- OS: Endeavour OS (previously ArcoLinux)
- Font: Hack Nerd Font
- Session Manager: LightDM
- WM: Awesome (previously Qtile)
- Terminal emulator: Alacritty
- Shell: ZSH
- IDE: Lunarvim
- Launcher/Scripts: Dmenu
- Browser: Brave
- Greeter: lightdm-mini-greeter
- Notifications: Naughty
- Color theme: Nord
- Widgets: decorwidgets.py
- Notifications: Dunst
- Color theme: OneDark
When an extra monitor is used, GroupBox widget is splitted (5 groups in one screen, 5 in the other) and some extra widgets are added in the second screen:
Widgets: widgets.py
Notifications: Dunst
This environment uses pywal to match wallpaper colors with qtile and terminal colors. All the wallpapers are available in qtile/settings/wallpapers
and they were obtained from different sources, I am not the author. To enable this feature:
- Add the line
wal -R
to autostart.sh to restore the last colorscheme and wallpaper that was in use - Import the script pywal_colors.py to use wallpaper colors in qtile widgets
It work as follows:
- Working directory path (it is shortened if it is at least 4 elements long)
- First arrow: is this a root shell? (true=red, false=blue)
- Second arrow: are there any running background jobs? (true=red, false=cyan)
- Third arrow: did the last command fail to execute? (true=red, false=green)
- Git status indicator
It also has vi mode and a functionality that allows switching directories using LF (lfcd), both developed by @LukeSmithxyz.
- powersettings -> lock & suspend, logout, shutdown or reboot the system
- togglescreenlayout -> available layouts: show desktop only on pc, show desktop only on HDMI output, duplicate or extend screen.
- audiosettings -> change audio source output between HDMI and analog