This repository is an implementation of a Question Generation (QG) and Question Answering system.
Given an article/text, the system generates questions based on relationships between entities. The system diagram for the question generation system is below:
The question generation happens in two phases: (i) Using Named-Entity recognition (NRE-QG), and (ii) Using constituency parsing (PARSE-QG). The questions generated are then weighted and ranked using several criteria. The system diagrams for each of the two question generators are as follows:
For NRE-QG system, we:
- Extract main named entity in passage
- Extract named entities within distance granularity
- Check relations between main entity and surrounding
- Convert most accurate relation to questions (Wh- or Binary)
The PARSE-QG system is explained in the diagram below:
We conduct question ranking in two phases: (i) pre-generation ranking, and (ii) post-generation ranking
Pre-generation ranking is applied to NRE-QG system as follows:
- Using relationship confidence score between entities as a proxy for question quality
- Deducting quality score for questions with incorrect entity labels, and self-relations
Pre-generation ranking is applied to NRE-PARSE system as follows:
- Using TextRank to extract only important sentences from the passage to generate important questions
Post-generation ranking is applied as follows:
- Discarding questions with less than 5 tokens to avoid meaningless questions
- Discarding questions with length greater than 30 to be concise
- Weight “WH”, and “binary” questions to diversify the selection of questions generated
- Weight the two QG systems to diversify the selection of questions generated
Given an article/text and a question, the system answers the question based on the text.
QA system is designed in the following steps:
- Preprocessing the text: Tokenization and Removal of stop words
- Use Gensim to retrieve relevant passages
- Extract relations from passages using OpenNRE as shown in the diagram below
- Find closest relation to question
- Ranking System
In terms of the novelty of the system, our system is novel in the following ways:
- Using NRE as a main question generation engine
- Using TextRank to generate important questions
- Generating “NOT” questions
- Diversifying our questions using constituency parsing
- Ranking questions using both pre- and post-generation approaches
- OpenNRE ( Used for relationship extraction for the QG phase
- NLTK ( Used for preprocessing
- SpaCy ( Used for named-entity recognition and preprocessing
- StanfordCoreNLP ( Used for constituency parsing in the QG phrase
- Gensim ( Used for text summarization (using TextRank algorithm) and for sentence similarity
- NeuralCoref + BERT ( Used for co-reference resolution in QG and sentence similarity in QA
The project is further explained in detail in the video here:
- Shahan Ali Memon
- Rigved Deshpande
- Christopher Bradsher
- Lazar Andjelic