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Greg Munt edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

Previous versions of this plugin could be downloaded from various places, such as Maven Central, JCenter or even direct from the GitHub repository. The current version (0.9) is only available from the Gradle Plugin Portal.

The recommended way of installing the plugin is to include the following at the top of your build script:

    id "com.github.samueltbrown.cucumber" version "0.9"  

Additionally, you need to declare a Cucumber dependency. This will be appropriate to the implementation language of your step definitions. For example, the Groovy dependency:

    cucumberCompile "info.cukes:cucumber-groovy:1.2.6"

The Maven group ID to use depends on the version that is required. Initially it was info.cukes; from version 2.0.0 onwards, it is changed to io.cucumber. For information on supported versions, see this page.

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