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adding gradient checks for HyperViscoelastiticy; needs to be updated
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ralberd committed Nov 9, 2023
1 parent e287a6b commit 6cfd43d
Showing 1 changed file with 241 additions and 0 deletions.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions optimism/inverse/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
import unittest

import jax
import jax.numpy as np
import numpy as onp
from scipy.sparse import linalg

from optimism import EquationSolver as EqSolver
from optimism import QuadratureRule
from optimism import FunctionSpace
from optimism import Mechanics
from optimism import Objective
from optimism import Mesh
from optimism.material import HyperViscoelastic as Visco

from optimism.inverse.test.FiniteDifferenceFixture import FiniteDifferenceFixture

from optimism.Timer import Timer

# misc. modules in test directory for now while I test
import adjoint_problem_function_space as AdjointFunctionSpace
import MechanicsInverse

class HyperViscoelasticGlobalMeshAdjointSolveFixture(FiniteDifferenceFixture):
def setUp(self):
dispGrad0 = np.array([[0.4, -0.2],
[-0.04, 0.68]])
self.initialMesh, self.U = self.create_mesh_and_disp(4,4,[0.,1.],[0.,1.],
lambda x: dispGrad0@x)

K_eq = 1.e2
G_eq = 1.0
G_neq_1 = 5.0
tau_1 = 0.1
props = {
'equilibrium bulk modulus' : K_eq,
'equilibrium shear modulus' : G_eq,
'non equilibrium shear modulus': G_neq_1,
'relaxation time' : tau_1,
self.materialModel = Visco.create_material_model_functions(props)

self.quadRule = QuadratureRule.create_quadrature_rule_on_triangle(degree=1)

self.EBCs = [FunctionSpace.EssentialBC(nodeSet='all_boundary', component=0),
FunctionSpace.EssentialBC(nodeSet='all_boundary', component=1)]

self.dt = 0.01
self.steps = 2

def forward_solve(self, parameters):
self.mesh = Mesh.construct_mesh_from_basic_data(parameters.reshape(self.initialMesh.coords.shape),\
self.initialMesh.conns, self.initialMesh.blocks,\
self.initialMesh.nodeSets, self.initialMesh.sideSets)

functionSpace = FunctionSpace.construct_function_space(self.mesh, self.quadRule)
mechFuncs = Mechanics.create_mechanics_functions(functionSpace,
"plane strain",
self.dofManager = FunctionSpace.DofManager(functionSpace, 2, self.EBCs)
Ubc = self.dofManager.get_bc_values(self.U)

Ubc_inc = Ubc / self.steps
ivs = mechFuncs.compute_initial_state()
p = Objective.Params(bc_data=np.zeros(Ubc.shape), state_data=ivs)

def compute_energy(Uu, p):
U = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, p.bc_data)
internalVariables = p.state_data
return mechFuncs.compute_strain_energy(U, internalVariables)

Uu = 0.0*self.dofManager.get_unknown_values(self.U)
self.objective = Objective.Objective(compute_energy, Uu, p)

storedState = []
storedState.append((Uu, p))

with Timer(name="forward solve"):
for step in range(1, self.steps+1):
p = Objective.param_index_update(p, 0, step*Ubc_inc)
Uu = EqSolver.nonlinear_equation_solve(self.objective, Uu, p, EqSolver.get_settings(), useWarmStart=False)
U = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, p.bc_data)
ivs = mechFuncs.compute_updated_internal_variables(U, p.state_data)
p = Objective.param_index_update(p, 1, ivs)
storedState.append((Uu, p))

return storedState

def total_work_increment(self, Uu, Uu_prev, ivs, ivs_prev, p, p_prev, coordinates):
coords = coordinates.reshape(self.mesh.coords.shape)
internal_vars = ivs.reshape(p.state_data.shape)
internal_vars_prev = ivs_prev.reshape(p_prev.state_data.shape)

adjoint_func_space = AdjointFunctionSpace.construct_function_space_for_adjoint(coords, self.mesh, self.quadRule)
mech_funcs = Mechanics.create_mechanics_functions(adjoint_func_space, mode2D='plane strain', materialModel=self.materialModel,dt=self.dt)

def energy_function_all_dofs(U, ivs):
return mech_funcs.compute_strain_energy(U, ivs)

nodal_forces = jax.grad(energy_function_all_dofs, argnums=0)

index = (self.mesh.nodeSets['left'], 1) # arbitrarily choosing left side nodeset for reaction force

U = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, p.bc_data)
force = np.array(nodal_forces(U, internal_vars).at[index].get())
disp =[index].get()

U_prev = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu_prev, p_prev.bc_data)
force_prev = np.array(nodal_forces(U_prev, internal_vars_prev).at[index].get())
disp_prev =[index].get()

return 0.5*np.tensordot((force + force_prev),(disp - disp_prev), axes=1)

def total_work_objective(self, storedState, parameters):
val = 0.0
for step in range(1, self.steps+1):
Uu = storedState[step][0]
Uu_prev = storedState[step-1][0]
p = storedState[step][1]
p_prev = storedState[step-1][1]
ivs = p.state_data.ravel()
ivs_prev = p_prev.state_data.ravel()

# Can make a vmap or lax.scan, etc. (shouldn't affect this problem because only 2 steps)
with Timer(name="total_work_increment"):
val += self.total_work_increment(Uu, Uu_prev, ivs, ivs_prev, p, p_prev, parameters)

return val

def total_work_gradient_with_adjoint(self, storedState, parameters):

def energy_function_coords(Uu, ivs_prev, p, coordinates):
coords = coordinates.reshape(self.mesh.coords.shape)
internal_vars = ivs_prev.reshape(p.state_data.shape)
adjoint_func_space = AdjointFunctionSpace.construct_function_space_for_adjoint(coords, self.mesh, self.quadRule)
mech_funcs = Mechanics.create_mechanics_functions(adjoint_func_space, mode2D='plane strain', materialModel=self.materialModel,dt=self.dt)
U = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, p.bc_data)
return mech_funcs.compute_strain_energy(U, internal_vars)

def update_internal_vars_test(Uu, ivs_prev, p, coordinates):
coords = coordinates.reshape(self.mesh.coords.shape)
internal_vars = ivs_prev.reshape(p.state_data.shape)
adjoint_func_space = AdjointFunctionSpace.construct_function_space_for_adjoint(coords, self.mesh, self.quadRule)
mech_funcs = Mechanics.create_mechanics_functions(adjoint_func_space, mode2D='plane strain', materialModel=self.materialModel,dt=self.dt)
U = self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, p.bc_data)
return mech_funcs.compute_updated_internal_variables(U, internal_vars).ravel()

compute_df = jax.grad(self.total_work_increment, (0, 1, 2, 3, 6))

# Here I go trying some stuff out
# adjoint_func_space = AdjointFunctionSpace.construct_function_space_for_adjoint(parameters.reshape(self.mesh.coords.shape), self.mesh, self.quadRule)
functionSpace = FunctionSpace.construct_function_space(self.mesh, self.quadRule)
mechInverseFuncs = MechanicsInverse.create_mechanics_inverse_functions(functionSpace,
"plane strain",

# ivs_update_jac_disp = jax.jit(lambda x, y, q, r, vx:
# jax.vjp(lambda z: update_internal_vars_test(z, y, q, r), x)[1](vx))

# compute_dc = jax.jacfwd(update_internal_vars_test, (0, 1, 3))
compute_dc = jax.jacfwd(update_internal_vars_test, (0, 3))


gradient = np.zeros(parameters.shape)
mu = np.zeros([0][1].state_data.shape)))
adjointLoad = np.zeros(storedState[0][0].shape)

for step in reversed(range(1, self.steps+1)):
Uu = storedState[step][0]
Uu_prev = storedState[step-1][0]
p = storedState[step][1]
p_prev = storedState[step-1][1]
ivs = p.state_data.ravel()
ivs_prev = p_prev.state_data.ravel()

with Timer(name="compute_dc"):
# dc_du, dc_dcn, dc_dx = compute_dc(Uu, ivs_prev, p, parameters)
dc_du, dc_dx = compute_dc(Uu, ivs_prev, p, parameters)
dc_dcn = mechInverseFuncs.ivs_update_jac_ivs_prev(self.dofManager.create_field(Uu, p.bc_data), ivs_prev.reshape(p_prev.state_data.shape))

with Timer(name="compute_df"):
df_du, df_dun, df_dc, df_dcn, df_dx = compute_df(Uu, Uu_prev, ivs, ivs_prev, p, p_prev, parameters)

with Timer(name="first mu and adjoint load updates"):
mu += df_dc
adjointLoad -= df_du
adjointLoad -= np.tensordot(mu, dc_du, axes=1) # mu^T dc/du
# adjointLoad -= ivs_update_jac_disp(Uu, ivs_prev, p, parameters, mu)[0]

with Timer(name="adjoint solve"):
n = self.dofManager.get_unknown_size()
p_objective = Objective.Params(bc_data=p.bc_data, state_data=p_prev.state_data) # remember R is a function of ivs_prev
self.objective.p = p_objective
self.objective.update_precond(Uu) # update preconditioner for use in cg (will converge in 1 iteration as long as the preconditioner is not approximate)
dRdu = linalg.LinearOperator((n, n), lambda V: onp.asarray(self.objective.hessian_vec(Uu, V)))
dRdu_decomp = linalg.LinearOperator((n, n), lambda V: onp.asarray(self.objective.apply_precond(V)))
adjointVector =, onp.array(adjointLoad, copy=False), tol=1e-10, atol=0.0, M=dRdu_decomp)[0]

with Timer(name="update gradient"):
gradient += df_dx
# The action dRdX * lambda (the same as lambda^T * dRdX)
gradient += jax.vjp(lambda z: jax.grad(energy_function_coords, 0)(Uu, ivs_prev, p, z), parameters)[1](adjointVector)[0]

# gradient += np.tensordot(mu, dc_dx, axes=1) # mu^T dc/dx
gradient += np.tensordot(mu, dc_dx, axes=1) # mu^T dc/dx

with Timer(name="update mu"):

# mu = np.tensordot(mu, dc_dcn, axes=1)
mu = np.einsum('ijk,ijkn->ijn', mu.reshape(p.state_data.shape), dc_dcn).ravel()

# The action dRdcn * lambda (the same as lambda^T * dRdcn) - Is the residual dependent on ivs_prev? Is this term needed?
mu += jax.vjp(lambda z: jax.grad(energy_function_coords, 0)(Uu, z, p, parameters), ivs_prev)[1](adjointVector)[0]
mu += df_dcn

with Timer(name="update adjoint load"):
adjointLoad = -df_dun

return gradient

def test_gradient_with_adjoint_solve(self):

self.compute_objective_function = self.total_work_objective
self.compute_gradient = self.total_work_gradient_with_adjoint

initialStepSize = 1e-5
numSteps = 4

errors = self.compute_finite_difference_errors(initialStepSize, numSteps, self.initialMesh.coords.ravel())


if __name__ == '__main__':

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