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Daniel M. Dunlavy edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 10 revisions


Status Matlab pyttb name pyttb type Description Notes
Done arrange arrange method Arranges the rank-1 components of a ktensor
datadisp method Special display of a ktensor
Done disp _str__ method Command window display for a ktensor
Done display __repr__ method Command window display for a ktensor
Done double double method Convert a ktensor to a double array
Done end end method Last index of indexing expression for ktensor
Done extract extract method Creates a new ktensor with only the specified components
Done fixsigns extract method Fix sign ambiguity of a ktensor second use case not yet implemented
Done full full method Convert a ktensor to a (dense) tensor
Done innerprod innerprod method Efficient inner product with a ktensor
Done isequal isequal method True if each datum of two ktensor's are numerically equal
isscalar isscalar method False for ktensors
Done issymmetric issymmetric method Verify that a ktensor X is symmetric in all modes
Done ktensor
  1. from_data
  2. from_tensor_type
  3. from_factor_matrices
  4. from_function
  5. from_vector
  1. Create from: np.ndarray (weights) and list of np.ndarray (factor matrices)
  2. Create from ktensor
  3. Create from list of np.ndarray (factor matrices)
  4. Create from function to generate factor matrices
  5. Create from vector of data and shape
Tensor stored as a Kruskal operator (decomposed)
Done mask mask method Extract values as specified by a mask tensor
Done minus __sub__ method Binary subtraction for ktensor
Done mtimes __mul__ method Implement A*B (scalar multiply) for ktensor
Done mttkrp mttkrp method Matricized tensor times Khatri-Rao product for ktensor
Done ncomponents ncomponents method Number of components for a ktensor
Done ndims ndims property Number of dimensions for a ktensor
Done norm norm method Frobenius norm of a ktensor
Done normalize normalize method Normalizes the columns of the factor matrices
Done nvecs nvecs method Compute the leading mode-n vectors for a ktensor
Done permute permute method Permute dimensions of a ktensor
Done plus __add__ method Binary addition for ktensor
Done redistribute redistribute method Distribute lambda values to a specified mode
score score method Checks if two ktensors match except for permutation
Done size shape property Size of ktensor Following numpy naming convention
Done subsasgn `setitem method Subscripted assignment for ktensor
Done subsref `getitem method Subscripted reference for a ktensor
Done symmetrize symmetrize method Symmetrize a ktensor X in all modes
Done times __mul__ method Element-wise multiplication for ktensor
tocell method Convert X to a cell array
Done tovec tovec method Convert Ktensor to vector
ttm ttm method Tensor times matrix for ktensor
Done ttv ttv method Tensor times vector for ktensor
Done uminus `neg method Unary minus for ktensor
Done update update method Update one or more modes of the ktensor with new data
Done uplus `pos method Unary plus for a ktensor
viz method Visualize a ktensor


Status Matlab pyttb name pyttb type Description Notes


Status Matlab pyttb name pyttb type Description Notes
Done and logical_and method Logical AND (&) for tensors
Done collapse collapse method Collapse tensor along specified dimensions
Done contract contract method Contract tensor along two dimensions (array trace)
Done disp __str__ method Command window display of a tensor
Done display __repr__ method Command window display of a tensor
Done double double method Convert tensor to double array
Done end end method Last index of indexing expression for tensor
Done eq __eq__ method Equal (==) for tensors
Done exp exp method Exponential for tensors
Done find find method Find subscripts of nonzero elements in a tensor
Done full full method Convert to a (dense) tensor
Done ge __ge__ method Greater than or equal (>=) for tensors
Done gt __gt__ method Greater than (>) for tensors
Done innerprod innerprod method Efficient inner product with a tensor
Done isequal isequal method Verify equality for tensors
Removed isscalar N/A N/A False for tensors N/A
Done issymmetric issymmetric method Verify that a tensor X is symmetric in specified modes
Done ldivide __truediv__ method Left array divide for tensor
Done le __le__ method Less than or equal (<=) for tensor
Done lt __lt__ method Less than (<) for tensor
Done mask mask method Extract values as specified by a mask tensor
Done minus __sub__ method Binary subtraction (-) for tensors
Done mldivide __truediv__ method Slash left division for tensors
Done mrdivide __rtruediv__ method Slash right division for tensors
Done mtimes __rmul__ method tensor-scalar multiplication
Done mttkrp mttkrp method Matricized tensor times Khatri-Rao product for tensor
Done ndims ndims property Return the number of dimensions of a tensor
Done ne __ne__ method Not equal (~=) for tensors
Done nnz nnz property Number of nonzeros for tensors
Done norm norm method Frobenius norm of a tensor
Done not logical_not method Logical NOT (~) for tensors
Done nvecs nvecs method Compute the leading mode-n vectors for a tensor.
Done or logical_or method Logical OR ( ) for tensors
Done permute permute method Permute tensor dimensions
Done plus __add__ method Binary addition (+) for tensors
Done power __pow__ method Elementwise power (.^) operator for a tensor
Done rdivide __rtruediv__ method Right array divide for tensors
Done reshape reshape method Change tensor size
scale scale method Scale along specified dimensions of tensor
Done size shape property Tensor dimensions Following numpy naming convention
Done squeeze squeeze method Remove singleton dimensions from a tensor
Done subsasgn __setitem__ method Subscripted assignment for a tensor
Done subsref __getitem__ method Subscripted reference for tensors
Done symmetrize symmetrize method Symmetrize a tensor X in specified modes
Done tenfun tt_tenfun method Apply a function to each element in a tensor in pyttb_utils
Done tensor
  1. from_data
  2. from_tensor_type
  3. from_function
  1. Create from: np.ndarray and shape
  2. Create from other pyttb tensor type: tensor, ktensor, ttensor, sptensor, sumtensor, symtensor, symktensor, tenmat
  3. Create from: function handle and shape
Done times __mul__ method Array multiplication for tensors
Removed transpose N/A N/A not defined on tensors removed
Done ttm ttm method Tensor times matrix
Done ttsv ttsv method Tensor times same vector in multiple modes
Done ttt ttt method Tensor multiplication (tensor times tensor)
Done ttv ttv method Tensor times vector
Done uminus __neg__ method Unary minus (-) for tensors
Done uplus __pos__ method Unary plus (+) for tensors
Done xor logical_xor method Logical EXCLUSIVE OR for tensors


Status Matlab pyttb name pyttb type Description Notes
Done ctranspose ctranspose method Complex conjugate transpose for tenmat
Done disp __str__ method Command window display of a matricized tensor (tenmat)
Done display __repr__ method Command window display of a tenmat
Done double double method Convert tenmat to double array
Done end end method Last index of indexing expression for tenmat
Done minus __sub__ method Binary subtraction (-) for tenmat
Done mtimes __rmul__ method Multiplies two tenmat objects
Done ndims property Number of dimensions of a tenmat
Done norm norm method Frobenius norm of a tenmat
Done plus __add__ method Binary addition (+) for tenmat
Done size shape property Size of tenmat Following numpy naming convention
Done subsasgn __setitem__ method Subscripted assignment for tenmat
Done subsref __getitem__ method Subscripted reference for tenmat
Done tenmat
  1. from_data
  2. from_tensor_type
  1. Create from: np.ndarray
  2. Create from other pyttb tensor type: tensor, ktensor, ttensor, sptensor, sumtensor, symtensor, symktensor, tenmat
Done tsize tshape property Tensor size of tenmat Following numpy naming convention
Done uminus __neg__ method Unary minus (-) for tenmat
Done uplus __pos__ method Unary plus (+) for tenmat









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