To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 9.0+
- Interoperability with Swift 5.0+
ShortClipVideoTrimmerUI is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ShortClipVideoTrimmerUI'
Create an instance (in interface builder or through code) of the ShortClipVideoTrimmerContentView
and add it to your view hierarchy.
shortClipTrimmerContentView.delegate = self // shortClipTrimmerContentView is an instance of ShortClipVideoTrimmerContentView
shortClipTrimmerContentView.startOperation(asset: asset, maxTrimmingDuration: maxTrimmingDuration, numberOfFramesPerCycle: numberOfFramesPerCycle)
Here asset
is type of AVAsset. You have to specify how much maximum trimming duration (which is maxTrimmingDuration
) you need and how many frames should be shown per cycle (which is numberOfFramesPerCycle
Then create a AVPlayer or something releated to AVPlayer. provide a timer which transferes current time of running Video. For example
// videoPlayer is an instance of AVPlayer
videoPlayer.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(seconds: 0.01, preferredTimescale: 600), queue: .main) { _ in
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updatePositionBarConstraint(cmTime: videoPlayer.currentTime())
you can also customize the ShortClipVideoTrimmerContentView
by changing it's color and width's of subcomponents.
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updateHandlerWidth(width : 10.0)
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updateKnobWidth(width : 3.0)
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updatePositionBarWidth(width : 4.0)
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updateTrimmingAreaBorderWidth(width : 2.0)
shortClipTrimmerContentView.handlerColor(color :
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updateTrimmingAreaBorderColor(color :
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updateKnobColor(color : UIColor.white)
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updatePositionBarColor(color : UIColor.white)
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updateTrimmingOutsideBackgroundColor(color : UIColor.white)
shortClipTrimmerContentView.updateTrimmingOutsideMaskAlpha(alpha : 0.5)
By conforming ShortClipVideoTrimmerContentViewDelegate
you'll get the information about when trimming start and end position is changed. For better understanding please see the example project.
Sagar Chandra Das, [email protected]
ShortClipVideoTrimmerUI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.