Author: Rafael Zamora-Resendiz
This project contains a Python implementation of HilbertSort for sorting points in Euclidean space using space-filling curves. Space filling curves are 1-dimensional traversals of n-dimensional space where each point in a discrete space is visited once. These family of curves have been heavily researched in the past for their locality preserving properties and are especially useful for dimensionality reduction.
Here, we explore Hilbert's famous curve to impose an ordering on a set of points in 3D space. The sorting of points along the traversal of the space filling curve allows for efficient point cloud reduction using sequence-based averaging while still maintaining the global structure of the cloud.
For more information about HilbertSort for point cloud reduction, please refer to the project's Jupyter notebook
import numpy as np
from hilbertsort import HilbertSort3D
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Parameters
bins = 32
radius = 50
origin = (0,0,0)
# Initiate Sorter
sorter = HilbertSort3D(origin=origin, radius=radius, bins=bins)
# Load Data
data = np.random.uniform(-50, 50, (100,3))
print("Unsorted Points:\n", data)
# Perform Hilbert Sort
sorted_data = sorter.sort(data)
print("Sorted Points:\n", sorted_data)