#Encore! Online Ticketing System
###Overview A seamless, lightweight online ticketing system platform for ticket merchants and online customers.
Written in PHP using the Symfony2 framework.
To install a working copy, please make sure you have at least these running:
- Mac OS X 10.8 / Ubuntu 12.04
- PHP 5.5+
- Apache 2.2+
- MySQL 5.6+
- Any GUI database manager
- Clone the repository in your local machine.
- Download Composer from here. Install it globally or locally.
- Run
composer install
to install all required dependency. This might take a while. Use all the default values when prompted (except database username and password and ). 4. After Composer installed all its dependencies, do:
php app/console assetic:dump
php app/console assets:install --symlink
to dump all the assets into the web root. 5. Do
php app/console doctrine:database:create
to create the database for the system, and
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
to update the schema and create the tables for the database. 6. Edit your hosts files to add this two lines: www.encore.com merchant.encore.com
- You can start the server by running
php app/console server:run www.encore.com:{port}
for the customer server and
php app/console server:run merchant.encore.com:{port}
for the merchant site.