Serenity + Cucumber-JVM + Selenium WebDriver from scratch
This project is a template test automation framework that incorporates design principle of "BDD" (Behaviour driven development) which promotes writing acceptance tests by describing behaviour of application under test in simple english language from the perspective of its stakeholders. Having test written in Natural language helps the Project Team (Product Owners, Business Analysts, Development and QA team) to understand and track the requirements
The project provides structured and standard way of creating automated test scripts for GUI, and API level tests across projects.
This is a reusable automation framework that blends together Selenium WebDriver , Serenity, Serenity RestAssured, and Cucumber JVM (incorporating Gherkin and the BDD 'Given, When Then' testing construct)
The framework Supports Custom Page Object model which represents the screens of AUT as a series of objects and encapsulates the fields represented by a page which ultimately avoids duplication and improves code maintainability and readability.
The framework used Serenity and its features which have added much more advance reproting mechanism.