Week 1#
Function that takes in a parameter of a array and returns a object {a, b} where a is the sum of all even integers and b is the sum of all odd integers;
Create a object based "class" for Wallet with required data attributes and function to credit and debit amount.
Through CSS arrange a box in the middle of the page. (Both horizontally and vertically in center)
Create a page with material UI react, add appBar and content with lorem ipsum.
Add three routes to the previous project Home, Login, Signup.
Connect the application with redux store.
Use redux forms on login and signup forms.
Week 2# (All in redux)
- Create a list page after pressing on login
- Understand the apis of https://github.com/typicode/jsonplaceholder#how-to
- Create a Posts list page from the above list api
- When clicked on a post call the post details api and show the details in a card
- In post details page also add the section for commnents with comments api
- Research on auth tokens (Basic and JWT) vs Server Sessions write a detailed note on its implmentation.
- Build and host your current app in a folder given to you