BEP20-Standard.sol Standart BEP20 Smart Contract BSC (binance smart chain)
📝 Line 339 change "BSCToken" to your token name (not use space) example "MyToken".
📝 Line 352 change "BSC Token" to your token name (use space) example "My Token".
📝 Line 353 change "BSCT" to your token ticker/symbol.
📝 Line 354 set decimals recomended 8 or 18, why? 8 is standard decimal crypto market & 18 standard ERC20.
📝 Line 355 set total supply with uint256 example 100k, write 100000 plus 0 x 8 (decimals 8) & 0 x 18 (for decimal 18) so for decimal 8 write 10000000000000 & for decimal 18 write 100000000000000000000000.
📝 Verified Contract: license MIT, solidity 0.5.16, optimized yes 200.
if you need help deployment "standard BEP20 contract", I am ready to help you with a service fee of 0,09 BNB.
Contact me on:
💬 Telegram @TokoAgus