Evergreen is a cooperative multitasking and i/o library for Python. It provides equivalent primitives to those for thread programming, but uses a cooperative model instead.
Operations are driven by an event loop which will run the given tasks and i/o operations in a non-blocking manner while presenting the user a synchronous, blocking API.
- Cooperative multitasking
- Cooperative synchronization primitives: locks, events, queues, channels
- Futures API (almost) compatible with the standard library
- Cooperative versions of several standard library modules
- Ability to monkey patch standard library modules to make them cooperative
There are several ways of running the test suite:
Run the test with the current Python interpreter:
From the toplevel directory, run:
nosetests -v
Use Tox to run the test suite in several virtualenvs with several interpreters
From the toplevel directory, run:
tox -e py26,py27,py32, py33
this will run the test suite on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3 (you'll need to have them installed beforehand)
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé <[email protected]>
Code written by other authors has been adapted for use with Evergreen, check the NOTICE file.
Unless stated otherwise on-file Evergreen uses the MIT license, check LICENSE and NOTICE files.
If you'd like to contribute, fork the project, make a patch and send a pull request. Have a look at the surrounding code and please, make yours look alike :-) If you intend to contribute a new feature please contact the maintainer beforehand in order to discuss the design.