- Windows 10 Pro
- Python 3.7
- Python Standard Libraries used
- datetime - class for manipulating date and time
- sys - for passing command line arguments
- time - module to handle time related tasks
- tqdm - to display progress bar for iterations
- Intel® Core™ i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz RAM-8.0GB, Cache: L1-256 KB, L2-1.0 MB, L3-8.0 MB
- SSD, 512 GB
- Install spyder
sudo apt-get install spyder3
$ python Code.py
* Enter 1 for Quick Sort, 2 for Merge sort and 3 for Bubble sort
###Sample run
$ python Code.py
* This will prompt user to select which algorithm to run
* Input 1,2 or 3 accordingly
## Authors
* **Kushal Batra**
* **Sanchit Gupta**
* **Ayaan Mohammed**