0.5.3 (2020-07-27)
New devices:
- Xiaomi Mi Air Humidifier CA4 (zhimi.humidifier.ca4) (@Toxblh)
- S5 vacuum: adjustable water volume for mopping
- Gateway: improved light controls (@starkillerOG)
- Chuangmi Camera: improved home monitoring support (@impankratov)
- Xioawa E25: do not crash when trying to access timers
- Vacuum: allow resuming after error in zoned cleanup (@r4nd0mbr1ck)
Implemented enhancements:
- Vacuum: Add water volume setting (s5 max) #773 (rytilahti)
- improve gateway light class #770 (starkillerOG)
Fixed bugs:
- AqaraSmartBulbE27 support added in #729 is not work #771
- Broken timezone call (dictionary instead of string) breaks HASS integration #759
Closed issues:
- Roborock S5 Max, Failure to connect in Homeassistant. #758
- Unable to decrypt, returning raw bytes: b'' - while mirobo discovery #752
- Error with Windows x64 python #733
- Xiaomi Vacuum - resume clean-up after pause #471
Merged pull requests:
- Remove labeler as it doesn't work as expected #774 (rytilahti)
- Add support for zhimi.humidifier.ca4 (miot) #772 (Toxblh)
- add "lumi.acpartner.v3" since it also works with this code #769 (starkillerOG)
- Add automatic labeling for PRs #768 (rytilahti)
- Add --version to miiocli #767 (rytilahti)
- Add preliminary issue templates #766 (rytilahti)
- Create separate API doc pages per module #765 (rytilahti)
- Add sphinxcontrib.apidoc to doc builds to keep the API index up-to-date #764 (rytilahti)
- Resume zoned clean from error state #763 (r4nd0mbr1ck)
- Allow alternative timezone format seen in Xioawa E25 #760 (rytilahti)
- Fix readthedocs build after poetry convert #755 (rytilahti)
- Add retries to discovery requests #754 (rytilahti)
- AirPurifier MIoT: round temperature #753 (petrkotek)
- chuangmi_camera: Improve home monitoring support #751 (impankratov)