This application is designed to be a small demonstration of some exciting tools used together to show acceptance testing of a web service. The following tools/frameworks are used in this application:
- gradle - Build tool
- Spring Web Services - Web service framework
- JAXB - Java to XML binding framework
- cucumber-jvm - Java port of the cucumber acceptance testing framework
- groovy-wslite - Lightweight groovy web service client library
- Install the Java SDK (if you haven't already)
- Clone this repository
- From the project root run:
gradlew clean build acceptanceTests
Note: The gradle wrapper uses Gradle v1.0. This application has not been tested with other versions. Results may vary.
The included gradle script builds the application using the 'build' command. Once built, the 'acceptanceTests' task execution will load the application on a local tomcat server on port 8080, run the cucumber tests, and then shut down the tomcat server.
8/6/2012 - This plugin now uses my gradle cucumber plugin version 0.1! You can find the source at:
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More comments in the code!