash(cls, parsed_args):
del parsed_args["mem"]
del parsed_args["time"]
return super().hash(parsed_args)

class CreateBinaryLMJob(Job):
Run the build_binary command of the KenLM toolkit to create a binary LM from an given ARPA LM

def __init__(
arpa_lm: tk.Path,
kenlm_binary_folder: tk.Path,
:param arpa_lm: any ARPA format LM
:param kenlm_binary_folder: output of the CompileKenLMJob, or a direct link to the build
dir of the KenLM repo
self.arpa_lm = arpa_lm
self.kenlm_binary_folder = kenlm_binary_folder

self.out_lm = self.output_path("lm.bin")

self.rqmt = {"cpu": 1, "mem": 8.0, "time": 1}

def tasks(self):
yield Task("run", rqmt=self.rqmt)

def run(self):
build_binary = os.path.join(self.kenlm_binary_folder.get_path(), "build_binary")
sp.check_call([build_binary, self.arpa_lm.get_path(), self.out_lm.get_path()])

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