A app attribute builder i built with bootstrap and javascript, so it would make attributing licenses and other works for apps alot easier
This web application “App Attribution Builder” was built by Salvador Carrillo and i got inspiration from this website http://www.openwa.org/attrib-builder/. When i made my first app PointPerks i noticed there wasn’t a tool online to make attributions in bulk, to finish all the digital work for liceneses and attributions faster, so i made this tool. Took me about two days getting all the logic and ui just right. So the general summary of this tool is that you add the works or projects you want to give attribute to and you click “Add to list below” button if you want to continue adding more attributions. There is no limit to how many attributions you can do at once, just don’t refresh the page, because you will lose the work you have done. If you make a mistake click the “Clear and Start Over” button and it will refresh all the inputs of the web application it won’t refresh your list, don’t worry just the inputs. If you have any questions or concerns email me at [email protected]. App Attribution Builder is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Enjoy! ** Also i added a feature to add your own custom license and custom license URL ** If you feel like donating there are two links below. The website for the webtool is https://www.pointperks.net/app-attribution-builder/ Enjoy!
Donate a taco, the more tacos i get the more i can create free scripts:
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