First, install our library | use below npm script
npm i react-native-image-slider-with-text
yarn add react-native-image-slider-with-text
Props | Value Type | Description |
ImageComponent |
Image component, default as Image |
default value is React-native Image, if you use third-party library like FastImage use this property |
images | Array of image path(or url) as string | Set array of images path- these paths can contain http url link or local images path using require('./pathOfImage') |
onCurrentImagePressed | handler function callback | callback for get pressed image index (index start from 0) |
currentImageEmitter | handler function callback | callback for get current image index (index start from 0) |
disableOnPress | boolean | if present, then onCurrentImagePressed will be disabled |
sliderBoxHeight | int value | default value = 200, you can change height of image slider box |
parentWidth | int | default = screen.width ; in advance mode, if parent is smaller, you can change it. best practice is use onLayout handler in parent component or screen. |
dotColor | color string code | change color of paging dot |
inactiveDotColor | color string code | change color of inactive paging dot |
dotStyle | style object | default style is : {width: 10,height: 10,borderRadius: 5,marginHorizontal: 0,padding: 0,margin: 0,} change style of paging dots if you want |
paginationBoxVerticalPadding | int value | default = 10 ; change the height of paging dots from bottom of Slider-Box |
autoplay | bool value | default = false |
circleLoop | boolean - attribute | if set, when user swiped to last image circularly return to the first image again. |
paginationBoxStyle | object,default values use lib style | customize pagination box |
dotStyle | object,default use lib style | customize dot styles |
resizeMethod | string | default is resize |
resizeMode | string | default is cover |
ImageComponentStyle | object | {} style object for ImageComponent |
imageLoadingColor | string | default is #E91E63 , image loading indicator color |
ImageLoader | React component, default as ActivityIndicator |
default value is React-native ActivityIndicator. |
const banners=[{'img':'imagestring','buttonText':'buttonText ','title':'title1'},
{'img':'imagestring2','buttonText':'buttonText ','title':'title3'},
{'img':'imagestring3','buttonText':'buttonText ','title':'title3'}]
onCurrentImagePressed={index => {console.log('index')}}
This library use react-native-image-slider-box
and make easier way to create image slider box with full customization ability.
See original Library https://github.com/intellidev1991/react-native-image-slider-box
we dont edit or modify original library, we just use it with some additional style. (BSD 3 License)