Free Java project for Management Hospital Using J2EE and Hibernate With Prefect Design Pattern Methodology
For enhace project to new technologies please donate with Paypal , we Full support any freelancer project

- Java Web Application building using ( JSP - Servlet )
- Hibernate
- Design Pattern
- Jasper Reports
- Oracle Database
After cloning this repository in your local machine , import using Eclipse IDE , or netbeans if you used eclipse after importing project press rigth click and select #run as --> maven install after cleaning and building your project you can run on any server Tomcat or Jboss
- Run
- Run On server
- configure your server properties
Make sure you install Java JDK or JRE
Clean and build your project , put war file in web app folder if you are using tomcat or standlon folder if you are using Jboss , Then click on start.bat if you using windows or if using linux.
- Maven - Dependency Management