Markdata lets you parse and serialize MultiMarkdown metadata. Additionally it returns a string without the metadata block
markdata doesn't require any additional dependencies and is licensed under LGPL-3.0.
markdata currently supports deserializing into classes and strucs.
Currently you can deserialize the following types: string, string[], Date, DateTime
and any types that can be converted using
You can add more types by editing the parseValue function in deserializer.d
Examples can be found in the examples folder.
Here's a snippet of code from the exaple:
import std.file;
import markdata.parser;
import markdata.deserializer;
class Info
int Year;
string Author;
@MetaKey("Some other data")
string[] OtherData;
string md = readText("");
auto meta = parseMetadata(md);
// ["Project Name":["Markdata"], ...
writeln("Remaining Text:");
// This is the **markdown** text ...
Info inf = deserializeMetadata!Info(;
writeln("Author: \t" ~ inf.Author);
// Author: Ryhon ...