This is a fork of Gediminas Morkevicius terminal client.
In order to build xelt you need:
- Xlib header files - location of these might differ, edit
- xft lib headers.
- Inconsolata.ttf fonts, unless you change it in config.h
apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev libxft-dev fonts-inconsolata
NOTE concerning inconsolata font changes, recently it got bold font support and if you had hinstyle set to none it should not make any impact. Otherwise you may need to set it to none.
./ make
./ make run
./ make rund
./ clean
Try it with tmux:
./xelt -e tmux
./ reg
./ unreg
Based on source code of:
- Aurélien APTEL bt
- Gediminas Morkevicius