Releases: s-xync/auction-away
Auction Away Normal Stable
Project by Shoaib Ahmed and SaiKumar Immadi
Auction Away Normal Stable
Using this release, you can spin up our application in the old fashioned way.
First make sure you have node.js, npm and mongoDB installed on your system.
Download the release and unzip it.
Open a terminal and navigate to the project folder and run the command npm start
If everything goes according to the plan, the application should be up and running.
Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000
to check.
If you need a more detailed Getting Started Guide, visit our Getting Started Page
Thank You!
Auction Away Docker Stable
Project by Shoaib Ahmed and SaiKumar Immadi
Auction Away Docker Stable
Using this release, you can directly spin up many containers of our application.
First make sure you have docker installed on your system.
Download the release and unzip it.
Open a terminal and navigate to the project folder and run the following commands.
docker build -t auction-away -f AuctionAwayDockerfile .
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -v data:/data/db -d mongo:latest
docker run --name auction-away -p 3000:3000 -d --link=mongodb:mongodb auction-away
If everything goes according to the plan, the containers should be up and running.
Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000
to check.
If you need more detailed getting started guide or how to scale up our app, visit out Getting Started Docker Page.
Thank You!
Auction Away Normal Stable
Project by Shoaib Ahmed and SaiKumar Immadi
Auction Away Normal Stable
Using this release, you can spin up our application in the old fashioned way.
First make sure you have node.js, npm and mongoDB installed on your system.
Download the release and unzip it.
Open a terminal and navigate to the project folder and run the command npm start
If everything goes according to the plan, the application should be up and running.
Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000
to check.
If you need a more detailed Getting Started Guide, visit our Getting Started Page
Thank You!
Auction Away Docker Stable
Project by Shoaib Ahmed and SaiKumar Immadi
Auction Away Docker Stable
Using this release, you can directly spin up a container of our application.
First make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your system.
Download the release and unzip it.
Open a terminal and navigate to the project folder and run the command docker-compose up
If everything goes according to the plan, the container should be up and running.
Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000
to check.
Thank You!
Auction Away v1.0.3
Adds a way to know which process id is node running on by using process title 'node-app'
Auction Away v1.0.2
Releases this after fixing a date bug